First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1612: The Tribulation of Li Chengqian

?In many things, it is the instinct of man to give up the small and get the big one.

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the chess pieces on the chessboard and looked at Yuan Tiangang on the opposite side: "What do you think about the water and land law meeting?"

"The water and land law meeting is an opportunity for Daomen to counterattack Buddhism. It is the best time to counterattack. Daomen will never miss it." Yuan Tiangang put down his chess pieces.

"What did your uncle say?" Zhang Bairen retracted his eyes and moved away from Yuan Tiangang.

"The water and land law meeting is a dispute between Buddhism and Taoism. What else can Taoism do? I have no choice but to die to the end!" Yuan Tiangang raised his head and looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Fortunately, the governor used his supernatural powers and caused the backyard of Buddhism to catch fire. Otherwise, there will be no chance of winning the water and land law meeting. The governor's merits are boundless, and the Daoist masters will definitely remember the Dudu Ende.

"Heh, don't put a high hat on me, what I did was not for the Taoist school, and I don't need the Taoist school to lead me! I finally got rid of all the ties with the Taoist school. I am not a fool, so how can I take the initiative to entangle myself!" Zhang Bairen shakes Shaking his head, Yuan Tiangang interrupted.

When Yuan Tiangang heard the words, his movements were stagnant, and he rubbed his hands and smiled bitterly: "The Governor, although you caused Buddhism's Lair to catch fire, but... Buddhism is now all centered in Middle-Earth, and the realm of law is also established in Middle-Earth. , Is deeply ingrained, even if you lose Tianzhu’s foundation, it’s nothing."

"Naturally, I have my own plan, and I have nothing to do with Taoism! I don't want to have anything to do with it!" Zhang Bairen slowly stood up and disappeared into the jungle: "Just stare at the water and land law conference for me. , You don't need to interfere with the rest."

Garan Temple

The old monk Zhang Bairen had sat down opposite Xuanzang: "Xuan Zang, the time limit for being a teacher is now reached, and this Garan Temple will be passed on to you in the future. I only hope that you can carry forward the Garan Temple."

"Master!" Xuanzang had tears in his eyes.

"Chi'er, you are already in a certain state, so why bother to be troubled by all the emotions and desires in the world, and be a child! There are three last wishes for the teacher in this life, I only hope you can achieve it for me!" Zhang Bairen looked at the person in front of him with a pair of eyes Xuanzang.

It seems to be printed in the same mold as Zhang Baiyi, which is about eighth similar to Zhang Baiyi's in the previous life.

"The master has the grace of nurturing and preaching to Xuanzang. If you tell the master to speak, Xuanzang will definitely live up to the master's entrustment and do his best to fulfill the master's last wish!" Xuanzang respectfully obeyed Zhang Bairen's feet.

"One is that Chang'an City will hold the Land and Water Dharma meeting four years later. I cannot participate as a teacher, and cannot promote the reputation of my Garan Temple. I want you to participate in the Water and Land Dharma meeting in four years. You must win the first prize!" Zhang Bairen looked eagerly. With Zhang Baiyi.

"Master, the disciple will definitely participate in the water and land dharma meeting, to promote the prestige of my Garan Temple, and to promote my Garan Temple Buddhism" Zhang Baiyi swears to heaven.

"Secondly, I heard people say that Mahayana Buddhism in the Tianzhu State of the Western Regions has been admired for a long time, but I have no chance to see it. If you can obtain Mahayana Buddhism in this life, you must recite a sutra before my grave. Even if you die, Zhang Bairen stared at Zhang Baiyi with a pair of eyes.

"Master, rest assured, the disciple will definitely acquire the Mahayana Buddhism in this life, and chant it at the master's grave, so that the master will be free from the sea of ​​suffering," Zhang Baiyi respectfully said.

"Amitabha Buddha, kindness is kindness!" Zhang Bairen stroked Zhang Baiyi's shoulders, and a gratified smile appeared in his eyes: "The third thing is that I hope you can persevere and achieve great achievements! It's a pity that you have already reached the end of your life as a teacher. For more Dharma, I only hope that you will cherish your future path of practice! Work hard!"

"Master, rest assured, Baiyi will definitely live up to the master's entrustment, and must practice hard to seek the Tao!" Zhang Baiyi worshipped again.

"So, I don't have to worry about being a teacher anymore, I'll go!" When the words fell, Zhang Bairen turned into a rainbow and dissipated in the world, without seeing any relics left behind.

"The master is gone! Actually no relics!" Zhang Baiyi's eyes were full of sadness: "But don't worry, the disciple will definitely work hard to practice the Dharma, ask for the true meaning of Mahayana Buddhism, and chant at the master's grave."

"Water and land law meeting!" The Blessed One's fingers twisted his rosary, and his eyes were contemplative: "In fact, I don't really want the water and land law to be unfolded. Now that I have the advantage of Buddhism, why bother to talk to Taoism. And I have a sense of freedom. Mix it up, I'm afraid there will be variables in it."

"Master, the land and water law meeting is imperative. Dao Sect will never let go of this opportunity. Should we take a shot and make Dao Sect unintentional to mix things with the water and land law meeting?" Dharma looked at the Blessed One with his eyes.

"Mahayana Buddhism! My main enemy of Buddhism is Mahayana Buddhism. As for the door... Those old ghosts are hidden in the cycle of reincarnation and are reluctant to be born. How can I put them in my eyes! The silence over there is a bit too much, but I feel a little uneasy in my heart." The World Venerable looked at Bodhidharma with a pair of eyes: "You have asked people to keep an eye on them. Be sure to keep an eye on Zhuojun's every move."

"Yes!" Bodhidharma took the order and left, disappearing in the sky and no trace.

Two years passed quickly

Chang'an City

Li Shimin stood in front of the railing of the Tai Chi Hall, looking down at the direction of the East Palace, with a touch of contemplation in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, the one in the East Palace has completely fallen, I'm afraid Zhang Bairen's son and grandson will be right in front of him," a figure stood behind Li Shimin and whispered.

"I am rather worried now. If Zhang Bairen knew about this, what would you say Zhang Bairen would do?" Li Shimin looked at the city head below with a pair of eyes.

"This..." The guard said without hesitation upon hearing this, "I'm afraid Zhang Bairen will kill!"

"This is to cut off the blood of the Zhang family. It is only strange that Zhang Bairen is willing to let go, but I regret it now!" Li Shimin sighed with his hands on his back.

"Your Majesty, you are the ninth-fifth supreme. Zhang Bairen has been hit hard. You are absolutely not your opponent. What is terrible! What if Zhang Bairen knows it? Do you still dare to come to the Imperial Palace to die?" the guard said coldly. .

"He doesn't dare to die, but I'm afraid that the world will turn against him when he gets angry. By then, I will fall apart, Li and Tang, and it is hard to say who the country belongs to in the future!" Li Shimin slowly lowered his head and said, "Li Tai hasn't Are you a little restless? You went secretly to induce him to force him to oppose Li Chengqian. I want to abolish the prince. This matter can't be delayed any longer!"

"Abandoning the prince? Zhang Bairen's fear is not easy. Zhang Bairen wants to push Li Chengqian to the throne and usurp Li Tangjiangshan. How can he sit back and watch his majesty abolish Li Chengqian?" The guard shook his head when he heard the words: "This matter is too urgent. !"

"No, I can't wait! My body is getting worse every day, and I don't know how long I can last. Li Chengqian is a curse after all!" Li Shimin slowly closed his eyes.

"Your Majesty, please forgive your subordinates for being rude. Your Majesty is in the heyday of the spring and autumn, and it is too late to give birth to the prince. Li Ge and Li Tai are reckless people, and they are not the best candidates for the blood of the previous royal family. The prince Li Zhi is too young. If your majesty cultivates the prince now, he might as well give birth to more house heirs."

"Huh?" Li Shimin frowned.

"If Li Shimin is really mad in the future, he will be defensive against a few princes and give birth to a few more princes, so as not to be picked up by Zhang Bairen, then it will be in trouble!" The guard lowered his head.

Li Shimin stood speechless at the railing for a long time. After a while, he turned around and walked outside the Taiji Hall: "This matter is left to you. You must be cautious about choosing your concubine, and you must not be careless! You must not let the spies get into the palace. Inside."

"Yes!" The figure respectfully saluted, and there was a cold, proud look in his eyes: "It's done! It seems that it was really right to do things in Li Tangzu's grave back then."

East Palace

Li Chengqian's bedroom

The curtain trembles, and Li Chengqian has become obsessed with male **** in recent years. Two males are doing unspeakable things in the inner palace of the inner palace.

"Your Majesty is here!"

The voice of the servant came from far away.


The curtains of the curtain suddenly opened, and Li Chengqian, who was pale, came out shirtless, hurriedly wearing his clothes.

"Your Majesty, how should this be?" A man on the bed who looked like a ‘beautiful and charming’ dressed as a woman, panicking and shaking his body pale at this time.

Without waiting for the two to tidy up their clothes, Li Shimin had already walked in.

Since Li Shimin intends to abolish Li Chengqian, he naturally has the right time to catch the **** in bed.


The door opened, and Li Shimin broke into the East Palace with an iron face.

"The child sees the emperor father" Li Chengqian hurriedly knelt down and bowed.

Ignoring Li Chengqian, Li Shimin went straight to the curtain, suddenly stretched out his hand to open it, and then said with anger and anger: "Chengqian, someone told me before, I still don’t believe what you did, but I never thought that you were really real. That... really disappointed me! You disappointed me too much."

"" Li Chengqian was, come and beat this demon to death! "Li Shimin's voice is like thunder.


There Jin Wuwei stepped forward and set up his gratification. He lifted the iron rod in his hand and was about to fall fiercely.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, help me!" Gratitude kept wailing, his voice turned mournful, it can be described as a broken heart, and it makes people turn back and forth.

"Hold your hands!" Li Chengqian scolded Jin Wuwei and climbed to Li Shimin's feet: "Father, the child and Xinxin are sincere, everything is the child's fault, please forgive your father! I beg you here! "

"Huh, I still don't know how to repent! You are my prince Li Tang, and you are so handsome. How can I pass on my ancestry in the future? How can I trust you with my ancestors? You are simply disappointing! Give me the demon who tempted the prince to be beaten to death with a stick, so as to be like you!" Li Shimin said furiously.

"Father! Father! Don't! Don't!"

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