First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1606: Shan Xiongxin's betrayal

"Shan Xiongxin, I am very disappointed in you!" Zhang Bairen suddenly lowered his head and looked down at Shan Xiongxin, with a gleam in his eyes: "Very disappointed! Very disappointed! You shouldn't come this time!"

"At the invitation of the governor, the next official dare not come!" Shan Xiongxin clasped his fists in a salute.

"I invite you?" Zhang Bairen lowered his head and looked down at Shan Xiongxin: "You can't help but think of yourself too much! Seeing that you have done so much for Zhuojun in the past, I will spare you once, and I hope you will not appear in this seat in the future. In front of him, don’t do something that shouldn’t be done.”

After speaking, Zhang Bairen looked at the servant bone Huaien who was about to flee in the distance, and his palms slowly stretched out to cover the universe, and the power of the earth and mountains and rivers in a radius of tens of miles gathered in his palm.

Fan Tianyin!

The fall of a seal blocked the time and space of one party and solidified the flowing time.


With a single blow, the servant bone Huain turned into fleshy flesh.

"Send you father and son together, it is also the merit of the governor!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of mockery.

Glancing at Shizun and Shan Xiongxin, Zhang Bairen turned around and took five steps. Suddenly, he heard an exclamation and quickly turned around to look, and then his pupils shrank rapidly.

The air of Gengjin turned, and the body of the servant bone Huaien had been reorganized and was resurrected again.

"You can't kill me!" Pu Gu Huai'en looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, murderously circulating: "One day I will kill you."

"You are not a servant bone Huaien, if the servant bone Huaien has such an ability, I am afraid I would have died long ago, and I will not grow to the point where I am today!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands and swept the servant bone Huaien below.

"Oh? I'm not Pu Gu Huai'en, who am I?" Pu Gu Huai'en scanned Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"The other half of your body was taken by me. Who do you say you are!" Zhang Bairen seemed to smile.

Pu Gu Huai'en's complexion changed, and he never thought that Zhang Bairen would actually recognize him.

"One day, I will exile all the innate gods, and let you wait for a while." After speaking, Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, and then took a look at the world-zun before turning away.

"Hmph, what bad ideas you got out of Buddhism, but didn't get any benefits, but exposed myself to myself" Pu Gu Huai'en glared at the world-zun, his figure flashed away.

"Who knows that the chief governor is so overbearing now, it seems that the last decisive battle really annoyed him!" World Honored shook his head and said, "Which one of the upper capital should be the real headache, who has lost the seal of the country. Ha ha……."

World Zun shook his head. He just wanted to come to Zhuo County to fish in troubled waters and spread his faith. It would be great if he succeeded, and there would be no loss if he failed.


With a wave of Zhang Bairen's big sleeves, thousands of martial arts heroes rolled to the ground, but Yu Juluo's guards were holding chains in his hands, and they clashed: "They are all locked up, and they are sent to hard labor for ten years of hard work, and they dare to come to me. Zhuojun's making trouble is simply bold."

"Captain, you can't do this, I'm Jiangnan..." One person stood up and wanted to report his identity.

"It doesn't need to say who you are, I don't want to know who you are. You are only a prisoner of the capital now, nothing more!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Locked!"

"Go!" Someone was unwilling and wanted to break through the sonic boom and escape, but they had already been kicked back before they could escape 100 meters.

"If there are any more fugitives, kill them on the spot!" Zhang Xutuo said coldly.

"Everyone, let's run away alone if he can catch up, but we have thousands of people. If we flee together, even if he has three heads and six arms, he will definitely not be able to catch up. Let's go! Let's go!" Someone shouted and said. Just after it fell, a long sword flew from nowhere, pierced its heart, and nailed it to the ground.


You can't die again!

"Really killing! No mercy!" The group of heroes looked at the fallen corpse, all with a panic.

"That's from the Chen family in Jiangnan" Zhang Xutuo whispered in Yu Juluo's ear.

"Here, they are all prisoners!" Yu Juluo swept the crowds in the field and smiled coldly: "I know that you are all people with identities and backgrounds in the arena, but what about it? This is Zhuo. County! The king of heaven is here, so it's the same! Runaways are killed regardless of the fact that they are killed."

There was a clatter of chains, and a series of specially made chains were locked on the wrists and ankles of various big figures. Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of mockery: "It is enough to send a few martial artists to watch."

"The Governor, I'm afraid that we have arrested so many leaders, big and small, someone from the rivers and lakes will come to make trouble," Zhuojunhou said.

"Problem? We don't lack anything here, it's a lack of labor, and it's still a strong coolie! A person who is easy to tend to be worthy of ten ordinary strong men, I would rather those guys come to seek revenge" Zhang Bairen Leng Ran a smile: "Strongly call, lest these people get free to do things."


Zhuojunhou responded and watched Zhang Bairen leave.

"Hehe, I want to lock me with a chain? When there is no one, I will break the chain, and see what you can do with me!" A big man with a big face and beard looked at the thin fingers of the baby in his hand. Chain, there was a mockery in his eyes.

"You think too much, but this is a chain made of iron secrets from the stars outside the sky. Can you break free if you want to break free? Unless you see God is not bad, you just stay here honestly." A greasy and fat man next to him looked at the chains on his hands with a sullen expression, his eyes full of helplessness.

"What star iron, such a thin chain, I can break it with a little effort!" The strong man smiled contemptuously and suddenly exerted force, but the next moment his complexion changed and his face flushed: "This is impossible!"

"Don't toss, this is Zhuojun, do you think the general governor is a fool?" Someone sneered.

"Fucking, let me go! Let me go! I'm from the Cui family in Hedong, let me go!" The strong man rushed to Yujuluo and the others.


Bloodstains appeared, the whip whizzed, and the sturdy man who was pumping staggered, Zuo Qiu Wuji smiled coldly: "Whoever you are, even if Li Shimin comes, you can only serve as a prisoner. It's just a family of clan, and that's it. What's up?"

While talking, Zuo Qiu Wuji slammed down again.

White clouds drifted in the sky, and the slightly yellow grass was long. Zhang Bairen stood in the autumn breeze, looking at the sun in the sky with his eyes, and then sighed softly after a long time: "Some people, as expected, they do not live or die."

"Let go of me! Let go of me! You bastard, do you know who I am? Do you dare to arrest me, and most superintendents will cut you into a pile of sludge!" The cool breeze blew, Kongkonger's angry voice came along the mountain breeze.

"Oh, you still dare to beat people, you dare to beat me! You **** dare to beat me!" Kong Kong'er kept yelling, and then shouted angrily: "Don't hit my nose! Don't hit my eyes! Don't hit me in the face!"

Kong Kong'er kept yelling, and then there was a horrified shout: "What are you going to do! What are you going to do! Don't plug my mouth...Don't plug my mouth...oooooo..."

As the footsteps approached, Zhang Bairen saw Kong Kong'er, who was struggling constantly in his hands by Shan Xiongxin. At this time, Kong Kong'er had a blue nose and swollen face, and he looked embarrassed, really pitiful.

With a sigh, Shan Xiongxin's footsteps stiffened, and the empty hand fell to the ground.

"General Governor!" Shan Xiongxin's eyes were full of disbelief.

"Your movements are fast. The front foot is still in the Hou Ye Mansion, and the back foot caught Kong Kong'er." Zhang Bairen swept across the embarrassed Kong Kong'er, and with a flick of his fingers, he released Kong Kong'er's restraint: "What are you doing with Kong Kong'er?"

"Under...under...I just wanted to make a joke with him!" Shan Xiongxin's forehead was slowly wet with sweat. Although Zhang Bairen in front of him did not have any momentum, Shan Xiongxin knew that Zhang Bairen was very angry at this time. A bad response will kill you today.

"Captain, why are you here!" Kongkong'er shook off the rope and looked at Zhang Bairen with surprise.

"Didn't I tell you to hide? Why did it fall into his hands?" Zhang Bairen glared at Kongkong'er.

"The governor, Shan Xiongxin is the chief steward of the green forests of eighteen provinces. I am a thief. If he wants to find me, how dare I disobey..." Kongkonger smirked: "This servant took me out of the city. Before I had time to guard, I was fainted by this guy. Moreover, Shan Xiong believes that he is from Wagang, so how can he guard against his family?"

Kongkonger is a thief, Shan Xiongxin is the boss of the green forest. Shan Xiongxin came to the door, how dare Kong Konger not respond? Unless he doesn't want to be in the middle of the world anymore.

"Remember what I said to you a quarter of an hour ago?" Zhang Bairen sighed slowly: "It is not easy for you to cultivate to the highest level. There are also young and old, wives and children in your family, so why don't you cherish your life so much? Li Shimin can I can give it to you! I can't think of a reason for your betrayal."

Shan Xiongxin was silent. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and Zhai Rang appeared in the dense forest, and went straight to Zhang Bairen to respectfully salute: "Subordinates are not strictly disciplined, and I hope they will all be supervised and punished! But Shan Xiongxin is a few of his subordinates. The ten-year old man still hopes that the governor will allow him to have a break with Shan Xiongxin."

"Zhai Rang, you have been dignified over the years, I am afraid that it is not Shan Xiongxin's opponent. This kid is vicious and vicious, and I was knocked down by him unsuspectingly..." Kong Konger looked up and down Shan Xiongxin, and then looked at Zhai Rang. , Shook his head again and again.

"The discipline is not strict. Your Excellency Youlao has been implicated. I apologize deeply!" Zhai Rang apologized.

Kongkong'er was not complaining when he heard this, but looked at Zhang Bairen.

"Fine, as you wish, you can send him on the road!" Zhang Bairen sighed lightly, "Shan Xiongxin, I will give you a chance. After winning Zhai Rang, I will save your life today. No."

"Is this true?" Shan Xiongxin's eyes lit up when he heard the words, revealing a hint of hope.

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