First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1712: Queen Guo

With a palm stretched out, the sky is like the earth.

Zhang Bairen’s Dharma, Heaven, and Earth is different from other’s family methods. Others’ Dharma, Heaven, and Earth is just to increase magical powers. After Zhang Bairen stretches out his palm, he can see wind, rain, thunder, electricity, vegetation, mountains and rivers. Sun, Moon and Jianghe are all intertwined with Dao Qi machines in their hands, turning into an invisible screen, simulating the power of a mysterious virtual world, and suppressing the other side.


Cao Pi’s transformation of the flying sky, drought, and the sky wanted to break free from Zhang Bairen’s control. Who knew that the sky was like mud noodles in Zhang Bairen's hands, and it kept shrinking when held in his hands. In the end, his magic sky was caught by Zhang Bairen. Abruptly abandoned halfway, regained its original shape,

The eagle threw Cao Pi into the treasure lantern like a chicken. He only heard Cao Pi wailing in the flames: "Zhang Bairen, you dare to be rude to me and be right with my Cao family. My father will not let you go."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked down at the treasure lantern in his hand, with a mocking look in his eyes: "How can your father not let me go?"

"Cramps and exercises, you can't survive, you can't die!" Cao Pi rushed into the sky, constantly being pressed into a rune by the power of the wick, floating in the flames.

"Brother, you are here too!" Seeing Cao Pi fall into the light, Cao Zhi, Cao Chong and Cao Hong greeted him.

"You are here, that's great, let's break the formation together and rush out together!" Looking at the familiar faces around him, Cao Pi's eyes were full of joy.

Cao Chong was bitter when he heard the words: "Big brother, don't be wishful thinking, there is a strange power in this treasure lamp. Once we are entangled by this power, we will be assimilated by the wick, transformed into a rune, and become the light in the light. A forbidden law to contribute to this wick."

"I have been integrated with the lights now, and there is no possibility of getting out of trouble again!" Cao Chong's eyes were full of helplessness: "If the big brother can escape before he is refined into a rune, there may be a chance."

"This..." Cao Pi suddenly changed color upon hearing this.

"Cao Pi, do you know me?" At this time, Zhen Mi walked out of Zhang Bairen's hairpin and looked down at Cao Pi in the lights.

"Ai Concubine!" Cao Pi exclaimed when she saw Zhen Mi, his eyes full of joy: "Ai Concubine, help me!"

"Don't shout, this **** has long been supporting Zhang Bairen. If she hadn't cheated before, Mr. Cao Zhi would not fall into the light, and I would not sink deeply into it." Cao Hong's eyes were full of anger.

"God has eyes, I never thought you have today!" Zhen Mi's eyes were full of joy: "When you killed me in such an unfeeling manner, my concubine can remember clearly."

Cao Zhi changed his color: "Sister-in-law, there may be something wrong with the eldest brother, but you shouldn't hurt me like this. The sea of ​​suffering is endless, and you must make mistakes again and again."

"Huh?" Zhen Mi looked at Cao Zhi in the light with a pair of eyes, with tears in his eyes: "I died of an injustice, and now I am fortunate to be reborn. How can I easily let go of the hatred in the past? I am unwilling! Your Cao family members are born here. Stay here, Cao Cao will come in to accompany you in the future."

As he was talking, suddenly all he heard was a burst of weird laughter from the heavens and the earth, seeming to split the three souls and seven souls of the person, shocking Zhen Mi's soul to be unstable, and Zhang Bairen was included in the jade hairpin.

At this moment, Zhang Bairen looked pale and looked at the distant mountains and forests. This strange laughter could actually shake his soul, which was truly awe-inspiring.

"The magical sprite!" Zhang Bairen's voice was gloomy: "Since the queen is here, then show up and see it."

"The concubine has seen the chief governor!"

Queen Guo's style came from a distant mountain, and the magical ghost accompanied her around her body, staring at Zhang Bairen with a sullen expression.

"What a stunning woman, no wonder Cao Pi killed Zhen Mi for you back then. Although there is a reason for Zhen Mi's old age and decline, but you are also the main factor." Zhang Bairen looked at Queen Guo and had to say that she was the world's best.

"The governor joked, and asked the governor to let my husband go, or else the miraculous sprites will break out, and I'm afraid that millions of creatures in Zhuojun will be charred." Queen Guo unhurriedly stood thirty feet away from Zhang Bairen: "I don't want to be with my concubine. A hero like the governor Tianjiao tore his face."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked at Queen Guo indifferently with a pair of eyes, and placed the Liuli lamp on the table: "Since you want to save your husband, it depends on how you do, after all, the governor is also a person who loves and cherishes jade."

"Please also the Governor's advice" Queen Guo said.

"The people of the Cao family are trapped in the light. If you have the ability, you can save them by using their magical powers. After a moment or three, Cao Pi will be turned into a puppet by the light. At that time, the governor of the capital will not return to heaven. "Strength" Zhang Bairen retreated with a smile, but put the wick on the bluestone.

"What?" Queen Guo suddenly changed her color when she heard the words: "Puppet?"

Zhang Bairen nodded, and Queen Guo immediately stepped forward and looked down at the wick. As expected, she saw Cao Pi struggling in the flames, and his face was full of painful rolling.

"How?" Zhang Bairen said casually.

Queen Guo gritted her teeth when she heard the words, fixed her eyes on Zhang Bairen, and then looked at the monsters around her, showing magical powers at the bronze lamp.

No matter how you slashed the flames, you didn't see any damage to the copper lamp. And with the magical powers of the monsters, Cao Pi in the copper lamp became more painful, and the speed of being refined became faster.

Zhang Bairen stayed still like a mountain and just watched quietly, while Queen Guo looked ugly at this time: "The Governor, please also ask the Governor to show mercy and let my husband go. My Cao family will never be an enemy of the Governor in the future."

Seeing Queen Guo’s beautiful face, Zhang Bairen shook his head: "I will only pay people, but I will not let them go. This lamp has endless magical effects, and I cannot control it. The queen might as well go to the copper lamp and walk for a while. The miracle of the demons and demons may have a chance to be rescued."

"Don't listen to his wicked words to confuse the crowd, this copper lamp is extremely evil, you must not come in, go and ask the father to take action, I may still have a chance to save!" Cao Pi kept wailing inside the copper lamp at this time.

Looking at the indifferent face of Zhang Bairen, Queen Guo's complexion was tangled, but her heart was already cut off: "The Governor, you were all evasive words before, if you refuse to let my husband go, you will not blame your concubine for being cruel and cruel today, and Zhuojun Turned into powder."

"The ghost ghost is the most weird, even if you are a master of Zhuojun, you can't guard against it." Queen Guo's eyes were full of smiles, but the depths of the smile were murderous, making people cold.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen knows how powerful demons are. One can confuse people, the other can cause drought, the third can cause floods, and the fourth can control the power of the earth and mountains.

The ghost ghost is a hundred times more difficult than the previous strong of the Cao family. Why did Queen Guo win the favor of Cao Pi and replace it with Zhen Mi?

In terms of appearance, although Queen Guo is stunning, she is far behind Zhen Mi.

With the help of the magic magic sprite, Cao Pi was able to win the world, but also because of the magic sprite assist, which suppressed the Great Wei Dynasty.

It should be noted that although the Han Dynasty was lonely, how could it be guarded by masters?

Why can Cao Pi stop the Han family from turning over?

Liu Fen is weak, he is also the real emperor, who controls the emperor’s dragon qi and occupies the emperor’s righteousness. Why should he face Cao Pi?

The power of demons must not be underestimated.

Looking at the smiling Queen Guo, and then at the monsters that are ready to go, Zhang Bairen suddenly laughed. The world and the mountains and rivers seem to bloom in endless colors in an instant: "You shouldn't threaten me! You should know, I Never threatened by anyone."

"Now my concubine has no choice. You have imprisoned my husband. Can my concubine work hard?" Queen Guo stared at Zhang Bairen innocently.

"If you can bind your demons and sprites, if you want to come to this heart lamp, you will be able to transform and condense the form!" Zhang Bairen sighed quietly, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes, the next moment the light in his hand was flowing, endless murderous intent was gathering, only Seeing the void suddenly split, a palm stretched out from the void, and the unparalleled sword energy split the void, cutting off the cause and effect. The entire mountain seemed to stand outside the world, and the sword of the **** of death actually took the entire mountain from Zhuo County. Stripped out, in another time and space.

"Wow!" A sword aura in the hand of the Absolute Immortal God crossed the void, and before the magical spirit could react, it had already turned into ashes under the Absolute Immortal Sword Aura, and returned to the token.


The thunder that converged in the sky above Zhuo County seemed to feel the aura of Zhuxian God, and Heavenly Punishment gathered at this time, ready to go.

Everything happened between thoughts and movements, and Queen Guo was instantly taken away by Jue Xian Jian Qi. When she recovered, everything had returned to calm, and the twisted and cut time and space recovered again.

Everything seemed as if nothing happened, except for the disappearing ghosts and the thunder in the sky.

Queen Guo's body was trembling, and she would flee without a word in the next moment.

"Can you go?" The petals in Zhang Bairen's hands were floating, and Queen Guo, who was ten miles away, only felt that a flower in front of her had returned to the place again.

"The Governor!" Queen Guo grudgingly won't you go in and accompany him? "Zhang Bairen pointed to the light in his hand.

"The governor was joking, the concubine was just a joke with the governor before." Queen Guo paled.

The thunder in the void gradually dissipated and lost the trace of the innate god, so thunder naturally had no need to exist.

Gently picking up Queen Guo's greasy chin, Zhang Bairen smiled: "I originally had no intention of being an enemy of your Cao family. After all, the Cao family is also a veteran force with unpredictable background."

"My Cao family has absolutely no intention of being an enemy of the governor." Queen Guo didn't dare to struggle, so she could only smile barely.

"Unfortunately, Cao Chong actually killed Ding Dong for a volume of Tao Te Ching!" Zhang Bairen looked at Queen Guo, "Do you understand that the soul flies away?"

In the face of the dull eyes, Queen Guo couldn't laugh anymore, and she cursed Cao Chong upright in her heart.


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