First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1611: Mahayana Buddhism (Part 2)

? Buddhism is intricately rooted in Tianzhu and has become the state religion, from top officials to dignitaries to the people of the Li people, and all believe in Buddhism.

Over the past thousands of years, the Tianzhu dynasty has changed countlessly, but Buddhism is the only one who has become more and more unaffected.

The Blessed One's influence in Tianzhu is not inferior to that of the Lord of a country, even more so than the Lord of a country, how do you tell the Royal Family of Tianzhu to bear it!

Monarch power is conferred by the gods, which no emperor would allow or bear.

As the saying goes, the fertile water does not flow into the field of outsiders. If there is a figure like this in the Zhu royal family today, he can actually fight against the world-zun. Why is the king of the Tianzhu royal family not overjoyed?

This is definitely the best opportunity to get rid of the control of the Blessed One.

The world is suffering. Guan Zizai has compiled a dream for the world. Even if they know that this dream is fake, there will be countless people willing to sink into it.

What's more, at this time, the dharma body of Avalokiteshvara leads to great aspirations. This is not a dream but a reality.

The Blessed One changed his color at this moment, looking at the seven-year-old child below, his eyes were full of solemnity: "Who are you? Who are you reincarnated? I know that you are in my mind, there is no such thing as you!"

After speaking, he looked at the Lord of Tianzhu: "Your Majesty, this person is an evil demon in the world of cultivation. He is the most tricky person. He is definitely not a descendant of the royal family's orthodox blood. Please also give your majesty a lesson. Don’t let the evil spirits benefit and harm the royal family. The air."

"Your Excellency can't bully the widow and don't know the number of days? My royal family has the emperor's dragon energy to protect, how can Taoists reincarnate and reincarnate at will?" The Lord Tianzhu said coldly.

At this time, the Buddha was quoted coldly and said: "World Lord, don't waste your time to instigate the relationship between my father and son. I accidentally obtained a volume of heavenly books, and in my dream, I was taught by immortals, so I clearly realized the Buddhist avenue. "

After speaking, he turned to the Lord of Tianzhu: "Father, now that the child has enlightened, then I can save my royal family's ancestors from the other side, so that my royal family has the Mahayana Buddhism to teach the people, the Hinayana Buddhism is a rare road after all. How can the people of the world be detached together?"

The Lord of "Yiji" slowly stood up: "From today, Mahayana Buddhism will be established as my Tianzhu State religion, and the enlisted Taoist will be the master of Mahayana Buddhism and my Tianzhu State teacher.

"Your Majesty!" The World Lord exclaimed anxiously.

"You don't have to say much, Lord, my heart is determined!" The Lord Tianzhu waved his hand and stopped the words of the Lord.

"Asshole! Asshole! What a draw from the bottom of the pot! What a draw from the bottom of the pot! You are the person in the Taoist school, or the **** came to my Buddhism to make trouble." The world-zun stared at the Buddha with a pair of eyes.

The introduction of the Buddha just smiled slightly: "Blessed One, there are talented people from generation to generation, and the times are constantly advancing. The Hinayana Buddhism has not kept up with the pace of the times. How can one person become immortal and tens of millions of people become immortals? How many people can become immortals? The Hinayana Buddhism is outdated, so let’s go wherever you go."

"Hehe, you have a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth, but I don't know what the skill is! If you are willing to lead the Mahayana Buddhism into my Buddhism, we will all be happy. If not..." The Lord twirled the rosary unhurriedly.

"Otherwise?" The enticed Buddha said unhurriedly: "I have the chief governor behind my back, do you dare to kill me? What's more, I have now gathered a golden body, you may not be able to kill me."

"A good trick to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot! A good trick to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot! Most of the superintendent has learned this trick. We will not turn around, but we will eventually have a causal time!" The World Venerable smiled coldly, and the fierce light in his eyes turned and he turned away. go with.

"Keep walking slowly, I know that you were unsatisfied with your defeat, but I just don't know if you dare to gamble with me?" The lead said unhurriedly.

"How to bet?" The World Zun paused.

"Four years later, at the Land and Water Fa conference, the monk will go to China to give lectures. If your Hinayana Buddhism can beat me, how about this Tianzhu to you?" Guan Zizai said unhurriedly.

"Oh? You are confident, you are right about this matter!" Hearing this, the World Venerable turned and left.

"Master, wait a minute, you just said you won, but you didn't say what should you do if you lose?" Guan Zizai said.

"Hehe, I will lose to you? The wisdom of this seat for thousands of years will lose to you? Well, if I lose, you will be up to the conditions at that time!" As he said, the Lord turned and left.


Beitian Shidao

Zhang Heng looked at Tian Zhu with a pair of eyes, with a look of horror in his eyes: "What a Zhang Bairen! What a Zhang Bairen! This hand draws money from the bottom of the pot, playing really beautifully, unknowingly copying the Blessed One’s lair, and breaking his back. road."

"Zhang Bairen deserves to be Zhang Bairen. If he doesn't make a move, he will still be as straightforward as he did in the past. The world-honored one has no temper!" Everyone shook their heads, and a touch of emotion appeared in their eyes.

"The Blessed One has stirred up the wind and rain in my land, so that I can't breathe in my Daoist sects, and they evade retreat from the world, and dare not fight with them. Most superintendents have turned the Buddhism advantage into nothingness and forced the Buddhism into a disadvantage. This person's methods are truly amazing, so don't underestimate it!" Deng Yin's eyes were full of solemnity: "I used to underestimate the enemy!"

"Good! Good! Good! What a Zhang Bairen, what a sense of freedom! Water and land law will tell the world to win or lose, how can I stay out of the matter, how can I not help you!" Zhang Heng slowly wiped the sword in his hand, sitting alone In the Louguan School, a pair of eyes looked in Tianzhu's direction: "I saw this bald man a long time ago, but now it's finally time for revenge."

"Mahayana Buddhism? Hinayana Buddhism?" Li Shimin looked at Tianzhu Kingdom with a pair of eyes, and his eyebrows slowly wrinkled: "Without my decrees, that can preach in Middle-earth? You are thinking too much! Zhang Bairen, this time I You have to calculate if it breaks."



Zhang Bairen and Xiao Huanghou sit in the mountains and play chess

"Sir, have you found the trace of Empress Chen? I don't know if there is any head in my concubine who wants to see this to pay tribute to Sister Lihua." Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes with eagerness.

"Alright! Almost! After the water and land law meeting is over, that treasure should also be practiced. I will naturally avenge Lihua at that time. Don't worry about it!" Zhang Bairen looked at Empress Xiao with a pair of eyes. Sighed with emotion.

"Really?" Empress Xiao's eyes lit up.

"Don't worry, Dingdang's hatred and Lihua's hatred, I will keep in mind that one day I will teach him how good it is!" Zhang Bairen slowly put down the chess pieces in his hand: "The reason why I don't take revenge is that there is no revenge. Just be prepared."

"What are you going to do about Tianzhu Kingdom?" Empress Xiao said.

"Wait, he is coming!" Zhang Bairen looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, but saw a white-clothed Guan Zi walk on the lotus flower.

"Bairen, I really lost you this time, otherwise I'm afraid it will be difficult to develop Taoism today" Guan Zizai saluted with a smile.

"Finally, should I call you the Buddha of Burning Lantern, or should I call you the Buddha of Receiving?" Zhang Bairen looked at Guan Zizai.

"The Governor has good eyesight. I can't hide these things from you!" Guan Zizai was surprised when he heard the words: "Even the World Lord can't see my details. I never thought that the Governor would see through it at a glance!"

"What are you talking about?" Empress Xiao couldn't understand what the two said.

Guan Zizai smiled at Empress Xiao, and then said: "Returning to the mother, this is called one body and two methods. The Blessed One saw that I only condensed one dharma body, but he did not know that I was condensed two dharma bodies. One is to attract Buddha. , To attract believers from all over the world. The second is the Burning Buddha, who is the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas and the origin of Mahayana Buddhism. As for the third Dharma body, I have not yet thought about it, and we have to rely on the governor to give guidance.

"Hahaha, the Blessed One has not even seen your details, this time the defeat is not wronged! Not wronged! Dacheng Buddhism is really mysterious!" Zhang Bairen exclaimed, "You third body is yourself."

"Myself?" Guan Zi was taken aback.

"Yes, the Buddha of Burning Lantern has been passed down and created the Dharma. The Buddha is responsible for attracting the followers of Mahayana Buddhism to prevent them from falling into reincarnation. Don't you think what is missing during this period?" Zhang Bairen twisted a chess piece. .

"The burning of the lamp is the past, and the introduction is the future. If the present is lacking, the three talents of heaven, earth and man can stand alone" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"Yes! Yes!" Guan Zizai suddenly clapped his palms: "Buddhas taught the Dharma in the past and were born in the past. After all beings die, they can see the guidance, but the future. Only now that no one has taken care of me, my present body is to save suffering. Guan Zizai specializes in saving believers from their sufferings while they are alive. Only by establishing the three talents in this way can I have a long tradition of Buddhism."

"This remark is great, and the merits are complete!" Zhang Bairen smiled and looked at Guan Zizai: "Mahayana Buddhism is passed on to the east. I have a definite number here. This decree is with you, and the matter of the east pass is left to you."

"The Dharma is spread east, occupying the last living space of Hinayana Dharma, I am afraid Hinayana Dharma will inevitably fight to the death, I am afraid it will not be easy!" Guan Zizai took the decree I naturally think about this matter" Zhang Bairen looked towards Guan Zizai: "What do you think of Jing Wushuang? "

"Jing Wushuang has been enchanted and embarrassed!" Guan Zizai shook his head again and again. Although Jing Wushuang's martial arts cultivation reached an incredible level, he was crazy after all, how could he shoulder the heavy responsibility of Dharma teaching.

"Hahaha, hahaha! It's okay! It's okay! See you in four years! It's just a water and land law meeting four years later, you can only win without losing," Zhang Bairen said.

"Don't worry, I will naturally prepare for this!" Guan Zizai said.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "I hope so, everything is ready, I only owe the east wind! It depends on whether the fire of Li Shimin is flourishing."

"Oh?" Guan Zi was stunned: "This matter still has something to do with Li Shimin? Li Shimin and the governor are as deep as the sea. If it is not bad, it is not bad. How can you help the governor to succeed?"

"Hahaha, I can't bear to let the child not catch the wolf, you will know in the future!"

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