First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1637: Mirror

To learn from the great cause, with a white dragon horse that travels thousands of miles a day, there is enough time in the year to retrieve the Scriptures from Tianzhu, and then achieve the great road, from then on Mahayana Buddhism will flourish in the world.

Zhang Bairen is actually very curious about what methods Zen still has to prevent the transmission of Mahayana Buddhism to the east. This is actually a battle, a game, a game between Mahayana Buddhism and Zen Buddhism.

"Captain, Empress Chen has news!" Xiaohu walked in hurriedly.

"What?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a cold light: "Where?"

"Wuyi Mountain!" Xiaohu said.

"Good! Good! Good!" Zhang Bairen stood up suddenly, his figure instantly turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky.


The Taoist sat on the top of the mountain, with leaves falling in front of him, and was held in his hand by the Taoist. Then there was a horror in his eyes: "It's not good."

"What's the matter, master?" Chen Shubao raised his head and looked at the middle-aged Taoist.

The middle-aged Taoist looked gloomy and uncertain, and after a while, he looked ugly and said: "Remember how you told you when you were rescued by your teacher?"

"Remember!" Empress Chen suddenly lowered his head upon hearing this.

"But what about you? How did you do it?" The Taoist looked ugly: "Tell you not to provoke right and wrong, and you are not allowed to see Zhang Lihua, but what did you do?"

Chen Shubao lowered his head upon hearing this.

"The disaster is coming! Your calamity is here!" Taoist slowly closed his eyes: "The number of days is like this, it is really unpredictable."


In the twelfth lunar month of the winter, Wuyi Mountain is full of snow, steep and delicate peaks, and beautiful fortune, but Wuyi Mountain is still warm as spring.

In the sky, the petals were floating, and the colorful petals continued to evolve. Zhang Bairen's figure appeared in the sky full of petals. He stepped on the clouds and looked down at the wonderful mountains and beautiful waters of Wuyi Mountain, with a touch of solemnity in his eyes.

With misty clouds, Wuyi Mountain is shrouded by a mysterious force, which cuts off Wuyi Mountain's sight.

"Come out, I know you are inside!" Zhang Bairen's voice was low, looking down at the clouds and mist under his feet.

The mountains were silent, without the slightest sound.


Empress Chen knelt down at the feet of the man: "Master, the trouble caused by the disciple, the disciple will solve it personally, and it will never make the master difficult."

Looking at Queen Chen, who was kneeling on the ground, the middle-aged Taoist showed a sense of worry: "Your father and I had the kindness of knowing and meeting, and I and your father were close friends of life and death, saying that they were monarchs but even more personal. Brother, you are embarrassed by this! I'm worried!"

A chic gossip mirror slipped from the Taoist's sleeve and fell in front of Chen Houzhu. Chen Houzhu moved his eyes and saw that there was an extra handle on the gossip mirror. The whole mirror seemed to be ground with bluestone. The circulation of the mysterious and mysterious runes is extremely unique.

"This is the treasure entrusted by your husband to Yangshen, I can't take it!" Empress Chen shook his head again and again, and said decisively.

"With this spiritual realm, you may have a ray of life in the face of the chief governor. Without this spiritual realm protector, you will definitely die without a place to be buried! The moment I saw your ghost back then, it has been counted as today's calamity, you go Right!" The middle-aged man sighed.

"Disciple...disciple... thanks Shien!" The man respectfully bowed to Empress Chen before grabbing the gossip mirror, turning around and walking out.

In the sky, Zhang Bairen walked into the void in a purple dress, looking down at the mountains below:

"Force me to destroy this Wuyi Mountain Holy Realm?"

After a while, the clouds and mists of Wuyi Mountain were distorted, and then Empress Chen appeared in the mountains, looking at Zhang Bairen with bloodshot eyes, clenching his fists.

The hatred of killing the father, the hatred of taking the wife!

It can be said that the enemy is extremely jealous.

"I haven't looked for you yet, so you dare to show up in front of me!" Empress Chen held a magic sword in his hand: "Are you here to die?"

"I should have said this to you." Zhang Bairen looked down at Chen Shubao below: "You are an innocent king of fish and meat. It doesn't matter how many times you die, it is reasonable to say that your waste physics should be frightened, but I don’t know who rescued you."

"But that doesn't matter anymore, you will soon disappear into the world and disappear completely. It doesn't matter anymore!" Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes, and a touch of grief slipped on his face.

"Huh, you bully men and women who do all things evil, you dare to touch my woman, you are simply impatient, today I will cut you a thousand times to vent my hatred!" The main body flashed, and a gossip mirror appeared in his hand, and Chen Houzhu grasped the handle of the gossip mirror and shook it lightly. The sun in the sky was swallowed by the gossip mirror in an instant, and then he saw the endless sky and fire rolling towards Zhang Bairen in an instant. : "Today I will completely refine you, let you know that not everyone is the same as those waste!"

The flames fired by this gossip mirror are indeed extraordinary. The clouds and mists in the mountains evaporate instantly. Without waiting for Zhang Bairen's reaction, the endless flames rise from his body and burn along the pores, trying to ignite it.

"Hahaha, don't say that you are a real Yangshen, even if you are a fairy here, if you don't have the treasure of body protection, your internal organs will be burned in an instant, the essence of the soul will be reincarnated!" Looking at the big sky in the sky Fireball, Empress Chen looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Now that a stick of incense has passed, I am afraid it has been refined into ashes!"

"Oh? Are you talking about me?" An indifferent voice came from the fireball, and the flames in the sky were absorbed by Zhang Bairen in an instant, and then Zhang Bairen, dressed in a purple shirt, slowly suspended in the air, and his eyes fell. Empress Chen's gossip mirror: "It's really a good treasure, this is the first time I have seen such a mighty treasure."

"How is this possible!" Empress Chen looked at Zhang Bairen not far away with a pair of eyes with a touch of disbelief.

"What's impossible!" Zhang Bairen mocked: "You are too naive and think of the people of the world too simple."

Empress Chen did not notice that although Zhang Bairen was unscathed, all the clothes on his body had been turned into ashes. If the robe had not been made by the Emperor of Heaven, Zhang Bairen was already naked and started running naked.

"You are very interested in this treasure!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, seeming to block the universe, and brought it to the treasure mirror in the hands of Empress Chen.

"I don't believe that the spirit realm can't kill you!" Empress Chen's eyes were full of hideousness, holding the spirit realm in his left hand, and sketching the spirit realm with his right hand, and then another divine light shrouded Zhang Bairen.


The cold air was pervasive, born out of thin air in Zhang Bairen's body, spreading through his body while breathing, and escaping along the skin pores, freezing all his internal organs and thinking, making him fall into an ice sculpture.


Although it fell, it was not divided as expected.

The blood flowed in the body, and the cold instantly melted, Zhang Bairen slowly moved his body: "This kind of treasure is simply overwhelming. Anyone who changes this seat will suffer if they face you without defense."

"It's impossible! Why are you unscathed!"

Empress Chen's eyes were full of disbelief, and the gossip mirror in his hand turned again, and a quiet wind blew up from the halogen door under his feet in the void, and he wanted to freeze his three souls and seven souls, shattering his internal organs.

It's the wind, which specifically harms people's three souls and seven souls, and is slightly poisonous.

Although Zhang Bairen had cultivated Yangshen, he didn't dare to really make this wind blow in his body. Then he pinched the tactics in his hand, the blood of the gods kept flowing, and the Lumen was instantly suppressed.

"Where does your precious mirror come from? It is indeed extraordinary that it can hurt my body!" Zhang Bairen stepped forward and took the precious mirror in the hands of Empress Chen.

"Don't think about it, Yin Lei!" Chen Empress turned the treasure mirror in his hand, Zhang Bairen's body acupuncture thunder vibrated, countless Yin thunder breeds in his body out of thin air, wanting to destroy his body.

"The will of the sun!" Zhang Bairen didn't dare to be careless, but he didn't dare to let the thunder spread out in his body, and a palm of his hand pressed down towards Empress Chen.

"It's impossible. You can resist even the yin thunder. It's incredible! Unbelievable!" Chen Empress's gossip mirror emits a cloud of colored light to cover it. At this time, Zhang Bairen grabbed the palm of his hand, but was actually caught by the gossip mirror. A palm flicked, and then took the opportunity to escape, standing on the peak of Wuyi Mountain, the gossip mirror in his hand once again flowed out of the yellow divine light: "Shanze!"

At this moment Qianshan shook Numerous mountains seemed to come alive and opened a big mouth, wanting to swallow Zhang Bairen in.

"This treasure is really evil!" The earth suddenly cracked, and a hole exuded suction, as if to pull Zhang Bairen in. This pulling force made Zhang Bairen all to be moved: "You can actually mobilize the power of the earth's magnet! "

Zhang Bairen, the power of the earth's magnetism, could also be mobilized, and the soil under his feet was twisted and shaken, and the cracks were forcibly closed by his magical powers.

"This..." Empress Chen looked shocked.

"Is there any means, just show it, don't say that this seat did not give you a chance, this time you must be convinced!" Zhang Bairen sneered, but he was greedy in his heart, attracted by this gossip mirror. Now, let’s see what else the gossip mirror has.

"It's crazy!" Empress Chen stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, the spirit mirror in his hand flew out, and his hands repeatedly pinched the formula. The next moment I saw the mirror surface of the mirror constantly undulating, and then the time and space twisted into a whirlpool tornado. Rolling towards Zhang Bairen, as if to pull him into the world of Lingjing.

"Bang!" Zhang Bairen's complexion was solemn. This mirror made him unable to see the depth. I don't know what the secret is, but I didn't dare to be pulled into it rashly. A stream of Zhuxian Sword in his hand turned and chopped at the whirlpool: "Give me a break !"

When the word fell, the whirlpool turned into two paragraphs and was split by Zhang Bairen: "Jiqionger, this mirror belongs to me, and this seat is currently short of treasures, but you are kind to be a gifting boy."

"Don't think about it!" Empress Chen retreated, and the mirror in his hand diffused the hazy light: "The ground, water, wind and fire, the five elements of Yin and Yang."

When the formula fell, the color of the sky changed.

The water of the Taotao Tianhe actually burst out from the mirror.

ps: Add more updates for the leader "Junjunhong". Five more offers.

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