First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1625: Daomen lost!

The Taoist Conference is not a joke. The five ancestors of Zen will never be inferior to Bodhidharma. They are all geniuses who have dominated an era. It can be said that if it weren’t for Zhang Bairen’s innate divine womb, "Sanyang Zhengfa", etc. The method is definitely not as good as the five ancestors of Zen.

There is no tree in Bodhi, and the mirror is not a platform.

Zhang Bairen can never reach such an artistic conception!

The cultivation of the fifth ancestor is unpredictable, and no one knows how far the cultivation of the fifth ancestor has reached after so many years of hard cultivation in samsara.

At least it is Yang Shen, or Da Luo fruit status.

The discussion on the Tao this time is about the rise and fall of Buddhism and Taoism within a hundred years. The winner can prosper, and it will be immortal when the shock comes.


The loser's situation is slim, and I am afraid that there will be no good life in the future.

"Could you be afraid of waiting? Do you want me to bully the small?" Zhang Heng's face was not good.

"Since the five of them have joined forces, why don't I wait to join forces instead of discussing the truth?" Deng Yin's eyes were full of solemnity.

Everyone will be on stage together, and no matter whether you win or lose, you can't blame yourself, and you can't bear this pot alone.

"Well, this is reasonable. Since it's an argument, of course everyone has a share!"

The Sanfu boy clapped his palms, pulling up the ancestor Lingbao and Deng Yin and others to board the altar together.

"It's a pity!" The ancestor of Lingbao sighed.

Yin Gui and other Daomen powerhouses did not come, and the Louguan faction was separated from Daomen because of Yin Xi’s tomb.

Moreover, Yin Gui has more Buddhist diamonds, taking a big advantage, naturally there is no reason to wade in the muddy water.

The five ancestors of the Buddhism are counted as Master Xuanzang, there are six people in total, and the Taoist camp is overwhelmingly connected. There are more than 30 Taoists on the stage, and the figures of the law are revealed behind them, and the morals continue to evolve.

"What a profound background, there are more than thirty real Yang Gods casually. When can I reach the Buddhist school with such a background?" The World Venerable looked at Chang'an City with a pair of eyes, without sadness or joy, and without the slightest complacency.

Moreover, these thirty-odd ancestors are just a dharmakaya resident in the world. The true body is still cultivating in samsara. The Dao Sect has occupied the middle earth for thousands of years, and its background is deep and deep. The Buddhist Sect has been plundered many times.

The birth of a person like the five ancestors in Buddhism is the joint effort of all generations.

In the practice, the cultivation of the Yang Shen has already escaped from the cycle of life and death, which is regarded as transcending part of the laws of heaven and earth, and has become enlightened. There is no longer a way forward, and Yangshen is already at its best. As for Da Luo, it's just a kind of fruit status and mystery in the realm of Yang God.

It can be understood that the state of Yangshen is like a bachelor's degree certificate, and that Da Luo is a vocational certificate, a certificate of grade four or six, etc., but it is just a kind of university study.

The same goes for Da Luo, but it's just a kind of mystery in the realm of Yang God, but this kind of mystery is difficult to understand, like a certificate for examination, few people can pass the examination. Those who have passed the exam are definitely better than those who have not. But when it comes to starting points, everyone is still on the same level.

The blue light vision of the Dao Sect rises into the sky mightily and occupies the entire arena. The Buddha's light of the five ancestors is intertwined, only occupying a corner, but it does not rush, does not increase, does not decrease.

Both parties began to discuss the Tao and the Fa, constantly interpreting various sutras and meanings with visions. For a time, the Buddha's light in the sky was vast and endless.

"Capital Governor, who do you say wins and who loses?" Yuan Tiangang looked at the ring with a pair of eyes. Although the Dao Sect was so powerful, Yuan Tiangang couldn't help but feel anxious in his heart.

That was the five Buddhist ancestors who were born with the aura of Buddhism and suppressed the arrogance of an era. Who would dare to speak out?

"The Dao Sect has no chance of winning." Zhang Bairen shook his head: "If you join in with the fate, Dao Sect may have a chance to come back."

"The governor laughed, the old way is the person under the governor's seat, how can they be mixed with the Taoist door!" Yuan Tiangang smiled.

"If you lose, you will lose. It's only the Six Sects of the Heavenly Palace who have lost. Many of our Taoist masters either subtly cultivate or fight in the Yinsi. If they lose, it would be strange!" Zhang Bairen twisted a chess piece disapprovingly: "If Buddhism does not grow, how will I implement my next plan? Buddhism is Tao! Buddhism is Tao! The governor will take the opportunity to copy Buddhism's lair."

The Buddha's light was flowing in the sky, Zhang Bairen looked into the distance with his eyes, tapping the chessboard with his fingers: "It's your turn!"

"Oh oh oh!" Yuan Tiangang quickly retracted his gaze and looked at the chessboard in front of him.

On the ring

The blue light and the Buddha light are mixed into one, and the two are constantly clashing at this time, but people with a discerning eye can see that the blue light of the Taoist door is constantly retreating, being squeezed by the golden light of the Buddhist door.

"It's not good!" Zhang Heng watched the battle, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

"Haha, if your Excellency is not afraid of others saying that the big is bullying the small, I would not stop fellow daoists to help out." Dharma looked at Zhang Heng with a smile.

Zhang Heng's movements became stiff, but he had this thought, but he was squeezed by Bodhidharma, and in any case could not hold back his face to bully the small.

Chang'an City

Li Shimin stood in front of the Taiji Hall with his hands on his shoulders, and looked at the Buddha's light and Daomen's blue light rising into the sky from a distance, with a dignified look in his eyes: "Aiqing, who do you think wins?"

"Your Majesty, the five ancestors of the Zen Buddhism did not prepare beforehand. The Dao Sect is defeated this time!" Wei Zhengdao.

"But I see that the blue light is like the sky and the tsunami, and the Buddhism is like a candle in the wind. Why is it that you are defeated?" Li Shimin's face was full of puzzlement.

"Your Majesty does not know that although the azure light is mighty, but its successor is weak. Although the Buddha's light is shaky, but it has full stamina. At this time, although the Buddha's light is declining, it is constantly growing at an unwavering speed, swallowing the azure light of the Taoist door. In the middle of the night, the clues must be visible!" Fang Xuanling explained.

Li Shimin's face was uncertain when he heard the words, and after a while, he said, "In fact, I hope that Dao Sect will win."


All the officials behind Li Shimin were all surprised, their eyes filled with sorrow. Isn’t the emperor and Buddhism in a pot of urine like glue? How do you hope that Dao Sect will win?

"The minister is puzzled!" Du Ruhui said.

"If Buddhism wins, it's nothing more than making wedding dresses for others!" Li Shimin slowly turned around and walked into the hall with a sense of excitement: "I don't understand, where Zhang Bairen's confidence comes from, and he has such confidence in Mahayana Buddhism. Think Mahayana Buddhism will win?"

Of course, this sentence is Li Shimin muttered in his heart, but he dared not say it.

If Zhang Bairen was asked to suppress Buddhism, Li Tang's life would be tough again in the future.

"Heaven descends from the evildoer, what can I do?" Li Shimin slowly closed his eyes, and then said after a while: "Ji Shengyu, how bright is it! What a pity!"


Leiyin Temple

Not bad

Leiyin Temple

Guan Zizao established Leiyin Temple, standing on the dragon veins of Tianzhu, suppressing the aura of the whole Tianzhu.

The clouds rolled in the void, and the eyes of the Buddha were suddenly opened in the main hall. A pair of eyes looked at Guan Zi-zai who was sitting on the side. After the two looked at each other, they saw Guan Zi-zai with a smile and said: "The time is right, I am majestic. The day of Buddhism is here!"

"I have to trouble the Venerable to walk around in person, meet the Mahayana Buddhism, the water and land law will meet but the cause and effect" The Buddha said with a smile.

Guan Zi nodded his head, chuckled and disappeared into blue smoke.

Middle Earth

Zhang Bairen and Guan Zizai were playing chess, and the void was distorted, the fragrance of sandalwood came, and Guan Zizai dressed in white slowly appeared on the top of the hill.

"How are you preparing?" Zhang Bairen said without raising his head.

"The Governor is sure to defeat the World Honored One?" Guan Zi looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen nodded, knowing that he had failed. No one in this world dared to say that he could defeat the Blessed One with absolute certainty, not even Zhang Bairen.

"The Seven Treasures of the World-Honored One has not yet condensed, so naturally it is not my opponent. When the Seven Treasures of the Miao Tree condenses, I'm afraid I can't help him" Zhang Bairen smiled.

He also said that the Seven Treasures of the World-Honored One is not yet fully consolidated at this time, and of course it can be overcome.

"I don't know whether to say something!" Guan Zizai hesitated.

"what's up?"

Zhang Bairen raised his head and looked at Guan Zizai.

"Why don't the governor use a thunderous method to punish Bodhidharma and the Blessed One, even if it is alright, there are hidden dangers!" Guan Zi was puzzled in his eyes.

Zhang Bairen was silent for a while and put down his chess pieces: "Don't say whether I can kill the Blessed One, even if I kill the Blessed One, I will inevitably suffer severe damage. When the time comes, countless troubles will follow, and many people want to take my life. The most important thing is that the Lord is also a human race!"

The Blessed One is also a human race, and one sentence sums up everything.

Zhang Bairen beheaded the World Zun without his hands, just like a Buddhist master would not behead Zhang Bairen.

"Is the Yinsi situation that serious?" Guan Zizai frowned.

"Originally, a yin division alone is not a cause for concern. I can suppress it only after my magical power is achieved. However, the Kyushu barrier is loosened, and the two are in one place, which is a great trouble!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were blazing with the sun: "Since you have condensed two dharma bodies, the situation in Middle-earth must not be hidden from you."

" it is indeed the case. I feel the murderous and malicious in the dark." Guan Zizai frowned: "This is the reason why you are raising tigers?"

"They are the greatest enemy of my human race!" Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes: "I'm afraid that before Jingrui arrives, the Kyushu enchantment will be broken first. It is hard to say who the immortal machine of Jingrui belongs to. "

Why did Zhang Bairen pretend to be hit hard?

It's not for the purpose of submerging and practicing hard to avoid some troublesome things.

Under the catastrophe, today's enmity is trivial and irrelevant.

"Well, just listen to you, your cultivation base is higher than me, and you see farther than me..." Guan Zi said with a smile.

As he was talking, a masterpiece of Buddha's light suddenly appeared in Chang'an City, and it swept away the blue light of the gate in an instant, and in a blink of an eye it occupied most of the country with the momentum of thunder.

"Lost! Daomen lose! It's up to you to play!" Zhang Bairen looked at Guan Zizai with a pair of eyes: "Whether we can become immortals in this world depends on this."

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