First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1686: 1 finger that reverses time and space

"Three moves!" Pu Gu Huai'en looked at Zhang Xutuo with a pair of eyes: "With your half-hearted truth about shooting the sun, if I want to kill you, I only need three moves!"

Contempt, true true contempt completely, the eyes of the servant bone Huai'en are full of disdain: "The truth of shooting the sun falls into the hands of ordinary people like you, and you have ruined the classics. If you give me this truth, I will definitely Break through the original shackles and raise the base to another level."

"Oh? Really? Then you can try and see if you can kill me with three strokes!" Zhang Xuluo was not angry, just smiled faintly.

"Never mind, let you know the difference between innate gods and ordinary people like you!"

While speaking, Pu Gu Huai En stood up and turned into a golden light in an instant, ignoring the distance of time and space, and slashed straight towards Zhang Beard's eyebrow ancestor orifice.

Zhanxianfeidao is definitely not a joke!

The source of the gold collected by the scorpion is enough to destroy all things in the world. As a famous demon powerhouse in the ancient times, the ability of the scorpion is definitely not covered.

Time and space seemed to stop at this time, and the speed of retraction was too fast, and when it was almost time, it was almost stationary.

Can't stop it!

Zhang Xuluo's face suddenly turned horrified, his eyes stared at the golden light that had been smashed, and the thoughts flowed in his mind, and he roared frantically: "Block! Block me! Move!"

Zhang Xutuo's eyes were full of madness, but he couldn't move anything. A pair of eyes stared at the cut golden light, seeming to have surpassed time and space, and surpassed the speed of Zhang Xutuo's reaction.


Facing the Zhanxian Flying Sword that had been collected, Zhang Xutuo's fate was death.

"God is dead and I too!" Zhang Xuluo was wailing in his heart.


Seeing Zhang Xutuo was about to be slashed and cut under the knife, suddenly a crystal clear and delicate finger stretched out from nowhere. With the awe-inspiring purple between heaven and earth, time and space seemed to be distorted.


With a flick of his finger, this finger seemed to hit the past and the future. This is an attack of time and space, which is unstoppable and unstoppable!

Everything in the past has become a fixed number, how to resist it?

But in the last second of glance, this finger seemed to suddenly appear, piercing through the long river of time, seeing through all of his changes, blocking the endless time and space, making it impossible to stop it at all.

Zhang Bairen has already seen through all the changes in Liaoshou in the future, and then he will naturally make no effort to parry him.

With a finger, the source of the sacred leaf was bounced off and back to the city. A pair of eyes looked at Zhang Bairen in amazement: "Who are you? You can interfere with time and space!"

Interfere with time and space!

Since the ancient times lived to the present, even the Emperor of Heaven, who is as strong as overcoming the innate gods, cannot have the power to interfere in time and space, but what did he see at this time?

Someone can actually interfere and touch the past, breaking through time and space!

It is incredible to say that I am afraid of the fantasy!

The irreversibility of time and space is an ancient law, even if an idiot knows it, but what did he see at this time?

Really someone interfered with time and space!

"It's impossible! I must be dazzled!" Xiao Shu couldn't believe it, and Zhanxian Flying Sword rolled up again. This time the goal was Zhang Bairen: "I don't believe it! I don't believe that anyone can interfere in time and space and can go back to the past. !"

A finger pointed it out, and the same understatement, as if a finger of the purple warm jade penetrated time and space, blocked all changes, and then bounced it away.

"It's impossible! It's impossible!" Lian Shu stared at Zhang Bairen like a ghost: "Who are you?"

"Me?" Zhang Bairen shook his head: "Go and tell Geely Khan that I don't want to kill him yet. If he is acquainted, he should retreat as soon as possible, otherwise... I don't mind taking some effort to crush this ant."

"Ants? You actually said that this king is an ant? Hahaha! Hahaha!" Geely Khan from behind looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "What a big tone, everyone in the world dare to say that this king is an ant, you are the first!"

Geely Khan slowly hit the front, the emperor's dragon roared and rotated, turning into a black dragon and rising up into the sky.

At this time, the scales of the black dragon exploded, full of anger, and a sudden roar, poured into the ancestral orifice of Geely Khan, the Geely Khan’s voice shook a radius of several tens of miles: "Let me see if you can run over my ant. !"


Along with the roar of the black dragon, Geely Khan rushed into the sky. At this time, it turned into a black real dragon, with its teeth and claws tearing through the void, and the place where it passed was sealed off, towards Zhang Bairen's claws.

If this claw is implemented, the tendons must be broken and the flesh will end in mud.


Zhang Bairen smiled suddenly, the index finger of his right hand turned into a crystal clear purple, and he pointed out to break through time and space, and pointed at Geely Khan who had not yet formed a real dragon in time and space.


Seeing that Geely Khan was about to drop a claw on Zhang Bairen, the next moment Geely Khan suddenly spurted blood from his mouth and fell to the ground with a cry of mourning, and was caught by the servant bone Huaien who rushed over.

The wounds of the past will work in the present. This is the law of cause and effect. No one can reverse it, and neither can the emperor's dragon gas.

Because although the emperor's dragon qi destroys all laws, the emperor's dragon qi is in time and space and is contained by time and space.

Moreover, who said Zhang Bairen could only reverse time and space for one breath, one second?

With his fingers on his back, no one could see that the fingers in Zhang Bairen's sleeve had turned into mud under the backlash of the law of cause and effect.

"How?" Zhang Bairen looked at Geely Khan below, and a blood hole appeared in Geely Khan's chest at some point.

"Withdraw the troops!" Pugu Huai'en cut off for Gili Khan, the Turkic army retreated thirty miles, and then set up camp.

"The price is too big and flashy. If I personally fight it head-on, the price I would pay to defeat Sibi Khan will be much lower." Zhang Bairen slowly repaired his fingers, his eyes showed a thoughtful look: "But I want To deal with the emperor’s dragon qi, it will inevitably leak the four swords of Zhuxian, and only the four swords of the emperor can fear the emperor’s dragon qi."

"There are gains and losses, but the farther the reversal time goes, the price paid increases geometrically. I have already reached my limit before. If I continue to insist, I am afraid my body will collapse." Zhang Bairen kept deducing various results in his eyes.

"In general, reversing time can do many things that cannot be done, and it is impossible to defend against people! But it is not omnipotent! After all, Shibi Khan's martial arts is a bit worse. If there is a warrior, it will be clear. People, the autumn wind hasn’t moved the cicada beforehand, I may not be able to take advantage! Unless I can turn to the other side’s youth and wipe it out with one finger!” Zhang Bairen shook his head. Right now, this magical power can only be used to bluff people, but it is flashy Stuff.

"The governor!" Zhang Xutuo and others respectfully saluted Zhang Bairen, with a look of shame on their faces: "Subordinates called the governor disappointed."

"It's normal, there is no disappointment or disappointment!" Zhang Bairen shook his head: "It can also be ranked among the ancient demon gods, and he has a part of the strength to resurrect, if it weren't for me to seize the essence of his body. God, I’m afraid that what we are facing at this time is the heyday of Liaoshou. Even if Liaoshou has only recovered 40% of its strength, it is not something you can handle. The general may have some chance."

The Demon God of Lian Shou is simply not something that the Shattered Void can handle. Only the broken vacuum can compete with Lian Shou.

Turkic camp

Geely Khan sat in the big tent with a gloomy face, his wounds had healed, and he looked at the sand table with a gloomy face.

"The man used to be really weird. I don't know why, he was suddenly injured, and then there was a memory in his mind, but there was no trace of this memory before," Geely Khan said with a gloomy expression.

"My lord, this is the power of time. I didn't expect this person to penetrate time and space. Could it be that the **** of time and space was resurrected?" Ling closed with doubts: "It should not be!"

It really shouldn't!

"Since ancient times, apart from the time and space demon **** who can reverse time and space, the subordinates have never heard of people reversing time and space." "This person has a strange background, and the king should not compete with this person."

"Reverse time and space is really so powerful?" Geely Khan said unwillingly.

"If I return to the peak period, I will naturally not be afraid of this means of reversing time and space. Reversing time and space attacks in the past, like a sudden attack by a master, is useless for the peak power. I am afraid that the opponent will reverse time and space and return to the ancient times. I was obliterated in the budding state, but at this time it has been hundreds of thousands of years since the birth of the ancestors. It is impossible for this kid to return to the ancient times." Ying Shou sneered in his heart, and the previous fear suddenly disappeared. How about ten years?

For ordinary people, ten years are too variable, but for Innate Demon God, ten years are like a day, and there is no change at all.

And if the other party reverses to his peak state, it will feel good, and he can't eat it and walk around.

However, at this time, Xiao Shu was already scrupulous about the opponent's methods, and doubts arose in his heart, and then lightly tapped the case with his palm: "Major, it is better to withdraw troops temporarily. We are not in a hurry for this moment."

On one side, the blood demon suddenly said: "Khan King, the subordinates think that person is like a person!"

"Who?" Shibi Khan turned and looked at the blood Bairen! "Blood God said with a solemn expression.

"It's impossible, the two auras are too different, they are completely opposite!" Shu Shu Yaguchi rejected.

"Can there be evidence?" Geely Khan looked at the blood god.

The blood **** smiled bitterly: "Does it count?"

Although the feeling of the most powerful is very reliable, it feels that this thing is the most deceptive and the least reliable.

"Is there a way to restrain this person? If he can reverse the time and space and return to decades, and obliterate the king from his youth, wouldn't it be bad...isn't it bad?" Geely Khan suddenly felt excited, as if thinking of something Generally, he exclaimed.

"Reversing time and space for ten years is just a hypothesis. The power consumed by reversing time and space is not small, and the price paid is too great. I am afraid that this person may not have this ability." Jin Shu hesitated. .


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