First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1649: Yuan Shoucheng's punishment

Even if it is cultivated with endless magical powers and boundless mana, what about it?

Is it still difficult to bring the dead back to life without returning?

What if I can bring myself back to life? Will Ding Dong be saved? Can Zhang Lihua be saved?

"Dingdong is like this, Lihua is like this, and now the little girl is still like this, I can only watch them pass away, and watch their souls fly away, but there is nothing I can do!" Zhang Bairen whispered, and those who heard it were sad.

"Even if it is called Zhuge's family funeral, how about? Could it be possible to bring Xiao Niang back to life?" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously, and when he saw Yuan Tiangang not far away, the blood-red murderous intent in his eyes was shocking.

"The Yuan family's courage is actually calculated on the head of the Governor!" Zhang Bairen sighed slowly.

Yuan Tiangang shuddered when he heard this. At this moment, Zhang Bairen was just a gunpowder keg, and he could not provoke or anger the opponent.

So Yuan Tiangang stepped forward with a serious face and bowed respectfully to Zhang Bairen: "The Governor, this matter is my uncle's advocacy and has nothing to do with the Yuan family. I implore the Governor to spare me the whole family of the Yuan family; My uncle will definitely give the governor a satisfactory explanation."

"Explain? Can your uncle's explanation bring Gongsun Xiaoniang back to life?" Zhang Bairen turned his head and looked at Yuan Tiangang, looking at the tiger who was about to choose people to eat, and Yuan Tiangang's eyes were filled with panic.

"Capital Governor, this matter...this matter..." Yuan Tiangang didn't know how to argue.

"The Yuan family has disappointed the local governor! The local governor only hates that he wrongly believed in the Yuan family!" Zhang Bairen suddenly turned around and looked at the distant mountains and forests.

If she did not trust the Yuan family, how could the Gongsun sisters believe Yuan Shoucheng's words?

"Yuan Shoucheng relied on the trust of the governor to do such a thing. If I don't punish me, how will I serve the people in the future? How to rule Zhuojun?" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously.

As he was talking, Zuo Qiu Wuji walked hurriedly: "The Governor, Yuan Shoucheng is here."

"He still has the face to come to see me" Zhang Bairen's face was pale: "Call him over!"

Not long afterwards, I saw Yuan Shoucheng who was totally embarrassed and bitter, came to Zhang Bairen, and then knelt down to the ground: "The Governor, I am sorry for you, and I hope you will let the whole family of Yuan family go."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen faintly ‘oh’ without saying much.

"This matter is the fault of the old man, but the old man has to be clear about it. Some things should be clear." Yuan Shoucheng said: "The Zhuge Liufeng matter was pitted by the Zhuge family. Back then, the old man owed the Zhuge family a lot of money. Renqing, Zhuge’s family suffered a calamity later, and asked me to give me directions and ask about the way of birth. The old man was not easy to refuse, so it was calculated that Zhuge Liufeng might have a chance to get a chance at the Gongsun sisters, but I never thought that Zhuge Liufeng would do such a thing. When I discussed with the ancestors of the Zhuge family, things were not like this at all!"

Speaking of this, Yuan Shoucheng fell to his knees: "I want to kill or kill, let the governor dispose of it, but my Zhuge family is full of innocents, young and old, and Tiangang serves under the account of the governor. I hope that the governor can give me a way out of the Yuan family. The old man is grateful. ."

After speaking, Yuan Shoucheng kowtowed, his eyes full of helplessness.

What could Yuan Shoucheng say when he was cheated by his benefactor?

What can he say? How to say?

All the members of Zhuge's family were dead. Yuan Shoucheng wanted to reason, but couldn't find anyone.

Should we go to reason with the dead?

All the members of Zhuge's family were wiped out, and there was no chance of reincarnation.

"Huh!" Zhang Bairen snorted coldly: "I think you have too many good days, and it counts on me. Killing you is cheaper for you."

"Wow!" Zhang Bairen gave a palm to the news, as if he rushed to the thunder, and instantly shot at the Baihui acupoint on Yuan Shoucheng's head.

"Capital Governor!" Yuan Tiangang's heart trembled. Yuan Shoucheng treated him like his own father and son. Seeing Yuan Shoucheng's robbery at this time, his heart trembled suddenly.

Ignoring Yuan Tiangang's yelling, Yuan Shoucheng's complexion was distorted at this time, his body was sweating like rain, and the traces of three souls and seven souls were forcibly drawn from the Yang Shen by Zhang Bairen.


Yuan Shoucheng was slumped to the ground, sweating like syrup, and his clothes washed in water. His eyes were fixed, or it was the ray of soul in Zhang Bairen's hands.

As the seven stars circled in the night sky, Zhang Bairen's finger pointed out, it seemed that there was an infinite universe enveloped, thousands of stars gathered in his hand and merged with the soul of Yuan Shoucheng.


There was a slight tremor between the sky and the earth, the stars dissipated, and Yuan Shoucheng's soul also disappeared without a trace.

"I lack a tomb guard here. You will guard this place for life in the future. Only when the person in the tomb is resurrected will you be free, know!" Zhang Bairen looked at Yuan Shoucheng.

"Thank you, the Governor!" Yuan Shoucheng solemnly bowed to Zhang Bairen and bowed. Although he lost his freedom, it was better than being lost.

"Thank you for your kindness!" Yuan Tiangang also followed along.

Zhang Bairen waved his hand: "Finally, wait for me to arrest the remnants of the Yuan family and wipe out his soul completely. You will never live beyond life."

Yuan Tiangang shuddered when he heard the words, he didn't dare to say more, and immediately turned around and stepped back.

Zhang Bairen tapped the case table lightly with his fingers, his eyes looked far away, and after a while he stroked Empress Xiao’s cheeks: "I still have something to do. Don’t worry, I will never sit back and watch you just like this. ."

The words fell and Zhang Bairen went away.

"I..." Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, Queen Xiao wanted to say something, but after all, she didn't say anything.

"Ancestor" Zhang Bairen came to the place where Emperor Shaoyang practiced.

"Why come to see my old man free?" Emperor Shaoyang looked at Zhang Bairen with a smile.

"How can the Seven-Star Sustaining Life Technique be taken out of that kid's soul" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously.

It wasn't that he didn't want to search out the Seven-Star Suspension Technique from the soul of that kid, it was just that the Seven-Star Suspension Technique was erratic in Zhuge Liuyun's soul, and Zhang Bairen couldn't catch it.

Originally, as long as Zhuge Liuyun surrendered the Seven-Star Suspension Technique, all the storms would become invisible, but who would have thought that Zhuge Liuyun would not follow the script and instead would send Yuan Tiangang into the pit instead.

"Do you think the Seven Stars Renewal Technique is just an ordinary magical power technique?" Shaoyang Patriarch looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Please ancestors to solve their doubts!" ​​Zhang Bairen said quickly.

The ancestor of Shaoyang groaned a little when he heard the words, and then said: "I just heard that in ancient times there was a powerful person called the Emperor of the Big Dipper, with infinite magical powers and powers. This god-man was born from the seven stars of the Big Dipper. It is of the same origin with the Big Dipper. This seven-star life continuation technique is a kind of the Big Dipper's constant natal power. This supernatural power is manifested in the scriptures of the heavens and is not transmitted in the writings of the world. If you want to find out from the soul, it is specious, not In the book of heaven, the power of Qixingheng is still unavailable."

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words. He never thought that the power of the Big Dipper was actually the evolution of the words in the celestial script. The seven-star rebellious technique was the literal evolution of the celestial script. Rebellion, also feels all inappropriate.

"Then what should I do now?" Zhang Bairen frowned: "The Zhuge family are all in hell. It's so hard for me to tear the ghost gate and go to hell?"

"No, as long as you can practice the Purple Qi, you can obtain the Heavenly Emperor's Inheritance. The Heavenly Emperor is the king of the gods, and the Seven-Star Rebellion Technique is readily available. Even if there is no Zhuge family to teach you, as long as you obtain the Heavenly Emperor's Inheritance, Seven Stars Rebellion is naturally in your inheritance," Emperor Shaoyang said with a smile.

"Purple gas? What is purple gas?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

"The immortal enlightened, the purple qi came to the east for 30,000 miles, and the evil spirits and the evil demons lurked. As long as you can understand the purple qi from the east, you can perceive the inheritance of the emperor" Shaoyang Emperor Jundao.

"What's more, although it doesn't say that all evils are not invaded, you can stand invincible in the face of the power of nightmare, and maintain that touch of clarity in your heart" Shaoyang Emperor Jundao.

The last sentence is the point. Purple Qi is the nemesis of all demons, and the nemesis of all evils.

"How to comprehend the awe-inspiring purple air between heaven and earth?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a gleam.

"I don't know." Emperor Shaoyang shook his head: "Ask yourself about ask me?" Zhang Bairen frowned, and looked at the vast expanse of the sky: "How to understand the purple between heaven and earth? gas?"

"Capital Governor" Zuo Qiu Wuji came to Zhang Bairen's side.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bairen frowned.

"This matter seems to have traces of the Shui clan's intervention!" Zuo Qiu wuji said.

"Huh? Shuizu?" Zhang Bairen frowned: "What are the moths playing in the world."

Donghai Dragon Palace

A crystal ball in the hands of the Dragon King of the East China Sea circulated on the screen, and it took a while to see the Dragon King of the East China Sea and sighed: "Damn! Such calculations made Yuan Shoucheng escape. This person dared to calculate my child and hurt me. The future Dragon King of the Dragon Race has fallen, and I must behead him to avenge my child."

"My lord, this matter can't be anxious, we have the great cause of the East China Sea right in front of us, Zhang Bairen is not easy to provoke, don't show his feet," Prime Minister Turtle persuaded with all his heart.

"This king doesn't know what you said, but when I think of the appearance of my child before the tragic death, this king feels like a knife cut through the day and night!" The Donghai Dragon King's eyes turned murderously: "How long will it take to enter the interior, this king? Can’t wait."

"My lord, don't be fooling around, even if you are inland, we may not be Zhang Bairen's opponents. China has always been a hero. If you come in trouble, I'm afraid you will be variable." Prime Minister Turtle looked at the East China Sea Dragon King. There is always an unreliable feeling in my heart.

"This king knows! I know!" Donghai Dragon King sighed: "That's it, you try to draw the demon gods of Nanhuang, let's be more sure!"

"It's a pity, we have lost a good opportunity to kill Zhang Bairen. Last time the heroes besieged the dragon energy initiation, if I join the whole world, this person will undoubtedly die! What a pity! What a pity!"

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