First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1687: Stone people go south

How difficult it is to reverse time and space, let alone reversing ten years of time, the law of cause and effect involved in this, the changes of the heavens need to be calculated with the force of massive laws.

"Does it mean that the king really wants to retreat like this?" Geely Khan's eyes flashed coldly, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

He is indeed unwilling. The death of Zhang Bairen is the best time to destroy Zhuojun and sweep Zhongtu. He has waited for more than ten years for this day, and his patience has been constantly eroding.

Zhuojun is like a big mountain, pressed on the body of Gili Khan, the three generations of Turkic Khan died in the hands of Zhang Bairen, Zhang Bairen is the nightmare of Turks.

"Sir, stay calm, this matter may not turn around" the blood **** said, with a shrewd look in his eyes.

"Oh?" Geely Khan looked at the blood **** with a pair of eyes: "Ji will set out?"

"As the saying goes: One mountain can hardly tolerate two tigers. Li Shimin won Wagang and Luoyang, his strength will inevitably increase again, and then he will have to look at Shu. The king thought Li Shimin would abandon Zhuojun?" The blood **** smiled and said, "Once Li Shimin takes action against Zhuojun, At that time, the inside and outside of Zhuojun will be attacked by the inside and outside. Let’s take action against Zhuojun. Li Shimin is watching a good show. He hopes that we and Zhuojun will be hurt, and then the fisherman will benefit. Maybe after Zhuojun is settled, we can still take the opportunity. Going to the north to flatten the grassland has relieved many years of confidant troubles."

Hearing this, Geely Khan also got a cold sweat when he heard the words: "Yes, this king is stunned and stunned by the wealth of Zhuojun. Even if we attack Zhuojun, we will definitely hurt our vitality. Give Li Shimin that kid a chance."

"My lord, Li Shimin ignored Zhuojun, but went south to meet the King of Stoneman. I was afraid that he might not deliberately paralyze the king, so that the king would take the opportunity to calm Zhuojun's mind, and then Li Shimin would return to the horse to pick the fruit..." said Here the blood **** said: "The stone man king of southern Xinjiang has an immortal body, standing on the ground, he will not die and is in an immortal state. Although Li Shimin has the emperor dragon spirit, he may not be able to surrender the stone man king. Xuanyuan Huangdi After defeating Chi You, why didn't you kill it, but sent Bi'an to guard it? How could Emperor Xuanyuan not be the King of Stoneman, let alone Li Shimin?"

This makes sense, Geely Khan suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed: "Yes! Yes! It is not the time for us to enter the stadium. At this time, the entrance is asking for trouble. China has not yet reached the critical time. The admission at the time was a waste of my own strength, but instead helped Li Shimin a lot, giving Li Shimin a chance to deal with us."

Geely Khan was determined in his heart, and his eyes were full of cold light: "However, we still have to say it again. Those who shoot today will definitely dig out the details. Such terrible characters are actually us. I don’t know, I’m afraid I don’t know how I died in the future."

Geely Khan was afraid that someone could kill you through the annual ring, and when he killed your childhood, he asked if you were afraid!

"It's really time to find out. This method is definitely not an unknown person." Su Shi sighed.

"It's interesting, Geely Khan has withdrawn his troops." Zhang Xutuo leaned on the head of the city, with a pair of eyes looking at the distant smoke and dust, a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"You can't do it, it's the work of a reckless man! How can Geely Khan stand out as the leader of the Turks, how can he be a fool?" Luo Yi said with a smile.

Luo Yi may not be as good as Zhang Xu Tuo in terms of martial arts and military commanding, but if it is concerned with the court, ten Zhang Xu Tuo can not be counted as Luo Yi.

"Where did the governor say?" Zhang Xutuo was taken aback.

"The Governor just said let it go." Luo Yi was puzzled.

"The number of Turkic people who can fight in these years has reached 500,000. This is already an astronomical figure, but the general governor actually allows the Turkic to develop without restrictions..." Zhang Xutuo could not figure it out.

People are afraid of their opponents being strong, Zhang Bairen is good, and hopes his neighbors are getting stronger and stronger.

In the past few years, many non-materials in Zhuo County have secretly flowed to the Turks. Otherwise, how could the Turks develop so fast?

"What is the plan of the Governor?" Zhang Xutuo sighed.

"The wisdom and layout of the general governor are not what you and I can understand, but since the birth of the general governor until now, he has never been a master who is willing to suffer." Luo Yidao.

Xiaoshantou, Zhuojun

Zhang Bairen was sitting not far from Yuan Shoucheng. At this time, Yuan Shoucheng was weeding in front of the grave and repairing the flowerbed nearby.

"Do you know why the Sima family died?" Yuan Shoucheng prune the flower branches unhurriedly.

Zhang Bairen smiled and shook his head, looking at the tombstone not far away, with a touch of contemplation in his eyes.

"Before Cao Cao died, it was an accident that the Sima family usurped Han Han. The intervention of the historian was beyond Cao Cao's expectation. At that time, the bodies of the generals of the Cao family were at a critical moment of transformation, so they could only watch. Watching the Cao family fall.” Yuan Shoucheng took out a book in his hand and placed it in front of Zhang Bairen: “The Sima family usurped Cao is the calculation of Zhuge Wolong, a chess piece left by Zhuge Wolong back then.”

Holding the yellowed book in his hand, Zhang Bairen said, "What happened later?"

"After Cao Cao's transformation was over, it was natural that the Sima family was smashed, and they were all banned." Yuan Shoucheng said, "What happened back then was a mystery. Except for the Cao family and the Sima family, the rest are all hearsays. They are somewhat accurate and need to be examined. ."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen frowned, and slowly opened the book to look at the book in his hand: "Can the emperor transform into a flying drought?"

"Of course you can, if a person dies like a lamp, life will be wiped from the world!" Yuan Shoucheng said.

"But as a royal man, why can Cao Chong practice?" Zhang Bairen said.

"Hahaha! When Cao Chong died, the Cao family was not a royal family. Why couldn't Cao Chong practice?" Yuan Shoucheng smiled and said, "Don't say that Cao Chong is a small amount of Cao Chong. Even if you say that Cao Cao can practice, I am not surprised. Cao Cao's. With great ambitions, it is a true hero to resist the change of dynasty for his own plan."

"Cao Cao!" Zhang Bairen is actually a bit strange. Why didn't Emperor Wu of the Han jump out and destroy Cao Cao. Later, after a little thought, he also wanted to understand that the masters of the Three Kingdoms period were like clouds and fierce generals like rain. The Han Dynasty was controlled by the overlord of Western Chu, and the Han family also Not without enemies.

What's more, there was a son of luck, Lu Bu, who is invincible in the world, who dare to jump out casually?

"Overlord! Lu Bu! If they are all dead, I don't believe it" Zhang Bairen slowly stood up.

"Captain, what are you going to do in the East China Sea?" Yuan Tiangang asked.

Zhang Bairen remained silent, and after a while, he said, "Where are the Sima family?"

"The governor wants to take action against the Cao family?" Yuan Shoucheng was taken aback: "Now the human race is in danger. It should be unanimous to the outside world. The governor should not use swords and soldiers."

Zhang Bairen sneered, but stood up unhurriedly, looked into the distance with his eyes, and then said after a while: "The matter of the capital governor is naturally planned. You only need to tell me where the Sima family's nest is."

Yuan Shoucheng was silent when he heard the words, and stared at the flowerbed blankly for a long time without speaking.

Outside Wagang

At this time the imperial army gathered

An army of one hundred thousand opened up in front of Wagang, and the opposite was only a mere five thousand soldiers of the Stoneman clan.

"The King of Stone Man, what should be the crime if you wait for the barbarians to dare to invade the land of my Han family?" Li Shimin stood in front of the two armies with a gloomy expression, glaring at the King of Stone Man on the opposite side.

"Oh?" The stone man Wang Wenyan just smiled coldly, and stepped on the earth and dragon veins unhurriedly: "Li Shimin, your human race is now powerful, and I don't want to compete with your human race, but you have to cede the boundary of Wagangzhai. Give me, let me have a foothold in Middle-earth for the Stone People. You waited for the Humans to steal Middle-earth for five thousand years. Now that the ancestral line is swallowed, you should change to another owner. All this is due to the number of days, and this seat is just in compliance with the fate ."

"Don't think about it! Although I, Li Shimin, are useless and ruthless, but I dare not lose a little bit of Terran land, lest my Li family become a sinner of Terran" Li Shimin smiled coldly.

"Today, you just wait if you quit obediently, and I don't bother to pursue it. If you don't wait, you will stay here and let the stone people die out." Li Shimin sneered.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" The stone man Wang Yangtian laughed, his eyes full of disdain: "If this sentence is called the general governor, I will naturally avoid and retreat without saying a word. But just because you are a Li Shimin, I want to be with me. Fighting for the front is simply not ashamed."

"Although you have a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, in my eyes it is just an ant that can be slapped to death by one hand, nothing more!" The stone man king's eyes turned murderously: "Let me ask you one last time, are you serious? Will you agree?"

"Never agree! I will never agree even if it is dead, even if it is shattered to pieces!" Li Shimin made a firm decision.

"Good! Good! Good! Since you don’t know each, then you can blame me for the ruthless method and take you off the throne of the emperor to replace you." The stone man Wang Yangtian laughed wildly, the mud fluctuated under his feet, and his figure continued for the next moment. It grew and turned into a giant tens of feet high, hundreds of meters high, and suddenly stomped the mountain, as if it were a magnitude seven or eight earthquake. The 100,000 troops behind Li Shimin were thrown away one after another. Falling to the ground knowing whether to live or die.

"Bold!" Li Shimin's eyes were split when he saw this scene. Although the 100,000 army formed an army formation and would not lose his life, it also made Li Shimin angry, and the purple emperor dragon rose up. Not inferior to that stone man king.

The emperor of the past dynasties received the blessing of the emperor's dragon qi, and he will become the number one master recognized by Zhongtu. This matter has never changed.

However, it was because of Zhang Bairen's perversion that Li Shimin appeared weak and incompetent, as if he was a waste.

But is this really the case?

Human race has existed for countless years in the world, but Zhang Bairen is the only one in the ages.

In charge of Middle-earth and destiny, is Li Shimin's cultivation really that weak?


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