First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1620: Tea shed

? Trouble has already been caused, what else can I do?

Asking the guilty bearded to push the child out to death, the guilty bearded is not the kind of vicious-hearted person, he can't do this kind of thing anyway.

Zhang Bairen has fulfilled himself and Hongfu, and he is kind to himself. What should I do? What can I do?

Zhang Bairen, that is the one who kills without seeing blood. Is that so easy to provoke?

"Uncle, please tell me about my martial arts and tell me to avenge the young and old in my family!" Hou Lihu knelt in front of the bearded guy with a'poof'.

Looking at Hou Lihu who was kneeling on the ground, the bearded man shook his head: "When is the wrongdoing reported? Your father and relatives in the family have already suffered a lot. If I teach you martial arts, it will harm you! The matter of passing the arts is not going to be there. Say, when I have a few days to find a home to foster you, you will be able to live a mortal life, and don’t step into the world of spiritual practice, and don’t get into the dust for nothing!"

"Uncle!" Hou Lihu said with tears in his eyes: "Uncle is a chivalrous man, and the young and old in my family died tragically. How can I survive? Please help me, uncle!"

"Teach you martial arts? If you don't practice martial arts, you still have a chance to live, if you practice martial arts, you will definitely die!" The stunner looked at Huzi with a pair of eyes: "Don't tell me, I won't teach you martial arts. Can you? Continue to live depends on your good fortune, let alone martial arts?"


Zhang Bairen sat cross-legged on the blue stones of the small stream, digitizing his fingers, and no one knew what he was counting on.

There was a sound of footsteps, Jing Wuming fell not far from Zhang Bairen, and fell on one knee: "The governor, his subordinates are incompetent, and got off a fish that slipped through the net."

Brows frowned slightly, Zhang Bairen's hands stopped in an instant, and his eyes slowly opened, as if it were the clear spring and white snow in the mountains, without the slightest dust.

"It shouldn't be! With your ability, how could there be any fish that slipped through the net?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of incomprehension.

"Guardian and Hongfu happened to be passing by. Hou Lihu, the grandson of Hou Jun, was rescued by the beardless," Jing Wuming said.

"Huh? The beard? Does he know who you do?" Zhang Bairen looked at Jing Wuming.

"Assassinations are not visible. The villain is afraid of causing trouble for the governor, so he dare not mention the reputation of the governor," Jing Wuming said.

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words, "That's good, even if the world's heroes know that I did this, what about it? There is no evidence!"

In fact, this is also a way for a family of powerful families to do things. Everyone is tacitly aware, as long as you don't show your name and your tail, even if you know that this is the thing to do, no one will come to trouble you.

"The governor, the martial arts of the guillotine man is unpredictable, and I am afraid that only the governor himself can surrender him... By the way, the guilder man and the female servant of Hongfu have been mixed up again, and Li Jing may have been murdered by the two of them. !" Jing Wuming said.

"What?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words. Didn't Li Jing kill himself? Why is this pot being dumped to the bearded customer?

However, this pot shakes well!

What is the most important thing in the world?



The guilty bearded murdered his own brother, forcibly seized the brother’s woman, or that the guilty bearded and his concubine Hongfunu jointly killed Li Jing. This is a big hit anyway. The two of them will not be able to tolerate the situation, and everyone shouts and beats.

Don't underestimate the meaning of the word loyalty!

"It's interesting! It's interesting! You go secretly spread this news, as for the guilty bearded guest and Hong Funu, I will meet them personally!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a sneer.

Second day

The sun is rising


The case in front of Li Shimin exploded, and a pair of eyes stared at the guard in front of him: "What did you say?"

"Return to your Majesty, last night all 136 of the young and old in Hou Junji's home were beheaded, and the grandson outside the city escaped by chance, and his whereabouts are currently unknown" the guard whispered.

"Asshole, didn't I explain that you should be tightly guarded so that there should be no mistakes? How can such big mistakes occur!" Li Shimin's eyes rolled with anger: "How do you tell me to explain to the courtiers? How to explain to Hou Junji? Explain to the world?"

"You wait for this to frame me for infidelity!" Li Shimin's eyes were full of anger.

"Who was the murderer?" After a while, Li Shimin came back and asked.

"It must be the assassin family who made the shot, and it is also a strong man in the realm of the realm. You must know that although there was no strong man in the realm of the realm last night, there were five masters who saw the gods strictly standing guard, even the strongest man can delay the shot. Take a few breaths to buy time for the supporting masters." The guard looked at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes: "But our people didn't react at all last night and never heard any noise. Unless it is the most powerful person in the assassin family, otherwise..."

"Damn, how do I explain to Hou Junji! Zhang Bairen's attack is too ruthless, even the elderly and children will not let go." Li Shimin gritted his teeth with hatred: "He is killing him! If you pass the order, you must find Hou Junji. My grandson, we must protect that child's safety, and I want to see that child return safely!"

"Yes!" The guard gave a respectful salute.

"If there is something wrong this time, you should know the consequences. You can kill yourself when you wait!" Li Shimin said with an iron face.

The guard didn't say a word, just a respectful salute, and then quit the study.

Hou Junji's home was slaughtered overnight, which immediately shook the world.

Although everyone knows that Zhang Bairen did it, there is no evidence to prove it.

Roadside pavilion wine shop

A simple wine shop built on the side of the road

But I saw a middle-aged yellow-faced man lying sickly in front of the counter and slumbering

The wine shop is simply built with wood and straw mats, which looks like a temporary tea shop.

"Brother, we have been on the road for a day. Although this child has some martial arts foundations, he can't bear such a strain. There is a tea shed right in front of us. Let's go and rest." Hong Fu female looked at her thick thighs and her face was tired. Hou Lihu's eyes showed a touch of worry.

Sweeping through the tea shed, looking at the yellow-faced shopkeeper, skinny and weak, obviously not a martial artist.

"Your grandfather offended the master of Zhuojun. If you want to save, you can only take refuge in Shaolin Temple! Shaolin Temple has the world-honor and Dharma sitting in town, so you will be safe from worries!" The bearded man stroked Huzi's head: "A figure like the governor will naturally not look down and chase you down, but the figures under the governor are not opponents of Bodhidharma and the World Venerable. Only in the Shaolin Temple can you be saved."

Huzi nodded stubbornly, and a group of people came to the tea shed, looked at the sleeping shopkeeper, and knocked on the table vigorously: "The shopkeeper, here is a guest!"

"Huh?" A jealous shopkeeper quickly raised his head and said with sleepy eyes: "Uncle, what kind of tea do you want?"

"A pot of ordinary tea, can you have pastries here?" Qiu Yanke asked.

"Uncle, what the villain does is a tea shed. I can't afford to invite a cook, only tea is the only thing to quench my thirst!" The yellow face shopkeeper started to boil the water quickly with his hands and feet.

"No wonder you are so skinny and hungry, your business is so bad that you don't even have pastries!" The squeaky groaned dissatisfiedly.

"Forget it, we still have some dry food in our parcel!" Hong Fu said, and then looked at the shopkeeper, with a hint of confusion in his eyes. For some reason, he always seemed to feel that the shopkeeper was a little familiar, but he never remembered it. Where have I seen him.

"Weird!" Hong Fu whispered to himself, but didn't care.

At this time, Hou Lihu knelt down at the feet of the bearded guy with a'poof', his eyes were full of determination: "Uncle, I know you are a person with great abilities. You can accept me as a disciple! I can endure hardship, do dirty work, and tired. Live, as long as you can cut off the head of Zhang Bairen's dog thief, I am happy to do anything you want me to do."

"Get up, this place is a tea shed, there are many people, and I will not accept you as a disciple!" The squeaky bearded the tiger up, but the tiger fell on his knees again: "If you don't Take me and I won't get up."

"Tea is here~~~"

With a cry, the shopkeeper walked over with the teapot.

"Oh, this kid is really stubborn, but he doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. People like the chief governor live for nine days. If you are a fairy, this little flower can kill you?" The yellow-faced man said with tea and disdain.

"Hmph, I can't kill Zhang Bairen, so I will kill Zhang Bairen's relatives and his subordinates. One day I will kill Zhuojun, behead his relatives, and then take his head!" The young man has scarlet eyes and a complexion. It was ferocious and looked like an evil spirit in hell.

"It's so killing, it's so killing at a young age, and I'm afraid it will be bloodthirsty in the future" The shopkeeper was taken aback by the boy's hideous face.

"It's nothing to do with you here, why are you doing it? Take care of your tongue and don't mess around!" The skewer grabbed the tea and glared at the shopkeeper in a cold voice.

"Yes, yes, the villain is talking too much!" The shopkeeper placed the porcelain bowl, filled the tea, and turned and left.

"Get up and drink a cup of hot tea!" The Qiu Yanke pulled the child up: "You only have motivation after drinking hot tea, you can live to Shaolin, and you will have a chance to get revenge in the , A group of merchants walked into the tea shop, and the leader shouted: "The shopkeeper, serve tea! "

"Come on, a few uncles do it," the shopkeeper greeted, and the hot tea was brought up.

"The shopkeeper, do you have food?" The man said.

"Several uncles joked, the small business only has tea," the shopkeeper said.

"Well, then drink tea!"

A dozen people sat in a circle and only listened to one of them said: "Have you heard that the guilty bearded man and the red beard have appeared in the rivers and lakes again. If I meet this adulterer, I will have to smash his body. Don't do it."

"That's right, that Hongfu actually hooked up with the stubborn man to murder her husband, it was really vicious. Poor Li Jing was really wrongly killed by that adulterer. Poor his first name!"

ps: Tearful thanks to the leader of "Chu Mengyao's Dream" classmates for the reward... Second more

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