First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1698: Daomen force palace

Who is the Blessed One?

The old fox, who has lived for thousands of years, has never seen any battles, and no one has seen it.

The fake monk can't hide his mind.

Hearing the words of the World Honored One, the fake monk suddenly became stiff, but looking at so many eyes around him, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "The disciple can hold it!"

What about going to work? When the time comes, it's a big deal to deal with the matter, and work hard.

"This third point, every time you are asked to do something, you need to go all out and not shirk. Is it possible to do it?" The World-Honored one has seen through the mind of the fake monk.

"Yes!" The fake monk categorically cut the railway.

The words are clean and neat, when I will release the water deliberately, who can do anything to me?

"Hehe, since you are willing to agree, that's good! That's good!" The World Zun smiled and took out a contract from his sleeve: "This contract is signed!"

"You..." Seeing the divine power circulating in the contract, the false monk suddenly felt a sudden burst in his heart, and an unpleasant feeling rose in his heart: "The Lord can't believe in a disciple?"

"If you are magnanimous and sign a contract, otherwise you tell me how to believe you?" The Blessed One looked at the fake monk unhurriedly: "With so many great powers watching, your Excellency will not be thinking about empty words. Take the supreme classics of my Buddhism."

"Your Excellency clearly doesn't believe in me as a fake monk. Since you refuse to believe me, what is the use of signing this contract? This is a big deal. I don't want it anymore, and I must not suffer this humiliation!" The fake monk was so witty and found it immediately As an excuse for turning his face, this is a deed of selling one’s life, and it must not be signed.

"The content of this contract is generally the same as what you have promised before. You have been reluctant to sign the contract. Is there a ghost in your heart?" The Lord is not hurried, yet another soft knife.

" are not a ghost, but you just can't bear this humiliation. Even if I can't break through, I will never sign the contract." The false monk said decisively.

At this time, a group of people looked at the fake monk with weird eyes. Everyone was not a fool. The fake monk thought that everyone could guess that they were inseparable from each other.

"Haha, that's all about this scripture. I don't believe that without your Zen sect, I can't break through in this life." Feeling everyone's gaze, the fake monk rejected the contract angrily, and turned to go down the mountain.

On the one hand, Zhang Heng shook his head secretly, the fake monk made his own way, showing off his cleverness. If he hadn't arbitrarily spoken to meet the conditions of the World-Honored One before, this matter had gone through his own soft knife, I am afraid that the other party had already obtained the transference truth.

"Everyone, the Hai Clan is in trouble, what should I do?" Lu Jingxiu said.

"Naturally, there are people who have come out and made great efforts. Now the court is ready to go. This is a race of races. It involves the emperor's dragon gas. How about going to Zhongtu to meet the emperor and discuss it?" come out.

"Good! This remark is great!" All the heroes nodded one after another.

Chang'an City

At this time, hundreds of thousands of troops gathered together, and countless great Tang Jingzhuang gathered together.

The world of law in the void is distorted, and the gods in the heaven are ready to go.

At this time, the generals of Li and Tang gathered in the Taiji Hall, and countless Gaozheng, Buddhism and others gathered at the lower gate.

"Everyone!" Li Shimin rubbed his eyebrows: "The Sea Clan has declared war, with supernatural powers and blessings, occupying the right time and place. Will all the leaders of the Taoists settle down?"

The Taoist Master of the Beitian Master smiled softly when he heard the words, and said: "Your Majesty's words are absurd. Your Majesty should ask the Buddha how to act on this matter. If we go to Buddhism today, I will retreat from the three houses and hide in the deep mountains and forests. Matter. Since you enjoy the incense of the world, Buddhism has to take on its own responsibilities. How can you just enjoy it without paying?"

Bodhidharma changed his face when he heard the words, and stood up: "The Sea Clan is in trouble. My Buddhism will naturally take the lead. It's just that the four seas are big and not my Buddhism family can deal with it... Now that the human race is in crisis, I hope you will give up your grievances and join hands. overcome obstacles."

"Hehe, when enjoying the incense of the world, why didn't your Excellency say to share with my Dao Sect, but now in a crisis, I want my Dao Sect to work hard for your buddhas. Where can there be such a cheap thing!" Said mockingly.

As soon as this statement came out, Dharma was speechless and his face was ugly.

"Everyone" Li Shimin spoke, and glanced at the Buddhist and Taoist forces below, Li Shimin also had a terrible headache. He turned his back on the six sects of the Heavenly Palace and supported Buddhism. Who would have thought that the Hai Clan would take the opportunity to make trouble, and it would be an impropriety.

In this matter, Li Shimin himself has a reason to lose, he can only say with a little mud: "At the moment of the human race tribulation, private interests seem to be irrelevant. If the skin is not there, the hair will be attached? When the human race is destroyed, how does Buddhism have a foundation to spread the law? At this time, you should all abandon the previous suspicion, survive the calamity before the human race, and then talk about other...

"Your Majesty, Pang Dao has three questions to ask your Majesty, and I hope that your majesty will solve your doubts! As long as your Majesty answers Pang Dao's doubts, my Dao Sect will naturally work hard without saying anything!" Maoshan's ancestor stepped forward without delay.

Li Shimin's eyes narrowed slightly, and the dragon spirit rose up all over his body, pressing away toward the ancestor. Of course he knew that there was absolutely no good thing in the mouth of the old ancestor at this time, but the situation was such that he did not answer: "Please say the ancestor!"

The emperor dragon pressed down, forcing the old man's complexion to flush and his body to tremble. On the contrary, his hatred for Li Shimin increased by three points. At this time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Dare to ask your majesty, when the Li sect was raised, My Daoist sects have helped me, and I have had a covenant. Li Tang needs to respect my six sects as the state religion. I wonder if your Majesty can have this?

"Yes!" There was a long silence, and Li Shimin stubbornly cut the railroad, and the dragon energy all over his body began to boil, becoming more and more rich.

In front of the civil and military presence of the Manchu Dynasty, Li Shimin could not do that kind of brazen nonsense.

"Okay." The ancestor praised, facing Li Shimin's threats and oppression, he was noncommittal, and continued: "Our Taoist school has made great contributions to the rise of Li Tang. Without our Taoist support, there would be no Li Tang today, Your Majesty. Do you think so?"

"Yes!" Li Shimin said with a gloomy expression.

"My Dao Sect enjoys Li Tang's aura and enjoys the incense of the world as it should be. After your Majesty has won the world, he greatly promoted Buddhism, suppressed the Dao Sect, forced my Dao Sect into the mountains and old forests, and betrayed his faith? Why should Buddhism replace the Dao Sect and enjoy what I deserve. His breath, incense?" The ancestor Maoshan said as he said, his face was flushed and his body became soft and he fell to the ground.

Facing the oppression of Li Shimin's Dragon Qi, the ancestor fainted unexpectedly.

"Old ancestor..." All the disciples of Maoshan stepped forward to support them, with grief in their eyes, and a touch of hatred was circulating.

Facing the majesty of Li Shimin's dragon spirit, the Taoist ancestors stood up and did not flinch, their eyes fixed on Li Shimin, waiting for Li Shimin's reply.

Li Shimin's face was gloomy and his heart was angry, but he had to say: "This is the first emperor to cut off, the first emperor opened the golden mouth, what can I do? How dare I refute the first emperor's law."

Li Shimin was also an old fried dough stick. He directly pushed everything onto the dead Emperor Xian, and picked himself out.

The magic of this Tai Chi hit made Dao Men's aggressive questioning suddenly failed.

"Everyone, at the moment of the Human Tribulation, we should abandon our previous suspicions and get through the difficulties together..." Li Shimin said solemnly.

"The number of incense scents enjoyed by my Taoist school is less than half that of Buddhism. We are fighting against foreign enemies. Our Taoist school has only half the power of Buddhism. I don't know how much Buddhism can contribute? It is important to know that humane incense is not so easy to endure. How much incense is enjoyed, so much responsibility must be taken." The head teacher of Lingbao Feng Qingyun said calmly: "It is fair to work with the incense. As for the abandonment of the premonitions that your Majesty said, it is nothing wrong with it. Why should I help?"

"That is, the world is the world of Li Tang, the world of Buddhism, unless your majesty decrees that Buddhism is abolished, otherwise my Taoist school will only have half the power of Buddhism," Zhang Heng said unhurriedly.

Li Shimin heard that his face was gloomy and watery, but it was inconvenient. Only a pair of eyes swept across the second sect of Buddhism and Taoism below, and a pair of eyes looked at Bodhidharma: "How much does Buddhism contribute?"

Bodhidharma smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, the Pure Land Dharma Realm has been breached, and the Buddhist monks have been killed and wounded. The Blessed One is going through the catastrophe, but it is not easy to do it. Only monks, fifth ancestors, and eighteen arhats that I can use in Buddhism can handle.

"Nothing?" Li Shimin was listening, but when Bodhidharma suddenly stopped, he was stunned and asked in amazement.

Bodhidharma smiled bitterly: "It's gone!"

"Such a little strength is just a drop in the bucket! The world is raging, so does your Buddhism show so much strength?" Li Shimin looked ugly.

Bodhidharma smiled bitterly, what can he do? Buddhism was hit hard, but the young monk King Kong and others were not under the seat of the world-honored person, so they didn't listen to the law at all, and Bodhidharma was helpless, knowing that he couldn't do anything.

Buddhism can't count on it, so the main force against the four seas this time can only fall on Daomen. Li Shimin looked at Zhang Heng and others with a pair of eyes: "The ancestors don't want to be angry. Now the danger of the dead race and species extinction is in sight... "

"Your Majesty, Dao Sect disciples are not muddled. Once you do it, there will be damage. Tell me Dao Sect to fight the Sea Clan desperately for no reason. How can I explain to the disciples? The disciples under the sect are afraid of dissatisfaction!" Zhang Heng said with earnest heart~www To put it bluntly, we still have to benefit!

Li Shimin looked ugly, leaving a clear palm print on the handle, while Yuchi Jingde saw this and stood up and said, "Dear Daoists, the human tribe is currently in the midst of the tribulation, and it will not be too late to say what is going on until the calamity is over."

"Ha ha!"

The only person who responded to Yuchi Jingde was a real sneer.

While Bodhidharma sighed, seeing this step, he stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, Buddhism is willing to retreat to Songshan and give up all the incense except the Songshan boundary."

Li Shimin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, but he was extremely angry. Dao Sect took the opportunity to threaten him and violated the emperor's taboo.

"Do you still feel satisfied with the leaders?" Li Shimin said gently.

"Swallowing the incense of my Taoist school for more than ten years in vain, I am afraid it is not enough to let it out!" Zhang Heng said unhurriedly.


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