First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1638: Zhuge Wuhou!

Tianhe is a mysterious place. No one knows where it comes from and where it will flow.

The Tianhe is flowing so mightily, I don't know where it came from or where it goes.

Even if Zhang Bairen's supernatural powers are boundless, it is difficult to detect the traces of Tianhe. The only way to find Tianhe is to start with Tiangong.

No matter how many times the Tiangong is broken, every time the Tiangong changes its dynasty and reopens the realm, there will be Tianhe manifested in the Tiangong.

This is actually an unsolved mystery that has always been unsolved, even if it was an unsolved mystery that Zhang Bairen never explored.

"Want to flood me with the water of Tianhe?" Zhang Bairen's mouth showed a disdainful smile.

The big sleeves were opened, and the mighty water of Tianhe was drawn into the divine world by Zhang Bairen's sleeves. Then Zhang Bairen was seen going up against the current with one hand and grabbing towards the mirror at the source of Tianhe: "Treasures are indeed good treasures. It’s a pity that people who use the treasure are not worthy of this treasure."

The will of the sun fell, Zhang Bairen's body shot the sun god, and a sun seemed to rise in the Tianhe, and then wrapped in unmatched heat, it slapped Chen Houzhu on the head.

The breath of death rose in Empress Chen's heart. Even though this palm was protected by a spiritual mirror, it was definitely not something he could resist.

"Take it to death!" Zhang Bairen showed a murderous intent in his eyes.

People live in this world for nothing more than a struggle for interests. Although Zhang Bairen struggles with many people, there are too few who can really kill him.

Ashes flew out in the blink of a finger, and a palm had not yet fallen, a raging fire was already burning in Wuyi Mountain.

"Zhang Bairen, you can't kill me! I am the son of destiny, the ninety-five supreme, how can I die in the hands of your humble husband?" Chen Empress' eyes were full of hideousness.


A sigh slowly reverberated among the mountains, the next moment I saw the divine light burst from the spiritual mirror, Shi Jing seemed to come alive, and slowly bloomed a picture of gossip, blocking the front of Chen Houzhu, vicissitudes of life Slowly spread from the mountains: "The chief governor, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, but it's just a woman. There are tens of thousands of women in this world, with the power of the chief governor at your fingertips, so why bother with my disciple. ."


The mountains trembled, and Zhang Bairen's palm collided with the gossip mirror. The sun **** fire was trapped by the gossip for refining. Then he saw the gossip mirror twisted around, and a man wearing a robe and holding a feather fan slowly walked out.

The delicate palm slowly stretched out, holding the spirit mirror in his hand, and bowing to Zhang Bairen: "I have seen the governor."

Zhang Bairen looked at the Taoist with a pair of eyes, only to see that this Taoist is indeed a good demeanor, his robe is extremely simple, but there seems to be seven stars reflecting between his brows, and his eyes seem to be encapsulated in the world. Just looking at it, his heart can't help but rise.' Real name official, when that's the feeling.

Good manners!

Zhang Bairen sees all over the world, and there are only a handful of people who can match this person.

"Interesting, your excellency is certainly not an ordinary person, and you haven't asked your name yet" Zhang Bairen said casually.

The Taoist smiled upon hearing the words: "Gong covers three parts of the country, and is famous for its eight formations. Jiang Liushi does not turn, and hatred is lost."

Zhang Bairen was shocked when he heard this: "Your Excellency is the Nanyang Zhuge Wolong of the Three Kingdoms period?"

"It's under, I didn't expect to see the governor again after a thousand years. It was really a good thing for Wolong! The governor defeated all the world's heroes while talking and laughing. Three swords defeated Dong Zhuo and ten swords to retreat Lu Bu, which can be described as a mega power!" His eyes are full of emotion.

After listening to the other party's words, Zhang Bairen was silent for a while, apparently the other party acquiesced in his own words.

"Do you know me?" Zhang Bairen said.

"Could the governor not know me?" Zhuge Liang looked up and down Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"I know now!" Zhang Bairen stared at Zhuge Liang with a pair of eyes: "How did you live for a thousand years?"

"Naturally it is a reincarnation, and in a blink of an eye there will be vicissitudes of life, and the Yangtze River will not be seen for a long time, and when we meet again, we are all different!" Zhuge Liang sighed.

"I don't care who you are, Zhuge Liang, or an ordinary Taoist, this person dared to fight against me, today I will take his life, do you want to stop me?" Zhang Bairen carried his hands, a pair of eyes scanned Chen behind Zhuge Liang After the master.

"Sir, this is the man who dominates his wife. This man is a man who bullies men and women, and he also asks his husband to take action to turn it into dust." Empress Chen hurriedly said, standing behind Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang frowned slightly and looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "It's different from what I was in the past. I have already proved Daluo. If you ask you to kill someone in front of me, you don't have to continue practicing, just wipe your neck."

Da Luo?

Zhang Bairen looked at Zhuge Liang with solemn eyes, and then suddenly, with Zhuge Liang's talent, it was not difficult to prove that Daluo was indeed not a difficult task.

"Haha! Then wipe your neck and reincarnation!" Zhang Bairen's body was restrained and began to brew momentum.

"Does the governor really didn't care about the love of the year?" Zhuge Liang frowned when he looked at Zhang Bairen who was gaining momentum.

"I don't know you, and I have no affection for you!" Zhang Bairen's murderous intent soared: "I want to see if you can stop my punch."

"Capital Governor, you have to think about it. This person is the reincarnation of the only heir of my Patriarch. If you really kill him, my Kingdom of Shu will definitely not rest with you! When my Patriarch wakes up from the reincarnation, I'm afraid that the Governor will not escape !" Zhuge Liang's gossip map slowly spread all over his body.

"Oh? Big-eared thief Liu Bei?" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously: "No matter who it is, I can't stop my sword!"

"Since the person you are waiting for is dead, you will be in reincarnation forever. Why do you come to Yangshi to visit this muddy water? A group of dead people still dare to appear in front of this seat. Since this seat has forged a death feud with the Cao family, Don’t be afraid of your defeated general!" Zhang Bairen blasted out with a punch, the world was distorted, time and space seemed to stop flowing, the day was raging, and Zhang Bairen’s punch seemed to be accompanied by the sun down, or Zhang Bairen’s punch turned into mighty Da Ri, with an unmatched and blocking offensive, fought Zhuge Liang.


What can you do with A Dou who can't help?

Now that he provokes himself, this time he is dead!

The cold light in Zhang Bairen's eyes has nothing to do with grievances, but some things have to be done.


Zhuge Liang spread out the gossip, turned into various visions such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning, as if a hazy and illusory world stood in front of him.

With a punch, the big sun fell, and all the mountains, water, thunder, and electricity that stood in front of the big sun vanished into nothingness.

This fist was wrapped in a courageous momentum, and hit Zhuge Liang strongly and domineeringly.

Zhuge Liang's face was dignified, with no carelessness in his eyes, a finger wrapped in a breeze, and a slight breeze nodded towards Zhang Bairen's fist.

The east wind breaks!

Zhuge Liang's east wind!

This finger was erratic, and the mystery and myriad changes infinitely changed the fire on Zhang Bairen's fist. Instead, it burned towards the owner of Zhang Bairen's fist.

"The power of the law!" Zhang Bairen looked solemn.

Zhuge Liang's east wind is indeed extraordinary.

Wind is not wind, but a mysterious power of the number of days.

Everything is ready, but the east wind owes it. This is a ray of days in the dark, a ray of help from the world.

"It's amazing, you actually understand the power of the two laws, but you don't know whether you have proved Daluo by gossip or Daluo by the power of Dongfeng" Zhang Bairen withdrew his fist solemnly in his eyes.

Although he is great, he can't ignore the law.

Zhuge Liang smiled without saying a word, just replied: "The Governor, you can't kill him if you have me, so let's go back."


Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "I don't believe in this evil!"

"Ten Day Survey!"

With a punch, there seemed to be ten golden crows hanging down, training Zhuge Liang and Empress Chen.


Another ray of east wind

The east wind was insignificant and couldn't move the vegetation in the mountains, but it happened to blow Zhang Bairen's fist.

Zhuge Liang pointed out lightly with a finger, broke Zhang Bairen's fist just right, and repelled Zhang Bairen three steps.

"Zhang Bairen, how can Wuhou allow you to be presumptuous anymore? If you are acquainted, just kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise today is your death date!" Empress Chen laughed Zhang Bairen frowned. : "What a mysterious east wind!"

Zhuge Liang's finger was insignificant compared to his own fist, but after that ray of east wind, everything in the world became different.

It was not Zhuge Liang's finger that defeated himself, but the mysterious number of days caused by the east wind.

Zhuge Liang's finger was just the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

How do people fight against heaven?

Under the east wind, Zhuge Liang was the biological son of Tiandi.

It can be said that Zhuge Liang's finger was insignificant to Zhang Bairen and could not compete with it at all. However, the east wind drew the momentum of the world and blessed Zhuge Liang's finger and defeated Zhang Bairen just right.

In other words, the east wind is an adder and subtractor, Zhuge Liang's power is not enough, the east wind draws the general trend of the world to gather.

"This Dongfeng is really powerful, doesn't it mean that this person is already invincible? With Dongfeng's help, who is his opponent in the world?" Zhang Bairen is secretly surprised, no matter how strong your opponent is, Dongfeng will attract The general trend of heaven and earth is forcibly closing the gap, even stronger than you. How to fight this battle?

"Captain, you can withdraw, the old way will never tell you to kill the young master" Zhuge Liang sighed softly.

"Tell me to retreat? It's just a dream!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed coldly: "I don't believe it, you have no limit to the east wind!"


Zhang Bairen's whole body was constantly distorted and collapsed, and his clothes were rolling, and he saw the sun's blood flow slowly all over his body, and the will of ten golden crows was blessed down: "I will see if you can break my punch! "

The will of the sun is drawn by ten golden crow phantoms, falling down like nine suns, turning the world into purgatory in an instant.

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