First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1610: Mahayana Buddhism (middle)

? Zhang Daoling and Shizun are both masters. Zhang Daoling's Heavenly Master Tao has developed smoothly along the way. Although there are many twists and turns, it never affects his cultivation and foundation.

The Blessed One is not the same. The several battles to destroy the Buddha in the history of Buddhism have an immeasurable impact on the Blessed One, which has delayed the progress.

The development of Buddhism requires incense and the power of faith to condense the Law Bodhisattva. It is a series of turmoil, and each turmoil lasts for hundreds of years. For Buddhism, the impact is not ordinary.

The Lord can be sure that Zhang Daoling's uninterrupted enlightenment for thousands of years will definitely be higher than himself. As for how tall it is, it's hard to say.

Enlightenment is just a process. It does not mean that you will be able to realize the laws of heaven and earth when you are enlightened. There will be bottlenecks in the practice of thousands of years. It does not mean that you are constantly improving.

"What kind of disaster will my Buddhism have? There is such an abnormal warning!" There was a dignified look in the world's eyes, and he was rarely lost in thought: "Zhang Bairen can't be distracted by his seclusion in Zhuojun. What about Fengdu? Fengdu belongs to Taoism. Supporters, maybe Dao Sect will use Feng to attack my Buddhism!"

"Master, one mountain can hardly tolerate two tigers. Sooner or later, we will have to have a meeting with Dao Sect. It seems that the Dao Conference of that year needs to be put on the agenda as soon as possible." Bodhidharma looked at his master with a pair of eyes.

"It's difficult. Although I have the upper hand in Buddhism, I dare not really push the Taoist door into desperation. Once the fish die and the net is broken, no one can get any benefit!" The mountains and rocks under the World Venerable's palm slowly gathered together after a while. Cai said: "You secretly keep an eye on Fengdu, never give Daomen a chance to fight back."

Bodhidharma took his command and left. The Blessed One slowly closed his eyes, and his eyes opened instantly in his mind. The eyes of wisdom scattered divine light, and he wanted to trace the origin, but suddenly a palm fell in the dark, cutting off the origin of time and space, and unexpectedly flexed his fingers. One shot broke the magical power of Wisdom Eye.

"Sure enough, there is a black hand behind the scenes calculating my Buddhism, but I don't know who this person is!" A brooding look appeared in the eyes of the World Venerable.

Time is slowly passing by, and flowers bloom and fall for another year.

Garan Temple

Zhang Bairen stood in the bamboo forest with his eyes looking in the direction of Tianzhu. In his eyes, the fire of the sun was blazing.

"Should it be coming soon?" Zhang Bairen said to himself.

"Master, what are you talking about?" The little monk came behind Zhang Bairen.

"Go, don't distract him, continue chanting!" Zhang Bairen glared at the little monk.


Under the Bodhi Tree

Guan Zi revealed a smile at the corner of his mouth and looked at Tianzhu Palace. Suddenly, the Buddha's light rushed into the sky. It broke the dragon aura of Tianzhu, and the endless auspiciousness rushed into the sky, and the infinite auspicious world was already shocked before his thoughts.

The smallpox is chaotically decorated, and the ground is springing with golden lotus.

The sound of the sky echoed in the void, covering the entire territory of Tianzhu in a blink of an eye, and it overwhelmed the Tubo and Western Turks at an incredible speed.

"Today I establish Mahayana Buddhism to save all beings in the world without suffering from reincarnation! Set up the forty-eight great aspirations, and hope that the heavens and gods can learn from it!"

As soon as this statement was made, the Blessed One, Bodhidharma, and countless Bodhisattvas and Buddhas of the Pure Land World changed their colors.

"Well, the old nest is on fire. I never thought that the warning came from here. I thought that Tianzhu was my old nest. It was like a hoop. I didn't want to be taken advantage of by someone!" The World Venerable changed his color and strode across the void to Tianzhu. .

"The first wish: Suppose that when I become a Buddha, there are still three evils of hell, hungry ghosts, and beasts in our soil, and I will not achieve supreme enlightenment.

The second wish: Suppose that when I become a Buddha, the heavens and people in our country will still fall into those who experience the three evil ways after their life ends, and I will not take supreme enlightenment.

The third wish: Suppose that when I become a Buddha, not all the heavens and people in our country have the golden body, then I will not take the supreme enlightenment.

Fourth wish: Suppose that when I become a Buddha, the heavens and people in our country have different appearances and colors, and those with differences in beauty and ugliness, I will not take supreme enlightenment.

……. "

Forty-eight great aspirations were slowly spoken out, and it was a creation of nothingness. I saw that the forty-eight great aspirations were continuously stacked and combined according to some mysterious rules, but after a second thought, a treasure ship had been formed.

The divine ship is taken and dedicated to save all sentient beings in the world beyond the sea of ​​suffering and turn into the supreme Buddha.

What Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes is to save sentient beings and people, to become immortals and Buddhas, and to live forever. What about Blessed One's Buddhism? The emphasis is on ascetic practice, like an ascetic monk, you have to practice yourself before you can become a Buddha and an ancestor.

There is no difference between the two sides, but in terms of deceptive methods, Mahayana Buddhism dumped the Eighteenth Streets of Theravada Buddhism.

Think about it, one is for nothing, and the other is hard work. Which one do you choose?

People have bad roots, and they are willing to get something for nothing. It is too difficult to become an immortal. There are countless cultivators in the red dust. How many people can become a sun god?

Chengyang **** is so difficult, let alone becoming a fairy?

But now as long as you are willing to believe in Mahayana Buddhism, you can become immortal and immortal, just ask if you believe it or not! Just ask you if Gao is happy!

Seeing the forty-eight great aspirations fall, most of the people of Tianzhu Kingdom, except the Hinayana Buddhism people, instantly changed their gates and became believers of Mahayana Buddhism. A steady stream of faith floated toward the body of insight, and the golden body was condensed in an instant.

Xiaocheng Buddhism is practice, you can get everything by your own practice, and you can transcend the sea of ​​suffering. Mahayana Buddhism is the Buddha who saves you. As long as you believe in me, I will save you and take you to the other side.

One is self-cultivation, the other is someone else's, and there are still differences between superior and inferior.

But the world is ignorant, how many people really know how to practice?

How many people can really resist the temptation and loneliness?

Anyway, they are immortal and detached from the world, since they can be detached, why bother to practice hard?

"The foundation is broken! The foundation of the Kingdom of Tianzhu is broken!" The World Venerable was furious, his face was flushed, and he was completely indifferent. At this time, he looked at the golden body standing in the air with a sullen expression: "What a vicious strategy, What a cruel heart, Zhang Bairen counts you cruel this time! If you dare to count me like this, how can I let you go?"

A branch stretched out in the hands of the world-zun, and instantly hit the reincarnation body of Guan Zizai in the Ouchi Imperial Palace.

"Presumptuous! Who would dare to do something in the Imperial Palace?" With a violent shout in the palace, the emperor's dragon aura rose into the sky, and instantly blocked the branches of the world-zun.

"World Lord, you are my Tianzhu Country Protector, why do you arbitrarily do it in the Ouchi Palace?" The majestic voice of the Lord Tianzhu slowly came, and he stepped out of the hall.

"Huh?" The World Venerable's eyes were full of disbelief: "The Lord, this person is an outsider, so I dare to confuse the people with this horrible speech, ruining my Buddhism, and hope that the Lord will take this person and purify him in the fire."

"Master, do you know who this person is?" The lord of the country looked at a seven or eight-year-old child not far away. At this time, the Buddha's light around his body exuded an infinite sacred smell: "This is the prince of my Tianzhu Kingdom. , It’s my royal unicorn, you dare to say that it is a demon? What do you intend to do?"

"Your Majesty, if people don't practice, how can they be detached? The prince must have been invaded by foreign evils and damaged his mind. That's why..." World Honored quickly defended.

"Enough!" The Lord Tianzhu interrupted the world-honored word, and turned to look at the child: "This is the foundation of my royal family. Only if my royal family has such great power, it will not fail for thousands of years, and the country will last forever."

"Meet Father Father!" Guan Zizai's incarnation respectfully saluted the Lord Tianzhu.

"You created Mahayana Buddhism and made 48 great ambitions, but it's true? Can you really save everything in the world and save mundane people like me to become immortals?" The Lord Tianzhu stared at his son with a pair of eyes.

"Amitabha Buddha, return to the words of his father, and look at the treasure ship of the child, which contains endless gates of all beings. As long as sentient beings believe in me and believe in my Mahayana Buddhism, the soul will be taken by this chartered ship after death and enter this ship. If the child can be enlightened, the sentient beings in this boat will naturally follow me to transcend the other side!" Jiying said with a smile.

"Haha, ridiculous, how long can you hold a small sailboat? There are hundreds of millions of sentient beings in time. Can your small boat hold it? It's just a big joke." The Lord sneered and hit the Mahayana Buddhism mercilessly. everything of.

"Hehe, does the Blessed One know that there is infinite'Dharma' and endless ways. As long as you believe in me, this treasure ship can naturally be extradited. Don't bother the Blessed One to worry about it." Number, after death, you can naturally enter the treasure, detach from the suffering of reincarnation, and follow me to detach the world."

To deceive people's minds, if it talks about the means to deceive people's minds, who can match the Mahayana Buddhism?

The Blessed One's Theravada Buddhism can't keep up even with a horse.

"Amitabha, take in immeasurable Buddha!"

Countless believers in Tianzhu chanted the Buddha's name together, and in an instant the infinite beliefs gathered, Bao? actually completely condensed and formed in an instant.

"Damn it, those believers and beliefs are mine! It's all mine!" The Blessed One's anger rushed to the sky The branch in his hand rolled up, and he struck down towards the Buddha.

"Haha!" He smiled without saying a word, ignoring the Blessed One's attack.

"Presumptuous, do you dare to commit crimes at will in front of me?" The Lord of Tianzhu was angry, and the emperor's dragon gas blocked the Blessed One's attack, and then looked at the enticed Buddha with his eyes: "Is what my son said before?

"Naturally take it seriously, not only the father and the emperor can follow me to surpass the world, even all brothers and sisters are equally ordinary. Believing in my Mahayana Buddhism can get longevity, that the Theravada Buddhism has been established for thousands of years, and the founder of the world can not live forever. How can I be convinced? It doesn't take a long time to lead the Buddha.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! God bless my royal family out of this unicorn. From today onwards, my Tianzhu State Religion has changed to Mahayana Buddhism. All Theravada Buddhism monks must be included in Mahayana Buddhism. You must not violate it!" laugh.

If there is a good thing, it is natural to support the people of your own family.

Moreover, Tianzhu Buddhism is deeply ingrained, and he, the Lord of the Kingdom, has to be eluded by the World-Honored, and the monarchy is granted by the gods. This is an opportunity to get rid of the World-Honored.

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