First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1697: Controversy over the truth

Blessed World's eyes are full of bitterness, his calamity will come sooner or later, so he chose this opportunity.

This is the backlash of cause and effect, the loss of ancestral veins to suppress humanity.

"It's a pity!" Guan Zizai carried the treasure lantern and came to Zhang Bairen's side, his eyes full of regret: "If I could suppress Fengdu before, my burning lamp body can be completely cut out."

"The chance is not here, don't force it! Fengdu is the ruler of the Daomen Yinsi. How can it be so easy to suppress it after a thousand years of unpredictable means?" Zhang Bairen looked towards the East China Sea with a pair of eyes: "Fengdu is not exhausted, so it's just for the time being. ."

"Hmph, what kind of aura is not enough to prevaricate me, if you are willing to help me out, how can Feng get out?" Guan Zizai said dissatisfied.

"I... this is the tribulation of Buddhism. It is difficult to distinguish friends and enemies between me and the Blessed One. Back then, the Blessed One attacked me several times. How can I help him survive the tribulation? It is good not to take the opportunity to fall into the rock." Zhang Bairen shook his head. The eyes are full of weird colors: "This is your Buddhism business, but I can't intervene."

"What are you going to do about the East China Sea?" Guan Zizai watched the Qi machine rising in the direction of the East China Sea, the earth-shaking war drum sounded, and a dignified look appeared in his eyes.

"This is a good opportunity to shuffle the cards. I naturally have my own plans. You can learn from your experience and don't be distracted by him!" Zhang Bairen paused and looked at Guan Zizai with a pair of eyes: "Don't worry, the human race has suffered. The water is deep, if the four seas have the power to replace the human race, how can the human race be allowed to occupy the middle earth for five thousand years?"

"The human race cannot be destroyed, but it is the Mahayana Buddhism. Don't give the caring people an opportunity to take advantage of it!" Zhang Bairen looked at Guan Zizai meaningfully, his figure drifted away, his eyes looked at the distant sky, and the corners of his mouth showed a weird smile.

"Where are you going? Do you really want to stand by and watch the things in the East China Sea?" Guan Zizai shouted.

When Zhang Bairen heard that his figure had disappeared in the rain, only a voice came slowly: "I will naturally move when it is time to move."

"Huh, you..." Guan Zi's eyes widened, obviously not satisfied with Zhang Bairen's answer.




The East China Sea battle drum sounded, and at this time all the human powers of the Songshan realm gathered together, which saved some trouble.

"Everyone, now that the East China Sea has eaten the bear heart and leopard gall, he dares to attack us directly. What do you think?" The fake monk crawled out of the mud and looked towards the East China Sea with his eyes.

"The Dragon King of the East China Sea is not a fool. If he dares to do it, he must be dependent on it." Zhang Heng looked at the world-zun with a pair of eyes.

The Blessed One smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Amitabha, the monk's transformation has reached a critical moment, it is really powerless."

It seemed that he was aware of the murderous intent in Zhang Heng's eyes, and bluffed the world-zun quickly: "Of course, my Buddhism background is profound. I can't just stand by and watch this calamity. There are still forces to suppress one party."

Speaking of this, the World Venerable looked at the fake monk with a pair of eyes: "Fake monk, you have cultivated the real body of one of the highest dharma bodies of my Buddhism, but you are only seeing the gods, and you can’t see the highest way of the sun; here I have the real body of changing karma. The final chapter of the body, are you willing to worship me Buddhism?"

Looking at the fake monk, the World-Honored One's heart was undoubtedly moved. The real body of the fake monk had already seen God's Consummation in the blink of an eye.

The real body of changing career at the highest level is not so strong!

"As long as you worship my Buddhism and break through the real body in a moment, immortal Dao is also hopeful in this life!" The World Venerable looked at the fake monk with his eyes.

The fake monk shook his head when he heard the words: "With the kindness of the Buddha, the monk has become free and comfortable, and he cannot accept the Buddhist rules and disciplines, and he cannot be restrained by the Buddha!"

"Although you can contend with the Supreme Dao by virtue of the power of cause and effect, you are far from the real Supreme Dao powerhouse. Don't you want to break through the real body? You don't want to break through the true body and really master the law of karma?" A pair of eyes looked at the fake monk.

The fake monk smiled upon hearing the words: "The Lord said and laughed. If I were to eat fast and reciting the Buddha all day long, it would be better to die. What is the difference between being alive and being dead?"

At this time, Zhang Heng smiled and said, "Master, don't be so stingy. Since you can't go to work in Buddhism, then you can do it; you pass the second half of the real body to the fake monk, so that he can break through to the realm of Tao, for me. Human Race makes some contributions."

"This..." The Blessed One hesitated when he heard the words. The real body of karma is not an ordinary method. It involves the law of causal karma. Once you have cultivated the supernatural powers, you can't count it.

"As long as the Blessed One is willing to teach my method, I can promise three promises that do not violate the conscience in the next day." The false monk knows the difficulties of the Blessed One, and only by practicing the real body can he know how powerful this method is.

Karma and cause and effect are the most difficult forces to master between heaven and earth. However, turning to the karma real body can control cause and effect and karma. This supernatural power is not weak, it is strong and boundless. No wonder the Lord hesitated.

Seeing the murderous opportunity deep in Zhang Heng's eyes, the World-Venerable's heart trembled. He is now in weakness, so he must not give Zhang Heng an excuse for trouble.

If Zhang Heng took the opportunity to kill himself, then it would be a big deal. He is now crossing the catastrophe and is definitely not the opponent of Zhang Heng, the old guy.

Don't give it an excuse for trouble!

In a blink of an eye, the world-honored figure understood the key, and looked at the fake monk: "Since you don't want to join the Buddhist monk, then go to the outside door. My Buddhist outside door is not restricted by the rules and precepts.

As soon as the false monk looked hesitant, Zhang Heng snorted coldly next to him: "Master, the human tribe is now in disaster, how can you take the opportunity to threaten and ignore the overall situation of the human race?"

The Blessed One looked at the fake monk, and gently twisted the rosary in his hand: "You can think about it. It is not so easy to change the real body. If no one is pointing, you will get angry if you are not careful."

"You just need to pass the scriptures, don't we have so many masters in the Taoist school, can't we still participate in the real body?" Zhang Heng looked at the hesitating fake monk, and at this time he opened his mouth to clear the siege, and he did not hide his intention to win.

"The true body of changing profession is my supreme Buddhist tactic, how can it be watched by the people of the Taoist school" World Zun stared at the fake monk with a pair of eyes.

The false monk's heart is swaying left and right, knowing that worshipping the outer door is the last bottom line of the Blessed One, otherwise the real body of this transformation will never be easily passed on to himself.

But the current situation is very good. The method of forcing the Blessed One to surrender his true body has 80% hope. It is naturally not the wish of the false monk to worship Buddhism.

"Fake monk, you shouldn't lose a lot because of small things, and change your career to the true body is such a supreme way. If the Blessed One can do some tricks and discipline you to die without a place to be buried! And you swing from side to side, do you look down on our Buddhism?" The cold words came, and Bodhidharma walked up the mountain with an ugly expression: "My Buddhism is divided into two classes, Mahayana and Hinayana. The Hinayana Buddhism is the master of the world. The Mahayana Buddhism is the master of Buddhism, the one who is backed by Zhuojun, invites If you joined Buddhism, did you still feel wronged? Do you really think that with the intimidation of Taoism, you can ask me to surrender the supreme tactics by Buddhism? If you think like this, it would be too naive, and any coercion can call me Buddhism succumbed, my Buddhism should have perished long ago."

Bodhidharma is here, and the situation in the field has changed again!

Bodhidharma was not shot to death by Emperor Fengdu. With Bodhidharma supporting the place, now it is too late to destroy the Buddha because of external troubles and internal worries.

No one can keep Bodhidharma!

If you can't keep Bodhidharma, you can't keep the Blessed One. Once the Blessed One completes the transformation, the trouble will be great.

Zhang Heng's face was gloomy. At this time, the Blessed One's real body was here, and he was going through the catastrophe, do you want to use the thunder technique to take the opponent down.

"And do you think Guan Zizai will sit back and watch my Zen annihilation?" Bodhidharma said coldly.

There are some things the Blessed One cannot say, and he will lose his momentum if he says it, but Bodhidharma has no scruples.

At this time, the four ancestors of Zen walked out together, standing behind the world-zun, with a continuous flow of energy, covering it.

"The mob!" Guan Zizai looked at the people who were still fighting inwardly, and couldn't help but shook his head. Zhongtu still had a deep foundation, and he didn't put the flood in his eyes. Otherwise, how could there be such an inward fighting?

After Guan Zi was far away, he finally knew why Zhang Bairen was disdainful of everyone, the sea clan army began to gather, and everyone was still fighting in their nests.

"Fine, you guys don't want to argue, don't you just worship outside the door? I agree to this!" The fake monk stopped the dispute, and then fell on one knee and bowed respectfully to the world-honored one: ."

Today, you can worship into Buddhism, and after you have practiced and turned Karma, how about betraying Buddhism?

"No!" Seeing this scene, Zhang Heng suddenly became anxious.

"The ancestors don't need to say, the disciples have cut off by themselves." The false monk interrupted Zhang Heng's words, and made up his mind, and he would betray the Buddhism after obtaining the truth.

"Good! Good! Good!" The World Venerable said three good words in succession. He didn't seem to see through the thoughts of the fake monk. He looked happy. After a while, he said, "You worship my outer door, are there three precepts?"

"First, you must never betray Buddhism" The Blessed One looked at the fake monk with a The Blessed One is not a fool, so naturally he would not make wedding gowns for others, and his eyes were indifferent like water, which surprised the fake monk. , Facing these eyes, it seemed that everything about him was clearly seen.

When the false monk heard this, his complexion was hard to look at, and the ancestors of the Taoist sect were also extremely ugly.

But this is the end of the matter, the fake monk has bowed down to the ground, and the world's heroes have witnessed it with their own eyes. How can they turn back?

If he repents now, his reputation as a fake monk will be stinking!

When the matter comes, I can only bite the bullet and say: "Since the disciple has worshipped Buddhism, he will always be a Buddhism, and naturally he will not betray Buddhism."

"Hmph, even if I worship Buddhism and I don't do anything for Buddhism, what can you do? When I become a real body, what can you do with me?" The fake monk gritted his teeth and kept shouting.

"Secondly, you have an unshirkable responsibility for all major events in my Buddhism. I wonder if you can accept this condition?" The Lord said with a smile.


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