First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1666: Murder in the array, the **** was born

The heavens and the earth roared, the universe exploded, and thunder was rolled up in the ancestral aperture.


There was a crisp sound, the screen burst, and the ancestral veins instantly spread out and filled the audience.

"Ancestral vein is just ahead!"

Feeling the strong Qi machine coming out after the barrier was broken, suddenly I saw the overwhelming ancestral Qi impacting, and a roar of dragon veins alarmed the audience.

See it!

A barren world is full of deserts, and the ancestral veins are floating on the desert.

Looking at the ancestral veins floating in the air, everyone's eyes were red, and they rushed out without saying anything, and ran towards the ancestral veins.

"You are polite!"

A sound spread throughout the universe, shocking everyone to stop, and one after another, following the voice, saw a white figure sitting on the head of the ancestral vein, which seemed to have become the universe of the whole world.

"Zhang Bairen! Didn't you go to the Sun Star?" Seeing the figure at the top, Sabi Shi had a look of horror in his eyes.

It is not just the corpse, the moment everyone saw Zhang Bairen, they couldn't help showing a sense of horror, and a bad feeling rose in their hearts.

When Zhang Bairen heard the words, he only glanced at the people in the field blankly, as if looking at the ants: "If you don't come in, how can I seize the aura of you, and create the supreme killing array?"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, just listen to Zhang Bairen slowly saying:

"It is neither copper nor iron nor steel. It was once hidden under Mount Xumi; there is no need to reverse the Yin and Yang refining, and there is no water to quench the edge; Zhu Xianli! Fall into the immortal! There is a red light in the slaughter of the immortal. There are endless changes in the super immortal, Da Luo The fairy blood stains his clothes!"

The words fell, and no response from everyone, I saw the void change, four earth-shattering murderous intent rolled up from the southeast, northwest, and the entire void in an instant.

The strength of the array turned around, and the large array has sealed the entire void.

"Since you are willing to sacrifice your sword for me, how can you not agree to your request?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of disdain, and his fingers shook in the void, and the innate thunder method urged the power of the Zhuxian formation.




The sword qi of Zhuxian, Sinking, Juexian, and Slaughter Immortal rolled up from the void, spreading out in the void like a tide.

Compared with Zhang Bairen's normal sword aura, this Zhuxian sword aura is more than a thousand times stronger at this time, and the laws of heaven, time and space, and cause and effect are cut off.

The entire Zhuxian Sword Array has been completely separated from the outside world.


The sword aura swept across, Deng Yin flew into ashes, and the soul source was absorbed by the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and instantly spread into the entire four gods.


The ancestor of the Wang family exploded, and without waiting for his reaction, he had already been wiped out by Jue Xian Jian Qi.

Facing the overwhelming power and domineering Zhuxian Jianqi, countless powerful enemies have been wiped out with his fingers, and 90% has been damaged in a few breaths.

"Zhang Bairen, you are crazy!" Zhang Heng sacrificed his pagoda, blocking the overwhelming sword aura, his eyes showed horror: "I am your ancestor!"

The manic Zhuxian sword qi hit the pagoda, as if the rain hit Basho, Zhang Heng's face changed frantically. He knew that although the pagoda was an immortal sacrifice, it absolutely couldn't stop the overwhelming sword qi for a long time.

Zhang Bairen's face was calm and motionless, like a mountain: "The ancestor has only a hundred years of cultivation base, how about I have been fulfilled?"

"Zhang Bairen, you are so big..."

The San Fu boy incarnates a series of black talisman seals, screaming in the sword rain, wanting to yell, but facing the power of the Zhuxian Sword Array, a word has not been finished yet, and has become the nourishment of the Zhuxian Sword Array.

With a flick of his fingers, the ashes disappeared, and he didn't know whether the Sanfu boy had broken the law body or the true spirit.

However, since everyone had entered their own bodies, Zhang Bairen had no intention of staying alive.

Whether it's one of your fellow Daoists or your ancestors, there is only one dead end.

"Zhu Xian Sword Array! This is Zhu Xian Sword Array!" Shebi screamed sternly, his eyes full of despair: "I remember you! I remember you!"

Shebi corpse snarled up to the sky and turned into a flying drought phantom, with fiery air all over her body.




In an instant, the real body of Drought Yan was sifted into eyes. Although the extravagant corpse tried hard to restore the real body, it was not as powerful as the destructive power of the Zhuxian Sword Array: "No life, you **** really is not dead, everyone looks down on it. is you!"

While roaring bitterly, Shebi’s corpse revealed golden bones at this time, and all the flesh and blood skins around her body were turned into ashes: "I want to tear the void, I want to spread the news, you unexpectedly resurrected from the long river of time. Come out, your scourge is actually resurrected again!"

The space was turbulent, the Zhuxian formation was distorted, and Zhang Bairen snapped his fingers with disdain.


The next moment the Drought Man's golden body exploded, and the Sabi Corpse Dharma body was wiped out.

"It's you... it's you..."

Chunguijun's body was trembling, and there was no time to resist, and he had turned into a fan.


Outside, southern Xinjiang

She stood up abruptly, ignoring the blood on her chest, and stared in Zhuojun's direction with a pair of eyes amazed: "Damn, what happened? The deity's Dharma body was completely wiped out of the world!"

Looking at the luxurious corpse with a golden face, Chungui Jun said in amazement: "Impossible, that Dharma body condenses your five sources of cost, and has been cultivated into an immortal body. Who can kill him in the world?"




As soon as the words fell, Chunguijun had already followed in the footsteps, sitting on the ground, his chest exploding continuously.

"Asshole, I have restored the indestructible body, who can kill my body?" Chun Guijun's eyes are full of fear. If the opponent can kill his body, then he can kill his body.

At this time Chunguijun said in a frightened voice: "This is impossible! This is impossible! King Yu couldn't kill me back then, how is this possible!"

"I just want to know what happened to that Dharma body before it died!" Shebi's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he clenched his fist: "That's the source of five costs, at least ten thousand years of hard work, it's so unclear. Bai was beheaded!"

"The other party used means to cut off the law of cause and effect. There was no warning before he died, and no information came out. It was really terrifying!" Chungui Jun returned to his senses, with a look of horror in his eyes.

The Dharma body is connected with the deity's mind, ignoring the time and space distance, but the other party actually doesn't know what means to use to prevent the Dharma body from spreading the news before dying. Isn't it a horror?

"The ancestors of Taoism and Buddhism must know the truth about this matter. Let's hide and watch the changes!" Shebi Zhe took a deep breath and went directly into the coffin.


Zhang Bairen glanced expressionlessly at the people who resisted Negative Yu, a pair of eyes fell on the five ancestors of the Langya Wang Family: "I didn't expect that there would be people who would dare to come out of the body, so courageous!"

The five ancestors of Langya were blessed by Zhang Heng's pagoda. At this time, they looked pale at Zhang Bairen. One of them said: "Zhang Bairen, I am a thousand-year-old family. If you dare to kill me, we will never die! The ancestors of my royal family I will never let you go."

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen remained silent, but kept urging the Immortal Sword Formation in his hand, and looked down at the ants under his feet blankly.

After ten breaths, the stone man king was wiped out in ashes and turned into the nourishment of the Zhuxian Sword Array.

Southern Xinjiang

A stone twisted and slowly turned into a stone man king, and his face solemnly looked at Zhuojun: "Something has happened! Many decades of hard work have been put in! You know that kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Why do you still want to make money inside? When you get back to good, the ancestral veins are not found, but 10% of the origin is involved."

At the same time, countless Gao Zhens of Dao Sect were awakened from meditating, and walked out of the retreat with blood spurting and face like gold paper, and their eyes looked towards the East China Sea.

East China Sea

Prime Minister tortoise was rolling Zhang Bairen's body all the way, his eyes showed a smug look: "These idiots, as long as I take this kid's body and ask the ancestor to swallow this kid's body, the ancestral veins will naturally be digested by the ancestor."

Speaking of this, Prime Minister Tortoise fell into the sea, a path straight to the secret place, and whispered: "The king, a rare great tonic, the powerful souls of all roads in Zhongtu, and the ancestral veins of Zhongzhou are all in this kid, as long as The king swallowed this kid's body, and he will surely replenish his vitality and reappear in the world..."

"Really?" Shimen slowly moved away, and an ancient vicissitudes of energy escaped, and then a palm covering the sky and sun was brought to Zhang Bairen's body: "You have a heart for these years!"

"Thank you for the great king..." Prime Minister Turtle bowed slightly triumphantly.

But before the words were finished, only a scream was heard, and a drop of golden blood fell into the void, and was absorbed by Zhang Bairen in an instant.

Murderous aspect, Zhang Bairen's whole body is endless murderous circulation, exterminating all things.


In the screams of Shimen, the dragon claws cut all the way down, and then retreated screaming.

A wave of murderous intent rushed into the sky, gradually spreading toward the sea, and saw that the murderous intent was extinct, and it turned into nutrients to nourish the Zhuxian sword formation in Zhang Bairen's ancestor's aperture.

" Are you really going to be so cruel?" Zhang Heng stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Please ancestors on the road!" Zhang Bairen's face was expressionless, and the next moment the sword aura screamed, the defense of the pagoda was breached, and the dharma body of Zhang Heng and the ancestors of the Wang family became the nourishment of the Zhuxian Sword Array.

Within thirty breaths, the strong men who entered Zhang Bairen's ancestral aperture had all been extinct.

In the formation, a series of innate and sacred auras flowed, and then four blurred figures were slowly coming out from all directions.

After decades of hard cultivation and decades of gestation, the divine birth of Zhuxian Four Swords finally hatched.

The supreme and noble mechanism of the gods spread in Zhang Bairen's ancestral aperture, and the four kingdoms of the gods slowly evolved in the Zhuxian formation.

The qi to kill the tribulation waved in Zhang Bairenqiao, and the qi to kill all things was constantly drifting, and the vitality of the tribulations was extinguished. At this time, a thought suddenly rose in Zhang Bairen's heart. It seemed that the day, the past and the future, oneself All can be killed with one sword!

(The Four Seas Dragon King, the Pagoda, the World Lord, the Four Seas Killing Tribulation, the Four Gods.)

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