First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1607: The death of Shan Xiongxin

? Jun no jokes!

Although Zhang Bairen is not the emperor, but his status is no worse than the emperor.

Zhai Rang respectfully saluted Zhang Bairen, and then took out the holster from behind. The two spears were twisted, locked, and clasped in one place, and they instantly turned into a spear.

"Shan Xiongxin, the general governor treats you very well. Wagang is the most noble one besides me. I can't think of your reason for betraying the general governor. Today I will clean up the door. What else can you say?" Let the eyes reveal a murderous opportunity.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Shan Xiongxin is on another hill in Wagang. How can Zhai Rang's life be better?

If it weren't for fear that Shan Xiongxin was a figure supported by a family of clan families, I am afraid that Zhai Rang would have been a killer long ago, and would never sit back and watch Shan Xiongxin start another team under his own nose.

"Clean the door? Haha, if it weren't for the general governor, I really thought you could sit firmly in the top position of Wagang? In terms of martial arts and essays, you can match me? I'm afraid you don't have any skills!" Shan Xiong Xin Leng With a smile, the long knife in his hand had already attacked Zhai Rang first.

If you win, you can go down. If you lose, you will save your life.

Shan Xiongxin is very confident, who is he? The master of the green forests of the eighteen provinces is by no means comparable to Zhai Rang. For Shan Xiongxin, this is simply a god-given opportunity to resurrect himself and rebirth.

Decades ago, Zhai Rang was not his opponent, but now his martial arts training has become more and more sophisticated in the past few decades, and Zhai Rang has been far behind.


The spear tore through the air like the roar of a poisonous snake.

"Dang" knives and guns met, Shan Xiongxin couldn't help but his expression changed at this time: "This is impossible, your martial arts talent and roots are far inferior to me, why are you progressing so fast now?"

The strength from the opposite side caused his palm to tremble three times, and Shan Xiongxin suddenly panicked, and the path of escape that was originally tenable and stable suddenly became insignificant.

It seems that his life is like the petals in the wind and rain, swaying at any time may be knocked down by the rain.

His life is like a candle in the wind, which may be blown out at any time. The escape route, which was supposed to be a god-given opportunity, suddenly became unfathomable at this time, and the future was bleak.

Shan Xiongxin was caught off guard by Zhai Rang, and was distracted at this time, and was immediately suppressed by Zhai Rang's spear.

Zhai Rang was planted a magic seed by Zhang Bairen, and he was able to gain some of Zhang Bairen's spiritual insights. Under Zhang Bairen's irrigation these years, even a pig should become a super master. What's more, Zhai Rang was able to sit on the position of the master of Wagangzhai. Although his qualifications were not comparable to those of top-notch people, he was definitely not weak.




Murderous intent rushed into the sky. After fifty strokes, Zhai Rang's spear shook, and three spear flowers instantly turned into Zhai Rang's chest, throat, and heart.


With the spear retracted, Shan Xiongxin fell to his knees, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and the corners of his mouth were red with blood slowly flowing down.

Guru Guru

The sound of breaking the bellows came from Shan Xiongxin's throat: "I am not convinced! Why have you never practiced for decades, but your martial arts cultivation has improved so fast!"

Zhai shook his wrist, flicked the blood from the spear, then disassembled the spear and returned it to its sheath, turned to look at Zhang Bairen, and said respectfully: "The chief governor, the rebel Shan Xiongxin has been killed, and the next official is here to plead."

Zhang Bairen nodded and motioned for Zhai Rang to stand up, and then looked at Shan Xiongxin who was kneeling on the ground not far away: "Shan Xiongxin, I gave you a chance! It's a pity, you are stubborn and unresolved. In that case, you No wonder I'm so cruel."


The sound of the hole breaking through the void sounded, and a series of golden needles had been inserted into Shan Xiongxin's body orifice. Zhang Bairen's voice was indifferent and ruthless: "Who else is Shan Xiongxin close to?"

"Returning to the governor, Shan Xiongxin still has more than 30 descendants, five sisters, and countless nephews." Zhai Rang opened his mouth without thinking.

"You don't understand the truth that the spring breeze will regenerate without removing the roots?" Zhang Bairen turned and looked at Zhai Rang.

"Yes, the villain will go back and remove the roots of the Shan family, but Shan Xiongxin has a younger sister but entered the palace..." Zhai Rang hesitated.

"That person will be handled by me!" Zhang Bairen said.

"Bang!" Shan Xiong believed that his eyes were split after hearing this, and he struggled to beg for mercy: "The governor...Rao...I am young, the governor is merciful!"

Zhang Bairen waved his palm, and a coffin emerged, taking Shan Xiongxin into it. Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "You don’t want to blame me. Thousands of refugees will inevitably lose their families, have you ever thought about them?"

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. You are not a child, let alone I haven't given you a chance!" With a stomped sole, the coffin closed instantly, and Shan Xiongxin had sunk into the depths of the earth, accepting it. After the qi training, it will become a zombie sooner or later.

"Zhai Rang, you disappointed me this time. Shan Xiongxin shouldn't have come to Zhuojun, and he shouldn't have appeared on the land of Zhuojun!" Zhang Bairen turned and stared at Zhai Rang.

"Yes, Xiaguan knows wrong! It's just that Shan Xiong believes in a high position. If he doesn't make a move, the Xiaguan will not move him! Being an unknown teacher is not good for the stability of Wagangzhai!" Zhai Rang explained.

"Fine, you go back! Those who want to make trouble in Zhuo County, you send people to take care of them!" Zhang Bairen turned and left, disappearing into the bamboo forest.

"Yes!" Zhai Rang gave a respectful salute before turning around and leaving with his hand.

Chang'an City

Li Shimin gazed at the stars in the sky frowning, not knowing what was thinking in his eyes.

Changsun Wuji stood behind Li Shimin, and after a while he heard Li Shimin say: "Wuji, who do you think I should make the prince?"

When Changsun Wuji heard this, the sweat on his forehead slowly slipped. If this problem naturally didn't need to be considered in the past, he would just say that Li Chengqian would be it. But now this problem is terrible for Changsun Wuji.

How to say? how to answer?

"Your Majesty is in the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period, there is at least a hundred years to live, the prince is not in a hurry!" Changsun Wuji said with a smile.

"Oh?" Li Shimin slowly retracted his gaze, standing at the railing, blowing the evening breeze, and then said after a while: "You only know one thing, but you don't know the other. Although I seem to be in the prosperous spring and autumn, I was beaten by Zhang Bairen that day. After cutting the heart vein, there is not much time. It is my limit to be able to last thirty to fifty years."

"No way!" Changsun Wuji's complexion changed, his eyes showed disbelief.

The most powerful person has a lifespan of between 500 and 200. Li Shimin is still less than 50 years old now, and half of his life is still far away. How could he be like this?

Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on the case table and looked into the distance.

Changsun Wuji was silent when he heard this. If in the past, with his decades of friendship with Li Shimin, coupled with his in-laws, he would naturally have the right to sever the prince. But after Changsun Wugou derailed Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji would The position in the court has begun to become awkward.

Regarding the choice of the prince, Changsun Wuji never dared to speak up. Some things were very serious. What the Changsun family asked for was self-protection.

All you want is self-protection!

As the saying goes: Your heart is unpredictable. A companion is like a tiger. As time goes by, Changsun Wuji finds that he is less and less understanding and unpredictable of Li Shimin's thoughts.

"Wuji, you are my minister of the humerus, let me tell you who should be the prince?" Li Shimin asked again.

Listening to Li Shimin's words that could not distinguish between joy, anger, sorrow and joy, the sweat slipped from the temples of Changsun Wuji: "The minister does not know!"

"Oh..." A sigh sounded in the hall, Li Shimin looked lonely into the distance, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After a while, I heard Li Shimin say: "By the way, is there news about General Li?"

"In reply to your Majesty, General Li's energy is gradually dissipating and fading, I am afraid it is no longer in the world," Yuchi Jingde responded.

"What?" Li Shimin was suddenly taken aback. Li Jing was his beloved general. He did not know how much he contributed to the war in the South and the North. Moreover, both sides have common confidantes. What Li Jing means to Li Shimin, it goes without saying. Metaphor.

"Are you saying that Li Jing was murdered?" Li Shimin's face turned gloomy, and the hall was full of wind and rain, full of heavy pressure, and people could not breathe.

"Return to your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not far from ten," Yuchi Jingde said.


The railing was broken by Li Shimin's palm, and his eyes rose with anger: "Have you found Li Jing's body?"

Yuchi Jingde shook his head, with ashamed expression on his face.

"Presenting my will, we must come to the bottom of the investigation of this matter, and we must not tolerate it! I must find the murderer and avenge Li Jing! Li Jing was my courtier in the lobby, and he died silently and without a word. , If this matter is not investigated, how can I explain to the Manchu civil and military? How to explain to the people of the world?"


All the ministers in the hall looked serious, and the ministers in the distance looked at me and I looked at you. Li Jing's status and status are not low, and he must not just die unclearly.

The death of Li Jing caused a tremor of landslides and tsunami in the rivers and lakes. Who is Li Jing? At that time, the War Department Shangshu, the famous general, is now so unclearly dead. This is no small matter anyway.

bamboo forest


Hong Fu woman is holding a paintbrush in her The pen and ink in her hand are flowing around. After a while, she stops her pen, and looks at the beard-like customer: "Li Jing is dead!"

"What?" Hearing the words, the bearded man was struck by lightning: "How did he die? This is impossible. He is the most powerful man with a long lifespan. How could he die like this?"

Hong Fu's eyes carefully looked at the squeaky bearded man, who frowned, "Should you suspect that it was my hand?"

"Although I hate Li Jing, I definitely don't want him to die so unclearly. I can't help him!" Hong Fu sighed, with a rare nostalgia in his eyes.

ps: add more! The leader is more! Please don't give a reward, really... it's too cold.

Add more updates for the leader’s "series of numbers" and "finally a dream". Also, by the way, it completes the rewards of fellow Taoists.

Alas, forgive me for bowing to capitalism again,??????

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