First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1605: In the sleeve, the universe collects the heroes

After all, the world is the world of the people of the world. Although Zhuojun has a deep foundation, it is ultimately to deal with the major forces and conduct trade. The big fists can only represent one aspect, not all problems can be solved by fists.

"General, Lord Hou, Shan Xiongxin led the heroes of all walks of life to gather in front of the gate of the Hou Mansion to explain, and they are gathering outside the gate now!" Zuo Qiu Wuji walked hurriedly into the mansion.

"Huh? What a courage!" Zhang Xutuo stood up suddenly: "This group of chaotic officials and thieves, do they want to rebel?"

"Bang!" The tea on the case table was overturned by Zhang Xutuo: "Everyone, the old man suggests that you directly transfer your troops, come to a urn to catch turtles, and kill all the knights of the rivers and lakes to revive the majesty of Zhuojun."

"No, this matter needs a long-term discussion. First, let these knights go to be good. If you really use swords and soldiers, it will not be difficult to encircle and kill these gangsters. How to deal with the gangsters in the future will have a great response!" Luo quickly said.

"I don't know what the chief governor means?" Zhuojunhou looked at the Xiao brothers.

"If you commit a disorder, kill without mercy!" Xiaohu squeezed out a cold voice between his teeth.

"Captain, what do you think these people want to do?" Yuan Tiangang sat opposite Zhang Bairen, eyes full of weird colors.

"Kong Konger, these people are here for Kongkonger, passing on the seal of the country, and the people in Buddhism push their hands behind them, wanting to obstruct my sight!" Zhang Bairen knew the reason behind, and Li Shimin wanted to get the seal of the country back. , The Lord wanted to send Wu Meiniang into the palace, and the two sides made their own efforts to form such a mighty situation.

"Wait, it's not over yet!"

Zhang Bairen sneered.

"For me!" Kongkong'er stood up in shock: "Captain, stealing the seal is a capital crime, you must help me!"

"Help you? How to help you? Who told you to be adept at advocating! It's best to push you out to calm the situation." Zhang Bairen slowly put down his chess pieces: "Aristocratic family...hehe!"

"Everyone, I don't know why everyone is blocking this official residence?" Zhuo Junhou walked out, standing in front of the door and looking at the people in the chaotic field, his brows frowned.

"Master Hou, Zhuojun wants to hold a world conference, and now August 15 has arrived, but why hasn't there been any sound? Could it be that Zhuojun tricked us into making fun of us and treated everyone as fools?" When he came out, he stared at Zhuo Junhou, without the slightest awe in his words.

"Your Excellency, who?" Zhuo Junhou asked instead without being angry.

"Five Tigers and Qin Long" man clasped his fists and gave a salute.

"Five Tiger Village? The official knows you, the Five Tiger Village is the inheritance of the Five Humen, and I have practiced the Five Tiger Broken Door Sword!" Zhuojun Hou looked down at that Qin Long with both eyes: "Everyone, I Zhuojun has never posted anything, more Haven't a world conference ever been held? You said that Zhuojun will hold a world conference, but has there been a post from Zhuojun? Is there any proof?"

As soon as this statement came out, there was a silence in the court, Shan Xiongxin's eyes flickered, and then he stepped forward: "Hou Ye, although I have no posts, but the uproar of this matter has not seen Zhuojun come out to refute the rumors, this is not enough. certificate?"

"Huh? You're an idiot or I'm an idiot. This matter has nothing to do with my Zhuojun. Why did Benhou come out to refute the rumors? You didn't have any posts after you waited, and you never saw my Zhuojun people speak, and you don't even have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Do you dare to mess with the world? Is it possible that the Japanese Hou went to spread the rumors that the emperor Li Tang wanted to give twelve taels of gold to everyone in the world, is it possible that the emperor Li Tang would send twelve taels of gold? You are still a hero in the green forest. A foolish stuff!"

"You...I..." Facing Zhuo Junhou's accusation, Shan Xiong was speechless, his eyes fixed on Zhuo Junhou, murderous intent in his eyes kept rolling, and then he made a strong statement: "Zhuo Junshi It's unreasonable, and I can't help it if I am a green grass."



"That's right, since it's not from your Zhuojun, then you should come out early to refute the rumors, and let's run for nothing!"

"This obviously doesn't put us in the eyes!"

"It's the extreme, the extreme, since I'm here, Zhuojun must wait for an explanation!"

"Yes, Zhuojun really wants to give me an explanation!" The sky was thundering, and the servant bone Huaien stepped on the void: "I also met in Turks, saying that you will hold a hero meeting in Zhuojun. Or you Zhuojun. If the county finds the culprit who spread the rumors, it will either give us an explanation."

While talking, Pu Gu Huai'en fell on the court, his eyes staring at Zhuo Junhou.

"This is Middle-Earth. How can you allow your Turkic barbarians to run wild? Even if there is a meeting of the world's heroes, it is definitely not something you can mix! Since you are here today, don't leave, just stay here!" Zhang Xuluo The voice sounded, strong and domineering, and he didn't give the servant bone Huai'en arouse people's hearts at all, and took the opportunity to cause chaos, directly stepped through the void and killed him.

"Zhang Xutuo, I was invited to participate in the World Heroes Conference. You are not moral and don't put the world heroes in your eyes when you act to me." Pu Gu Huaien's figure flashed, and his feet stepped back.

Pugu Huai'en has been taken over by Jumang, and his cultivation base has been tyrannical. He doesn't compete head-on with Zhang Xutuo, but keeps walking around to confuse people.

"When did the servant bone Huai'en have such cultivation?" Yu Juluo's eyes showed doubts.

As he was talking, I saw the light of the Buddha on the horizon, and a world-famous person dressed in white came with his feet on the lotus: "Amitabha, the monk was invited to participate in the world conference. Is it possible to be late?"

The sky was falling chaotically, the ground was rushing with golden lotus, and the bewitching Sanskrit sounds sounded all over the world.


A shining sword intent rushed into the sky, and instantly struck the World-Honored with the momentum of thunder, Zhang Bairen's indifferent and ruthless voice resounded through the world: "Buddha people, don't step into the Zhuojun realm!"

Buddhism's method of bewitching people's hearts, Zhang Bairen, never dared to underestimate him, and he would never give the World Honored the opportunity to enter Zhuo County.

"Amitabha Buddha" put his hands together and turned his sword aura away: "Is this the governor's way of hospitality? I was invited to participate in the world conference, why did the governor shut me out?"

"If you dare to step into Zhuo County for half a step, I cut the Shaolin Temple with one sword!"

Without explanation, the only response to the Blessed One's threat was cold and domineering. He tore his face ruthlessly, with no room for maneuver.

"Capital Governor, you..." The Blessed One stood there with a pale face, being threatened like this in front of the world's heroes. Even if the Blessed One's Buddha Dharma was exquisite and his patience was beyond ordinary people, he would not be able to step down at this time.

Of course, the World Venerable wanted to run over to fish in the troubled waters. Zhuo County has a population of close to ten million people. It has always been a hoop. Buddhism can't get in. If there is an excuse for the World Congress this time, it will be an opportunity. After planting the seed, the seed will take root and germinate.


The Lord made the wrong calculation!

Unexpectedly, everyone looked up and bowed their heads, and Zhang Bairen would not show any affection.

"What do you mean by Zhuojun? Since you invite me to come, but you don't let people in, is it a joke?" The World Venerable said with a gloomy expression.

"That's right! That's right! Zhuojun is playing around with our heroes, and doesn't take us seriously!"

"I wait for the people in the rivers and lakes to live just a face. How can I allow others to be so humiliated? If Zhuojun refuses to give me an explanation today, we will never finish! This matter must not be let go!"

"Yes, Zhuojun must wait for me to explain, otherwise we must not let go!"

The group of heroes talked a lot, echoing the Blessed One's constant shouting.

The heroes are not intimidated. The key is to take the lead. With an organization and leadership, everyone can work together to accomplish great things.

People live a face, if everyone walks away in Zhuojun like this, how can they be able to hold their heads up in the future?

Looking at the noisy group of heroes, Yu Juluo and the others all changed their expressions. The scattered group of heroes is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that everyone is united. Everyone twists into a rope.

"Oh? Want to explain?"

Zhang Bairen looked at the world-zun: "You said that Zhuojun invited you to hold a world conference, but can there be human or material evidence?"

Naturally there is no certified physical evidence, nor will there be.

Zhang Bairen looked at the noisy group of heroes, suddenly stretched out his palm and opened his sleeves.

The strength of the heroes is not high enough to see the gods. The only strongest person is Shan Xiongxin. How can he escape the supernatural powers in his sleeve?

In addition to Shan Xiongxin, thousands of heroes gathered from all over the world were stuffed into their sleeves by Zhang Bairen, then a pair of eyes looked into the distance: "Ahem, if you dare to make trouble in Zhuo County, then open up wasteland in Zhuo County. Twenty years, doing coolies for twenty years."

Thousands of strong bones are enough to be worth 100,000 servants.

"The Governor, you..." The Lord changed his color, never thinking that Zhang Bairen was so powerful and domineering, and he did not give everyone the opportunity to cause trouble: "These people are all big people who dominate one side in all parts of the world. If they are arrested by the supervisor, but Will there be a big problem?"

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen glanced at the World Zun coldly: "It's just a land bully and mountain bandit who is doing harm to the party. What's worth worrying about."

"Those bandits are not restrained, but there will be great troubles. When the time comes, all bandits will come to revenge ~ I am afraid that there will be no peace in Zhuojun!" How can the world honor tell Zhang Bairen to take all the heroes Now is the opportunity to buy people’s hearts.

"Can you beat me?" Zhang Bairen asked, ignoring the words of World Honored One.

"I can't beat you, but you can't kill me either!" The Blessed One is also a spirit, and his answer is not what he asked.

"Oh? Ridiculous! One sentence is wrong. You really can't beat me, but I may not be able to kill you! I am too lazy to bother with you. If you have the ability, just do it. If you don't dare to do it, just get out. Go back to the Shaolin Temple!" Zhang Bairen's words are full of murderous intent. Now that he has torn apart Buddhism and Li Tang, he has no scruples.

The mountains are silent, and the face of the Lord is green.

"Capital Governor, you can't do this. If you take the world's heroes, I am afraid that there will be major problems, and the people will suffer by then!" Shan Xiongxin said.

ps: Thank you for the rewards of "It's a dream in the end", "The gentleman of the wind", "No meat but no books", "There is a classmate who can't type a series of numbers". I can't add them. I will add them next month. Four more changes, let me slow down.

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