First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1639: Strongly cut Wuhou

Zhuge Wuhou's supernatural powers are too against the sky, and there is such a feeling that the world is in my hands.

Although I can't beat you, God helps me!

I can't match your strength, but God will help me make up for it.

How do people fight against heaven?

The phantoms of the ten golden crows descended, as if nine suns were coming to the world, which instantly attracted the attention of countless mighty powers in this world.

"That's..." Seeing the ten suns hanging down from the horizon, the group of heroes cast their eyes on Wuyi Mountain.

"What is this guy doing?" Li Shimin stood in front of the Taiji Hall with his hands on his back, his eyes full of speechlessness.

"Weird, who is worthy of Zhang Bairen's fight like this, the world is so deep, I see a familiar qi." The world-zun looked back silently, his eyes broke through the void, and Wuyi Mountain was closed.

With a punch, the cold winter turned into scorching heat within a ten-mile radius of Wuyi Mountain, the trees in the mountains ignited, and the sea of ​​flames rose into the sky.

With a punch, Zhuge Liang finally changed his color. The power of this punch made people's hearts turbulent.


The eight formations guarding the two of them were broken in an instant, and then Zhang Bairen's fist was undiminished, and he slammed Zhuge Liang at the same speed as before.

Zhuge Liang looked serious, raised the spiritual mirror in his hand, and took a look at Zhang Bairen.

Time and space seemed to be distorted at this time, and then I saw a flicker of the spirit mirror, and then saw a fist sticking out of the spirit mirror.

The fists are like fire, as if the nine days of the world are coming, crushing all beings in the world.

The same fists, the same momentum, and the same power.


With a punch down, Zhang Bairen flew back, staring at the spirit mirror in Zhuge Liang's hand opposite with amazement: "What treasure is this?"

Evil door!

The power of the sun is his own unique magical power, why is it copied by that spiritual mirror?

"This spiritual mirror is refined from the bodies of eight innate gods, and possesses infinite powers. These eight gods correspond to the power of gossip between heaven and earth, wind, rain, thunder, electricity, dryness, kun, water, mountain, It is divided into Gan, Kun, Sunda, Dui, Gen, Zhen, Li, and Hu, including the way of the world and all things generating restraint, and the change of all things."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Wuhou said: "This spiritual mirror can reflect all the power of the world, so you don't want to waste your thoughts."

"Oh? Can rebound all the power in the world? I don't believe in evil!" Zhang Bairen punched out again without saying a word.

Zhuge Liang shook his head, the magical light of the spiritual mirror in his hand shrouded Zhang Bairen in an instant, only to see the spiritual mirror distorted for a while, and a figure came out from the spiritual mirror.

The figure and appearance of this figure were actually the same as Zhang Bairen, and they fought with Zhang Bairen with the same magical powers and the same movements.

"Evil door!" Seeing that blasting punch, exactly the same magical power, Zhang Bairen's expression changed wildly: "Since the capital governor set foot on the road of cultivation, he has never encountered such an evil magical power!"

"I don't believe it!"

Zhang Bairen's hands are using the Da Ri Dharma, and the three kinds of magical powers push the universe horizontally, turning all the tens of miles into a sea of ​​fire.

Fortunately, it is a cold winter, and many animals are dormant, otherwise it will be another karma.

"The same magical powers, the same moves, and even the size of power are not different." Zhang Bairen's color finally changed.

"Zhang Bairen, today is your death date!" Seeing Zhang Bairen in trouble, Empress Chen showed a madness in his eyes: "You are just an ordinary pariah, and you are worthy of being an enemy of me? After you die, I will ruin your Zhuo. County, kill all those close to you so that you know what retribution is."

"Young Master, don't want to say it!" Zhuge Liang changed color upon hearing this.

Although he was taking advantage at the moment, Zhuge Liang didn't think he could defeat Zhang Bairen. That day, there was an earth-shattering battle. The power of Zhang Bairen's sword of death shook both the Yin and Yang worlds. As long as Zhuge Wolong was not blind, he could see the power of that long sword.

Although this precious mirror of my own is powerful, it is far worse than that long sword!

"Zhuge Wolong, I respect you as a senior, do you really want to be nosy?" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhuge Wolong with a pair of eyes.

"Chen Shubao is the reincarnation of Young Master Liu Chan, and I am the national teacher of the State of Shu. I have to take care of this matter, and I have no shirk!" Zhuge Liang said firmly.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen narrowed his eyes slightly, blasted the phantom in front of him, and then looked at Zhuge Wolong: "What a magical tool, I wonder if you, the mirror, can copy my sword energy!"

Zhuxian Jianqi can kill all things, destiny and laws are indispensable, the mystery is beyond everything in the world, but the evolution of heaven and earth.

With a stroke of Zhang Bairen's palm, a stream of Zhuxian sword swirled, and the sword thread cut across the void and strangled the shadow in front of him.

Although Zhuge Wolong is powerful, it is not worthy of Zhang Bairen's use of the Zhuxianjian body.

The sword thread splits time and space, instantly disconnected the cause and effect, and cut off the power of the law.


Seeing that sword thread rolled, the spirit mirror projected into gray.

There was a sneer in Zhang Bairen's eyes, the speed of the sword wire did not decrease, and he slashed through the void in an instant, and continued to scroll towards Zhuge Wolong: "Nosy, but there is a price!"

Zhuge Wolong's complexion changed, and the spiritual mirror in his hand shook, and it instantly reflected on the sword wire.

The spirit mirror waved light, but it was unable to illuminate the body of the sword silk. Zhuge Wolong was shocked to back up quickly, and fluttered to the sword silk with one finger: "The east wind breaks!"


The blood was soaked in the void, Zhuge Wolong's fingers were cut off from the root, then Zhang Bairen grabbed the palm of his hand and held the finger in his hand: "Since you like to be nosy, then I will send you two on the road."

Holding Zhuge Wolong's body, Zhang Bairen sealed the finger into the jade bottle, and a look of hideousness appeared in his eyes: "Sword Qi is like silk!"

The hair was wafting, meandering and twisting with the meaning of endless killing, instantly cut the barrier formed by the spiritual mirror, and cut it towards Zhuge Wolong: "Since you are actively embarrassing with me, then I will cut you first, and then Chen Shubao was killed."

"Spirit mirror!" Zhuge Liang's spirit mirror divine light flowed, but he saw the feather fan in his hand erratic: "Knowing the destiny, it is difficult to guard against the sky. The seven stars protect the body, the stars bless!"

In the underworld, the Big Dipper and Seven Stars are constantly descending on earth, and the projection falls into a spoon to envelop Zhuge Wolong. At this time, Zhuge Liang is like the Lord of the Seven Stars, his eyes are raised to look at Zhang Bairen: "Except for God, no one in this world can kill you. I!"


When the words fell, the sword silk penetrated Zhuge Liang's heart and penetrated his heart.

But seeing the Seven Stars reversed, Zhuge Liang's injuries healed instantly, and he was intact as before: "The Governor, don't waste your thoughts, you can't kill me at all, as long as the Seven Stars are there, I am immortal!"

"Immortality is immortal? What a big tone! But you can use the Big Dipper to grind away my Zhuxian Jianqi, but it's a different way." Zhang Bairen changed his face and looked at the seven-star lamp on Zhuge Wolong's head with his eyes.

"The chief governor, the enemy should be settled but not settled. Although our country is subjugated, the foundation still exists..."

"Hahaha! Do you really think you are determined to win?" Zhang Bairen laughed to the sky after hearing Zhuge Liang's words, and slowly stretched out his palms. There seemed to be a starry sky in his eyes, and the endless star battle floated up and down in his eyes: "You look down on me too much, think There are countless ways to kill you!"

After speaking, the stars in Zhang Bairen's palm flowed: "Since you are good at envoy stars, then I will show you the power of stars in this constellation!"

"Great Zhou Heavenly Star Fighting Divine Art --- Amnesty Decree, Heavenly Star Fighting God Sword!" Thousands of stars gathered and intertwined, countless stars' wills fell, gathered in Zhang Bairen's hands and turned into a long sword.

The long sword seems to be true and illusion, dreamy and hazy, it seems to contain an endless starry sky.

"Sword of stars, cut!"

"Dongfeng!" Zhuge's feather fan swayed, and a manic east wind suddenly rolled up and wrapped it firmly.

"Something's wrong!" After the protection was completed, Zhuge Liang's expression suddenly changed. This sword was not directed at him at all, but at the seven-star lamp that manifested above his head.


Zhuge Liang's complexion changed wildly.

Sure enough, the sword of stars slashed to the top of Zhuge Liang's head, and the connection between the Seven Star Lamp and the Big Dipper instantly turned into nothingness.

This sword is not Zhuge Liang, but the connection between Zhuge Liang's Seven Star Lamp and It broke the cause and effect of Beidou, cut off the connection with Beidou, this time I think you will die! "Zhang Bairen's eyes are murderous.

"Great Zhou Tianxing stars magic! Zhang Bairen actually mastered the ancient magic!" The group of heroes watching the battle from a distance was shocked.

"Zhuge Liang, don't die quickly!" Zhang Bairen's sword qi was cut out again.

"Zhang Bairen, you don't want to deceive people too much! If you cut my Dharma body, I'm afraid you can't bear the anger of my Shu country, we will never die in the future!" Zhuge Liang's eyes were murderous.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of disdain: "Since I have offended the Cao family, naturally I won't be afraid of you in a small country of Shu! A group of dead people are actually dreaming of returning against the sky, it is a pipe dream. All I'm fully responsible for the cause and effect. If you have any revenge, just use it!"

After the words fell, the sword wire twisted and twisted, and it struck Zhuge Liang's head indefinitely, and a red blood line appeared on his neck.

"This is just my body. When my true body comes out from the Yin Cao, we are doing it! My Shu Kingdom will never let you go!" The words fell Zhuge Liang's head and the void was distorted, the spirit mirror drilled. Into the twisted void, want to escape.

"This is a good treasure. Since I was hit by the governor of the capital, there is still room for you to escape!" Zhang Bairen grabbed it with a palm, distorting time and space, and seemed to block the world and wanted to pull the spiritual mirror out.

I saw the divine light flowing on the spiritual mirror, turning his finger at Zhang Bairen, and an identical arm came from the dark and greeted Zhang Bairen's arm.


When the two sides collided, the Void rolled up ripples, and then rippled with layers of waves in an instant. The Spirit Mirror had already taken the opportunity to get off and disappeared in the Void.

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