First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1623: Water and Land Fa Association, the boundless Xuanzang of Buddhism

? Faced with the aggressive Zhang Bairen, can the world-zun say no?


At this time, Mahayana Buddhism and Zen are a dispute between Qi and Luck. How can the Blessed One say no?

Saying no means that you have no confidence in your own Zen. What does it mean to have no confidence in your own Zen?

It's more than anything, just give in.

The battle of masters, the battle of qi.

If the Blessed One refuses, the blow to Zen's aura will be immeasurable.

The master clashes, and you have not yet played in one place, you will fall behind, which is absolutely fatal to the victory.

"Well, if you are willing to join Mahayana Buddhism to my Zen Buddhism, is there any reason for this seat to refuse?" The Blessed One signed the contract without hesitation.

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Bairen's mouth: "Relax, let's wait and see what happens next."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen's figure had disappeared in Qing Ming, and the World Venerable turned to look at the fifth ancestor behind him: "Have you heard the bet between this seat and the governor?"

The five ancestors nodded together, and the World Venerable's voice solemnly said: "Mahayana Buddhism is nothing more than a hand placed by the general governor at will. Winning or defeat will have no effect on the general governor. But we can't, my Buddhism can only win. , Cannot be defeated!"

"Respect the decree!" The five people gave a salute, and then headed towards Chang'an City.

Buddhism and Taoism event begins

The voice of Chang'an city

At this time, Zhang Heng and others also appeared in a restaurant not far away to watch the battle, but saw that the Buddhist monks continued to have great virtues and monks on stage to teach the Fa.

Teach the law!

The first hurdle before the Dao is teaching the Fa.

Buddhism and Taoism took turns stepping up to the platform to teach the Fa.

When the teaching of the Fa is finished, then both sides will discuss the Tao.

Discussing Tao means to distinguish between superiors and defeats, and to decide whether to succeed or lose.

"Master, don't worry, Garan Temple will surely win the first prize in this water and land law meeting, conquer the world's heroes, and become the well-deserved number one on Taoism!" The eyes of a bald young monk in the audience were full of determination.

"I would like to invite all the great virtues and monks, various Taoist temples to preside over the stage to teach the Fa!" A minister of the DPRK and China presided over the Fa conference.

But when he saw Xuanzang ascending to the Dharma platform without hesitation, he looked at the great monks who were about to ascend to the Dharma platform, with a dignified look in his eyes, and then he bowed: "Everyone, go slowly!"

Xuanzang blocked all the Buddhists at the entrance

In response to everyone’s gaze, Xuanzang’s expression was indifferent and said: “You don’t want to waste time, and you don’t have to be on stage. After you take the stage, you are a loser! If you don’t accept it, just ask me to argue. As long as you can defeat me, it’s okay to step on this platform. Forgive me, everyone here is **** in my eyes."


As soon as this statement came out, all Buddhist monks and great virtues in the field were discolored, and the five Buddhist ancestors who were watching the battle were also confused, and turned to the Shaolin Temple disciple and said, "Who is this person, so arrogant."

"Return to the ancestor, this person is the abbot of Jialan Temple, Master Xuanzang." A novice monk immediately replied.

"Kalan Temple? This Xuanzang is too arrogant. Judging from his age, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old. He is so arrogant that he does not put the senior monks in his eyes!"

"I don't know who taught the madman. It's really unreasonable to call the door to watch the fun!"

The fifth ancestor's face was sullen.

At this time, the Buddhist monks all looked ugly, and one of them said humanely: "You are just a junior, dare to be so rampant?"

"Joke, there is a sequence of learning, and there are specializations in the surgery industry. How can I divide my age? Although I have only lived for more than ten years, it is more meaningful than yours for decades. "On Tao" Master Xuanzang's eyes were full of indifference.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I want to see what you have, and I dare to treat all seniors and Gao Zhen as nothing!" Seeing Xuanzang so rampant, all Gao Zhen and all were angry in their hearts, and someone started on stage. Arguing with Xuanzang.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

"Xuan Zang"

"Who is Xuanzang?"

"Xuan Zang is me."

"who am I?"

"I am Xuanzang."


For more than 30 rounds, the old monk was full of guilt. An old face was flushed to his feet, and he jumped off the platform in a salute to Xuanzang, and walked away without looking back.

I originally wanted to teach others, but they were taught a lesson. The shame in my heart can be imagined.

"I'll argue with you." Another old monk walked forward and sat opposite Xuanzang.

"Where did you come from?"

"The door is not the door, the way is not the way!"

The old monk was dumb with a word, and didn't know how to speak. Without a word, he jumped off the platform and hid his face.

I continued to argue with the two old monks. At this time, Gao Zhenju looked serious in the field, but saw a solemn old monk come forward: "The old monk argues with your Excellency one or two."

"It is actually the new abbot of the Falang Temple and the disciple of the Pure Land Bodhisattva. I didn't expect that he would also take action." Someone in the audience recognized the origin of the old monk at a glance, and suddenly exclaimed, his eyes filled with surprise. color.

"Master seems to be very famous?" Xuanzang's eyes showed a touch of surprise as he listened to the discussion under the high platform.

"No talent, the monk is the abbot of the Falang Temple. Only by relying on the name of the Pure Land Bodhisattva, he has only gained some fame," the monk said with humility.

"Who is the master?" Master Xuanzang asked again.

"Abbot of Falang Temple"

"What is Falang Temple?" Xuanzang asked again.

The abbot of Falang Temple now looked dignified and looked at Xuanzang with a pair of eyes. After a while, he looked solemn and said, "Buddha temple!"

"Who is the Buddhist temple?" Xuanzang asked again.

The abbot of the Falang Temple snorted when he heard the words: "The Temple of the Blessed One, as a spiritual practitioner, you don't even know the Blessed One."

Xuanzang smiled upon hearing this, and continued to ask: "Who are you?"

"I'm the Abbot of Falang Temple..."

The abbot of the Falang Temple wanted to say more, but he suddenly stopped moving, and then looked ashamed: "The old monk is defeated, but there is one more question. Please answer the donor."

"Are there any doubts?" Xuanzang twirled the rosary unhurriedly.

"Who are you?" The Abbot of the Falang Temple asked the same question.

"I am a Buddha, Dharma, and sentient beings" Xuanzang said unhurriedly.

The abbot of the Falang Temple was silent when he heard the words, then stood up and bowed to Xuanzang, then turned and retreated from the ring, his eyes full of shame.

"This person has a high level of Dharma comprehension, beyond imagination, and has been able to see the Buddha and all sentient beings!" The abbot of the Falang Temple was full of emotion.


The Buddha's light in the sky circulated, but saw a figure stepping on the aurora, and instantly landed on the platform: "Monk King Kong, I have seen fellow Taoists."

The visitor was actually the young monk of the King Kong Temple, and now he has grown into a young man of valor, with a calm body, like a mountain, standing still.

"I have seen fellow Daoists, the whole body of the Daoists is immortal, and they have acquired the three flavors of the Vajra, and can be called Buddha and ancestor" Xuanzang looked at the little monk with solemn eyes.

The little monk just smiled when he heard the words, and his smile was indescribably shy: "I have one Diamond Sutra, and I only repair one Diamond Sutra in my life. I wonder if your friends dare to discuss the Diamond Sutra with me?"

Use your own strength to attack the other's shortcomings!

The monks of the King Kong Temple have a single biography. The monks in the past generations only comprehend one book of the Diamond Sutra, and their understanding of the Diamond Sutra has surpassed the Buddhas of Buddhism.

There is a sequence of learning about the Tao, and a specialization in the arts.

"King Kong is immortal, what is immortality?" The young monk King Kong asked.

"It does not exist in the past, does not exist in the present, and only exists in the future is immortal!"

"Absurd! Vajra..."

The little monk King Kong and Master Xuanzang discussed the Tao for half a day, only to see that the little monk King Kong suddenly stopped, and the boundless light of the Buddha circulated around her body, turning into a rainbow light and rushing away, only the voice echoed in the city of Chang'an: "Master Xuanzang Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved, and it is incredible to use his shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths! The little monk is willing to surrender, and you and I will talk about it in the future."

As he spoke, the rainbow light disappeared between heaven and earth.

King Kong became the Dao, and actually shattered the King Kong. The martial arts cultivation base entered another world. He couldn't help but find a place to practice hard and ignore the Dao.

"The accumulation of generations of King Kong Temple is really more incredible. It has exceeded that of ordinary people thousands of times. Even if the Blessed One reincarnates for several lifetimes, he may not have the profound background of this little monk." Zhang Bairen's eyes revealed a rare touch. dignified.

I didn't think it before, but now I have a high level of cultivation, but I think the secret method of the Vajra Temple is incredible.

Zhang Bairen tapped his belt with his fingers, and turned to Xiaolong and said, "Go and check the hidden cultivation place of the little King Kong monk, then bring me an invitation and invite him to come over and describe."

"Yes!" Xiaolong led the way.

The Daoist Conference in Chang'an City continued. From day to night, Xuanzang sat on a high platform. His opponents had already reached more than 30 people, but he had never seen defeat.

The torch was burning, and the Dao meeting continued.

At this time, the onlookers Buddhism Gaozheng had a solemn gaze, and had changed from being contemptuous before to being cautious now.


This young monk is definitely a strong Over a night, over a hundred people were defeated by monk Xuanzang. At this time, Xuanzang's name has been passed down to Chang'an City.

"This kid is a bit interesting. The foundation of Buddhism is really strong. I can't do more than you." There was a hint of appreciation in the eyes of the five ancestors: "The appearance of such arrogance in Buddhism is my Zen revitalization. You and I will return to the teacher later. Lord, please master personally to collect this kid for getting started. My future Buddha of Buddhism is him."

Xuanzang's performance not only conquered the surrounding great virtues and monks, but the fifth ancestor was also moved by Xuanzang's performance at this time.

"Although the Dharma is exquisite, it has a touch of arrogance in the world, and it needs to be polished before it can achieve the right result!" The five ancestors talked a lot, and Zhang Bairen stood in the pavilion drinking lotus porridge with a smile in his eyes. "Xuan Zang has been meticulously taught Buddhism for four years by me. This kid never forgets. If he can't argue against the heroes, it will waste my pains."

"Hey, how can Master Xuanzang's appearance resemble that of Zhuojun?" Suddenly someone couldn't help but exclaimed, the words were full of shock, and the audience was agitated.

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