First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1647: The death of Gongsun Xiaoniang

Aunt Gongsun and sisters Gongsun Xiaoniang joined forces. Even though Zhang Bairen's combat power was at the peak of this world, he couldn't keep it.

Faced with two powerful men of the highest realm, Zhang Bairen, no matter how great, would never dare to be careless.

The sword light was magnificent, and the lingering entanglement enveloped the entire river surface.

The phantoms transformed by the ten golden crows around Zhang Bairen's body were floating and roaring constantly, colliding with the sword lights.

Shots will inevitably hurt the Gongsun sisters. Without taking action, he could not withstand the attack of Gongsun sisters, and Zhang Bairen was caught in a dilemma at this time.

Sister Gongsun inherited her swordsmanship, and Zhang Bairen couldn't be more clear about the strength of Sister Gongsun.

The sun's will is unpredictable, and it is definitely not something Gongsun sisters can bear.

"Bang!" The river surface exploded continuously, and the sword light of Gongsun sisters became more and more tricky.


The waves rolled, the light boat under Zhang Bairen's feet turned into ashes, and the two **** wounds on his chest continued to be filled with red blood.

The red blood is mixed with golden blood, which looks mysterious and mysterious.

Looking at the scars on his chest, Zhang Bairen remained silent.

"Why don't you hide!" Gongsun Xiaoniang turned pale, her eyes full of panic.

"Your strength is unpredictable, how can our sisters hurt you?" Aunt Gongsun's eyes were full of helplessness, and the sword light in her hand disappeared.

Zhang Bairen closed his eyes and slowly floated on the surface of the river, ignoring sister Gongsun, but silently running the blood to heal the wound.

Today's Zhang Bairen is no longer the Zhang Bairen of the year. What he shows to the outside world is that he has suffered heavy losses and damaged the foundation; now I don't know how many eyes are watching, does Zhang Bairen dare to show his full strength? You can only make it yourself!

Moreover, Zhang Bairen did not want to hurt Sister Gongsun.

I suffered from the trauma of Sister Gongsun, but nothing more than a skin trauma, but Sister Gongsun was severely injured by herself, which involved Shenhun and Qipu.

Now in the eyes of everyone, Zhang Bairen's internal organs were shattered by the sword light, and he has already suffered severe damage.

"Have you had enough trouble!" Zhang Bairen slowly opened his eyes and stared at sisters Gongsun: "If you have enough trouble, then give me that child...sir, dare you!"

Suddenly Zhang Bairen's complexion changed drastically, and his whole body was rolled up by the sun and the clouds dried up.

The boxing gun was mighty, it seemed to destroy all things, and it struck towards the Gongsun sisters mightily.


The swords contended, facing Zhang Bairen's vast punch, the Gongsun sisters were like ants under the heavenly way, instinctively countered.

A rainbow light rose up into the sky, and Aunt Gongsun slashed towards Zhang Bairen with the sword.


The sound of the long sword entering the flesh sounded, Zhang Bairen couldn't take any defense, his head was actually broken by the sword light, his eyes were cracking at the Gongsun sisters, and the mighty fist was weakly dissipated in the air.

He watched that the long knife was inserted into the third rib gap under Gongsun Xiaoniang's ribs from Zhuge Liufeng's hands.


It was a black knife, which seemed to be able to swallow all the light between heaven and earth. The sword Gang of Gongsun Xiaoniang's body faced the long knife like tofu, and gently inserted into Gongsun Xiaoniang's body.

"No!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were filled with despair.

Unprecedented despair!

"not good!"

Yuan Shoucheng on the shore jumped up suddenly, his eyes full of horror and looked at the court: "How is this possible!"


As if the sky was thundering, Yuan Shoucheng fell to the ground with fear in his eyes: "The sky is falling! The sky is about to fall! How dare this little beast commit murder!"

"It's over! It's over!" Yuan Shoucheng was desperate, his eyes were full of panic and helplessness, and he looked at the court: "The Zhuge family harmed me! The Zhuge family harmed me!"

"Uncle, the sky is falling!" Yuan Tiangang sat down on the ground, his eyes absent for a long time.

With the power of the sun flowing, Zhang Bairen continued to take his body, stepped forward and landed on the big boat, kicked the Zhuge Liufeng away, and fell into the river.

Zuoqiu Wuji, Luo Shixin and others jumped into the river to hold Zhuge Liufeng, and retreated far away.

At this time, Zhang Bairen's whole body was tyrannical, and no one dared to get close to his body three feet away.

"Little mother!" Zhang Bairen held Gongsun Xiaoniang in his arms and looked at the dark dreamlike long knife, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"You haven't married me yet, I have waited for you for decades..." Gongsun Xiaoniang looked at Zhang Bairen with bleak eyes.

"Pa" Zhang Bairen grabbed the handle of the long knife, and wanted to pull the long knife out.

"Don't!" Gongsun Xiaoniang held Zhang Bairen's hand: "This long knife has already absorbed my soul. Once it is pulled out, I will immediately disperse and disappear! Let me have a conversation with you... for a while! "

Zhang Bairen's palm was trembling, his heart was cut like a knife, tears in his eyes slowly fell.

"You shed tears" Gongsun Xiaoniang's pale palms slowly wiped away the tears on Zhang Bairen's cheeks, her eyes were full of smiles: "You shed tears for me!"

"Don't talk, you still have to save! I must save you!" Zhang Bairen hugged Gongsun Xiaoniang and wanted to pull out the long knife.

"My soul is doomed to escape. You will treat my sister twice as good in the future, and put my share of goodness on my sister. You must not resent my sister. It is the old guy Yuan Shoucheng who said that you are in the heart It's all for you, all his thoughts are on you! She treats you wholeheartedly."

"Sister! Younger sister!" Aunt Gongsun was out of her soul at this time, her hands helplessly clutching Xiaoniang Gongsun's hands, her eyes were overwhelmed, as if a helpless child: "Don't die! Don't die! Our sisters Depend on each other, don’t abandon me."

Aunt Gongsun's face was pale, her body was trembling, and her eyes were full of helplessness to look at Zhang Bairen: "Don't you have the technique to bring back to life? You can do it! You can do it!" Aunt Gongsun firmly grasped Zhang Bairen's sleeve with both hands.

Looking at the pale Gongsun Xiaoniang, Zhang Bairen trembled, and a bad premonition arose. He held the handle of the knife with trembling palms, and it seemed that as long as he pulled it out, something ominous would happen.

"Don't pull out that knife, please explain as soon as possible if you have anything to do. Once you pull out that knife, this woman's soul will be swallowed by this knife, and she will never be superborn!" The ancestor Shaoyang came to Zhang Bairen's side: Treasure."

"I have the technique to bring him back to life, I can bring him back to life!" Zhang Bairen did not believe in evil.

The ancestor Shaoyang shook his head and stopped Zhang Bairen's movements: "Explain the funeral!"

"I don't believe it!" Although Zhang Bairen said like this, his palm was trembling and he could not remove the hilt of the knife for a long time.

Qiu Feng hadn't moved Cicada's foresight, he had an intuition that what the ancestor Shaoyang said was true.

Pulling out this knife, Gongsun Xiaoniang will inevitably have no place to bury her.

"Girl, tell the funeral!" The ancestor Shaoyang sighed.

"Sister, Bairen will leave it to you in the future, my sister will go one step ahead..." Gongsun Xiaoniang's eyes were full of sadness.

"Sister! It's all my fault, it's all because of me..." Aunt Gongsun burst into tears.

"Can you... hold me tight, I'm a little cold!" Gongsun Xiaoniang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, her big eyes dejected.

Zhang Bairen's heart was cut like a knife, and he hugged Gongsun Xiaoniang suddenly, and tears hit Gongsun Xiaoniang's cheek.

"Dear... I'll... just... just... OK..." Gongsun Xiaoniang's aura continued to dissipate.

Zhang Bairen choked silently and kissed Gongsun Xiaoniang's forehead.

A satisfied smile gradually solidified on his face, and the next moment Gongsun Xiaoniang broke off.

"Puff!" Zhang Bairen drew out the long knife, his hair fluttered, and roared to the sky: "Damn, what magic weapon is this? It's a wishful thinking to swallow my magic seed!"

A congenital thunderfire hit the short knife at the fingertips, and the short knife was surrounded by black air, and a scream kept coming out.

A wisp of magic seed flew out and was drawn into the Yang God by Zhang Bairen. Looking at the pale corpse of Gongsun Xiaoniang, Zhang Bairen suddenly stomped and rolled up a huge wave. The river stopped flowing and formed a whirlpool straight into the clouds:


The sky was full of petals flying, and a wave of mysticism passed between the sky and the earth, but it was impossible to resurrect Gongsun Xiaoniang.


Zhang Bairen stomped The river was flooding, and countless aquatic people died.

A wisp of black smoke wafts from the center of his eyebrows, endless murderous intent circulating.

"It's useless. In the final analysis, coming back to life is nothing more than reuniting the souls of the dead and returning the souls of the deceased. After death, the souls are either reincarnated or returned to the void. Both of these are within the scope of your resurrection, but now Gongsun Xiaoniang The soul has been swallowed by this sword, completely wiped from the world, even if the fairy is resurrected, it will not be able to save her."

"Why? Why is it like this? Why do you all leave me one by one? Why are you enemies with me?" Zhang Bairen roared up to the sky, the river boiled, causing countless monks to watch from a distance.

"Why is this? Why!" Zhang Bairen's black air between his eyebrows was constantly circulating, and murderous intent was constantly brewing.

The sky seemed to be stained with blood.

"Oh!" Old Ancestor Shaoyang sighed and remained silent.

"Through my decrees, all Zhuge family collaterals within ten generations will be killed!" The cruel murderous intent in Zhang Bairen's eyes was brewing.

As soon as this statement came out, the monks on both sides of the Yangtze River were all discolored.

"The Governor..." Luo Shixin's expression changed.

"According to it, who would dare to stop, cut it all together!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were murderous.

Luo Shixin nodded when he heard this, and turned away without saying a word.

"Zuge family! Zhuge family! What a Zhuge family!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"What a disaster! What a great disaster! Why did she die! Why did she die!" Yuan Shoucheng's eyes were full of shock, and his body was constantly trembling.

Things are big!

If it weren't for what she said before, how could Sister Gongsun intercept Zhang Bairen, and how could she give Zhuge Liufeng a chance?

My own trouble is big!

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