First Class Taoist Gate

: Impact Queen Guo

"Did you know that the soul is scattered?" Zhang Bairen looked at Queen Guo with a pair of eyes.

Queen Guo smiled reluctantly. At this time, she only felt that Zhou Tianji locked herself in, no matter she fleeing in that direction, she would just end up in the same way.

Moreover, Zhang Bairen's previous methods scared her, the aura of Absolute Sword Qi to kill all things has already taken Queen Guo's soul and hurt Queen Guo's mind.


Looking at Queen Guo's red lips, Zhang Bairen kissed her gently. Queen Guo shivered, but she did not dare to resist.

For a long time, lip points

Zhang Bairen looked at Cao Pi, whose eyes were distraught in the light, and then slid into Queen Guo's clothes like a snake with his palm and continued to knead.

"Zhang Bairen, you must not die! You must not die!" Cao Pi was about to split his eyes, and his whole body resentment burst into the sky.

Cao Pi has the emperor's dragon qi body, and the heart lamp wants to refining it. I don't know how long it will take. Only by irritating it and fluctuating the emotions in his heart can it be refined at the fastest speed.

Once the emotions in a person's heart erupt, the soul cannot guard the palace, and the spirit will inevitably become distracted, and then people will have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Zhang Bairen flicked his fingers, the sky was surging, and the endless fog covered the top of the mountain.

Gently taking off Queen Guo's trousers, seeing the murderous intent of Queen Guo revealing the fish and nets, Zhang Bairen tapped his finger to seal the soul of Queen Guo, and then leaned behind Queen Guo and picked up his gun.

"Zhang Bairen!!!"

Cao Pi's eyes were red, and endless resentment rose to the sky. Seeing the panting Queen Guo, Cao Pi's eyes surged with murderous intent.

Fortunately, the heart lamp is mysterious, except for Cao Pi, the other senses are blocked by Zhang Bairen.

When the power of the heart lamp was activated, Cao Pi was completely degraded at this time, assimilated by the talisman seal, turned into a rune and became a part of the heart lamp.

"Zhang Bairen, you must die!"

"I will kill you!"

"I want to punish your nine races!"

The resentment and hatred that erupted on Cao Pi provided infinite power for the heart lamp, but it was a pity that the Buddha within the wick was too late to emerge.

"You are too much, face to face, you will not die in the future!" Queen Guo endured Zhang Bairen's impact, her eyes full of grief and anger.

"Hmph, I want the people of the Cao family to die in the most painful situation, otherwise it is not enough to solve the hatred in my heart!" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously, and a crimson appeared in his eyes: "Dingdang is innocent! Why do you want to involve Dingdang in."

The words fell and the vent was finished. Without waiting for Queen Guo to speak, Zhang Bairen threw it into the lamp, and saw that Queen Guo was instantly assimilated by the heart lamp and turned into a rune.

"Hmph, I want you to ask the people of the Cao family to survive or die!" Zhang Bairen stuffed his heart lamp into his sleeve, and looked at the scattered Central Plains land. Now the Central Plains land is completely chaotic.

An unbeatable water monster in an invincible place, coupled with the three dragon kings pushing on one side, the human race was already unbearable. Now that the Cao family is born, the zombie army is not afraid of the flood, and blood flows in the river across the army, and human civil chaos erupts instantly.

"Hing people suffer, the dead people suffer." Xiao Huang came to Zhang Bairen later and looked at the white hair at his temples: "Bairen, you should do it. Human race has already shown a decline. If too many people die, it is more expensive than a dead body. Take the opportunity to open the ghost gate and it will be even more troublesome."

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words: "The Qixi Festival was born in these two days, how can I leave you?"

"If you can protect Wu Hundreds of people, you can also be considered to have contributed to the Qixi Festival!" Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Furthermore, the middle-earth is so chaotic, and the aunt has a mental disorder floating outside, and the concubine can't feel relieved in her body and mind. That's too much, and the concubine has to watch with her own eyes the troubled party that Mr. Cao's family has been eliminated.

After hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent, and after a while he said: "It's not that I don't want to go down the mountain, but if I go down the mountain, when the time comes, the cause and effect will be involved, and I am afraid that things will not be my responsibility. I am no longer sure of how the situation in China and Turkey will develop in the future. "

"The Cao family's grievances must be reported!" Empress Xiao walked slowly to Dingdang's grave: "I am here waiting for you to come back."

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and sighed after a long time. He looked at Empress Xiao's cheek very seriously. After watching for a long time, he turned and left without saying a word.

"Bairen!" Seeing Zhang Bairen's figure walking further and further away, Empress Xiao suddenly cried out in tears.

Zhang Bairen's footsteps stopped, his whole body was filled with smoke, and he did not look back.

"You must take care of yourself in the future" Empress Xiao choked.

Waved his hand, Zhang Bairen left swiftly, disappearing into the clouds.


Empress Xiao was limp in front of Dingdang's tombstone, tears streaming in her eyes.

Yuan Shoucheng and Yuan Tiangang came to Empress Xiao and looked at Empress Xiao who was crying and weeping. Yuan Shoucheng respectfully knelt down in front of Empress Xiao. After three worships and nine knocks, his forehead touched the ground and said: "The mother loves me, I am sorry for the mother. "

"This is my own choice, no wonder you! My human race is full of disasters and disasters. There are no wives, children, and parents. Life and death is a great pain in the world. It is worth it to leave me alone to become a world person!" Empress Xiao closed. eye.

"Wen Po is already waiting at the foot of the mountain." Yuan Tiangang's eyes were red and swollen: "I wonder if there is anything else I want to convey to the governor?"

"The clothes made by our sisters are in the cabinet in the house. They are available in spring, summer, autumn and winter. They are his favorite style, enough for him to wear for a hundred years... Tell him to take good care of Qixi, this life is my debt to him! That's enough! !" Empress Xiao Qingsi turned white slowly, her vitality converging towards her abdomen.

Under the mountain

Zhang Bairen looked back suddenly, as if he could feel the change of Qi in the mountain, and there was a tear in his eyes: "This difference is the eternal separation of heaven and man. I know your mind and cannot let go of the people at dawn. This is what you asked me for in this life. The last thing, how can I fail to fulfill you!"

When the words fell, Zhang Bairen stepped on the river and disappeared into the sky.

"Cao Cao, now it is no longer your Great Wei era, everything has passed, you must not go against the sky, this world no longer belongs to you, your era has passed!" Yuchi Jingde stood in the water, watching The mighty army of zombies, looking at the leader Wei Wu, his eyes were full of solemnity.

"Junior, when the old man was in the world, your ancestors were not born yet, so you dare to stop me?" Cao Cao's eyes flowed murderously, and the stench and decayed aura continued to circulate.

"If you insist on this, you can only ask your Excellency for advice today!" Yuchi Jingde respectfully said.

"If you refuse to surrender, if I break through the city later, I can only choose to slaughter the city!" Cao Cao's eyes turned murderous, and the black emperor dragon roared: "Everyone, kill me!"


The sound of shouting and killing was earth-shaking, and the murderous intent went straight into the sky.


In just one round, Yuchi Jingde flew upside down and was severely injured by Cao Cao.

Although the Dragon Qi of the emperor Cao Cao's body is the Yinsi's death-yin dragon Qi, it can still break all laws and possess infinite power.

While Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong were entangled with Cao Cao's generals at this time, Dianwei, Xiahou Dun and other soldiers were brave and invincible, and the slain Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong retreated steadily.


An earth-shattering battle broke out.

"Sacred crossbow!" Yuchi Jingde roared, and countless crossbows of sacred crossbows shot down the city like a torrential rain, blocking the way of Cao's army.

At this time, the eyes of the ancestors of Lingbao and Shangqing were bright, and they looked at the countless zombies in the field, and their eyes showed excitement.

"My ancestors, now I am waiting for the day to grow the sect." The eyes of Zhangjiao Shangqing were full of divine light.

"Everyone, these zombies live by sucking blood. The more blood they consume, the stronger their strength will become. I will take action at a constant speed so that things will not be beyond my control later!" Master Mao Shan's eyes were full of divine light, For a moment, all the talisman seals flew out, covering the entire zombie army.


At this time, the marine army continued to land, the killing court army was retreating steadily, and the warships were pierced. I don't know how many soldiers fed fish and shrimps.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Murderous intents rushed into the sky one by one, the human race and the dragon race were in a chaos, and blood flowed into rivers and corpses all over the field.

"Your Majesty, things are not good, the dragon army is too fierce, and Chi You's war is too fierce. It has suppressed all the battles of my Terran strategists. Please sever your majesty as soon as possible." Zhang Heng swept the audience at this time, watching it gradually fall into the wind. The human race showed an anxious look in his eyes.

The Terran could still have the upper hand, but the Cao family suddenly resurrected to cause trouble, but it dispersed many of the Terran forces.

And at this time, Shebi Zhe also joined the enemy camp to join in the fun. The countless soldiers had just died, and they turned into soldiers who were not afraid of death. They turned around and counterattacked the human race. For a time, the human race couldn't stand it and could only retreat.

"Get up!"

In the rear, Shebi's corpse surrounded the battlefield with black energy, and saw countless zombies resurrected in the battlefield where the black energy passed. The just-dead fellow turned and turned into a deadly enemy.

Moreover, those who have died are not afraid of death, only bloodthirsty and killing are in their eyes. The enemy kills more and more at a time, and a sad atmosphere of Human Race begins to permeate.

"Everyone, who can restrain extravagance than a corpse?" Li Shimin shouted.

"My Mahayana Buddhism has a volume of human salvation ~ If the Blessed One can perform the chanting personally, it can greatly suppress the power of the corpse." Guan Zi said.

The Blessed One was silent when he heard the words, watching the nose and the heart.

Obviously, the Blessed One is not a generous person. You have already asked me to seal the mountain. What do you do with me in the field?

"World Honored, the overall situation is important!" Zhang Heng said earnestly looking at the World Honored.

"Haha" The Lord let out two unexplained laughs.

"Allow you to preach the Zen Buddhism" Zhang Heng gritted his teeth, his eyes full of suffocation.

Although Daomen had the means to subdue demons and demons, they could not suppress extravagant corpses on a large scale. Unless Zhang Heng takes the shot himself, but at this time Zhang Heng has the energy to contain the extravagance?

Water monsters are enough to cause headaches.

ps: emmm, the master of supplementary alliance.


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