First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1819: This thing is destined to me

   "Why, does the ancestor have anything to say?" Zhang Bairen tilted his head and looked at Zhang Heng with a pair of eyes.

"Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are the essence of the world. Although the governor has Taoism inheritance, but because of the mixed learning, it is difficult to extract it for a while. He has learned about Taoism and has a special skill. The governor himself is a Confucian sage, but if you Daoist knowledge is still the most professional in my northern and southern celestial masters." Zhang Heng said with a smile: "The old Dao sees Qixi Festival is good, and I am willing to accept disciples on behalf of my father and teach the supreme method of my Zhang Family on Qixi Festival! In any case, the blood of my Zhang family is flowing in my body. Whether you admit it or not!"

   Zhang Bairen heard this and shook his head non-committal: "Say it!"

After the words fell, Zhang Bairen turned to look at the Yinsi battlefield below, and muttered in his heart: "Hua Zizai Tianma wants to threaten me with Qixi Festival, but I can't think about it! Qixi has a thread of love in my body, and a thread of my soul, if he It's fine if you don't make a move, once you make a move...he will suffer at that time!"

   Yin Si Difu

   At this time, the Ksitigarbha king sits cross-legged in the void, allowing the runner to mobilize the six laws of reincarnation, but all of them have passed through Ksitigarbha's body one by one, and the Ksitigarbha cannot be hurt.

   "This..." The king of the wheel was full of shock.

   At this time, Huazi was wearing a black robe and came out of the void: "You don't want to waste your energy. This boy has the magical powers of my celestial demon clan. You can't hurt him if you jump out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements."

   Speaking of this, the Hua Zizai Tianma sighed: "Things are in trouble! There is trouble in the underworld!"

   "Since he has inherited the supernatural powers of your celestial demon clan, Mianxia can certainly force it out of the void." Turning king said.

  Hua Zizai Tianma shook his head: "I am half a catty with him, but I can't help him, too lazy to waste his hands and feet."

   After speaking, the body of the Heavenly Demon disappeared, only a ray of voice echoed between the heavens and the earth: "I want to subdue this, and force it out of the void, only please listen to the innate **** beast!"

   "Listen to the truth?" After hearing the words of the Hua Zizai Demon, the King of Wheels turned his head, and there was a stunned look in his eyes: "Did the King of Chujiang ever come?"

   "Half an hour left" Jiu Ying said.

   "Let him be mad for half an hour" The runner closed his eyes as soon as he finished speaking, and began to nurture his family's three treasures of spirit.

   Zhang Bairen's eyes were filled with divine light, and he turned to the world-zun and said, "What's the magical effect of Di listen?"

"The truth listener gathers the image of the beast in one body, and gathers the good qualities of all things into one body. There are tiger heads, unicorns, dog ears, dragon bodies, lion tails, and unicorn feet. He listens to the movement of all directions and the storms of the world. , Distinguish right from wrong, the best way to restrain the demon!" said the world.

   Zhang Bairen didn't say much after hearing this. Since the Blessed One spoke, there must be a way to restrain the truth.

   "I still need to borrow the six-character mantra of the governor to use it," said the Lord.

   Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words, a pair of eyes looked at Guan Zi-zao at the entrance, and she saw that Guan Zi-zao flicked his fingers, the six-character mantra stickers turned into streamers and fell into the hands of the world-honored.

   "This six-character mantra is also a cause and effect." Looking at the six-character mantra post in his hand, the Lord looked at Zhang Bairen with a smile.

   Zhang Bairen has a reddish skin. He deceived the Buddhism for decades with the world in his palm. He really did not do it authentically.

   "It's okay, it's just the calamity of this seat. These six-character mantra stickers shouldn't have been completed in my hands." The Lord smiled bitterly, then looked down, silent, and lost himself in thought.

   Time is passing by, and not long after, I heard a scream from afar: "Where is Zhang Bairen?"

   "It's King Chujiang here!" Someone yelled, and everyone looked at the sky in a flash.

   Void is distorted, this person travels through the void, and with his physical body he forcibly opens up a space channel.

   Dressed in a black imperial robe, he couldn't see his face clearly after Mianyi, only knew that this person was extraordinary, who could tear time and space, and was definitely called a great supernatural power.

When it sits down, it is a monster with a tiger head, a unicorn, a dog ear, a dragon body, a lion tail, and a unicorn foot. The powerful first weather will rise to the sky, and the wind and thunder in the eyes will be touched. The gaze that I listened to made people tremble in my heart. It seemed that all the careful thoughts in my heart, all the hidden thoughts hidden in the deepest place, were leaking one by one at this time.

   "King Chujiang, you can be counted as here," the runner said kingly.

"Where is Wusheng? From far away, I sensed the murderous intention of Wusheng Jiantu. I want to come here to slay and exterminate thousands of sentient beings. It is really cruel!" As soon as King Chu Jiang fell, he began to look for Zhang Bairen's trace.

"Hehe, hundreds of years have passed, the courage of Wusheng has been much smaller, and I am afraid that my Yinsi and Dragon Qi will not dare to enter the Yinsi! This cultivation base is far worse than hundreds of years ago, and will not be hundreds of years In case of accident, I don't know what happened to him, and what kind of masters can traumatize him to such a degree." The King of Wheels revealed a touch of emotion.


   Hearing these words, King Chu Jiang turned around and looked at the Buddha's light, who is constantly saving evil spirits. "Who is this?"

   "The dharma body cut out by the world-zun is called: Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!" The king of the wheel said with a solemn expression: "It is a difficult character. He has the supernatural powers of the emperor, who can jump out of the Three Realms and Five Elements, which is very troublesome.

"Huh?" King Chujiang nodded when he heard the words, already knowing the meaning of King Zhuan: "Since Zhang Bairen can't be taken, then he will take the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. What a **** is not empty, if you can continue to save Going down, sooner or later, it will become a serious problem in my yin."

   talked and patted the true listening underneath: "Let's see you!"

   "Woo 嗷~"

   Di heard a roar, separated from King Chu Jiang, jumped suddenly, ignored the void, and patted the body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

   Transformation freely wanders infinite time and space between the thoughts of the demon. To put it bluntly, it is the power of the ‘heart’, but the truth refers to the essence of the heart and is not disturbed by foreign objects. It is the nemesis of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

   "Amitabha Buddha"

   Looking at the suppressed truth, the Ksitigarbha king fruit is as good as his name, unmoving as if he is secretly hidden, turning his palm over a branch that exudes colorful colors and being held in his hand.

   The Seven Treasure Tree!


   The Seven Treasure Tree exudes endless sound of economy, and there is colorful light flowing on it, and he brushed the past to the truth: "Your Excellency is related to my Buddhism!"

  As soon as I heard this, I didn't know why I heard it. I only felt a moment of confusion in my heart, my brain turned into a paste, and I gave up resistance and let the colorful branches wrap myself, and entered a different time and space.


   is an innate **** beast, just being confused, he woke up in a blink of an eye, struggling to overturn the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, trying to escape from the different dimension.

   "Hummany Pami Hum!"

   Ksitigarbha chanted the mantra in his mouth. At this time, the Blessed One's palm in the passage was thrown, and the six-character mantra sticker flew out, and it fell on Di Ting.

   is like a big mountain, only to hear a whimper, the next moment the void is distorted, and the truth is no longer moving, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

   "Asshole, dare you!" King Chu Jiang was furious, and Di Ting had accompanied him for thousands of years. Although he was his mount, he also felt like his brother.

   "Asshole, you die for me!" King Chu Jiang suddenly shot, his big hand lifted off to obscure the light of the sun and the moon, the next moment only the primordial air flow in the void turned, turned into a ghost hand and took it to the King of Earth Zang.

"Don't waste your energy, your Excellency cannot crush the vacuum, and then the dimensional dimension cannot be broken, and the dimensional dimension cannot be broken, and you cannot hurt me!" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's face was calm, watching that big hand pass through his body, smashing it far. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Within ten years, the monk, I will certainly be able to create a Buddhist kingdom in the Yin Division. By then..."

   Although Ksitigarbha didn't say anything, both King Chujiang and King Zhuan knew that the matter was in serious trouble.

   "So mysterious magical powers" Looking at the Ksitigarbha king standing in a different dimension, Zhang Bairen was surprised.

   "Give me the truth, and spare you for not dying!" Chujiang King's body shot out, and the void was constantly shattering, and it stirred up all the terrifying winds.

   "Hehe, this thing is predestined to me. When I turn it into a protector of the beast, I will share with the king!" The talking Ksitigarbha began to recite the Buddhist scriptures to transform the beast.

   "Woo 嗷~"

  Di listened to the helpless struggle and roar, but it was a pity that he was suppressed by the six-character mantra at this time. Even if he had the ability to overwhelm the river and the sea, he was by no means an opponent of the Ksitigarbha.

   "Woo 嗷~~~"

   The colors of aggrieved, unwillingness, pain, and despair flowed in the eyes of Di Listening, the eyes of King Chu Jiang were red in an instant, and the black emperor dragon's energy began to boil in agitation, "World Lord!"

   "Woo 嗷~~~"

   got the blessing of the emperor’s dragon King Chu Jiang made a full shot, punching towards the space channel: "I want you to be buried here, so that you will know how powerful this king is!"

   The void pieces collapsed, and even Zhang Bairen could not maintain the stability of the spatial passage.

   "Amitabha, let's go!" Without a word, the Blessed One turned and left.

   "Can the Ksitigarbha King hold the anger of Chujiang King?" Zhang Heng followed the World Zun closely.

  World Zun shook his head: "I'm already invincible, but it's a pity that the six-character mantra stickers will stay in the underworld temporarily."

"The great monk was afraid that he wanted to use my six-character mantra for a long time." Zhang Bairen was noncommittal. If the Ksitigarbha can open up a dojo in the Yinsi, it will have inexhaustible benefits for the human race, even if the six-character mantra is given to him. ?

   In the future, Ksitigarbha’s dojo will be a nail pierced in the heart of Yin Si, enough to make Yin Si Ji Fei Dog uneasy.

   Moreover, the truth can be heard all over the world, inside and outside the universe, and it is of great use, how can it be discarded?

   All these benefits are by no means comparable to a six-character mantra sticker.

   "Just treat me as a good deed!" Zhang Bairen showed a wry smile in his eyes, turned around and looked at the yin and yang channel for the last time, revealing a wry smile. ...


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