First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1624: 5 Ancestor Appears

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the field was in an uproar. A pair of eyes glanced at Master Xuanzang, revealing a look of shock. Looking closely at Xuanzang at this time, it was unexpectedly similar to Zhang Bairen.

"It's impossible, how could there be two people so similar in the world? Could this person be the reincarnation of the governor?" A Taoist elder exclaimed.

"Master, this person shouldn't be the governor's law body. After reincarnation, he deliberately mixed into my Buddhism." Bodhidharma looked at the World Venerable with a pair of eyes, showing a touch of disbelief.

"No, this person is the reincarnation of Zhang Baiyi, the younger brother of the governor, but it's really weird that the wisdom eye of this seat can't see his past!" The wise eyes of the Lord shone in the past, and all he saw was a mist. Obviously someone was Zhang Baiyi. Cover up the secret.

"Zhang Baiyi was my Zen Buddhism Bodhisattva before his death. It is normal to have such a high level of Dharma attainments!" The Blessed One touched the bald head on top of his head, and a look of curiosity appeared in his eyes: "It's just that the chief governor is willing to cover up for him. Heavenly secret, why not enlighten him to awaken wisdom and worship the Taoist door?

The World Honored One could not figure it out, but at the moment it seems that Zhang Bairen attaches great importance to Zhang Baiyi, not as indifferent as the world has seen.

"Zhang Baiyi reincarnated and returned to my Buddhism. Naturally, he should once again achieve a positive result. Before, I was worried about how to contain the governor. I never thought that the opportunity would come now." A smile appeared in the world's honor.

The time of speaking, the third day has passed, and a ray of morning sun has risen, and Master Xuanzang’s body is surrounded by purple air, like a legendary fairy Buddha, causing hundreds of people to kneel and worship, and incense continues to be inserted under the altar. The sky rises like a person in the mist.

"Master Xuanzang is invincible in the defense of the world, and now he has completed his merits. I should be the leader of this discussion and the first person to defend my Buddhism." Below, there is a Buddhist monk looking at the slightly immature face with awe. It is the color of awe.

Those who can come to Chang'an to discuss the Taoism are all eminent monks, great virtues and Buddhist leaders. However, hundreds of people took turns, but they were defended one by one by Master Xuanzang. It can be seen that the depth of humanity and the exquisiteness of Dharma are indeed far superior. Everyone expected.

"Dear monks, is there anyone who wants to come forward and discuss with Master Xuanzang?" The official presiding over the meeting spread throughout the field.

All Buddhist monks silently worshipped together silently!

In the darkness, all the vigorous Buddha Dao Qi rushed towards Xuanzang.

In an instant, Xuanzang seized 10% of Buddhism's vitality in the world.

The Buddha's light in the sky circulates, Bodhidharma sits on the lotus, and the golden lotus springs from the sky.

"I will wait to see the Buddha"

Seeing the coming of Bodhidharma's golden body, all the heroes all bowed together, their eyes full of fanaticism.

Xuanzang was also unavoidable, watching the coming of Bodhidharma, kneeling to the ground.

"Xuan Zang, you are exquisite in cultivation and deep in Buddhism. I won the top prize in the Buddhist conference. Today I am pardoning you as the Happy Buddha, and I will go to the Paradise of Bliss to meet the Blessed One." The gold sticker in the hands of Bodhidharma came out and manifested in front of Zhang Baiyi.

"Thanks to the Lord Buddha"

In the jealous eyes of the surrounding monks, Zhang Baiyi received the pardon, a respectful salute.

The world-zun nodded and looked at the surrounding Buddhist monks: "Get up all, the water and land law conference is about to begin the real discussion of the Tao. You must win the glory for my Buddhism, and you will never be defeated by the Taoist."

"The disciples must abide by the decree of the law!"

The world-zun looked at the old antiques of the Daomen with a pair of eyes: "Now on the fourth day, I have to distinguish another one to see whether the Buddhism Avenue is orthodox or the other side road is orthodox."

"Heh, the sidewalk! What a sidewalk!" Lu Jingxiu slowly walked down the pavilion: "I am willing to ask for advice from Buddhism and learn what Buddhism calls the ‘Great Way’."

"Buddha, why do you need the Buddha to come forward when discussing the Tao, and disciples can respond to this matter" Xuanzang bowed to Bodhidharma.

"Although you are exquisite in Buddhism, you don't know much about the meaning of the Taoist scriptures. As the saying goes, you know that you know yourselves and you won't end up in a hundred battles. All of the Taoist masters who are fighting this time are all masters of the first generation. I am afraid that you are not an opponent." The words of Master Xuanzang.

Xuanzang disagrees: "As the saying goes, one method is universal, and no one in the world can compare the disciples to study Buddhism. Although there are different ways to come to Buddhism, there are different ways to come to Buddhism, but the world's thousands of roads all lead to the same goal. Down the disciple."

After he finished speaking, Bodhidharma didn't wait for Bodhidharma to respond, and he sat cross-legged on the platform: "After the students came to Xuanzang at the end of the school, I want to ask for the clever tricks of the seniors of Taoism."

The failure of the discussion conference will inevitably leave a shadow in the heart, but if it wins, it is also a good opportunity.

A good opportunity to thoroughly integrate Buddhism and Taoism.

A voice rang out in the dark, and he must discuss the Fa with the Dao Sect, and then defeat them one by one before he can reach the ultimate level.

Seeing Zhang Baiyi sitting down directly, Bodhidharma frowned, but he couldn't say anything.

Zhang Baiyi was pardoned and named as the Great Happy Buddha of Buddhism. In theory, his status is equal to that of Dharma, and Dharma cannot control the other party.

And even if it is called Xuanzang's Daoism, how can it be?

When Xuanzang lost, it was not too late to wait for others to take the stage.

The Buddhist monks below, even though their hearts are like a bright moon in the ancient well, but at this time, seeing Master Xuanzang with such arrogance, fighting against the Taoist masters of the world, at this time, they couldn't help but rush.

"Okay! You have defeated the Buddhist monks in the world. Although you have never proved to be a Yang God, you are still qualified to discuss the Tao with me." Lu Jingxiu fell directly opposite Xuanzang, and his whole body rose up into the sky, evolving behind his head. Various visions shrouded Xuanzang towards Xuanzang.


Xuanzang folded his hands together, and Buddha's light flowed behind his head. However, he saw countless Buddhist scriptures that were intended to evolve into various visions behind his head. There were Buddhism pure land circulation, monks chanting scriptures, Buddha preaching, Arhat vomiting demons, and Buddha speaking.

The collision of the two parties' visions does not carry any magical powers of Taoism, but simply the evolution of Taoism.

It's just that compared with the previous Buddhist teachings, it's a level higher. Many profound meanings can't be expressed in words, and the evolution of Buddhism is just right.

The contact of the vision is the most essential rebuttal and collision of Buddhism and Taoism, and the victory or defeat is only a moment.

How fast do people think?

The outside world only took three or five breaths, and the conflict between the two people's thoughts seemed to have passed ten days and a half.

Suddenly he saw Lu Jingxiu calm down, and stared at Xuanzang who was in a state of intoxication and enlightenment with blank eyes. His eyes were full of disbelief: "I lost! I actually lost!"

"What's so weird about losing. This kid has integrated the Buddhist scriptures, and combined with the previous theory, it has combined all the profound meanings into one furnace. This kid's Dharma will only become more and more powerful. Although the Dharma and cultivation It is related to the realm, but the refutation of Scripture is based on the classics of the predecessors. Now, even if this kid is not the World-Venerable by the Scriptures, he is still half the World-Venerable." Zhang Heng patted Lu Jingxiu on the shoulder and looked at the table with surprise Xuanzang on the top.

"Actually, I am curious. Xuanzang actually mastered the Hinayana Buddhism. Who is his master? Those who can teach such apprentices, Buddhism can not produce ten people!" Zhang Heng's eyes were full of doubt.

"It seems something is not quite right!" The World Venerable suddenly felt in his heart, and turned to the fifth ancestor behind him: "Don't delay the time, make a quick decision."

"Yes" the five ancestors nodded together.

Water and Land Law Society

Zhang Heng slapped Lu Jingxiu on the shoulder and was saying some comforting words. Suddenly, he saw the light of the Buddha in the sky, and the five Shaolin ancestors came together:

"Hui can see fellow daoists!"

"Seng Can has seen you fellow Taoists!"

"Dao Xin has seen fellow Taoists!"

"Hongren has seen you fellow Taoists!"

"Huineng has met you fellow Taoists!"

"Five ancestors of Buddhism!" Looking at the five figures of Buddha's light, Zhang Heng couldn't help but change color.

The Five Shaolin Patriarchs, as long as they are in the world of spiritual practice, will never fail to hear the reputation of the Shaolin Five Patriarchs.

The cultivation of the five ancestors of Shaolin is unfathomable. They are the masters of Buddhism in all dynasties. They are all the arrogant figures who suppressed the Taoist era. At this time, seeing the five ancestors come together, how can they not change their color?

Buddhism flourishes, Taoism declines. Daomen prosper, Buddhism declines.

This is the unchanging law between Buddhism and Taoism. The five ancestors of Buddhism are the masters of ZTE who suppressed the world for an era, so that Taoism had to evade the mountains and the supreme power of the old forest.

Regardless of Buddhism, even the cultivation level is excellent.

"World Lord, for a water and land law meeting, you are really willing to let the fifth ancestor escape from reincarnation. You are really brave! I don't know if you say you are heroic, or you are good at doing things!" Zhang Heng shook his head.

The Blessed One was silent, but he sneered in his heart: "Jingrui is within a hundred years, my Buddhism must maintain a hundred years of great prosperity, and there are also Mahayana Buddhism coming aggressively, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

As long as Buddhism flourishes and Jingrui descends, Xianji must have its own share.

"Dear friends, don't say more, let's start talking about the Tao!" Hui Ke said with a smile.

"No matter how many fellow daoists give out, I will continue. It is our five masters and apprentices and masters who will fight." Hongren clamored for the Buddha's name.

"Good spirit! Good spirit!"

Zhang Heng just kept saying Not far away, all the high-tech players all changed their colors. He never thought that the Buddhist handwriting was so big, so he directly invited the five ancestors of the reincarnation.

The Dao Sect people don't know the importance of this discussion, but... now even if Zhang Heng wants to summon the Dao Sect's background from reincarnation, it is too late.

"The world-honored servant is worthy of being an old treacherous and cunning person who can take root out of nothing in the middle-earth, and he paid such a big price!" Zhang Heng's face gradually became pale, and he turned to look at the noble masters of Dao Sect: "Dear friends, who would be willing to replace me Daomen against?"

The street was silent, and the Taoists were truly silent. This time I was caught off guard by Buddhism. It would be no good if the Taoists won.

If you lose, then you are the sinners of the Dao Sect!

Shocking Rui is coming, it is about Dao Sect's future plan, this discussion on Dao is not a joke, and there is no room for sloppy.

Who will come?

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