First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1634: Ferry sharpening sword

At this time, Shebi Shi and Jumang also had to sigh with emotion. How can Ji Shengyu be born?

What does it feel like to be untimely?

Although the demon gods are broken bodies and broken souls, they have the same ability to compete with the most powerful ones, and even suppress the most powerful ones.

However, the peerless strong man who has not been born in the world for five thousand years has been met by everyone today.

Since Emperor Xuanyuan cut Chiyou for more than 5,000 years, Human Race has given birth to countless arrogances and heroes, but people like Zhang Bairen are unprecedented and the first person in the ages.

The demons couldn't sigh even if they were so overwhelmed, their eyes were full of helplessness.

Without Zhang Bairen, where things would have been so troublesome, the demon gods would definitely not have any scruples, directly tore through the channels of Yin and Yang, broke through the ghost gates and attracted the supreme power of the underworld to come, and then swept the world and waited. Shocking came.

The monks need Jingrui, and the devil naturally needs Jingrui to increase his origin.

The underworld has a profound background, and it's not that the human race has never had immortals, but so what? The underworld does not still exist well.

Even if an immortal is born, there is nothing to do with the netherworld.

But what the fairy cannot do does not mean that Zhang Bairen cannot do it.


Zhang Bairen looked at the scroll in his hand, with a pensive expression in his eyes.

"This picture is the divine tool of Empress Nuwa. It contains infinite mystery and the secret of becoming a fairy, but I have an intuition that this picture must never be opened, as if a terrifying existence is sealed in this picture." Zhang Bairen said The art of creation has been enlightened to an extremely delicate state, but it is still a little worse to open it.

"Opportunity! There is an opportunity missing in the dark. Such great magical powers have a few days to leave the treasures, and the time is not so difficult to open." Zhang Bairen slowly put away the picture of Empress Nuwa, and then slowly Standing up, a pair of eyes scanned the village below the mountain, and after a while, he said: "There are grievances and complaints, and the time has come for revenge."

It is indeed time for revenge.

Xiangshui Ferry

I don't know when there was a fisherman in a sling suit. The fishing rod in front of him was shaking slightly in the wind. A small boat floated slowly on the river, and the sound of sharpening swords slowly came.

Yes, it is indeed floating! Even if Xiangshui is frozen!

Nowadays, the weather is extremely cold and Xiangshui is frozen. Those fishermen and salt owls who depend on Xiangshui for food are hiding at home for the winter. No one will have trouble with the world. Such cold weather has frozen Xiangshui, so everyone should go to rest.

Therefore, the entire Xiangshui River is empty and there are no people. Sometimes a few fishermen and tourists ride on the ice to pass through the Xiangshui River, but they only glanced at the man in the wind in a strange way. Hearing the sound of sharpening the sword, I only felt a moment in my heart. Weird, I dare not say much to leave here quickly.

The violent wind rolled up, and I don't know when the thick mist rolled up on the surface of the river, covering a radius of tens of miles.


A hustle and bustle came

A team of officials' chariots and horses pressed the prisoners slowly, and bursts of laughter came from the officials.

"Tou, why did you think that there was such a big fog? This cold winter, it was usually foggy, but I rarely encountered it," a man with the appearance of a small head whispered.

The leader had a pair of eyes to look at the thick fog on the river in the distance, and he couldn't help but frown. The heavy fog in the twelfth lunar month was indeed extremely abnormal.

It is not surprising that there is fog in the cold winter, but it is strange that it is already noon at this time, and no matter how heavy the fog is, it should disappear.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. We have a heavy responsibility on this trip. Don't miss the slightest." The leader rode his horse and turned to the front of the prison wagon. Inside the railing was a **** man with a disheveled hair that couldn't be seen.

"My lord, there is such a big fog in front of me, I am afraid it is not normal, do you think we need to avoid it?" The leader said respectfully.

The prisoner in the carriage was silent when he heard the words, then looked at the misty Xiangshui River, and then at the big sun in the sky. After a while, he said: "If something is abnormal, it must be a demon. Either the people in the rivers and lakes fight the law or this person. It came for me."

"Huh?" The leader couldn't help shaking when he heard the words: "If the fighting is okay, if it is directed at an adult, I am afraid that it is only Zhuojun... who can't move forward. Let's go back and make a perfect solution. It's never too late to leave."

While talking, the leader turned around and said, "Stop!"

"Wait!" The figure in the carriage shouted to the leader, only to hear the man lowered his head and said: "It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided. I can avoid it for the first time, so can I keep hiding? Waiting for the strong, the mountains and rivers are only in an instant, where can I hide?"

"What do you mean, your lord?" the leader asked in surprise.

"Let’s go ahead and see, good fortune or misfortune, it’s always going to be a walk and a rush!" The figure in the prison car smiled coldly: "I have swallowed the blood of God now, even if anyone in Zhuojun wants to kill Me, it's impossible."

The carriage wheel quickly approached the ferry crossing on the Xiangshui River. There was a terrifying sound of sharpening knives in the fog, and the leader couldn't help being flustered: "My lord, let's go back. I'm afraid this place is ominous. Let's wait for the fog to dissipate. How about going again?"

"Don't be long-winded, this general has his own opinion in his heart." The man in the carriage scolded, and the guard leader had no choice but to continue giving orders.

Although this man has now become a prisoner of the ranks because of rebellion and rebellion, his identity, status, and connections are by no means comparable to him, and he cannot be offended at all.

Moreover, the incidents in the North Korea were very strange. Although the little leader was not clear in his heart, he also knew a little bit and heard some wind.

The carriage continued, and soon arrived at the ferry, even the blind man saw the figure in the cold wind wearing a fur coat.

The sound of the sharpening of the knife seemed to have a strange magical power that made people have to stop. The leader looked tense and serious, and stepped forward respectfully: "I am waiting for the imperial court to **** the prisoners to southern Hunan. I don't know who your Excellency is. Please clear the way."

While talking, someone behind the leader came forward with a tray: "This is buying road money, please also..."


A long sigh sounded, listening to the familiar voice, the figure in the carriage suddenly raised its head, blood flowed around his body, his eyes were red and gritted his teeth: "Zhang Bairen!"

"There are so many places in the world, Li Tang Jiangshan is so big, where is it bad for you to go, why do you want to go to a remote place like southern Hunan" Zhang Bairen still grinds his sword in his hands unhurriedly: "Li Shimin's calculation is not bad, Luoyang, Wagang is under my nose and each has its own master. Whether it is Zhai Rang or Wang Ren, Li Tang will never be given any opportunity."

"Only in Shonan, the subjectively and freely of Shonan go to the West Tianzhu to enlighten the Tao and find the opportunity to enlighten. Shonan has no ownership at this time, but it is a good time to take the opportunity to subdue Shonan." Zhang Bairen slowly stopped his movements, and the water of Hunan melted. It was poured on the sword, and washed away the debris of the whetstone: "Mahayana Buddhism is related to the grand plan of this seat, and this seat will never allow anyone to destroy it. You should never, should not accept it. If you drag an innocent child into the water, you have done the wrong thing yourself, and you have to bear the consequences. In order to extinction, I will send you on the road today."

"You wait to retreat, and go to the other side to wait for me!" Hou Junji in the prison car looked at the guards around him.

The guards had long been trembling, and most of Zhang Bairen's affairs were supervised, and not everyone was qualified to get in.

Even if they are qualified, not everyone has the courage to get in.

Without saying anything, the guards quickly left the carriage and hurriedly went to the opposite side of Xiangshui, waiting for news from Hou Junji.

"You want to kill me, but you don't know that I want to kill you too. The Hou family has 137 lives and is about to avenge it!" Hou Junji's whole body was twisted, and the prison car was shattered by the twisted gas.

"If you don't count on Chengqian's head, how will your whole family be robbed? Speaking of all this is your own cause! You can count this seat, but you can never count the people around you!" Zhang Bairen slowly turned Passed, the long sword in his hand was hidden by the sleeve, and it was submerged in the clothes: "So, you **** it!"

"You are not a human being, the tiger is so young, and you have to be cruel." Hou Junji's whole body was impetuous, and his blood began to run away.

"In a demon?" Zhang Bairen looked at Hou Junji in front of him for a moment, then sneered: "What about being in a demon? Is your strength comparable to Jing Wushuang?"

"My strength is indeed not as good as Jing but you are not Zhang Bairen who overwhelmed the world! You were hit hard by the gods, and Daoji was destroyed by the Dragon Qi of the emperor. How many points did you have in the past?" Hou Junji is not afraid of Zhang Bairen: "If you were still at the peak of the year, I would naturally be afraid of you three points, but now how much of your combat power do you have back then?"

Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words, and was silent for a long time before saying, "Is this your support?"

My performance in this play was too successful, I have become a master acting, Hou Junji is destined to be killed by myself.

"Don't say killing you, self-preservation is enough!" Hou Junji said confidently.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent and looked at Hou Junji with a pair of eyes. After a while, he said: "You know, that little guy named Huzi, I like it very much! His character is very similar to you. He would rather die than surrender, even if I cut it off. The moment he had his head, those eyes were still staring at me..."

"Beast!" Hou Junji rolled up the sonic boom, the liquid air circulated, and suddenly punched Zhang Bairen in the chest.

"And your favorite little concubine named Cuiyun? It's a pity, but without the determination of your grandson, he took the initiative to take off his clothes and climb on my bed!" Zhang Bairen's words were full of weird tones: "That The skin is as soft as satin, and the figure is bumpy. You old thing are really beautiful!"


With one blow, Hou Junji was smashed into the air and fell into the water of Xiangshui in the distance: "By the way, the child named Wanhua was pregnant with your child, but unfortunately he was still dead before he was born and was kicked by me. Kicked to death on your desk."

"Beast! Beast! Beast!"

ps: The leader is three more. Add more for "the gentleman of wind."

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