First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1603: Satisfactory

"What's wrong with the old man?" Yuan Tiangang stalked his neck and looked at Zhang Bairen dissatisfied.

"This child is so pitiful, you have to treat him like a parent and give him a sense of security!" Zhang Bairen scanned Li Chunfeng's thin body: "This kind of him makes people feel distressed!"

Li Chunfeng looked at Zhang Bairen timidly, Yuan Tiangang was a little confused, and after a while, he said, "Didn't I just take him up the mountain, haven't I had time to change it?"

Sweeping behind Li Chunfeng, Li Chunfeng's tattered linen cloth and bark were considered clothes for the time being, and the straw sandals under his feet were wrapped in layers of rotten grass. It looks very bloated, as big as two heads.

He was so dirty that he couldn't see it, and it was so miserable. Who could have imagined that the divination operator who used to speak a lot of money in the past would have died twice, and this was his third reincarnation in just a few decades.

Blinded by aura, all the previous Dao Fruits in Bu Suanzi's body have been obscured by the mystery in the womb. Zhang Bairen didn't know what Bu Suanzi had experienced during this period, but it was unpleasant to think about it.

"Nevertheless, blame me" Yuan Tiangang sighed.

"If I have nothing to do in the future, I will ask this child to come and sit down and listen to the sermon. I have some insights about Qimen's way. If I teach it to him in the future, it will not be regarded as insulting the inheritance of the sages. The Qimen is in my hands. It's..."

"Ah?" Yuan Tiangang was taken aback, and then overjoyed: "This kid is indeed a blessing that has been cultivated for several generations, and he actually has the true inheritance of most of the Qimen Dao. It is really a good blessing! Good blessing!"

While talking, he stopped Li Chunfeng: "I still don't want to thank the Dudu's grace."

"No matter what he knows as a child, you can take him down to wash!" Zhang Bairen waved his hand and signaled Yuan Tiangang to go down.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Tiangang hugged Li Chunfeng, turned around and walked down the mountain, even his steps were much lighter.

"You seem to value that child very much" Empress Xiao walked out of the house.

"The talent of a fortune teller is no less than that of Yuan Tiangang, and the most important thing is that this person is the third reincarnation of Bo Shou," Zhang Bairen said.

"Bu Operator?" Empress Xiao was taken aback.

"I forgot, you have been living in seclusion in the deep palace. When did you pay attention to a scattered person in the rivers and lakes" Zhang Bairen suddenly explained, "Sister Gongsun's grandfather!"

"That's the case, no wonder it is valued by the general governor." Empress Xiao revealed a touch.

"August 15 is approaching, what do you plan to do?" Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Hehe, even you are alarmed by this incident. It seems that the other party's handwriting is not small." Zhang Bairen stood up slowly: "This is Zhuojun, that's enough!"

One sentence is enough!

This is Zhuojun!

Wagang Mountain

Zhai Rang was sitting in the lobby, looking at the secret letter in his hand, his expression revealed a touch of emotion: "Wang Shichong is dead!"

"The hand of the chief governor?"

"Who can kill Wang Shichong silently besides him" Zhai Rang's eyes showed a touch of horror: "Wang Shichong makes and accepts his own death. The general governor can give him everything, and naturally he can take everything back."

"But the Governor's move was too overbearing. Wang Shichong was also the overlord of the Megatron, so he died silently." Tang Wanyi's eyes were full of unwillingness.

Tang Wanyi is also one of the good players in Wagangzhai.

"People in the rivers and lakes...hehe, either Wang Shichong, or me, even today when Li Shimin rules the party as the world's co-master, so what? What is the difference in the eyes of the general governor? They are all ants that can be crushed to death. It’s not worth mentioning.” Zhai Rang slowly put the secret letter on the candle to light it: “If you can’t find your own position, you can only end up with death! In this game of chess, the governor is the real chess player. The chess pieces in the hands of the governor may be abandoned at any time. As for Li Shimin, he can only be regarded as half a chess player."

Tang Wanyi was silent, a game of chess, who would dare to ignore which one?

"Before the demon gods attacked Zhang Bairen, if the adults led the people to rebel, Li Shimin won the emperor dragon gas of Wagang, he may not be the last straw to overwhelm the camel, and beheaded that man in Chang'an, and the adults will be free from then on. "Tang Wanyi whispered.

"Oh, I have a few kilograms and a few taels, I know very well in my heart! I join the Li Clan camp, is it possible to kill the general governor and gain freedom, and then?" Zhai Rang glanced at Tang Wanyi: "Li Clan turned around One shot to get rid of me? Turn my great glory and wealth into clouds of smoke?"

"Without the chief governor, I can't hold onto this foundation and suppress the heroes! I am different from Wang Shichong, and I don't have the support of the Wang family behind me." Zhai Rang shook his head, "Now all the brothers in the Wagang Mountain have gone away. If you leave, you will either join the Li Clan, or go to the other side of the mountain. I have never stopped the choices of the brothers. If you can't stay, you can go down the mountain and plan your own future, so as not to cause trouble in the future. The governor blamed me, and I was involved."

"Don't dare! Don't dare to be an official!" Tang Wanyi hurriedly clasped his fists in a salute. Now there are more and more heroes who have left in Wagangzhai, and his power is getting bigger and bigger. He can't bear the power in his hand.

Although there are various bad things about Wagangzhai, there are also reasons to stay.

Some people left Wagangzhai to stand on their own hills, but more green forest heroes desperately wanted to get in and become a member of Wagangzhai.

If the situation is not peaceful today, the major forces are overwhelming each other, and the heroes are in danger, but Wagangzhai has become a tumbler in the wind and rain.

"The official came here today because he has something to tell the king, Shan Xiongxin is down the mountain!" Tang Wanyi said.

"What? He went down the mountain?" Zhai Rang's expression changed suddenly, and then coldly said, "Where did he go?"

"It is said that Zhuojun will hold a world conference on August 15" Tang Wanyidao.

"Bang" Zhai Rang suddenly smashed the case before him: "Asshole! It seems that this time the old man is going to clean the door himself."

Who is Shan Xiongxin?

The green forests of the eighteen provinces have no power in the green forests, and even Zhai Rang is far behind his voice.

Only Li Mi and Shan Xiongxin can compete with Zhai Rang in Wagangzhai. Li Mi is dead, and Shan Xiongxin has become another banner of the family of Wagang.

"It seems that I have to go down the mountain and clean the door myself." Zhai Rang slowly closed his eyes, "After all, he is a brother for decades, and he will be happy when the time comes. You quickly mobilize manpower and we go to Zhuo County.

"Yes!" Tang Wanyi respectfully saluted, then stepped back.

At the border of Wagang, Shan Xiongxin was riding a horse, looking at Wagang Mountain with his eyes, speechless for a long time.

"Big boss, let's leave like this, isn't there something wrong with it?" a subordinate asked.

"There is nothing wrong with it. Wagang was the place where we and other like-minded people gathered for an uprising, but now it has become the home of the Zhai Rang family, and the taste has long since changed! The clan family and the one in the city of Chang'an asked me to preside over the world. At the conference, do I have the qualifications to refuse?" Shan Xiongxin sighed: "You and I are all pawns in the hands of others. If you go to Zhuojun, you and I are more ill-tempered. All of you brothers can go away. I can go alone. , I just have to bother you to take care of my family members for me. I am grateful."

"The big boss is joking, why would I wait for my brother to abandon you? We have rushed through countless winds and waves, no big deal! Even if Zhuojun is the wolf's lair, let's go and break!"

"That's right, the big boss underestimated me. I waited. The literary characters are the first in the arena. How can there be any reason to shrink!"

A group of people kept shouting, but they cursed secretly in their hearts: "Nonsense, do you think we want to go to Zhuo County? Didn't you force it? If it wasn't for monitoring you, who would want to go to such dangerous places as Zhuo County? ."

The crowd followed Shan Xiongxin, of course, not to support him, but a spy sent by a family of clans. If Shan Xiongxin dared to make a difference, Shan Xiongxin would die first.

Although Zhuojun is a pure land of bliss for ordinary people, it is an abyss that will never be restored for himself and others.

Chang'an City

Taichang Temple

Bodhidharma sat in the temple with a pair of eyes looking at the white clouds in the sky, and looking at the novice monk on the opposite side, he was full of emotion in his heart.

Tian Yao's reincarnation Dafa is really evil and Buddhism did everything for this great happiness before shocking Rui.

"Now that Wu Clan enters the palace, everything has been arranged, but if Wu Clan wins Li Tang's country, there is one biggest obstacle. I don't know if the chess piece buried next to Li Shimin has taken effect." Bodhidharma secretly thought. Whispered.

Although Li Chengqian refused to recognize his ancestor and return to his clan, he could not change the fact that Zhang Bairen was his son. Li Chengqian was the largest and most likely successor to the throne at any time.

Without getting rid of Li Chengqian, how can Wu Clan make it to the Ninth Five-Year Plan?

And I was about to rely on Li Shimin and Li Chengqian to aggravate the contradiction between Li Shimin and Zhang Bairen, use Li Shimin's hand to get rid of Li Chengqian, and then Zhang Bairen to kill Li Shimin, or both would die together.

"Satisfactory, do you remember what I said to you?" Bodhidharma looked at the novice monk opposite.

"The disciple remembered" a respectful salute.

Looking up and down for a while, Bodhidharma closed his eyes and said, "You are indeed a powerful evil method. Monk, if I didn’t sit in meditation, I’m afraid I would be inspired by you to move the mortal mind. Li Chengqian will rely on you. Abandon this skin bag directly, and the Blessed One will use the lotus root of the Eight Treasure Lotus Pond in the Pure Land of Bliss to reshape your body."

"Yes, my disciple obeyed!" He bowed to the ground, with a curvaceous waist and endless charm. It was hard to believe that this stunner in front of him was a cute girl.

"Nothing, step back! The opportunity is coming soon. Whether you can grasp it or not depends on your means." Bodhidharma slowly stood up and walked out of Taichang Temple: "Everything is for my Buddhist eternal plan. The sacrifice is worth it."

Bodhidharma disappeared, only to stand in the yard dumbfounded, looking at the clouds in the sky, and then walked into the house after a long time.

ps: Ninth more.

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