First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1709: Difficult water monster

It’s like doing things on both sides of the real world, and one of them says, ‘you can’t believe me? In this case, many people generally feel embarrassed and choose to submit.

But is Guan Zizai ordinary people?

Mingmei stared at Zhang Heng on the opposite side, and Guan Zizai said seriously: "I really can't believe it!"

"I..." Zhang Heng almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood, he couldn't say what he wanted to say, so he could only hold back, staring at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and then said after a while: "No, I will go here. Ask the big families to hand-write the covenant, and then invite the Yujing bottle."

Zhang Heng reluctantly turned and left. The two sides are not relatives, why can you trust you?

Seeing Zhang Heng go away, Guan Zi is vacant and twisted around him, Zhang Bairen's figure appears beside Guan Zizai: "Mahayana Buddhism has become, and this time you will become immortal."

It is indeed promising.

Guan Zi looked at Zhang Bairen with a smile: "This time I still have to thank you for planning."

"It's also a helpless move. I watched the people die. I didn't feel good! If Buddhism grows, I can also use the power of Buddhism to influence the family," Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly.

"Water monsters are too strong. Although I have a dollar spring, I still have to do one after all! The waters of the four seas are endless, and I always have a day I can't collect." Guan Zizai said.

"Wait!" Zhang Bairen turned and left: "Li Shimin is not a vegetarian either."

Li Shimin is indeed not a vegetarian. He stared at the Dragon King of the Four Seas, who was stirring the storm in the distance, and clenched the Emperor Sword in his hands.

Zhang Heng returned, and Lu Jingxiu said, "Did the ancestor ever borrow the Yujing Bottle?"

"Guan Zizai wants you and other big families to handwritten scripts to help them preach in Zhongzhou, and you can get a charter by yourself or not," Zhang Heng said with a sullen face.

Take a charter?

Do major families have the right to choose?

Although Guan Zi was taking advantage of the fire to rob, but the major families had to swallow this breath, handwritten vouchers one after another, and handed them to Zhang Heng.

"Yujing Ping can only solve temporary disasters. The Dragon Clan of the Four Seas is the source of disaster after all. How can you teach me?" Li Shimin said.

"Up to now, the only way to kill the remaining three old loach, and then the sea clan army without a leader, can naturally quell the disaster" the false monk's eyes were murderous.

Li Shimin stroked the hilt of the sword: "Wait for Guan Zi to come! This is Middle Earth, my territory, how can the demons be arrogant?"

After obtaining the document, Zhang Heng once again returned to the South China Sea with a face of sullen expression.

I saw Guan Zizai stepping on the flowing waves, scanning the middle earth of the purgatory on earth, the destroyed houses, the struggling people, the Sanskrit sound rushed into the sky, and spread all over the middle earth in an instant: "The deity is the Mahayana Buddha subjectively and freely. When you recite the name of this seat in your heart, you can alleviate the suffering of flooding."

"The Bodhisattva of Comprehension Freedom..."

"The Bodhisattva of Great Compassion and Compassion..."


Countless people who are struggling in suffering are now bowing their heads, chanting the title of Guan Zizai devoutly, and their eyes are full of struggling to survive.

The power of pure and impurity-free faith is constantly coming to the mind-free. At this time, people are facing the threat of life and death. All the seven emotions and six desires are thrown behind their heads, and only the purest source of power is constantly reverberating between heaven and earth.

Guan Zi smiled softly, feeling the pure faith submerged in the Dharma body, and then holding the Jade Jing bottle upside down in his hand, and saw that the person who read the name was already doing the flood of disaster, and he rose in the air in a flash, sinking into the Jade Jing. Inside the bottle.

For a time, countless rivers in Zhongzhou turned upside down and turned into dragons, which were conquered by Yujing Bottles, and the raging flood could no longer cause disaster.


When a person is finally powerful and poor, Guan Zizai’s Jade Purifying Bottle can contain water from the four seas, but its mana is limited and can only protect a part of the area.

"Take the opportunity to kill the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, and solve the disaster of the aquatic race!" Li Shimin saw the Xuanyuan sword unsheathed from his waist and turned into a purple dragon, instantly cutting through the void and slashing towards the remaining three dragon kings.

The emperor's dragon qi bursts all laws, and Li Shimin is invincible in Zhongzhou!

Is it the king's soil in the whole world? Is it the king's court who leads the land? I am in charge of my territory.

"Not good! That is the Yiyuanquanyan, and the Yiyuanquanyan actually fell in the hands of Guan Zizai!" Seeing Guan Zizai collecting water from the four seas, the East China Sea Dragon King suddenly changed his expression.

At this time, the aquatic army and the human army were inextricably separated, but the four seas were vast, and the most indispensable was the shrimp soldiers and crabs. The few casualties were not seen by the three dragon kings.

Before the three dragon kings were thinking about how to regain the eyes of the Yiyuanquan, all of a sudden, only a strange roar was heard, and a purple phoenix plunged into the sky, and then cut towards the wave where the three dragon kings were.

The phoenix was magnificent and mighty, wrapped in the power of the law of destiny, and suddenly caused the three dragon kings to change their colors.

"Three dragon kings, this sword is definitely not something you three can resist. Please also ask the three dragon kings to send out the water beasts. Only the water beasts can compete with this sword." Chi You, who was beating the war drum, said quickly.

Prime Minister Turtle turned and bowed in the direction of East China Sea: "Also invite Senior Water Monster to take action."



A piece of ice rises in the East China Sea, everything freezes where it passes, the river freezes, and the tumbling waves are vivid.

Where the cold current passes, a crystal clear ice road is formed from the East China Sea to the Zhongzhou battlefield.

The water monster stepped on the ice road, looking at the sword that Li Shimin had cut down, his eyes showed a little solemn color: "The law of destiny is really interesting. There were countless ancient powers. Everyone thought about understanding the law of destiny, but they couldn't. The way. But who would have thought that an acquired race would be favored by the love of fate, and it would be so easy to control the law of fate, which is really enviable."

The Water Monster shook his head, and the next moment all kinds of real water flowed around and hit the phoenix in the sky: "The emperor's dragon qi destroys all laws, but the real water in this seat is the power of the material world, and it is not within your dragon qi restraint."

"One yuan heavy water!"

A water dragon composed entirely of one yuan heavy water roared into the sky, and instantly collided with Li Shimin's phoenix power.


With just one blow, Li Shimin flew upside down and spurted blood, breaking every inch of his body.

"Your Majesty, the other party is the Congenital Water Beast, the Dragon Qi of the Emperor is useless, and you have taken the Dragon Qi of the Emperor to deal with the Dragon King of the Seas, and the Water Beast will be handed over to me to wait!" Zhang Heng held the 33-layer crystal clear and exquisite pagoda , Foot on the void to suppress the water monster.

The infinite rune lights up on the pagoda at this time, and the bells of the thirty-three-story pagoda are upsetting and contain a certain peculiar rhythm.

Then I saw a layer of golden light blooming from the bottom of that exquisite pagoda, shrouded toward the water monster.

"This treasure is good, it has immortal power, and it is not far from becoming a fairy. It is a pity that it is wishful thinking to subdue me!" The real water of the water monster rolled up: "The water of the yellow spring!"

The water of the yellow spring rose into the sky, trying to wrap the pagoda, but seeing the yellow light brush, it was completely absorbed by the pagoda.

"Awesome! Congenital divine water can also be collected!" Shui Beast's complexion became dignified, and he sprayed a cold breath at the pagoda. When the cold wave passed, all things were frozen, and the pagoda was instantly enveloped and sealed by ice.

"This pagoda will be mine." When the water beast saw the pagoda being frozen, his eyes showed joy and beckoned to the pagoda.


I saw countless bells tinkling on the 33rd floor of the pagoda, like a masterpiece of wind and thunder, the ice was blown up instantly, and endless wind and thunder hit the water monster.

There are thirty-three floors of the pagoda. Each floor is divided into eight corners, and each corner has eight bells.

This bell looks ordinary, as if it is an ornament, but it is a real magic weapon.

"Water monsters, my pagoda has suppressed even the innate gods, today you will obediently grab it!" Zhang Heng looked at the water monsters enveloped by wind and thunder, his eyes were full of mockery.

While the expressions of the three dragon kings changed wildly, Xihai Dragon King said, "Couldn't the water monster be suppressed like this, right?"

"The three dragon kings can rest assured that if the Water Monster is so easy to be suppressed, then he is not the Water Monster. This is the supreme existence that was born at the beginning of the world, and it is older than the Nuwa Empress. Is it only one of them? What can Monk Yangshen do?" Chi You beat the drum in disdain.

Facing the endless marine Terran kept capsized, retreating steadily, and suffered heavy losses. Unknown people lost their lives.

"The Dragon King of the Four Seas, don't come quickly!" Li Shimin's emperor sword turned and reaped toward the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas smiled coldly: "I am waiting to fit the world, if you can't cut the connection between the world and me, you can't beat me!"

With a roar, the Dragon King of the East China Sea turned into a dragon shape, drawing on the power of the East China Sea and fighting Li Shimin together.

"You guys, let's not watch it. It's better to kill the Sihai Dragon King and the Tribulation Rebellion early!" Lu Jingxiu shot, Fa Tianxiang took it towards the Nanhai Dragon King.

"Yes, I should have suppressed the three dragon kings early and sent them back to the west!" The strong men of the major families also nodded one after another, and shot at the Four Seas Dragon King.

At this time, there was chaos in the field, and the ice gathered under the Linglong Pagoda, the wind and thunder froze, and spread towards the body of Linglong Pagoda.

"This..." Zhang Heng suddenly changed his color.

"Hahaha, boy, unless you can collect all the water in the world in an instant, don't want to suppress me!" With the clamor of the water monster, the next moment a crystal clear palm wrapped in endless wind and thunder, leaping across the void to Zhang Heng Yuanshen Grab it.

The void was frozen, the Taoist Yang Shen seemed to freeze his mind in the face of this grasp, and did not know how to resist.

Seeing that Zhang Heng was about to be suppressed by the Water Monster, a golden light flickered from the horizon and hit the palm of the Water Monster.


With a crisp sound, the palm of the water monster cracked, turning into ice and dissipating in the air.

"Interesting, who is going to make a plot against the deity?" Water Monster unhurriedly condensed a new arm, and looked at the golden light, revealing a curious color.


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