First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1710: The Cao family was born

"Water monsters, my human race was carried by the heavens. Back then, the ancestor Xuanyuan slaughtered Kunlun and killed the gods of the world. He should enjoy the aura between the heavens and the earth, and enjoy the fruits of the heavens and the earth. If it weren't for Yinglong, the horse of His Majesty the Yellow Emperor, and I If the human race is meritorious, you can steal the world by relying on your dragon race? This sea race is also my human race, and your dragon race should be exiled outside of Kyushu. Now you can’t wait for the kindness of the past, and now you are still thinking about stealing the Kyushu orthodoxy of my human race. Is it possible to deceive my human race?" Yin Gui stepped on the void, dragging the diamond in his hand. The previous blow was made by the diamond.

"Xuanyuan Huangdi? The deity has heard of his name, but unfortunately, the ancestor has been suppressed in the East China Sea and cannot meet each other. Five thousand years ago, the murderous intent of the great famine rushed into the sky. There was a sense in the vagueness. The fairy gods on Kunlun Mountain wailed for three days, and Xuanyuan is indeed a distinguished person!" Water Monster said unhurriedly, "What a pity, what do you do with me? Patriarch I am immortal, as long as there is one in the world. Dripping, ancestors, I am immortal. If you don’t have the strength, Zhongtu should belong to me.”

Zhang Heng dragged the pagoda and bowed to Yin Gui: "This demon and evil magical powers are too difficult, and there are laws calling for catering, difficult! Difficult!"

"It's okay, this King Kong Zhuo is the supreme treasure that has undergone the power of the immortal on the day when the old man transformed Hu Dengxian. It is beyond the law and can restrain his body. I will help you to suppress it in the exquisite pagoda!" Yin Gui's face was gloomy. If it hadn't been for the Louguan faction that had been implicated by the Hai Clan, he wouldn't have come here to join in the fun and betray himself.

"It is indeed a good treasure, but unfortunately the person who displays the treasure is not cultivated enough. I think you are just an incarnation. If the real body comes here, you might be able to cause me some trouble." Water Monster roared, and saw that the four seas were rolled up again. The high waves rushed toward Middle-earth in a mighty manner: "You little baby, actually held the one yuan spring, but I don't know how long you can spur this treasure? My ancestor, my supernatural powers are unlimited, but It depends on how long you can hold on."

Looking at the thousand-zhang-high wave, everyone in the field changed their expressions wildly. Yin Gui offered the King Kongzhuo, and instantly moved towards the water monster.

"Haha!" The Water Monster raised his palm and wanted to freeze the Diamond Cutter, but King Kong Cutter seemed to ignore the time and space distance, and instantly bound around the Water Monster, confining its shape.

At this moment, Linglong Pagoda flickered, taking the Water Monster into it, and King Kong Zhuo returned to Yin Gui's hands.

"Sihai mud loach, water monsters have been suppressed by me, you are exhausted!" Zhang Heng took the Linglong pagoda, and looked at the Dragon King of the Four Seas who was driving the waves and forming a ball with Li Shimin. His eyes turned murderously, and the cinnabar pen in his hand was facing the East China Sea. Dragon King clicked his eyebrows.

"No, the Water Monster is so weak? Don't be kidding, OK!" Seeing that the Water Monster was taken away, the three dragon kings suddenly panicked, their eyes full of disbelief.

Without water monsters to stir the waves, how can the Dragon King of the Four Seas use the power of the Four Seas? How does the world flood China?

"Should you not look good? Water monsters can compete with the Nuwa Empress, how weak?" Chi You, who beat the drums from the rear, showed a gloomy look, his eyes were full of confusion, but he looked at him immediately. Turning around, I looked at the three dragon kings who were losing their sense of measure and defeated not far away: "Don't worry about the dragon kings. How can an exquisite tower be trapped in the water monster? The water monster has existed since the beginning of the world. Is it a mere one? Can the pagoda be bound?"

When the words fell, I saw water pouring down from the Linglong Tower, only listening to the laughter of the water monster spread throughout the field: "Hahaha, you kid understands me! Yes, a pagoda in a mere pagoda, how can you trap me? Are you waiting to treat yourself as Nuwa God?"

After the words fell, the body of the water monster had reappeared in the field, and the crystal clear palm pressed against Zhang Heng's chest.


With only one blow, Zhang Heng's body turned into a fan, and only Yang Shen took the opportunity to get away.

"It's interesting!" Seeing Zhang Heng's escape from Yangshen, Shui Beast smiled grimly.


Emperor Fengdu looked sullenly at the tomb of the Cao family in the distance, and his eyes were full of murderous intent: "You have caused me to lose my foundation. How can I not report such a grievance? If there is a chaos today, no hundreds of people will die in vain. It is time for me to rejoin the army. Establish Fengdu."

"Are you saying that there are countless flying droughts here?" Shebi's corpse stood erratic beside Emperor Fengdu.

The two did not know how to get together in one place.

"Yes, the people of the Cao family established the underground palace here. To suppress the desire to suppress the earth's veins, you must wait for the day of shocking to come. The underground palace of the Cao family is here." The Emperor Fengdu cut the railway.

Shebiji nodded, and then a pair of eyes carefully looked at the direction of the veins here, and then a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Look at how I force it out to make this messy world even more chaotic. "

When the words fell, she saw Shebishi stomped her feet, and the ground veins under her feet broke out in the next moment, like an eighth magnitude earthquake, and the palace in the depths of the earth began to continuously collapse.

In the underground palace

The powerful Cao family gathered at this time. As Jing Rui approached, the powerful Cao family gradually awakened, and now the underground palace became more and more lively.

"Father, the world is in great chaos outside. It is the day when I am waiting to send troops to sweep the world and dominate China." Cao Pi looked at Cao Cao, who was sitting on his head, with excitement in his eyes: "If the flood breaks out today, the court is waiting for prosperity. My Cao family just took the opportunity to be born and occupy the land as king."

"The gun shot the bird, the Central Plains Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, although my Cao family has prospered for thousands of years, compared with those old antiques, the background is still a bit worse..."

‘Boom! "Cao Cao didn't finish what he said, the underground palace has collapsed and turned into rubble. Fortunately, all the people in the underground palace are dead, so there is no need to die again, otherwise things will be really troublesome.

"Asshole!" Cao Cao stood up suddenly: "Who dares to make trouble in my underground palace?"

"The prime minister, it was the migration of water veins that caused the earth veins to change, and then the power of the earth veins broke out!" A compass in Guo Jia's hand continued to circulate.

"My lord, what should I do now?" Yan Liang stood up.

"Trouble! The underground palace collapsed, and the big formation that I was waiting for to suppress the qi collapsed. Even if I want to stay in seclusion, I can't think about it!" Cao Cao shot from the whole body, suddenly smashing the soil above: "If so, then My Cao family was born, and swept the world's strong, once again dominating the world."


The underground palace blasted open, and a series of earth-shattering auras rolled up in southern Hunan, only a roar was heard, and tens of thousands of death army stood on the ground, forcing the turbulent river to continue to regress.

"Hahaha, Li Tang is now being held by the Dragon Clan. I just happened to directly launch troops to destroy Li Tang's lair, and we will destroy Li Tang by attacking back and forth!" Cao Cao let out a roar of excitement, and tens of thousands of troops went straight to Chang'an City.

"Father, General Cao Hong, Cao Chong, Cao Zhi, and Zhen Clan were all taken away by Zhang Bairen. This person despised my Cao family for thousands of years. The child is not willing to lead the army to walk together in person, and restore the prestige of my Cao family." Cao Pi said to Cao Cao. .

"Huh? It's not worth mentioning Zhuojun. You will lead the two generals Yan Liangwenchou, be sure to smooth Zhuojun, so that no grass will survive!" Cao Cao smiled disdainfully, and continued to lead the army to the middle earth.

The Cao family was born, and the yin air shook the sky, which of course couldn't hide from the strong people of the human race.

At this time, the Dao Sect Gaozhen was holding the Water Beast, but seeing the Water Beast casually attacking the Dao Sect Gaozhen, there was no seriousness on his face.

A person who is immortal and immortal but cannot be sealed is already invincible. Why is it so nervous about water monsters?

"Why is there such a big movement in Xiangnan?" Li Shimin withdrew and backed away, turning to look at the Taoist masters.

"That is the tomb of the Cao family. I'm afraid that the Cao family's golden rice dumplings were not born! Cao Cao and other heroes, I am afraid that they will take advantage of the fire to rob Kyushu. We will have trouble with the front and back. This time, things have become a big problem." Ancestor said with a gloomy expression.

"Oh?" Li Shimin turned to look at Yuchi Jingde, Qin Shubao, and Qin Qiong: "You two will dispatch personnel, and UU reading will ask about the Cao family's intentions. If the Cao family stays safe, it will be fine, if not... They die once."

"Yes!" Yuchi Jingde's eyes tightened when he heard the words, and he turned and retreated with Qin Shubao and others.

"Hahaha, internal and external troubles, even without the intervention of my dragons, your human race will definitely be over this time! The emperor takes turns to come to my house this year, and the reincarnation of the gods is now the dragon race's control in the middle." The Dragon King of East China Sea laughed wildly.

Chi You in the rear was also full of energy, and suddenly rang Chi You's drum in his hand, and the murderous intent in his eyes was uncertain: "Hahaha! Hahaha! I finally saw the opportunity to exterminate the human race."


Zhang Bairen and Empress Xiao were playing chess. At this moment, seeing the Yin Qi of Xiangnan, Empress Xiao stopped his movements: "What is that?"

"The Cao family rats can't sit still, they are finally born!" Zhang Bairen put down the chess piece in his hand.

"Lihua can't die in vain!" Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "In my lifetime, I will see the destruction of the Cao family."

"Even if I don't trouble the Cao family, how can the Cao family let me go?" Zhang Bairen looked at the purple bamboo forest in the South China Sea: "Your chance is here, and the heart lamp needs to be borrowed from me."

Last time Zhang Bairen wanted to find Guan Zizai to borrow the light of heart. He never thought that Guan Zizai was busy with Mahayana Buddhism. Zhang Bairen didn't have time to speak.

"Cao Jiaji, regardless of the overall situation of the human race, wants to be in charge of Middle-Earth, is it a funny brain?" Guan Zizai slowly came to Zhang Bairen's body, and placed a crystal lamp in his hand on the table in front of Zhang Bairen.

"You think too much, the human race is a human race! Do you think that zombies and droughts are still humans?" Zhang Bairen took the light of his heart, with a sneer in his eyes: "When a person is dead, it is not a human race!"

ps: make up one more leader.


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