First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1664: Ashes

If Li Chengqian is no longer a weapon, he is also his own son.

Moreover, Zhang Bairen intends to send Li Chengqian to Lingnan for polishing, and he has seen the various worlds of the world, and then after going through the hardships, he personally shoots and cuts the hair with phoenix blood to help him embark on the road of cultivation.

Unfortunately, Li Chengqian is dead!

Too bad to die!

Not to mention that Li Chengqian's previous life Uncle Zhang was kind to him, but Li Chengqian was the last thing that woman missed in the world, and Zhang Bairen would never allow Li Chengqian to die easily.

"Damn you!"

Qianmo Moxie rushed into the sky, and all the ghosts with sword aura like a rainbow instantly strangled all the ghosts, and the ghost car flag that exuded ghosts whizzed towards Zhang Bairen: "You are just a thought, you may not be able to win me!"

The old demon of Black Mountain knew he was dead, but he didn't want to die!

It's better to die than to live. Who can live and die?

Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of cold light: "For you ants, one thought is enough!"

Endless sword energy rushed into the sky between his fingers, and Mo Xie was turned into sword silk and strangled, and the ghost car flag of the Black Mountain Old Demon turned into ashes.

In the face of Zhang Bairen's anger, even if the ghost car flag is boundlessly capable of dominating the ghosts, it cannot bear the power of Zhang Bairen's law.


The ghost car flag turned into powder after a face, and the old demon Heishan said nothing, Yang Shen wanted to go away.


Heishan Lao Yao's Yang God is fast, but Zhang Bairen's sword energy is faster.

In an instant, the Old Demon Yang God of Heishan screamed and was pierced by the two sword threads, and then continued to flee towards the direction of Southern Xinjiang.

"If you can run, the monk can't run to the temple!" Zhang Bairen kept his hands. Of course, he couldn't wipe the ashes of the Black Mountain Old Demon Slash with a single sword. Many things have not been asked clearly, so how could he rush to kill?

The reason why Heishan Old Demon was hit hard was just to make it easier to use the Dafa of Containing the Soul.

A palm stretched out, the land of Lanruo Temple shook, and the locust tree was uprooted.

With a cold light on Zhang Bairen's face, his sword aura was like a rainbow in his hand, and Mo Xie carved his mark on the locust tree.

The magical powers changed, the law of the sky was like the earth, and the body of the old Black Mountain demon turned into the size of a palm and was held by Zhang Bairen.

"The soul is back!"

Looking at the direction of the old black mountain demon Yang Shen far away, Zhang Bairen pinched the formula in his hand, and chanted a mantra in his mouth. The sound of the curse seemed to span thousands of mountains and rivers and passed into the old black mountain demon soul without any hindrance.

Gradually, the old Black Mountain demon suddenly felt that time was frozen, and then saw the void flow upside down, an inexplicable force entangled his Yang God, and he flew back like a puppet.

If Yang Shen was in his heyday, he might have a bit of hope to break free of this bondage, but at this time, the old Black Mountain demon was severely wounded by Gan Jiang Mo Xie, and he had resisted that call in the dark.

"Ancestor, save me~" Heishan Lao Yaoyang God exclaimed in despair.

The mountains are silent, and no one dared to make a rash move. Zhang Bairen will inevitably find traces of the move at this time.

Facing the furious Zhang Bairen, Emperor Beimangshan chose to be silent, his eyes looked towards Manghuang, and he looked towards Jungui Jun in the depths of Manghuang.

Deep in Southern Xinjiang

Chunguijun, with his hands on his back, stood on the altar with a pair of eyes looking into the void in the distance.

"Trouble, Zhang Bairen's five gods to guard against ghosts cannot be defended against, and the Dao Heart Demon Seed is even more unpredictable. Even I have missed the mystery of the Dao Heart Demon Seed, so Zhang Bairen took advantage of the loophole!" It's ugly. Of course, he can save the Black Mountain Old Demon and defeat Nie Yinniang who is possessed by Zhang Bairen, but what about?

He must have missed his deeds and defeated Zhang Bairen's idea. Could he still defeat Zhang Bairen's deity?

After Zhang Bairen’s Yang Shen reincarnated, how would he face it?

"Zhang Bairen Yang Shen entered the Sun Star to practice Dafa, and his body was contended by the ancestors' powers. I am afraid it is not guaranteed! Zhang Bairen who lost his body is not to be feared. What are we afraid of..." Shebi's eyes showed a cold look Of murder.

"Part of the bodies of you and me have entered Zhang Bairen's body. It's not that Zhang Bairen's body has not been discovered. I'm afraid that a major change is about to happen. I always feel that there is something wrong with that body! Just a black mountain demon. I also gave up, and we must never teach Zhang Bairen to discover our black hands!" Chunguijun stood on the altar and started chanting mantras. A mysterious power in the underworld did not know where it came from or where it went. In an instant, it was poured into the body of the Heishan old demon, and before Zhang Bairen could react, the body of the Heishan old demon had turned into ashes.


With a scream, the old Demon Yang God of Black Mountain was wiped out, completely dissipated in the world.

The Lord of Spring Return is the **** of plants and trees between the heavens and the earth. He has a natural restraint for the old demon of Black Mountain, making him live and die. This is a natural suppression and the sorrow of a life of plants and trees.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen's power flowed around his body, petals flying across the sky, trying to trace the source of that power, but this power came and went fast, and disappeared in an instant without a trace, no trace.

"Killing and killing!" Zhang Bairen caught the soot with his fingers, a touch of murderous intent was revealed in his eyes, and he slowly stood and turned around: "Really it's human beings being bullied, Ma Shan being being rided!"

With a flick of his finger, the little murloc beads from Nie Yinniang's grave flew out, and then Mo Xie entered Nie Yinniang's soul. Zhang Bairen looked at Daoxin and the martial artist who saw the martial artist: "This matter is supposed to be explained!"

Daoxin sweats like rain: "The little monk will definitely track it down."

Zhang Bairen coldly glanced at Daoxin and the divine warrior, and the next moment Nie Yinniang's soul disappeared without a trace.


A blue light flickered, and Nie Yinniang's soul was revealed on the top of the mountain, and she saw her own body.

"Who!" Yu Juluo snapped.

"You did a good job. Put away Nie Yinniang's soul later, and reshape her body after I have the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven!" Zhang Bairen nodded.

"Captain, is there really no problem with you doing this?" Yu Juluo said worriedly.

"Whether the Four Zhuxian Swords can be born or not depends on this experience!" Zhang Bairen swept across the world with his hands on his back: "Unfortunately, the heat is not enough. There are still many old guys watching and never get into the trap."

Zhang Bairen shook his head, the next moment his thoughts were gone.

"Where is this place?" Nie Yinniang regained control of her soul at this time, looking at the two people in confusion in her eyes.

"Miss Nie, this place is Zhuo County. The girl should go to the city and stay safe and restless. When the governor finishes her work, she will naturally wake up her memory!" Zhang Xutuo smiled.


Li Shimin carried his hands on his back and walked in the Taiji Hall with a slight anxiety. After a while, he said, "I don't know why, there is always a sense of anxiety in my heart that is hard to remove."

"Your Majesty is worried about Zhuojun?" Fang Xuanling said.

"The chief governor is not a fool. How could he leave a body and the Yang God directly enters the Sun Star. Even if a fool knows, Yu Juluo and Zhang Xuan can't help it." Li Shimin looked at his confidant's humerus. minister.

"No matter what calculations the chief governor has, the moment the hero enters his body is no longer important, and all results are doomed." Du Ruhui smiled and said: "Even if the chief governor has calculations, dare to ask your majesty, so many powerful people enter. The main governor’s body, does your majesty think that the main governor is suppressing it?"

"Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you can't suppress so many powerful people. A slight riot will end in a gray and gray body, so most of the Governor miscalculates!" Li Shimin shook his head.

Even if Zhang Bairen is physically strong, he can't afford the toss of so many powerful people.

"The governor is not a fool, what on earth are you calculating!" There was a thought in Yuchi Jingde's eyes.


A rush of footsteps, accompanied by a stern roar, instantly broke the peace in the Tai Chi Hall.

"Who is making noise?" Cheng Yaojin scolded.

"Bang!" The main hall door slammed open, and the **** saw the martial artist stumbled in, and fell directly at Li Shimin's feet, with a mournful voice: "Your Majesty, the big thing is not good, Li Chengqian was killed by the Black Mountain demon!"

Since leaving Lanruo Temple, even those who saw the martial artist rushed around the night, even those who had beaten them with iron could not bear it.

If it weren't for the anger in the heart and the support of that belief, I'm afraid this samurai would have long been unable to hold on.


The words of reprimand were swallowed instantly when he heard the words. Li Shimin felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his brain banged and his body was dizzy, and the surrounding sounds gradually disappeared.

After a while, the six senses gradually recovered, and Li Shimin stepped forward and grabbed the collar of the guard: "What? What did you say?"

On the one hand, the soldiers of Tiance Mansion also recovered, their eyes were full of disbelief and looked at the guard.

"Your Majesty, someone secretly calculated that the subordinates were blocked by the Zen Taoist letter, which caused the prince to be taken advantage of. Please also your Majesty to show favor!" The guard said, panting.

"Daoxin! Daoxin! Daoxin!" Li Shimin gritted his teeth: "You and tell the matter There must be no omissions."

The guard didn't dare to be verbose when he heard the words, and finished the matter respectfully, only to see Li Shimin standing in the Taiji Hall with a gloomy face and pacing continuously.

Cleverness is wrong! All day long, the wild goose was caught by the wild goose.

Li Shimin wanted to calculate Mahayana Buddhism and Zen Buddhism, but he didn't even want to calculate himself.

"He did it deliberately! He did it deliberately!" Li Shimin's forehead blue veins violently, eyes full of anger, and his whole body vigorously continued to vigorously: "What a great Lord! What a great Lord, the skill of calculation is really unparalleled in the world."

In Zhang Bairen's body, the World-Honored One shivered, looking at the empty space in front of him, and making a slight calculation with his fingers: "Why does the outside world always feel a little uneasy?"

If the Blessed One knew Li Shimin's words, it would definitely be a big mistake. This incident is really a coincidence. It is definitely not the Blessed One's calculation.

ps: The leader is more...

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