First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1632: opportunity

I'm here, I'm leaving; I wave my sleeves, not to take away a cloud!

Looking at the weathered oil cake in the burlap linen on the ground, a gust of wind passed by, and the oil cake turned into powder and dissipated in the wind.

Picking up that piece of linen cloth, two rows of crystal tears in Zhang Bairen's eyes slipped down, as if he understood something, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

Let’s say that Guan Zizai left the reception and said goodbye to all the real people in the Taoist gate. The real people wanted to go to Chang'an to attend Li Shimin’s wedding. Guan Zizai was too lazy to join in the fun. After separating from the others, he left the middle land realm and was about to go back. But seeing the Buddha's light suddenly bloom in front of him, a figure stood in front of him.

"Blessed One, why block my way?" Guan Zi looked at the Blessed One in front of him with a pair of eyes, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Originally, the Blessed One had sent the Five Ancestors to plunder Guan Zizai back, but who would have thought that Li Shimin would take the initiative to go to the door to cooperate, causing him to disrupt the previous plan, and directly took the Guan Zizai with lightning speed.

"Your Excellency is going to Shaolin Temple to discuss the merger of Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism. Your Dharma is exquisite, and you are about to discuss the Tao with you, so as to take the opportunity to promote each other's Taoism." .

"Oh? You have the kindness of your Excellency, but I don't have time for the time being, let's talk about it another day!" After speaking without waiting for Zhang Bairen's response, Guan Zizai wanted to bypass the world-zun and leave.

"Amitabha Buddha, the monk has practiced a magical power in the palm of the world, please appreciate it!" I saw the Blessed One's hands clasped together, pinched a seal, and then transformed into an infinite universe with his left hand, engulfing the mighty power, blocking a space and time Xiangguan came from repression freely.

"Hiding? Or not?" Looking at the suppressed palm, Guan Zi showed contemplation in his eyes. The two dharmakayas of his own are fundamental, and they shouldn't appear accidentally. The reason why the Blessed One made the move was anxious to force his two dharma bodies out, and then took the opportunity to break his own dharma bodies and severely inflicted his own foundation.

"The chief governor will find you!" Guan Zi looked at the world-zun with a pair of eyes, without fear in his eyes, he had already cut off in an instant.

The world was turned upside down, and Guan Zizai was pressed into the world in his palm. The Blessed One laughed: "What if I can come to the door? I have broken the secret, even if the governor has no evidence that I did it!"

While talking, the Blessed One pushed his palm, and instantly turned into a five-element mountain, suppressing Guan Zizhen under the mountain.

"Capital Governor, it's not good..." Zuo Qiu Wuji couldn't help but walked forward.

"The sky can't fall, what major event happened?" Zhang Bairen asked back.

"The governor went to Chang'an City to participate in the marriage of the emperor, and Guan Zi disappeared!" Zuo Qiu wuji said.

"What?" Zhang Bairen felt a spirit in his heart. Now is the critical moment of the east transmission of Mahayana Buddhism. How can there be an accident?

"Really?" Zhang Bairen said.

Zuo Qiu Wuji smiled bitterly, how dare he joking about such things?

"It's okay, Guan Zi has my magic seed in his body, and I will know the truth after I feel it!" Zhang Bairen felt the magic seed while thinking, and immediately said with a cold color: "I know, the Lord must want to be careful. But I never thought that he would actually make a move personally to bully the small!"

Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Wait for me to take a walk."

Chang'an City

Li Shimin’s wedding banquet disappeared hastily, Buddha and Taoist figures left Chang’an City one after another, and said that the fifth ancestor of Zen had walked out of Xuanwumen, Daoxin scratched his head: “We’re not acting upright this time.”

"For my Buddhism plan, I can't care so much!" Hongren shook his head: "I have accumulated Zen for thousands of years. How can I be destroyed?"

"Yes! Yes! I have accumulated Zen Buddhism for thousands of years. Don't break my plan just because you and I can't bear it for a while!"

"Let's return to Songshan quickly, I'm afraid that the general governor will react later, if we turn around to blame, we are not easy to answer!"

The fifth ancestor, look at me and I look at you, turning into a streamer and heading towards Mount Song.

Less than ten miles away, I heard a beating: "Five mages, where do you want to go?"

The five turned their heads together, looking at Zhang Bairen's faceless face, they all couldn't help their hearts beating, and then they turned away into golden light without saying a word.

"Where to go? When we meet this seat, we are destined. Why don't the five sit down and have a drink with me? How about? There is one more thing I want to ask the five mages!"

The sky was full of petals flying, and time seemed to go back in time. The five monks reversed their bodies, and Zhang Bairen's palms were stretched out. Before the five ancestors came back, they had fallen into Zhang Bairen's palm.

The means of reversing time are too sensational, and the Five Patriarchs have never experienced it, so naturally they can't stand guard.

"Captain, why should you embarrass the five of us" Daoxin said helplessly.

"Do the five mages feel heartbroken after seeing the shape of the governor?" Zhang Bairen looked down at the world in his palm.

With the blessing of divinity, the fifth ancestor can't fly out of his own world. It can be said that Zhang Bairen's world is more powerful than the world of the Blessed One, and closer to the real world.

"When I don't do bad things on weekdays, why do I feel bad when I see the governor?" Seng Can said in a hurry.

"Then why are you running when you see me turn around?" Zhang Bairen had a cold look in his eyes.

"This..." The fifth ancestor, look at me and I look at you, and no one can say anything against your heart. So at this time, he just kept silent, and the old **** no longer meditated.

"Pa" Zhang Bairen closed his palm, trapping the fifth ancestor, and then looked ugly in the direction of Shaolin Temple: "The Lord is really a good calculation. Chang'an City is blinded by the secrets. According to the truth, I really can't hold his painful foot. But. He just didn't know that there is my magic seed in Guan Zizai, it is really not as good as the sky."

While talking, Zhang Bairen stepped towards Mount Song.

"Don't come to the Governor to be safe, you actually have time to come to my Songshan as a guest." The World Venerable looked at Zhang Bairen, who was expressionless, and suddenly he felt a thud in his heart, and a bad feeling arose.

"It's okay, just idle and bored, just look for your next chess game" Zhang Bairen didn't rush, as if nothing happened, waved a chessboard, and then looked at the world with his eyes and twisted a chess piece, no He took care of himself and fell down.

"You are very scary in this way. What is the matter? Hurry up and speak!" The Lord was motionless, staring at Zhang Bairen.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked at World Zun with a pair of eyes: "It's just the next game of chess! That's it!"

"Really a game of chess?" The Lord said uncertainly.

Zhang Bairen didn't answer, but just signaled the World Zun to settle down.

In this round, from three poles in the sun to the setting sun, he saw Bodhidharma hurriedly catching up to the mountain. When he saw the two players playing chess, a hesitation appeared in his eyes.

"Anything in a hurry?" said the Lord.

Bodhidharma lowered his head, transmitting the sound secretly.

"What? What did you say? The Fifth Patriarch is gone?" The World Zun stopped his movements: "Could it be that the Fifth Patriarch was delayed outside of something?"

Seeing that the Blessed One did not shy away from Zhang Bairen, Bodhidharma also spoke: "The disciple and the fifth ancestor have agreed to enter the pure land to teach the Fa tonight. The altar and believers in the pure land have all gathered, and the fifth ancestor definitely has no reason to break the appointment."

As soon as the words came out, the Blessed One frowned and closed his eyes to show his wisdom, but he was dimly missing the slightest secret.

"Something went wrong!" Seeing the empty secret, the world-honored **** made a sound.

It stands to reason that the cultivation base of the Fifth Patriarch cannot shield the World Venerable's induction, but now the Fifth Patriarch has blinded the World Venerable's induction.

"Under the world, those who can capture the five ancestors, I am afraid that only the general governor will be the governor." The world-zun stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes. Before, he was curious why Zhang Bairen suddenly ran here to play chess. He was waiting for him here.

Zhang Bairen tapped the chess piece with his fingers and said without raising his head: "That's a coincidence. Guan Zizai was gone before. I thought it was your Lord who sealed it under Wuzhi Mountain. Is it possible that you are a thief calling for a thief in Zen?"

Hearing Zhang Bairen's words about Wuzhishan, the World-Honored One suddenly felt: "How did he know that I suppressed Guan Zishan on Wuzhishan?"

"It seems that there is a mysterious force behind the Buddhism that cannot see the growth of Buddhism. It wants to destroy the combination of Mahayana Buddhism and Xiaocheng Buddhism behind it." Zhang Bairen looked at the world-zun meaningfully: "This person has really exhausted his thoughts, really. Vicious and The world-honor is hard to say, and he doesn't know what to say at this time.

"Why don't we find an auspicious day, how about the Mahayana Buddhism and Xiaocheng Buddhism completely unite?" Zhang Bairen looked at the World Venerable with a weird smile: "The Mahayana Buddhism can be free, because Tianzhu still attracts the Buddha. But Zen cannot live without the Five Patriarchs. The Five Patriarchs correspond to the gold, wood, water, fire, and earth between the heaven and the earth, and the power of the five virtues between the heaven and the earth suppresses the aura of Buddhism."

The World Honored One smiled awkwardly when he heard the words: "It is very, very, very good, how about a month later?"

Zhang Bairen smiled without saying a word, his eyes looked at the palm of the world-zun, and he pointed out that it pierced the layers of void: "Keep your eyes at ease, don't want to joke with the world-zun, come out quickly."

The Blessed One's complexion changed wildly, and it was really uncomfortable to be caught face-to-face like this.

"The governor is joking, where can I have a sense of freedom..." The World Honored himself retorted, trying to suppress the universe in his own palm.

Just at this moment, the Buddha's light in the world flowed in the palm of the Blessed One, and the Five Elements Mountain was smelted by the Buddha's light, and then the Buddha was led to use Zhang Bairen's finger to break away from the Five Elements Mountain of the Blessed One.

"Thank you, the Governor, but I made a joke with the Buddha. Both sides are going to talk here, but the Governor of Labor is worried." Guan Zizai smiled and looked at the Lord.

When he was alone, he didn't dare to use the power of the Law Bodies, but Zhang Bairen was on the side to help himself with the formation, just taking the opportunity to escape.

"Yes! Yes! I'm just making a joke with fellow Taoist Guan Zizai, the governor is too worried!" The World-Venerable smiled awkwardly, and had to follow Guan Zizai's words.

"Then it's a deal. One month later, Buddhism will become one," Zhang Bairen stood up and said.

ps: The leader is even two. For "the gentleman of the wind will add more."

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