First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1696: Raise troops in the East China Sea

The combat power of a Flying Drought Man is obvious to all, not to mention that the Flying Drought Man in front of you is far from ordinary.

The ancestors of Lingbao are not tempted!

At the moment of the Human Tribulation, if one can conquer a Flying Drought Ghost, it is self-evident to the importance of Lingbao.

At this time, the densely packed runes of Emperor Fengdu derives into a silk cocoon, which tightly wraps the dry mane. When the ancestors of Lingbao see that there is a good advantage, they immediately flew out a rune in their hands and hit the silk cocoon. , I want to refine the flying and drought in the silk cocoon.

Mercury and cinnabar rolled towards the silk cocoon overwhelmingly, constantly infiltrating into the silk cocoon.

"Be careful!"

Zhang Heng suddenly changed his color when he saw this scene: "Hurry up and stop, the Flying Drought and Drought have not yet surrendered, you must not break the covenant."


At this time, the elders of Lingbao who were rushed by desire can still take care of so many, one by one, they rushed into the sky, directly facing the Emperor Fengdu and began to sacrifice.

The light of the Buddha in the Songshan area is permeated, and Guan Zi's glazed lamp emits endless Buddha's light, and the ghost army is swept away, but it is only 30 breaths, and hundreds of thousands of ghosts have all been ingested by the glazed lamp.

As more and more ghosts were ingested, the colored glaze lamp gradually showed colorful colors, and a series of mysterious and unpredictable runes were derived from the colored glaze lamp, and then the divine light in the colored glaze lamp was flowing and immortal, the colorful wicking Made a blurry figure.

A vague figure replaced the wick, sitting cross-legged in a glass lamp. The figure was surrounded by Buddha's light, with hair on the sideburns, just like Guan Zizhen.

However, he saw his face chanting with compassion, constantly enlightening the countless evil spirits sealed in the glass cup.

"Good magical power! Good treasure!"

Chi You came back to his senses, staring at the glass cup of Guan Zizhen.

After Guan Zizai collected countless ghosts from the outside world with a colored glaze lamp, he descended into the realm of the law, but saw Chi You and Jumang who were devouring Buddhist followers.

"You two haven't converted quickly. Now that humanity is booming, you are no longer in the era of your demon gods. You two dare to make waves. Are you really not afraid of death?" Guan Zizai unhurriedly stepped on the void and descended to the world of law , The Buddha in the colored glaze lamp in his hand kept reciting the scriptures, and the evil spirits in the entire Dharma Realm heard the sound of the scriptures, and they were involuntarily controlled by the vocalization of the scriptures. They were involved in the colored glaze and turned into a talisman. Text.

As there are more and more evil spirits in the glazed lamp, the Buddha's appearance at the wick becomes more and more clear. At this time, the Buddha's light in the glazed lamp is intertwined, and it seems that a way of evolving is about to evolve.


Chi You beat the drum in his hand and forcibly interrupted the transformation of Liulizhan. At this time, he laughed wildly: "Hahaha, it's good for you to deceive a three-year-old child. You think I don't know that humanity has begun to decline? The powerful people outside the Yinsi and Kyushu are eyeing their eyes, and there are conflicts among the internal human races. The decline of humanity is the reincarnation of cause and effect. If you are aware, you should belong to this seat before you can survive this calamity."

"Oh?" Guan Zizai smiled coldly, without saying a word, just saving the evil spirits.

"Boy, since you are stubborn, don't blame me for being cruel!" Chi You's war drum rolled up the sound waves, and Chi You stepped on the war drum, holding the tiger soul knife, and guiding the remaining more than 200,000 ghosts. Qi Qi Xiangguan was free to kill.

Guan Zizai saw this motionless as a mountain, just shook his head gently, and kept chanting the curse in his mouth, only to see the immeasurable divine light blooming out of the colored glaze lamp in his hand and blocking him, colliding with the rushing Chi You.


Divine light burst from the inside of the colored glaze, a wave of light swept across, Chi You flew out, and the remaining 200,000 remnants of the soul were swept away by the light, and all were collected in the colored glaze:

"Humanity power is not something you can understand. If the Blessed One has suffered a calamity, how can you tolerate you being presumptuous in the Pure Land world?"

"Good treasure! Good evil treasure, unexpectedly unified the power of countless people into their own use, such a treasure is rare in the world!" Chi You stared at the treasure lamp in Guan Zizai's hand with burning eyes.

"Now that you have gained enough benefits, let's not entangled, let's go!" Chungui Jun came to Chi You, pulled Chi You's sleeves and turned away: "When the ghost gate opens, all the treasures are yours. ."

"This treasure lamp was wasted in the hands of that person. There are more than hundreds of millions of ghosts in my mansion? If you can put all of them in this lamp, wouldn't it be invincible? What can a small human race count?" Chi You's eyes are full of distress. .

"Recovering your crippled body is what we should do. It is nothing more than idleness and boredom to trouble the human race." Chungui Jun said: "You have to distinguish the priority."

At this time, the disaster and chaos of the Dharma world were calmed down. Looking at the Buddha's light flowing in the void, countless believers knelt to the ground: "I am waiting to see the Buddha."

The boundless power of faith came, and the corners of the Blessed One's mouth twitched in an instant: "This gap is good, this seat should not only be grateful to him, but also owe her favor! My Buddhist for countless years of hard work, in an instant He was given a cup of incense."

Countless believers have acknowledged the status of Guan Zizai, and the incense of Zen naturally has to share the status of Guan Zizai.

Guan Zizai just nodded when he saw this, and then looked into the distance: "There are demons that have not been able to suppress, you wait to clean up the realm, and wait for you to surrender the demons and wait for your revenge."

outside world

Seeing the movements of the ancestors of Lingbao, Zhang Heng's eyes were full of helplessness, but he didn't know how to stop it. He is urging the covenant to counterattack the Emperor Fengdu, where is he still thinking about blocking Lingbao's actions?

I saw that as the ancestors of Lingbao's sacrifice, various cinnabar, sulfur, and runes were poured into the silk cocoons, Zhengyimengwei's charms unexpectedly began to loosen slightly, and there was a certain kind of incongruity.

It's like a gear that had turned just right suddenly entered the sand and started to freeze.

"Hurry up and stop!" Zhang Heng was about to cry, he kept scolding the pig teammate in his heart, but he didn't know how to remedy it.


With a roar, the mountains shook, and the runes of Emperor Fengdu collapsed one after another. Several Lingbao ancestors Yangshen who were close by accidentally got infected with the fire poison of the flying drought, and they were the first to take the brunt of them.

"Damn it!" Zhang Heng's face changed wildly: "This time it's bad!"

Brother Lingbao also exclaimed: "Old Ancestor!"

It is a pity that all the ancestors of Lingbao were killed in battle and became the nourishment for Feitian Drought. There were only two or three big cats and kittens left in the whole Lingbao. He wanted to suppress Emperor Fengdu to avenge his ancestors but was helpless.

"The trend is over!"

Seeing that his subordinates were all taken away, Chi You and Chunguijun fled, the Emperor Fengdu fled directly towards the mountains without saying a word.

"Where to go"

With a soft drink, I saw the Buddha's light lingering, and Guan Zi turned into a big hand in the glass cup, and took it toward the flying sky.


The Emperor Fengdu roared, his whole body raging into the sky, turning into three heads and six arms, instantly tearing his big hand apart, rushing into the ground vein and disappearing.


The Emperor Fengdu ran away!

Everyone knows that the trouble is big.

It's not ordinary trouble. If the strong like Feitian, Drought and Yan are taken off by them, who can withstand revenge in the future?

Even Bei Tian Shi Dao couldn't bear the toss of such a strong person.

"Can't be run away by him." A talisman in Lu Jingxiu's hand flew up, trying to find the trace of the other party.

"Where to go..."

Everyone was about to follow the earth veins and chase, when suddenly there was a sound of war drums in the direction of the East China Sea, which immediately made the people in the field tremble.

Do it!

After enduring it for more than a month, the Sea Clan finally started.

No way, everything is for Xianlu.

The pursuit of Emperor Fengdu stopped naturally. The ancestors gathered in one place, and the atmosphere was dull for a while.

"I blame Lingbao for being greedy, otherwise he would give the Emperor Fengdu a chance to get away." The fake monk looked at Lingbao's disciple and cursed.

At this time, several ancestors of Lingbao died and suffered unprecedented severe damage. Hearing this, several disciples suddenly became angry. One of the disciples said: "Fuck your mother's shit, is my ancestor not trying to surrender drought? Let you slander the fake monk!"

"You bald donkey, try one more sentence!"

All the Lingbao disciples were so angry that they walked towards the fake monk one after another, looking at the fake monk with scarlet eyes, as if they saw an enemy.

"Why, what I said is wrong? Your Lingbao is a group of scumbags. You want to take advantage of the chaos, but you are killed by the drought. What is the squatter?" The fake monk's eyes were full of disdain: "Why, you group of scumbags still think hit me?"

"You bastard..."

The false monks were utterly useless, making Lingbao disciples angry and rushing towards the false monks, wanting to fight hard.

There was a mess in the field, Guan Zizai frowned, and turned and left with a flick of his sleeves.

"Buddha master stays..." Seeing Guan Zi Zai far away, Zhang Heng spoke quickly, but at this time Guan Zi Zai disappeared.

Looking at the two waves of men and horses ready to go below, Zhang Heng was angrily charged into the sky: "Enough!"

A scolding just like the sound of thunder, the cursing stopped instantly.

"The East China Sea army is right in front of you, and you are still in your mind!" Zhang Heng's eyes were angry: "After the fight, my human race will be destroyed!"

"What should I do now?" Lu Jingxiu said helplessly.

"What happened to the Lord's calamity?" Zhang Heng looked at the top of the mountain with a pair of eyes.

Looking at the two sun-big Mercury in the sky, everyone knows that this is in trouble! And it's not a general trouble.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The Blessed One slowly walked down the mountain: "Before the return of Mahayana Buddhism, the monk was afraid that he would not be able to move his hands. At the moment, he is powerless, and everything can only depend on you!"

Listening to the words of the world-honored, all the Taoists looked hard to look at. The absence of a pinnacle master like the world-zun might not have lost 30% of their combat power.

"Let's go, a mob!" Zhang Bairen shook his head and sighed.


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