First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1665: Prime Minister Turtle's Shell

Although the Blessed One had no plans to send the Five Ancestors down the mountain, it was definitely not such a thing.

For this kind of thing, it is too late for the Blessed One to avoid dodge, how dare to get in easily?

However, at this time, the Lord had no intention of paying attention to the outside world. He was already in a big trouble, a big trouble!

Since entering Zhang Bairen's Lingtai Ancestral Aperture, all the qi from the outside world has been cut off, and even the days have been turned into chaotic dust.

Looking at the vast and infinite void, the secret realm covered by clouds and mist, the eyes of the world-zun kept turning, revealing a look of vigilance.

Zhang Heng carried his hands on his back and looked at the emptiness of Ancestral Aperture in front of him: "I didn't expect that even the Ancestral Aperture has evolved into a blessed land in this kid's body."

"This kid has a lot of tricks. Since he dared to get out of his body, he must be backed!" Deng Yin's eyes looked at the clouds and mist in Zhang Bairen's ancestor's aperture, and his eyes showed curiosity.

"Hmph, I'm only curious about where that kid sealed the Zhongzhou ancestral veins. As for the rest, I have no interest in the slightest." Ju Mang stepped into the void, constantly speculating about the transformation of this space.

"You said, if we walk around Zhang Bairen's meridians, can we get a glimpse of the mystery of this kid's technique?" Wang Family Patriarch's eyes scanned the void in front of him, and his eyes showed curiosity.

"Oh?" Shebishi smiled coldly, and after looking at it for a while, she said, "Something interesting!"

"The old man only needs the ancestral veins of Zhongzhou, and you can discuss the other treasures by yourself!" After speaking, she saw Shebi corpse stepping out and drilling straight into the depths of the clouds.

"Don't teach this old guy to get on the ground first!" Seeing Shebi's corpse drilled into the depths of the clouds, the ancestors followed.

After years of cultivation, Zhang Bairen's cultivation has entered an unbelievable, mysterious and unpredictable realm, with all kinds of immeasurable magical powers, but at this time, watching the Wuken void opened up in Zhang Bairen's ancestor's aperture, everyone is still extremely shocked.

It turned out that his cultivation base was so high!

The Yangshen monk can open up the sky, not to mention the sky and the earth, but it is not difficult to create one's own void.

However, it was the first time everyone encountered the void created in the Ancestral Aperture.

"Death Legion!"

Looking at the vast white mist, Shebi Zhou tore through the void with his hands, and countless bones roared out and rushed into the mist.

She is not a fool, so she dare to venture into danger easily if she doesn't explore the weirdness in the mist?

The mist tore apart, and with the feedback from the countless death legions, the golden light in the eyes of Shebi Corpse rushed into the mist without a word.

"This cloud and mist is just an evolutionary phenomenon of its Tao and fruit. I don't know what it is hiding. Since the corpse has already started, I can't be left behind." Zhang Heng smiled softly, dragging the exquisite pagoda in his hand, not too slow. Stepped into it.

"There must be big discoveries in this, we must not delay half a minute, enter it quickly, and the treasure is the right way!"

"That is, you can't let these demon gods take advantage of it!"

Daomen Gaozhen rushed into the mist one after another.

Not far away, the Blessed One with his hands on his back, his brow furrowed in white clothes: "I don't know why, I always feel something is wrong, a crisis has flooded my mind!"

"It's not good! It's not good! Zhang Bairen is a cunning kid, I'd better stop early, so I won't be caught off guard by this kid!"

The Blessed One had already sensed something bad in his heart, and his figure quietly disappeared into the void.

not far away

The dragon kings of the four seas gathered together, you look at me and I look at you, Xihai Longwang said: "The dragon ball belonging to the Ancestral Dragon is right in Zhang Bairen's body, what should we do now?"

"The ancestral vein is important, but the dragon ball of the ancestor is even more important. If we can find the dragon ball of the ancestor, my blood will be transformed and cultivated in one step! However, the power of the ancestral vein of Zhongzhou is accumulated over thousands of years, and it is also an unforgiving sky-defense. Fortunately, my brother and you are divided into two groups; a group of people go to the dantian and the lower dantian to find the ancestor's dragon ball, and my second brother and I will seize the Zhongzhou ancestral line."

The Dragon King of Nanhai nodded: "This is the only way to go now! Zhang Bairen is out of his body, no matter what calculations he has, it is an opportunity for you and me. Zhang Bairen got the dragon ball of the ancestor, no matter what, you and I must Taking back the dragon ball of the ancestor, how can the relics of the ancestor be spread out?"

"That's the case, let's move separately!" Sihai Dragon King discussed for a while, only to see that two of the dragon kings followed the meridian directly and went to Zhang Bairen's dantian.

"Big brother, let's go, don't let these guys take the ancestral veins" Beihai Longwang said.

East China Sea Dragon King nodded and disappeared into the mist first.

When the Dragon King of the Four Seas was gone, he saw the World Venerable figure appearing in the same place. A pair of eyes looked in the direction of Zhang Bairen's dantian: "The dragon ball of the ancestor? I have a great opportunity for the monk today. If I can get the dragon ball of the ancestor, I will understand the dragon family. The secret of the ancestor, I am afraid that it is not far from becoming a god.

Compared with the ancestral veins that everyone is fighting for, the Dragon Ball, which is the ancestor of the dragon clan, is easier to succeed.

outside world

After Yu Juluo collected Nie Yinniang's soul and carefully put it in the sandalwood box, he looked at Zhang Bairen's body: "Why haven't there been any movement?"

"Be careful!" Zhang Xutuo suddenly exclaimed, punching Yu Juluo behind him with a fist.

Yu Juluo's hair burst, and there was a panic in his eyes. He had already noticed something wrong and heard the bad wind coming from his ears.


Yu Juluo tried his best to mobilize his blood, but it was a pity that he was still blown away by the attacker.

Flying sand and rocks between the world and the earth, a tortoise's lid tumbling back and forth, unexpectedly forced the fish to retreat step by step. For a time, he lost the first hand, and it was even more difficult to turn the game over.

I saw the innate gossip flowing on the tortoise's lid, turning it into a hazy chaotic space, and unexpectedly rolled up Zhang Bairen's body and snatched it away.

"Hahaha, hahaha! Zhang Bairen's child's body old man wants it, you two boys don't want to fight back!" Prime Minister Turtle's slightly triumphant laughter rolled up in the field, and saw the tortoise cover lightly falling on him In the hand, then turned into a streamer and went away.

"Stop!" Zhang Xutuo was shocked. In the previous calculations by Zhang Bairen, there was no such situation.

The strength of this old tortoise is extraordinary, a shell overturned all the fish, and it is difficult for the Zhang beard to come back. It shows that its strength is unpredictable.

"That is the Prime Minister Turtle of the East China Sea, the **** old guy, who expected his strength to be so against the sky, it is our carelessness!" Yu Juluo stood up, his eyes full of anger, although Prime Minister Turtle failed to take him seriously. , But it was covered by the turtle king eight shells, this news is not good at all.

There are many powerful people in the world, but he was stunned by a bastard, and it was a shame to say it.

"The East China Sea is the territory of the Dragon Clan. This matter has exceeded our expectations. Report the matter to the general governor quickly. This time it is really troublesome!" Yu Juluo has an ugly face. It is not good to still retain his sanity, knowing that the East China Sea is someone else. The site cannot be trespassed.

An incense rose, and Zhang Xutuo looked bitterly at the fireworks rising into the sky, with an ugly look in his eyes.

Heavenly Palace

Standing in the palace of the Emperor of Heaven, Zhang Bairen suddenly stopped. His eyes seemed to look into the void, looking towards the human world.

After a little calculation with his fingers, the Qimen Dunjia technique lined up, and after a while, he said: "The dragon is a good calculation, but it is just what I want!"

After speaking, I thought about it a little, and then I had a calculation.

The deepest part of the ancestral eyebrow

The divinity remains unchanged, quietly ups and downs in the deepest time and space of Zhang Bairen's ancestral aperture.

At this time, the world within the divine nature has evolved into the size of hundreds of miles, and the vitality of the vegetation within it is slowly brewing. With the form of the world, it is just that the sun, moon and stars are still far away.

The void was distorted, and the expressionless divinity turned into Zhang Bairen projected into the world, a pair of eyes looked at the barren world for hundreds of miles, and there was a touch of calculation in his eyes: "I am about to help me with the blood of the powerful. The formation of the four swords of Zhuxian is to celebrate the birth of the four swords of Zhuxian. The old tortoise robbed me of my body and headed to the East China Sea. Hahaha... There are countless blood in the East China Sea, which just helps me sacrifice to Zhuxian.

"Come on!"

Zhang Bairen's divinity screamed, and saw the void roll, a scroll of murderous intent overflowing, and the picture scroll that distorted time and space flew out from nowhere.

The divine nature looked at the array in his hand, and the countless innate runes on it were circling uncertainly. The aura of the four divine fetuses continued to accumulate, but it was too late to be born.

The four gods are the gods of killing and calamity. They should be born on the way of killing and robbery. They are the gods of extinction. If the spring and autumn are in full bloom today, how can the four gods be allowed to be born?

The number of days is not allowed, and before the birth of the four gods, today Zhang Bairen is about to use the blood of various powers to force the sword to accumulate the power that can break through the formation.

Glancing at the entire small world, the divine nature tossed the map in his hand casually, the next moment I saw the void distorted, and the map grew long in the wind.


Scarlet thunder ran across the sky, and a burst of black air rolled up, and the killing machine shook the universe.

The entire divine world shook, as if the end of the world, the evening of the gods and gods, the heaven and the earth rolled up all kinds of murderous intent.


Suddenly, the Zhuxian formation was hidden in the All the visions disappeared, as if it was a dream before.

"There is a barrier sealed here, and the vitality of the Zhongzhou Ancestral Vessel is behind this barrier. Even if it is not behind this barrier, there must be an incredible secret, otherwise Zhang Bairen would seal this place so tightly" Sanfu Boy Seeing the barrier in the mist shines in front of him.

"Let's take action together, blast away this barrier!" Stone Man Wang chattered with a cold laugh, and then took the lead in taking action.




The barrier vibrated, and as everyone shot, the barrier trembled violently.

"Everyone!" Zhang Heng and other Daoist real people couldn't sit still at this time, and one after another broke the formation.

ps: Thanks to the leader of the "travel habit" for the reward, today it’s more than 20...not to move, I want to take a few days off to recover from the injury, let’s see you in a few days.

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