First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1818: The **** is not empty, and you will not become a Buddha

  What realm is the fairy?

   Wonderful and unfathomable, there is a realm of mystery and unpredictability, and the power of unpredictability.

  The fairy went beyond the world, where?

   Perhaps only the descendants of those immortals can know that, in short, the realm of immortals has exceeded the understanding of the heroes.

   There are many people in the world who want Zhang Bairen to die, but the end result is that they are dead, and Zhang Bairen is still alive.

   Li Er did not dare to move rashly, and Yuan Shoucheng and Yuan Tiangang did not dare to move rashly.

   In fact, when he reached the realm of Zhang Daoling, the ancestor, the Dharma body was cut out, and the golden body was completed, and the incense in the world was of little use to him.

   That's why the Blessed One can struggle hard in reincarnation, surviving through the cracks, and constantly gaining faith.

   In the passage between the two realms, Zhang Bairen stood tall and jade, with his hands on his back, trying to calculate all the changes of the Blessed One. Even at this time, the divine nature began to imitate the mystery of the Blessed One's body.

  The Taoist ancestors Gaozhen were immersed in the rhyme of the world-honored Taoism. They couldn't extricate themselves, even the little thoughts in their hearts.

   The foundation of Mahayana Buddhism is Taoism after all. As long as the Mahayana Buddhism is revived for the first time, the Taoist tradition will not be broken.

   Although there is some competition between Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism, after all, they all come from the same source.


   Suddenly the master's body's Taoist rhyme converges, all the vitality of his body dissipates, and the overwhelming smallpox and golden lotus are also gathered up by the world-zun, and all are submerged in his body.

   Daomen Gaozhen closed his eyes tightly at this time, still trying his best to grasp the aftermath of that Dao Yun, intending to peer into the highest realm.

   "Amitabha Buddha", the world-zun made a noisy horn of the Buddha and bowed to Zhang Bairen: "The monk dare not forget this sentiment. In the future, the monk will definitely sit in the Mahayana Buddhism with all his heart, and help my Buddhism.

   The light in Zhang Bairen's eyes diminished, and he looked at the world-zun with a pair of eyes. After a while, he smiled and said: "Since your Excellency has reached Consummation, when will you not break through at this time?"


   I saw the golden body emerge from the back of the world-zun, and a jade tree bodhi slowly pulled out from behind the golden body, and the sound of economy flew out of the jade tree bodhi in an endless stream, and the whole void was dispersed in an instant.

   I saw the golden yellow leaves on this yushu bodhi flowing in the avenue pattern. The leaves of the bodhi tree were not real leaves, but a piece of scripture, a piece of mysterious scripture.

   The whole linden tree is like a white and flawless suet jade, in which the holy light flows, the brilliance illuminates the world, and the infinite power is nurtured in it.

   Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the jade belt around his waist, his eyes were a little surprised, and he sighed after a while: "Sure, it's incredible!"

  The World Venerable smiled slightly, and saw the light of the Yushu Bodhi Buddha behind him circulate, and the sound of economy spread out, and the wonderland of great compassion, great relief, and great joy was constantly turning.

"All beings are suffering, and they are obsessed with reincarnation and cannot be detached. Today, the monk feels the disaster, greed, and karma of all beings, so he made a great aspiration: Hell is not empty, and he will not become a Buddha!" The sound seemed to evoke the cause and effect in the dark, and it spread all over the world in an instant.

"Hehe, there is no space in the **** to swear that you will not become a Buddha. Your Excellency yawned with a toad, so big!" There was a strong sneer in his eyes when he heard the Blessed One's oath in the underground palace. See through the void and descend on the scene.

"Haha!" The Yinshan army, Qin Shihuang's gloomy face after his crown, showed a meaningful smile at this time: "Yinsi Jifu! Wait, the Lord has great perseverance and determination to enter the Yinsi, and open up a pure land for our human race. , I'm afraid the Yin Division will be overwhelmed. The opportunity for my Human Race to counterattack the Yin Division has arrived."

   Li Si and others also looked into the distance together, with a solemn look in their eyes: "The Lord is so bold!"

   "In the ages, only the ancestor Zhang Daoling can be compared with him" Shi Huang praised.

   As for Zhang Bairen and Zhang Heng, they are characters within a thousand years.

   "Look at the changes, the second prophecy of this gentleman." Ying Zheng still watched unhurriedly. As for the battle that is overwhelming thousands of miles in front of him, he does not take it seriously.

"Today I call myself: Ksitigarbha-King Bodhisattva! Hell is not empty, I will swear that I will not become a Buddha!" ​​The jade tree behind the Blessed One was twisted and turned into a white monk. The whole body was warm and moist, exuding the atmosphere of great perfection and great freedom. In an instant, he rolled up from the void, passed into the Yin Division channel, and entered the Yin Division.

   "Good name! Good self-name!" Zhang Heng looked at the jade-faced monk behind the world-zun with a pair of eyes, and there was a touch of admiration in his eyes: "I'm not as good as such a person! I am worthy of being a disciple of the old man."

   Ksitigarbha, this title is very particular. Earth means being able to nurture, the earth can nurture all things, and the bodhisattva can also nurture the Sunnah; second, can carry, the earth can carry all things, and the bodhisattva can also carry all living beings; third, can produce, the earth can give birth to all things, and the bodhisattva can also conceive virtue use.

The meaning of "hidden": 1. Secret storage, which means that the bodhisattva secretly conceals the three virtues (dharmakaya, prajna, liberation); 2. Treasury, which means that a bodhisattva has merits in the library, which can benefit all living beings; 3. Terma, which means that the bodhisattva Can develop hidden treasures of all beings.

   The so-called "earth" means the earth. It can grow, carry, hide, hold, absorb, depend, and stay firm. This shows that the bodhisattva's aspiration is like a vajra and cannot be broken; it is solid like a rock and cannot be shaken.

  Looking at its name, you can know that the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva went to the underworld. He really has great aspirations and great perseverance.

   Thousands of causes and effects are intertwined and entangled, countless bodhi leaves fall, and under the innumerable laws and Hongyuan's blessings, they turn into a red robe, on which the artistic conception of great detachment and freedom continues to flow.

   "My Dao is here!" Seeing the Ksitigarbha Dharma body stood up by him, the Blessed One smiled lightly at this time, and said to Zhang Bairen: "Next, I will look at the monk's methods."

   The words fell, and I saw the Ksitigarbha king wearing a robe, and the blood-red robe looked more vivid under the white clothes.

   I saw the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva respectfully salute everyone in the field, and then fluttered out of the two-way passage, heading straight towards the Yin Division.

The boundless light of the Buddha was flowing. At this time, the King of Earth Zang chanted the Buddhist scriptures, constantly purifying the ghosts around him. When the Bodhisattva was passing by, the menacing evil spirits were suddenly awakened, and a touch of wisdom was restored in his eyes, and the past life was restored instantly Memories, one after another bowed down to the Bodhisattva of Earth Store.

"World Lord, you dare to come to my **** to make trouble. Really have the courage!" The wheel king looked at the Buddha's light and purifies everything, the fierce light in his eyes, a ray of murderous intent hidden deep, infinite power Continuously bred in it.

"Endless reincarnation!" The king of reincarnation inherited the law of reincarnation. In an instant, the light of a law shot from his hands, illuminating the infinite universe, forming six black holes, rolling towards the Bodhisattva of the Tibetan King .

   "Amitabha" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sighed lightly, with a touch of emotion in his eyes, and then saw his body blurry, standing still and motionless.


   The six laws of reincarnation pass through his body, and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva seems to be in another world, even letting the light of that law pass through, and there is no harm in his whole body.

   "Hua Zizai Demon?????" Zhang Bairen was so shocked that he couldn't speak. Could it be that the Hua Zizai Demon became the Ksitigarbha?

"No!" Behind the world-zun twisted, I saw a figure wearing a black robe slowly walk out, I saw the Huazizai Tianma clearly standing there, but it seemed to be at the intersection of endless time and space, and the power of the law was constantly distorting, as if Separated from everyone by an infinite dimension.

   Infinitely close, close at hand! But it is infinitely far away, far away.

  HuaZiZi TianMa is different, has undergone a qualitative change, completely transformed.

“Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva only has the light of my life and has obtained part of my life law.” Hua Zizai Tianma looked at the Yinsi Difu with a pair of eyes, and then looked at Zhang Bairen: “The sky is high and the rivers and lakes are long. In the future, we will finally have the time to bear fruit."

After speaking, the Da Zizai Demon disappeared out of thin air, leaving Zhang Bairen staring at the void that the Hua Zizai Demon walked through, with a little bit of surprise in his eyes: "Weird, this Zizai Demon is unfathomable, how did it go? I can't see the slightest flaw."

   "It's different! The Transcendent Demon is different, he has achieved real great freedom!" The World-Venerable smiled wryly: "However, I'm afraid the other party will retaliate against you!"

   Preventing enlightenment is like killing a parent.

   Zhang Bairen smiled softly: "Am I afraid?"

"The monk wants to accept Tanabata himself as a disciple, and his status is equivalent to that of I don't know what the governor will do?" The world-honored face solemnly said: "This is the cause and effect of the monk, and the governor must not be allowed to bear it for me. "

"My daughter of Zhang Bairen, how can I become a monk!" Zhang Bairen shook his head, and categorically rejected Da Shizun's words: "And I help you only because you are helping my human race to contain the underworld, and you don't need to bear me. Love."

   This is Zhang Bairen, proud! The arrogance is boundless!

"Red lotus roots, green leaves and white lotus flowers, the three religions originally belonged to one family!" The Blessed One's hands clasped his hands together: "Even if it's not for my disciples of the Buddhism, then it is okay for me to teach my disciples personally! Tanabata only learns the method of practice with me, listen The Xuanmiao Avenue does not stick to the Tao of Taoism, only then can the blue come out of blue and be better than blue."

   Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words. He himself is the sub-sage of Confucianism, the noble truth of Taoism. If Qixi Festival can inherit Buddhism and gather Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism as a family, the future will be limitless.

   A pair of eyes looked up and down the World-Honored One, Zhang Bairen pondered for a long time, and he wanted to agree when he saw it, but he heard Zhang Heng suddenly say: "The governor, this great monk is not at ease, and the governor must never agree."

   Daomen Gaozhen can watch Qixi worshipping into the door of the World Zun?

   Even though he only learns the Taoism, the Qixi Festival and the World Zun will have the real mentorship in the future. The Blessed One will inevitably get close to Zhang Bairen, and the Taoist will be at a disadvantage. ...


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