First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1714: Chang'an


"Buddha Amitabha" said the Buddha's horn loudly: "The Taoist friend is too polite, since that's the case, the monk can only be disrespectful."

Regarding the Mahayana Buddhism classics, although the Blessed One can not say that he came here at his fingertips, he still knows it seven or eight.

Guan Zizai doesn't mind Zen monks comprehending Mahayana Buddhism, but rather hopes Zen monks study Mahayana Buddhism.

A volume of Sutra was slowly recited. At this time, the light of the Buddha was flowing, the sky was falling into the ground, and the deadness of the Buddha's voice was completely resolved.

"These bald guys are really annoying!" There was a look of disgust in the eyes of Shebi corpse behind.

No matter who the magical skills are restrained, the emotions in the heart will not be too good.

A little bit of golden flowers bloomed in the void, suppressing the power of the Shebi Corpse. At this time, the powers of the human race breathed a sigh of relief and barely stopped the decline.

Outside Chang'an City

Yuchi Jingde and Cao Cao continued to deal with each other, if it weren't for the magic crossbow on the top of the city, I'm afraid that Yuchi Jingde would have been defeated.

Death Yin Dragon Qi is also Dragon Qi, and has the same effect as the Dragon Qi of the Emperor.

Zhang Bairen walked slowly in the void, and the tumbling flood where he passed instantly disappeared and submerged into the earth. The mud re-entered the depths of the earth and bred. A pair of eyes looked into the void in the distance, and Zhang Bairen's eyes showed the color of searching.

"Let go!"

Yuchi Jingde continued to command the strong on the top of the city to radiate crossbows, forcing Cao Cao's soldiers to retreat constantly, wandering around and unable to get close to the city.


Cao Cao was angry, and saw that his figure suddenly stopped. A pair of eyes looked at the Cheng Yaojin trio at the head of the city. Their expressions were gloomy and said, "I only ask you, do you surrender? Otherwise, wait for the prime minister to break open Chang'an City later. It must be buried with the whole city."

"Cao Cao, you don't want to be rampant! Chang'an city is the place where the weather sits. There is the emperor and the dragon is constant, and you can also be presumptuous? Although you led the Great Wei Dynasty to transform the deadly Yin and Dragon Qi, you are not enough. Now the vicissitudes of life, Wei has already perished, why are you still stubborn? If you continue to go your own way, I am afraid that the disaster of thunder will be in front of you in an instant." Yuchi Jingde's eyes were full of helplessness.

He and others can suppress Cao Cao's subordinates, but they are definitely not the enemy of Cao Cao's one. Although Cao Cao's death-yin dragon qi is weak, it is dragon qi after all. Under the suppression of dragon qi, he can't perform all his abilities.

As for Cao Cao’s subordinates, although he was a well-known strong man in his life, he turned from death to anger and dried up. Instead, he relied on the power of death and nourishment. It is good that he can have the ability to achieve six or seven before his death. The time of the Flying Drought is too short, six to seven hundred years for mortals to reincarnate in several lifetimes, but for the Flying Drought, it is only a sleepy metamorphosis.

"So courageous!" Cao Cao swept over Yuchi Jingde with a pair of eyes, and then his whole body began to boil, the earth in the ground under his feet began to dry up, and all the water vapor in the radius evaporated.

"When I break your imperial city, with the lives of millions of people, help me regain my strength!" Cao Cao's eyes are full of bloodthirsty colors, and Feitian Droughts originally relied on blood and resentment for a living.

"What to do?" Yuchi Jingde looked at Cao Cao who was about to make a big move, staring at Cheng Yaojin with an ugly expression.

"There are millions of innocent people in the city of Chang'an. Even if I die in battle, I will never take a step back!" Qin Qiong understood Yuchi Jingde's words, and stood up at this time to categorically say: "If Cao Cao really swallowed a million The spirit of the surname, I’m afraid that the trouble will be really big when the time comes. Even if the ancient female wives resurrected, it would be difficult to subdue and suppress Cao Cao. As the imperial commander and the strong pastoralist, we must not abandon the city and flee. ."

The atmosphere of the city was stagnant, and Yuchi Jingde smiled bitterly: "Why don't I understand what General Qin said? But now Chang'an has become an isolated city. Your Majesty and Buddhism are really fighting against the dragons and suppressing the water monsters. With the power of you and me , How is Cao Cao’s opponent? The city’s destruction is right in front of me. If there is hope, I will never run away, but now there is no hope? Who will rescue us? Instead of burying with the people in the city, it is better to keep a useful body Make a comeback."

Who will rescue yourself?

The despair without hope is the real despair.

Yuchi Jingde couldn't find a reason to continue fighting, and hope to persevere. He was successful in martial arts, and his life span was at least three hundred years. He didn't want to die!

Now that Jingrui is coming, anyone with a little ambition will not think about dying in vain.

Righteousness and survival, this is a very important choice.

"Damn old sect, these people are still sleeping in reincarnation, but they can calm down! If these people are willing to awaken their true bodies, it will not be difficult to survive the calamity before them" Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth and cursed.

"If you don't see rabbits or eagles, or see fairy planes coming, how can these old guys awaken the true spirit in reincarnation?" Yuchi Jingde shook his head.

At this time, Cao Cao began to use the law of heaven and earth, and his figure continued to rise. In the blink of an eye, he was already flush with the city. A pair of scarlet eyes showed bloodthirsty colors, staring at the blood and the people in Chang'an.

The original blood-red eyes made people fearful, but now looking at the red eyes the size of a basket, coupled with the hideousness of a mummy, Cao Cao is like a evil spirit that has emerged from hell, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"It will be too late if you don't leave, and you won't be able to leave if you want to," Yuchi Jingde said.

Qin Qiong looked firm and ignored the two of them. He went straight to the city and glared at Cao Cao: "Cao Cao, you were also the prime minister of my human race back then. Your predecessor is even a human race. Are you really going to kill the people in the city?"

Hearing this, Cao Cao smiled coldly and opened his mouth wide: "Not anymore!"

While talking, Cao Cao swept his right hand towards the head of Chang'an.

"Archery!" Qin Qiong's eyes are full of murderous intent, the crisis is approaching, but the martial arts in his heart becomes purer, and his beliefs continue to skyrocket.

The magic crossbow can deal with the ordinary gods, but facing Cao Cao's arms that cover the sky and sun, it only penetrates a little skin.

"Chang'an City is where my Li Tang roots are located. I am afraid that I will not be able to explain it to your majesty if I lose it, and my family, young and old, are all in Chang'an City. We can get away, where can they escape?" Qin Qiong turned to look at Cheng Yao Jin Yuchi Jingde.

The two had bitter smiles on their faces, and the hesitation in Cheng Yaojin's eyes disappeared: "People are dead in the sky, immortal for thousands of years. The husband always has a choice. Old Cheng, I can't sit back and watch the tragic death of my wife and children at home."

Yuchi Jingde glared at Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong: "You two are really idiots. For the sake of your fame after death, you have to accompany your own lives. It's a piece of wood that cannot be carved!"

While talking, Yuchi Jingde's eyes showed tragic murderous intent. Instead of fleeing, he jumped off the city and killed Cao Cao: "The big man has done something or not, if I sit and watch the millions of fathers and villagers in the city are Slaughter, then how will I face my hometown elders in the future? There are countless powerful enemies on the road to immortality, how can I shrink back? I would rather die than escape!"

The martial arts masters have their own beliefs. If they escape today, will they continue to escape in the future?

"Saving the past is the vast sea and the sky, and failing to save it is the calamity of my old Cheng. I bit the golden roof, but I did not shame my hometown fathers and villagers. Old Cheng, I am worthy of my conscience!" Cheng Yaojin followed. Yuchi Jingde jumped off the top of the city.




With murderous intent to shake the world, Qin Qiong stood up and blocked Cao Cao's sweeping palm.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde cut towards Cao Cao's body orifice points.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Cao Cao's body became inflexible when he used his method to show the heavens and the earth. At this time, he looked at the three men who had attacked, but he had to back down again and again, giving up the idea of ​​sweeping the city.

"Lord, don't worry, Xiahou Dun will come!"

"Lord, don't worry, Dianwei will come!"

"Master, Xu Chu is here too!"

At this time, the three generals behind Cao Cao rushed into the sky and instantly formed a group with Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, and Yuchi Jingde.

Fortunately, the three tiger generals of Cao Ying are now greatly reduced in strength. They are not the opponents of Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong and others at their peak, otherwise they would be really troublesome today.

Dian Wei deserves to be Dian Wei, facing Cheng Yaojin at this time. Although he was suppressed by Cheng Yaojin, he did not fall behind.

Although Dian Wei is not in his peak state, he has cultivated into an immortal body. As long as Ma Jian in Cheng Yaojin's hands cannot stabbing himself to death with a single shot, or dismembering himself with one shot, he ignores Cheng Yaojin's attack and allows him to break. Opening his own real body, his palms grabbed Cheng Yaojin's heart.

"Bang!" The void shook, and the universe was reversed. Cheng Yaojin's eyes were full of surprise and looked at Dian Wei: "You can actually **** my blood?"

"Martial artist's blood is the source of strength. Between you and me, blood will be sucked away by me. How can you be my opponent?" Dian Wei's eyes were full of grinning smiles: "I will get stronger and stronger. But you are getting weaker and weaker. Sooner or later I can bring you down."

Cheng Yaojin finally changed color at this time, and looked at Qin Qiong with a pair of eyes: "The situation is not good!"

At this time, Qin Qiong was also helpless by the opposite Xiahou Dun. Although he suppressed Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Dun’s defenses were too with thick skin and undead body, how to kill?

"I am in trouble here too, this Xiahou Dun is too difficult! I want to kill him, there is no three days to rest!" Qin Qiong said helplessly.

On the one hand, Yuchi Jingde's martial arts cultivation level was the highest. At this time, the situation was a little better. The Xu Chu who was hitting his head squirmed, and his immortal body did not break open.

"Boy, if this general is in his peak state, I'll only kill you!" Xu Chu's eyes are full of anger. He is a famous general in Cao Ying. When was he suppressed so embarrassed?

It is true that the Phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken.

"Hahaha, you and the three of you can't even win against my generals. This time, the prime minister is going to break Chang'an City. Who else can stop me?"

ps: Happy New Year everyone.

In the new year, you will find your girlfriends as soon as possible.


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