First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1820: Reincarnation

Di listen is indeed mysterious, if you can really subdue such a powerful beast for the human race, it will be worth abandoning it.

Treasures are dead after all, but Diting is alive.

Di Ting is a living radar, and any adversary can't hide it from Di Ting's ears.

Just like the war in the 21st century, one side has high-tech radars and satellites, but on the other side there is nothing. How can this battle be fought?

Moreover, Di Ting can continue to collect news of various demon gods, various secrets between heaven and earth, and can only say that these six-character mantras are not bad.

Moreover, the six-character mantra stickers intersect with one's own life, and Yang Shen feels that as long as one thought, he can take it back.

It can only be said that the six-character mantra stickers temporarily borrowed Ksitigarbha.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva opened up the kingdom of Buddhism in hell, and his body melted into the void so that people could not beat him, and he had the capital to stand in hell.

What is the most important thing in hell?

It is all kinds of ghosts. As long as the Blessed One turns them into believers for a time, it will take a few years for the third Dharma body to complete and evolve into a golden body.

The two-way passage collapsed, and Zhang Bairen and the others went out of the two-way passage. At this time, the faces of all the Taoists were gloomy. The ancestor of the Wang family looked at Zhang Bairen, and then coldly hummed and turned and left.

The rest of the Hedong Cui family, Zhao Jun Li family, Fan Yang Lu family... the five surnames and seven sects all snorted. They all turned away without looking at Zhang Bairen and Shizun.

When the human race's external conflicts were resolved, the internal conflicts began again.

Internal contradictions are internal contradictions, and external contradictions are external contradictions. These family members can distinguish clearly.

"It's okay, these people are still saved!" World Honored sighed.

Yes, the Lord wants to plan the underworld, and these people are willing to contribute to the great power of the human race, which proves that there is still salvation.

The world is a big cake, and everyone is his own master and his own ability. The struggle is a struggle for interests, and no concessions are allowed.

The world-zun's eyes swept over the people in front of him, with a touch of emotion in his eyes, and he bowed to Zhang Bairen, then turned his head to look at Guan Zizai: "In the future, there will be a master of Zen Buddhism!"

"You still need your Excellency to work with me to jointly open up the prosperous world of Mahayana Buddhism" Guan Zidao.

The World Venerable pondered a little, before he said: "The monk is going to reincarnate and polish the true spirit in reincarnation, leaving only one dharmakaya in the world's Yin Division. In the future, the world monk in the sun will not interfere."

Speaking of this, the Blessed One looked towards Guan Zizai: "The dispute between Taoism and the number of Qi has been completely useless to me, but my Zen disciple cannot but fight. Bodhidharma also wants to become enlightened, so I must fight!"

"How about the gentleman's appointment between me and the Buddha?" The Lord looked at Guan Zizai with a pair of eyes.

"Buddha, please speak" Guan Zizai said with a serious expression.

"Buddhism Daxing is the general trend of heaven, and there will be no mistakes when there is a major governor oppressing the formation! But whether it is Zen Daxing or Mahayana Buddhism Daxing, it is necessary to make calculations by means." The Lord said unhurriedly: "Let's avoid it. How about Wen Dou if I hurt my peace?"

Wendou is a calculation! Whoever has the ability to play chess is better.

In the eyes of World Zun, Li Tangjiangshan is a game of chess.

While Zhang Bairen suddenly raised his mouth, he thought of the hands and feet that Buddhism had made on Li Tang's dragon veins, as well as the Buddhist monks who had been secretly hidden by Samurai Xun's daughter Mei Niang these years.

"This great monk is really cunning. This is setting up a situation for Guan Zi, but it is a pity... Wu Meiniang has been planted by me. All your thoughts are destined to be wasted!" Zhang Bairen felt amused in his heart.

Guan Zizai saw Zhang Bairen’s upturned mouth, and immediately smiled softly: "Also, our Zen and Mahayana Buddhism only talk about economics, and each rely on means to calculate. Whether this great happiness depends on Zen or Mahayana Buddhism. means."

"Huh?" Seeing the refreshment that Guan Zizai had promised, the World Venerable was taken aback. He looked at Zhang Bairen and Guan Zizai with a pair of eyes, and a sense of badness suddenly rose from his heart.

Something is wrong!

There is indeed something wrong! Guan Zizai now has Zhang Bairen's full support and has the absolute upper hand. How could he agree so happily?

The Blessed One's face suddenly suffered. Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that he was definitely calculated.

But what kind of person is the Blessed One?

The existence of ancestors has already understood the great ways of heaven and earth, the bodhi of the world, and the nature of mind is truly incomparable.

Broad-mindedness is no longer enough to describe the minds of these characters.

The World-Honored One could even tolerate the Huazizai Demon who had calculated himself and had a dispute with him. What was in his mind about the world?

The ancestor Zhang Daoling, the World Zun, and other human sages are probably not far from this realm.

"Buddha Amitabha!" The Blessed One saluted the two with a wry smile: "The sky is high and the road is long, and we are destined to see you two!"

After the words fell, the Blessed One's golden body instantly decomposed and turned into a colorful rainbow of light. After the extreme sublimation, it turned into a relic, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The Lord is gone!

He walked without worry, he was about to complete in front of Xianlumen, what was missing was the polishing of the law of reincarnation.

The battle for the immortal road was racing against time. The Blessed One had already fallen behind Zhang Daoling, Yin Xi, and others at the start.

Looking at the direction where the world-zun was going, Zhang Heng and the others sighed softly at the sublimated rainbow light.

"Bairen, Beitianshidao is your mother-in-law after all, how can you put those foreign objects in your eyes when you reach the realm of you and me?" Zhang Heng sighed softly.

Zhang Bairen turned to look at Zhang Heng. He knew that Zhang Heng's real body was sleeping in the reincarnation, and what was awakened was just a clone to preside over the overall situation of the human world. Could it be that Zhang Heng has reached that level?

In fact, Zhang Bairen somewhat understood what Zhang Heng said back then. When you have seen enough and played enough, all this is just for pediatrics. Children can't fight on the stage. Only the fracture of the Kyushu enchantment and the counterattack of the underworld are the real humans. Catastrophe.

Compared with the survival of the human race, is everything pediatrics?

Don’t you see that Zhang Daoling has been sleeping in reincarnation, Daomen let Buddhism toss, let the Blessed One be mixed in the Yang world.

Yin Xi did not even show up when his true body was stolen, and still polished the true spirit in reincarnation, showing that time is indeed running out.

Zhang Heng left, leaving Zhang Bairen standing there.

"Bairen, you..." Guan Zizai whispered.

"I won't forgive Daomen." Zhang Bairen lowered his eyebrows.

"Golden Peak Temple was destroyed, it was because of its own death. It was clear that he had the supreme righteousness, but he was greedy for the book of the Northern Heavenly Master Dao. It should be understood that the heavenly book is the foundation of a sect, and it is the source of the Northern Heavenly Master Dao's religion. Guarantee!" Guan Zizai said.

"Jin Ding Guan's matter has nothing to do with me! I want to die of Dingdang that year. If it hadn't been for the hard work of the Taoists to force me, I would have given Cao Chong a chance!" Zhang Bairen turned and looked into the distance: "I'm sorry Dingdang! I will never Forgive the door."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen turned and left, leaving Guan Zizai standing alone on the top of Beiman Mountain. His eyes scanned the auras one after another in the distance, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "It's all fate!"

Luoyang City

Zhang Bairen saw Yuan Shoucheng and Yuan Tiangang's nephew, who were standing silently under the willow tree.

"Forget it, everything is gone before, I don't want to mention it, I don't want to say it!"

After speaking, Zhang Bairen turned and left without looking at the two.

"The Governor!"

Looking at Zhang Bairen's expression, Yuan Shoucheng's uncle and nephew was surprised.

Ignoring the words of the two of them, Zhang Bairen came to the back hall at this time, but saw the ancestor Shaoyang holding the Qixi Festival, his eyes were full of love.

"Why did the ancestor come?" Zhang Bairen said.

"She is the only bloodline of my Zhang family, the only bloodline that inherits the blood of the sun god, how can I not come?" The ancestor Shaoyang looked at Zhang Bairen with a touch of emotion in his eyes, and then he was stunned: "Why haven't you proved it yet? Ron?"

"Daluo, we can't prove it by just wanting to prove it. Daluo has already touched the law of time and needs opportunity." Zhang Bairen himself was also puzzled. With his current background, it is reasonable to say that it should not be difficult to prove the Law of Daluo. , But it happened that he had no reaction to the mysterious realm in the dark.

The ancestor Shaoyang was silent when he heard the words, and after a while he said: "The matter is not with you, but appeared on the emperor! Back then, the emperor wanted to reverse time and space, fearing that it would have touched the law of time and space and formed an irreversible mark. Time The law is not open to my Zhang family, otherwise I am afraid that it is not just me who can prove it."

The ancestors of Shaoyang were full of emotion. The Zhang family inherited hundreds of millions of years. If the karma of the Emperor of Heaven hadn't been too great, what kind of background would the Zhang family have after hundreds of millions of years.


The karma created by the emperor was too great, and coupled with the revenge of the innate gods, it was not easy for the Zhang family to survive until now.

"Why did the ancestors break through Da Luo?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"Bonus! Great merit!" The ancestor Shaoyang said this, falling into silence.

Zhang Bairen sighed after hearing the words: "Humanity is easy, but heaven is hard!"

Taking the Qixi Festival from the arms of the ancestor of Shaoyang ~ Zhang Bairen looked at the face of Qixi, and he already looked like Zhang Lihua: "Old ancestor, did you ever know the emperor of great freedom?"

"Have you met him?" The ancestor Shaoyang was taken aback when he heard the words.

Zhang Bairen nodded, and the ancestor Shaoyang smiled bitterly: "Then you'd better stay away from him."

"Why?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

"Even if the emperor has a heart demon, let alone you and me?" The ancestor Shaoyang showed a sigh in his eyes: "Of course, the emperor is lucky, and he has never been in the same era as the emperor, otherwise he will definitely be killed by the heaven and earth. Become the foundation in this picture volume."

Picture scroll refers to the ten-day refining chart.

"I sensed the Qi of Taiyin a few days ago. Taiyin is gradually waking up from its deep sleep. You... better pay attention. You have no flaws, but Qixi Festival is your only flaw." Shaoyang ancestor said profoundly. .

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen acted for a while, and then said coldly: "Whoever dares to do tricks on Qixi Festival, I will slash them with all kinds of knives!"

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