First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1621: The heart ape is hard to give up, Hou Jun gathers into the magic way

"Asshole, a bunch of **** dare to ruin my name!" Hong Fu Nu's fingers were tightly clenched, her fingertips turned pale, her complexion pale, and she was about to shoot with a palm.

Hong Fu is a hot temper who dares to love and hate, how can he withstand such slander?

Did you harm Li Jing? These people are really damned, they are terrifying.

"Wait! A group of idle warriors, how to be angry with them! Hurry up and eat, hurry up on the road after dinner!" The bearded man grabbed Hong Fu's arm to prevent her from making trouble.

"Look at what they are talking about!!!" Hong Fu's chest rises and falls, and his lungs are about to explode.

The bearded guest was silent, and then comforted: "It's all a group of inferior people. If you are angry with them, you can't get along with yourself."


A bowl of tea was poured into his abdomen, his red eyes glared at the group, seeming to be able to spit out fire.

The atmosphere was not right, Hou Lihu didn't dare to make trouble, quickly picked up the tea cup and drank the tea obediently, and then sat there quietly.

"You said, how can there be such a scum in this world, Hong Funu colluded with outsiders to murder her husband, it's really cruel and vicious!" A wretched look appeared in the eyes of a gangster: "Hahaha, I heard people say that the Hong Fu girl is a uniquely famous device, and it must be able to make men want to die. If I can taste such a uniquely famous device, even death is worth it."

"Hahaha, it's such a blessing to be a bearded man, who is so beautiful as Hong Fu. Isn't it because you can't get out of bed day and night?"

"Let me say that it must be Li Jing who discovered the affair between the guilty bearded man and Hong Fu, and then the guilty bearded guest was afraid that the matter would be revealed, so he and the Hong Fu girl murdered Li Jing, so that such nasty things could be hidden."

As a group of people talked and talked, they began to vividly describe what happened in the bed of the squeaky bearded guest and the Hong Fu girl. From the expressions to the movements and thoughts, they are all described in detail, lifelike, and involuntary in people’s minds. Picture.

The various moves from the old man's cart to the car, becoming more and more unsightly and extremely filthy.




Each of the chopsticks pierced the air, and instantly fell into the throat of the warrior in the tea shop, and the tea shop was already lying dead.


It's damned!

"Too much deception!" Hong Funu suddenly slapped the table and stood up: "This kind of scum, kill An Xin as soon as possible."

It is rare for the guillotiner to be silent, and he can bear this group of people slandering him. But he should never say Hongfu, insulting oneself is fine, but insulting Hongfu cannot.

Glancing at the trembling shopkeeper, Hong Fu picked up the package and turned around. Seeing this, the guilty man pulled Hou Lihu up and chased Hong Fu.

Looking at the back of the three people away, the tea shop owner sighed slightly: "The tea money has not been paid yet!"

While talking, the whole tea shop was buried in the fire.

"Three sisters, don't be angry. They are just a group of idlers. I don't know the truth or falsehood. It's just that the dog can't spit out ivory and squirting swear words." With the few quacks in front of you, can it be that you can kill the entire quack? As long as we ignore it, this rumors will naturally disappear after a while."

"Hmph, I don't know that the one who killed a thousand swords actually slandered you and me behind his back. If I knew it, I would have to survive and die!" Hong Funu said through gritted teeth.

While speaking, the tiger following behind suddenly squatted on the ground, his pale face raining with sweat.

"What's the matter with you?" The bearded guy noticed something was wrong, and came to Huzi, his eyes full of concern.

"Who are you?" Huzi clutched his abdomen vigorously: "Who am I? Why am I here?"

"What's the matter with you?" Hong Fu Nuo dropped a palm on Huzi's chest, and said after observing her qi and blood for a while, "I have never found anything wrong!"

"Who are you?" Huzi's eyes were full of confusion.

"He has forgotten what happened before. I'm afraid that something has happened. Let's rush to Shaolin." There was a worrisome look in the eyes of the bearded guest.


Shaolin Temple

Bodhidharma smiled and looked at the bearded guest and Hong Fu, and took a palm from Huzi's head: "He has drunk Huangquan's Forgetfulness Water, and his past and present memories have been washed away. Even if Daluo God descends, he will not be able to return to heaven. "

"What?" The bearded man was taken aback: "How precious is the water forgotten, it is the supreme medicine, who is willing to use such a big deal on a child."

When Bodhidharma heard the words, he twisted his rosary in his hand: "There are people who have lost love in this world, one of them is the ghost world of Fengdu. The second is the one in Zhuo County. But because of a blessing in disguise, this child's soul was washed by the water of forgetfulness, but it became Good cultivator. Two people who are both practicing martial arts, how about leaving this child in my Buddhism?"

"Master has this intention, I can't wait for it!" Hong Fu quickly responded after hearing the words.


Zhang Bairen took out the sandalwood box in his hand, a piece of wood fell into the sandalwood box, and then the good fortune tactics circulated, the wood turned into a **** head.

"Go and give this head to Hou Junji!" Zhang Bairen had a cold light in his eyes: "I want Hou Junji to suffer the pain of the world and die."

Inside the jail

Hou Junji sat in the cell to refine his blood

There was a sound of footsteps, and Yuchi Jingde came to Hou Junji's body and looked at Hou Junji who was practicing with his eyes closed, not knowing what to say.

"Why are you here?" Hou Junji slowly opened his eyes.

Yuchi Jingde was silent

"Hey" Hou Junji suddenly trembled in his heart, and a touch of anxiety appeared in his eyes: "Did something happen outside?"

Yuchi Jingde was silent, and after a while, he said, "The Hou family's one hundred and thirty-six mouths, all have been slaughtered."


The mighty wind agitated Hou Junji's body, and the railings of the cell turned into powder. Hou Junji's eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes flowed murderously: "What did you say?"

Yuchi Jingde was silent and could only remain silent.

"What about your Majesty? Why does your Majesty sit and watch my Hou Family Man Sect be banished? I am loyal to your Majesty. Why doesn't your Majesty protect me?" Hou Junji looked at Yuchi Jingde with scarlet eyes.

"Your Majesty sent the Forbidden Army to guard your mansion. It is reasonable to say that it is foolproof, but Zhuojun has been cruel, and the ancestor of the assassin family actually took it personally..." Yuchi Jingde sighed helplessly.

"Tiger! Tiger!" Hou Junji burst into tears.

"I want revenge! I want to go to Zhuojun to fight him to death and death!" Hou Junji looked mad and wanted to rush out of the prison.

"Don't be fooling around. Your Majesty can't help that person. How can you be that person's opponent?" Yuchi Jingde grabbed Hou Junji:

"By the way, your grandson's body was not found, maybe he escaped a catastrophe!"

"You're telling the truth, you didn't find Huzi's body?" Hou Junji seemed to see a candle in the dark, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Perhaps, in short, the tiger's body was not found!" Yuchi Jingde let go of Hou Junji: "You are the only hope of the Hou family now. How can you go to Zhuojun to die? You are still young, and you can have a lot of children and grandchildren. Is born."

"It's not your family who was killed. Of course you can say something like that." Hou Junji clenched his fists, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes: "I want revenge. I will make that person die without a place to bury him. I will destroy it. His Zhuojun."

"If you want revenge, the first thing you do is to survive, and then work hard to practice martial arts, there will eventually be a chance for revenge in the future," Yuchi Jingde sighed.

"Besides, if the chief governor is on top, how can it embarrass a child how old?"

Hou Junji sat on the ground slowly, murderous intent in his eyes, painful colors in his eyes rolling, two lines of blood and tears slipped down: "Cui Niang, Hu Zi...I can't help you! I can't help you! I just hope to grow old God bless you, the tiger can get rid of the poisonous hand, and I will definitely eat and recite Buddha in Hou Junji..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw the cell head walking in with a sandalwood box: "General Hou, someone outside asked me to bring you a box."

"What box? Maybe it's Huzi's letter!" Hou Junji suddenly stood up, holding the box in his hand, with a hint of hope in his eyes.

"Huh?" Yuchi Jingde looked at the box, and suddenly smelled a ray of blood, his eyes showed an unpleasant color: "Brother Hou, be careful, I will open this box for you..."

Yuchi Jingde wanted to step forward to open the box, but it was too late...

Hou Junji has opened the box!

Looking at the pale, twisted human head in the box, the pain, hideousness, unwillingness, and fear before death are vivid, and the immature eyes are full of helplessness and yearning for vitality.

"Tiger!!!" Hou Junji let out a stern roar, and the sound shook the entire cell. Numerous prisoners around him were instantly shaken to death, and Qiqiao died of blood.

Looking at the head, Hou Junji seemed to be able to see through time and space the expectation, unwillingness and fear of Hu Zi before he died.

The age of flowers has fallen before they can bloom.

"Zhang Bairen!!!" Hou Junji's body energy began to skyrocket, and the hair on his head slowly turned into blood.

"What are you going to do! You are crazy! You will kill yourself if you continue like this!" Looking at Hou Junji's two blood-colored agate-like eyes, Yuchi Jingde hurriedly shouted.


Hou Junji's Heart Ape actually gave up suppressing Yi Ma, and even if Yi Ma continued to skyrocket, he actually wanted to step into the magical way at this time.

Jing Wushuang wanted to return from the devil's way and couldn't ask for it, but Hou Junji did the opposite, and wanted to give up his life.

"Only by being enchanted can I gain incomparable power and have the opportunity to kill Zhang Bairen! I can avenge the tiger. He is so young and knows nothing. Why should the grudges of adults involve the children! If not! In order to avenge the tiger, what is the use of this martial art? What is the use!" Hou Junji's eyes are full of madness, vengeance, and unwillingness: "If I can't get revenge, I will do my best."

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