First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1688: Sword of the Son of Heaven, Li Shimin’s faith

Not far from the top of the mountain, Zhang Bairen floated up and collected everything in the field. After all, it was the stone man king who looked down on Li Shimin.

Who is the King of Stone Man? How could Li Shimin look at the powerful aliens who have fought against Xuanyuan Huangdi after the ancient wars, and the stone man king who has fought against the most powerful king of mankind?

It's a pity that the King of Stone Man thought wrong, so wrong!

Although the current Middle-earth is far less than the former Middle-earth, and the current humans are not as strong as those who were able to drink blood from the hair, but the human race now occupies the middle-earth country with a large number of prosperous and powerful people, and the King of Stone Man is not at its peak. The King of Stone Man was cut by Zhang Bairen some time ago by two cost sources and integrated into the Zhuxian formation. The King of Stone Man was weakened by 20% out of thin air.

One goes down and the other grows, Li Shimin dominates China, and the outcome is particularly unknown.

"From the moment Stone Man Wang took the initiative, the ending is doomed!" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

The purple dragon rushed into the sky and instantly turned into a law of fate. In a blink of an eye, he came to the stone man king and entangled it. A power of fate descended in the underworld, and the law of destiny was slowly turning towards the stone man king to suppress it. Go: "You, stone people, want to occupy my Middle-earth China. It's a foolish dream! You are worthy of fighting against me if you wait for the barbarians from outsiders?"




Each scale of the purple dragon seems to be a sword that radiates radiance. The sharp aura cuts off the birds flying in the sky, and the leaves of the thousand mountains are falling, and the sharp aura is turned into dust.

The stone king's body surface rubbed against the purple dragon, and the lightning continued to flow, and the purple dragon cut the stone king's body.

Manic, tyrannical, incredible supernatural power, incredible power.

"The law of destiny has always been elusive. I don't know how the King of Stone Man will deal with it. Today, the King of Stone Man is afraid that he will be defeated. The history of the Stone Man family will be destroyed!" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

As the scales were cut, broken stones continued to fall from the stone king's body, and red blood was slowly flowing.


The ground at the feet of the Stone Man King keeps fluctuating, and the power of the ground veins is continuously blessed in the Stone Man King's body: "Immortality is immortal! The deity is immortal!"

"Fatianxiangdi open it for me!" The stone man king turned his supernatural powers to break free from the restraint of dragon energy.


Dragon Qi is the convergence of the aura of the entire human race, it is the combination of the will of thousands of people in the Middle-earth, and the general trend of humanity. Can the King of Stone Man break free?

"Stone Man King, let me show you my methods!" The purple dragon smiled grimly, and a mouthful of purple dragon breath spewed out: "Destiny is like a sword!"

The dragon's breath filled the entire sky, Zhang Bairen's eyes were all over the dragon's breath, and he couldn't help but be shocked. Where is the dragon's breath? It is clearly a sword with the power of destiny, radiating a cold light across the void, and instantly scattered like rain all over the world.

The power of destiny, everything is doomed, can't escape, stop!

How can Li Shimin's power be contended by a mere stone cultivator?

Although the stone human race has a copper-skinned and iron-skinned body, facing the law of fate, it instantly becomes crispy.

The power of the law, but Zhang Bairen must also be carefully mobilized as the power of his cards.

Li Shimin uses the emperor's dragon energy to display part of the power of the law of destiny. Zhang Bairen's expectation that the law of destiny is absolutely among the countless laws of the heavens.

No one can live up to fate. The reason fate is fate is because no one can resist it.

Can't escape dodge!

A scream and wailing rushed into the sky, and in an instant passed into the head of the stone man king, making his eyes red, and roaring bitterly:

"Li Shimin! You are somehow strong in the world, how can you surrender your status to deal with some juniors."

The King of Stone Man is exerting force, constantly shaking the Qi machine around his body, and the original Qi machine of the earth is circulating in his body.




A magic sword carried the human race’s hatred and resentment towards foreign races through the stone human race body, a pair of excited eyes gradually lost the expression, and the crazy roar stopped abruptly.




In the blink of an eye, countless rubbles have been piled up on the ground, and I saw that the stone human race’s chest, forehead, and dead spots were left with holes exuding the air of law, and the blood was flowing down, and the bloodthirsty face was bloodthirsty. It reveals the panic before death and can't believe it.

The stone human races turned into piles of stones, and once they died, they would return to their original source, turning into piles of rubble, falling to the ground and returning to the earth.

"Li Shimin, I'm going to kill you!" The stone man king was angry. These five thousand stone people were carefully cultivated for decades, and he did not hesitate to spend his own life essence to create the universe and forcibly spawn the descendants of the stone people. The price paid for this is beyond everyone's imagination.

Now Li Shimin ruined his family's efforts for decades with a single blow. Isn't the stone man Wang An angry?

Every stone human race has been carefully nurtured by him, and he has personally performed Dafa to give him the original energy and help his rebellious bloodline. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the heir of the stone king, but now he was cut down by Li Shimin. Can Wang An not be angry?

How can you give it up? How can you be willing?

It's impossible to give up and let it go!

"I want you to die!" The stone man king frantically swallowed the origin of the earth, and the five thousand stone human corpses turned into a stream of earthy yellow air flowing along the veins and penetrated into the stone man king's whole body, and then saw the stone. The king's figure is constantly rising, and in a blink of an eye it has turned into a hundred feet tall.

Baizhang, that was a giant more than 100 meters high, and flying sand and rocks nearby, which caused a manic earthquake.

Zhang Bairen’s eyes showed horror: “The secret method of the stone people is really weird. The stone people king can actually swallow the spirit of the stone people to strengthen himself. For every square meter of the sky and the earth, its strength is improved by thousands of times. The sudden rise of several tens of feet is simply sensational, and the strength is probably soaring."

The law of heaven and earth is not that the body increases, but as the body increases, the power of the law that can be mobilized becomes more and more powerful.

The power of law is the most terrifying place of law, heaven and earth.


The stone king roared, and the purple dragon surrounding him was actually bounced away, and then he saw the air burst by his voice, rolling up ripples visible to the naked eye.

If this ripple were to rush into Wagangzhai, how many innocent people would die tragically and be killed by this person.


At this time, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde rose up into the air together, pushing the void together, trying to eliminate the anger of the King of Stoneman.

It's a pity that this scolding contained the endless anger of the King of Stoneman, and contained all the power of the King of Stoneman. Although the two of them could calm some of the air waves, more air currents passed by the two of them and rushed towards Wagangzhai.

"Dare you!" Li Shimin shouted angrily, and the purple dragon he turned into a circle, actually stood in front of the wave abruptly and resisted the blow of the stone man king.


With a spurt of blood, Li Shimin revealed his figure, knelt on one knee, and looked pale in the distance, revealing a solemn color.

"Li Shimin, do you dare to kill my stone human bloodline, and attack the weak regardless of your face. Today, this king will destroy you Wagang and kill you 500,000 humans, so that you know the retribution of heaven!" The stone man king glared at Li Shimin below. .

In the eyes of King Shiren, Li Shimin at this time became an ant, and even Wagangzhai became insignificant.

"The killers will always kill, and your stone people will go south to kill countless. If I can't avenge the people who died tragically, do I still deserve to sit on the seat of the emperor? Do I deserve to enjoy the worship of thousands of people?" Li Shimin grinned. Teeth mixed with blood and water appeared: "You must not be happy too early, you really think that you are big enough to wreak havoc in my middle-earth? You will be buried here today to shock the world."

"Nonsense, my stone people are heaven and earth elves, can you be compared with the humble blood of your tribe? Even if it is a million people, it can't be as good as my stone people. Today, I will let you know how powerful this king is and let you know What is retribution!" The stone man king raised his foot, as if a mountain fell, and kicked towards the top of Wagang Mountain.

And with that kick, the earth's elemental magnetism waved and twisted, as if the stone man king wanted to wipe out everything under his feet.

"The sword of the emperor, the corpse is millions, and the blood is drifting!" Li Shimin drew out the long sword around his waist, and poured all the dragon energy into the handle of the sword: "Hahaha, although I have never had Xuanyuan sword in hand, but I The sword of the emperor is in my heart."

The sword of the emperor is the sword of destiny, which controls the fortune of all lives and determines the survival of all beings.

"As the emperor, I should guard my human society and the ancestor's country! An inch of blood, ancestor Xuanyuan covered thorns and thorns, and paid countless prices before defeating Jiuli and beheading Chi You, winning a place for my human race. I am not filial, but I dare not lose the mountains and rivers of my ancestors! Even if I die in battle today, I will never compromise! I will never give in! I will never let the people behind you be attacked by demons like you!" Li Shimin said as well~www. The spirit was lifted up, and the emperor sword in his hand kept rattling, resonating with the law of destiny, a mysterious force injected into the long sword and blessed it.

Zhang Bairen was silent at this time, looking at the distant sky with his eyes, looking at the small and humble figure, and suddenly admiration rose in his heart.

Although Li Shimin had various grievances with himself, and even killed his brother and forced his father, Zhang Bairen was not happy with him, but there is no doubt that Li Shimin is a qualified emperor.

The general guards the gate of the country, and the king guards the community. There is no doubt that Li Shimin did this, he is a qualified emperor.

If you change your status and you face Li Shimin's situation, Zhang Bairen asks if he can do it.

He is not sure!

An unprecedented hesitation rose in his heart.

Because he knows that what he wants is longevity, how can he ruin his future for unrelated people?


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