First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1648: curse


Yuan Shoucheng knew he was in big trouble

People who are good at swimming will eventually be drowned in water.

I measure and control the secrets on weekdays, and never thought that this time the ship would really capsize. When he was planted, his nose and face were swollen, and he would even take the entire Yuan family up.

Heaven's secret is a taboo technique, and rebelling against the destiny is even going against the sky. How can it end well?

The secret of heaven cannot be revealed, and the prestige of heaven cannot be desecrated.

At this time, Yuan Shoucheng's color changed suddenly. Who would have thought that Zhuge's people would not act according to the script, causing things to such an irreparable level.

Gongsun Xiaoniang is dead, and her soul is still scattered. If he knew it would be such a consequence, even if he borrowed his ten or eight courage, he would not dare to do this.

Zhang Bairen's face was ugly, his eyes were red and swollen, and he walked off the waves holding Gongsun Xiaoniang's body, but everyone knew that this matter was absolutely endless.

Things are big!

The world suddenly quieted strangely, and obviously no one wanted to touch Zhang Bairen's brow at this critical moment.

Void Warped

Zhang Bairen had already arrived in Zhuo County when he reappeared. Looking at the barren tombs in the mountains and forests, Zhang Bairen stamped his feet and instantly frozen Gongsun Xiaoniang, and then sank into the mud. There was another one not far from Zhang Lihua’s tombstone. New grave.

Empress Xiao did not know when she stood beside Zhang Bairen, or she had always been there, witnessing the whole process of Gongsun Xiaoniang's burial.

The sword is alive, and Gongsun Xiaoniang's long sword keeps humming, exuding wailing.


After throwing it away, the sword sank into the tomb, and stayed underground with Gongsun Xiaoniang forever.

"For me, a dying person, you took the life of Xiaoniang, you are confused!" Empress Xiao knelt down in front of Di Gongsun Xiaoniang's grave, burning the paper money.

"I can't just watch you die, Xiao Niang's death was an accident, and it has nothing to do with you!" Zhang Bairen interrupted Empress Xiao's words, pressed his lips, and drank his drink, the crystal clear and viscous liquor soaked his clothes:

"My little girl will not die in vain, all those who make the move must be buried for him!"

The mountain wind was drifting, and Aunt Gongsun walked from the mountains and forests with a haggard face, and landed in front of the grave of Xiaoniang Gongsun, tears falling in her eyes for a long time without a word.

"Why are you dead and I'm still alive!" Aunt Gongsun's fingertips pierced her palm, and blood flowed down and dripped into the soil.


The people in the tomb would not answer the words of Aunt Gongsun.

"I can't help you! I can't help you!" Aunt Gongsun knelt in the north wind and was speechless.

"Don't worry, the person who calculates the little girl will not die in vain" Zhang Bairen patted Aunt Gongsun on the shoulder.

"It's all my fault. If it weren't for me to go my own way, I wouldn't give the beast a chance!" Aunt Gongsun trembled, and the murderous intent was revealed in her eyes. He had never thought that he wanted and wanted to kill someone like this.

"I want that little thief to draw his soul and refining his soul, so that he can never live beyond his life!" Aunt Gongsun's eyes revealed a monstrous hatred.

"I will personally avenge Xiao Niang, and you don't need to worry about the rest." Zhang Bairen slowly took Aunt Gongsun in his arms, and said nothing.

Is Zhang Bairen responsible for this matter?

Maybe there is, maybe not.

If Zhang Bairen retreats without embarrassing Zhuge Liuyun, there won't be so many things behind.

But is it wrong for Zhang Bairen to find a life-saving technique for Empress Xiao?

"Go and bring Zhuge Liuyun!" Zhang Bairen said with a cold expression.

A Ji Ling from the guard from afar quickly brought Zhuge Liuyun, who had been prepared, to the grave of Gongsun Xiaoniang.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Zhuge Liuyun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and his immature face was full of madness: "Zhang Bairen, you punish me all, how does it feel like to lose a loved one now?"

Looking at Zhuge Liuyun, who was rolling on the ground and embarrassed, was indescribable.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked down at Zhuge Liuyun: "Do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

"Originally, I was only thinking about killing your Zhuge family's direct lineage, but now I have changed my attention. All Zhuge family's collateral bloodlines and distant relatives will be extinct within ten generations. There will be no Zhuge family's direct lineage in this world! "Zhang Bairen's eyes were murderous.

Zhuge Liuyun's smile solidified on his face, a pair of eyes stared at Zhang Bairen blankly, and after a while he twisted his body madly: "Devil! You devil! You have the ability, you come to me! If you have the ability, you come to me! !"

It is hard to imagine that the only one in front of me is a teenager.

The corner of Zhang Bairen's mouth showed a touch of disdain: "Now I know I'm afraid? Do you know how many people will be buried because of your knife?"

"You must not die! Zhang Bairen, you must not die!" Zhuge Liuyun's eyes turned murderously: "If you have the ability, you can kill me with a single blow."

"Kill you? How could I kill you?" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhuge Liuyun: "Killing you would be too cheap for you. I want to keep your body and light the sky lantern. I want to put your soul in the sun. Bake under the flames for thousands of years, I will completely wipe you from the world."

With the palm of his hand, Zhuge Liuyun has been taken by Zhang Bairen in his palm. The delicate jade palm is like a lover, gently placed on Zhuge Liuyun Baihui: "I will turn your body into a curse, I want To cut off the descendants of the Zhuge family in the world. I want you to see with your own eyes how your body destroys the blood of the Zhuge family."

"First Zhuge Liang blocked me, and then the Zhuge family killed my dearest relatives. If you can't kill you all, isn't my chief governor a vacant post?" Zhang Bairen smiled, a trace of hideousness made people horrified.

"Ah..." bursts of screams came from Zhuge Liuyun's mouth, and Zhuge Liuyun's three souls and seven souls were actually pulled out of the body by Zhang Bairen.

"Yes, worthy of being a child of a big family, the degree of condensation of these three souls and seven souls, even if it is better than the original spirit!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed cold, and it took a while to see Zhuge Liuyun's soul gradually condensing and forming.

"You must not die! You must die! You will be condemned by God in the future!" The sharp curse came out from Zhuge Liuyun's mouth.

Ignoring Zhuge Liuyun's curse, a pink petal representing cause and effect circulates in Zhang Bairen's hands. This is a petal that has been condensed into substance.

A real petal

"I curse with this body and soul, the bloodline of the Zhuge family will be unpredictable, this soul and body will not be destroyed, the disciples of the Zhuge family will not change the number of calamities, and the bloodline will be cut off!"

Zhang Bairen's voice murmured, loud and sound, like a vague but real, resounding in the mountains and forests, spreading across thousands of mountains and rivers in a blink of an eye, spreading towards the nine days, sun, moon and stars.

Numerous Taoist masters and Buddhist monks all felt their hearts at this time, and their eyes looked out of the sky.

Among the stars outside the Endless Territory, an extremely strange force seemed to echo Zhang Bairen’s words, and in an instant it plunged into the floating pink petals, and then at the speed visible to the naked eye, the petals turned into blood red. Then it turned from blood red to cocky black.

At a glance, it seemed that the three souls and seven souls of people were about to sink, and it seemed to contain endless sins and evils. The evil force between the heavens and the earth was drawn by the petals, and they continued to gather toward the petals.


With a flick of his finger, the petals were submerged in the soul of Zhuge Liuyun. From today onwards, Zhuge Liuyun will be the source of Zhuge’s curse. It will continuously devour the evil and curse power between the world and the earth. As long as Zhuge Liuyun is alive, Zhuge The blood of the family will continue to encounter ominous things, and will gradually be wiped out by the calamity between heaven and earth.

The most important thing is that at this time Zhuge Liuyun has this petal to protect him, and he is already immortal, forming a strange creature between heaven and earth, which can also be said to be a malignant tumor cultivated by Zhang Bairen.

Immortal and immortal, but they can't practice, and they have to endure the pain of soul pumping every day and encounter all kinds of ominous things in the world.

Zhuge Liuyun is immortal, and the blood of the Zhuge family will eventually be cut off. Even when the curse, resentment, and cancer in Zhuge Liuyun's body become strong to a certain extent, it will inevitably bite back Zhuge Liang and other predecessors and ancestors of the Zhuge family.

"Zhang Bairen, you must not die! You must not die!" A cloud of black smoke was struggling in the air. It was Zhuge Liuyun's soul wrapped in resentment and curse.


With a flick of Zhang Bairen's finger, Zhuge Liuyun's soul fell into his body. With the influx of curses and resentment between heaven and earth, Zhuge Liuyun's blood gradually turned There is endless resentment between heaven and earth. Endless, Zhuge Liuyun's body will become stronger and stronger, and one day Zhuge's ancestors and descendants will all die.

The way to make a person miserable is not to make him die, but to make him better than death.

"If you want to use me, I will never ask you to get your wish!" Zhuge Liuyun slammed his head towards the bluestone not far away.


His head was broken and his brain was bursting. Unfortunately, Zhuge Liuyun didn't die, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The curse and resentment between heaven and earth are constantly repairing Zhuge Liuyun's wounds.

"I don't believe it!" Zhuge Liuyun took out the long knife of one side of the guard and wiped it against his neck.


The head rolled, but in an instant they continued to return.

"Take him, keep torturing him, telling him to pass the time when pigs and dogs are inferior, want to die? It's too cheap for you!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, and a guard locked Zhuge Liuyun's hands and feet, dragging Zhuge Liu Yun, a knife kept scratching his body.

Zhuge Liuyun kept screaming, but the wound healed instantly.

not far away

When Yuan Tiangang saw this scene, his hair was erected, his hair was horrified, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Wow!" Aunt Gongsun rolled up Zhuge Liuyun and disappeared into the distant mountains.

"Captain!" Someone wanted to step forward to catch up.

"Don't chase it!" Zhang Bairen waved his hand: "In the hands of Aunt Gongsun, he can't ask for good fruit."

"It's a pity, no matter how I remedy it or take revenge, the dead will never come back to life." Zhang Bairen sighed as he looked at Gongsun Xiaoniang's grave.

ps: Add more for the leader "the cow does not drink water".

Yesterday’s reward list was temporarily unorganized, sorry.

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