First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1821: Reincarnation of Mazu

Qixi Festival is Zhang Bairen's only flaw!

After hearing the words of the ancestor Shaoyang, Zhang Bairen remained silent, but smiled bitterly while holding Qixi Festival.

East China Sea

Matsu Dharma

With the refining of the water **** rune sent by Zhang Bairen, the realm of Mazu's law is like a bit of tofu in brine. In a blink of an eye, a qualitative change has taken place. The world that was originally a little illusory, at this time, has begun to solidify a little bit. It can be transformed into a real world.

But it was a little bit worse, a little bit enough to cause the world to change, so that Mazu's Dharma Realm could not change too late.

"It's a pity, I can't be shocked. It's so difficult to break through the final point!" Ma Zu sighed. At this time, I went to see the Mazu Kingdom. It looks no different from the real world, but Ma Zu knew that he himself After all, the realm of law is the realm of law and cannot become the world.

"It's time!" Ma Zu slowly stood up, and saw his whole body twisted and the gate of the kingdom of the Dharma world opened, and then saw Ma Zu stepping out of the world of the Dharma, turning around and looking at his own kingdom of God without speaking.

Void Vibration

Rolled up an endless tide

I saw a qi machine in the Mazu Dharma realm shooting up and down, and then the entire Dharma realm shrank, and it even fell into the center of Mazu's forehead and disappeared.

"What is this woman doing?"

Not far away, Prime Minister Tortoise, who sensed the fluctuations in the East China Sea, was lurking and peeping, and a dignified look appeared in the eyes of the new Dragon King: "Prime Minister, Mazu has taken the Dharma Realm, is it necessary to move?"

"Mazu suppressed this place for thousands of years, but it was the thorn in my eyes in the East China Sea. Now that Mazu's cultivation has reached the point where no progress can be made?" A touch of emotion appeared in the eyes of Prime Minister Turtle.

After receiving the Dharma Realm, Mazu turned and looked towards the East China Sea without saying a word. After a while, he saw the plain white silk and satin in his hand turned into a canvas covering the sky and the sun. In the sea, countless sea people rushed out of the sea and fell into the canvas. Among.

His brows opened a door, and dozens of diehard tribes and sea tribes of Matsu in the sea were dragged by Matsu's God Realm, and disappeared into the God Realm.


Ma Zu is really leaving!

She will never come back again, she is going to find her own way, her own way of breakthrough.

Mazu's Dharma Realm is between the cave sky and the illusory world. Although it cannot evolve into a real world, there is still no problem in accommodating the survival of the tribe under his command.

Once you have reached the realm of Yangshen, you can open up the heavens and blessings, let alone the coercive Mazu?

Even if it is compared to the World Honored and his like, it will never be inferior.

Converging his followers and subordinates, Ma Zu glanced across the world, revealing a touch of emotion, and then turned away without saying a word.

"Let's go! The nail that suppressed my dragon for thousands of years is finally gone!" Prime Minister Turtle showed a touch of emotion in his eyes, revealing a strange color, and then turned away without saying a word: "My chance for the dragon has finally arrived. Observed by Mazu’s calculations, he was put on his neck by a lifeless sword. Now that I think about the methods of lifelessness back then, it was really cruel. I will be incapable of being exploited like this in the future."

Prime Minister Turtle screamed, then turned and left.

Luoyang City

Zhang Bairen bid farewell to the ancestor of Shaoyang. The sky was getting dark, and the bright moon slowly rose into the sky, illuminating the courtyard in front of him.

In the pavilion

Zhang Bairen sat there alone, looking at the bright moon in the sky, not knowing what to think.

There was a mist in the void, and a hazy figure came from the mist and slowly came to Zhang Bairen and sat down.

"Why did my sister come?" Zhang Bairen looked at Ma Zu in front of him, with a touch of stunned eyes.

"I'm here to bid farewell to my younger brother." Ma Zu smiled softly, and took out a set of tea cups in the moonlight, shining brightly.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words.

Ma Zu didn't say much, just brewing tea.

The qi of the innate divine water rose into the sky, and the boiling hot tea fell in the porcelain bowl, and was pushed by Ma Zu to Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen did not speak, and took a sip from the tea cup.

Mazu's tea ceremony is always so unique.

"Do you know why I like you so much?" Ma Zu suddenly said.

Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words: "Please also ask my sister for advice."

"Even though the vicissitudes of time have changed, the identity between you and me is reversed, but you are still who you were a thousand years ago. Even if you have not recovered your memory, you are still you, and you are still as good to me!" Ma Zu looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, revealing A touch of melancholy.

"Thousands of years ago?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words: "We saw it thousands of years ago?"

Ma Zu did not answer, but just put down the tea cup on his own: "Unfortunately, you are not inanimate! The cultivation of inanimate is not so bad! You have to work hard to find the memories of past and present life as soon as possible. I have been waiting for you. Thousands of years, until a few decades ago, when I discovered your Qi, I was suddenly overjoyed and inexplicable. Why do you think Huai Shui Water God would go to Zhuo County?"

"Could it be that Sun Quan was driven by her sister?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Yeah! Yes, I did discover the ancient water god’s cave sky, but I never thought that there would be such heaven-defying things in the ancient water god’s cave." Ma Zu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "But fortunately, this treasure is in the end. Still returned to my hands."

Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of astonishment. He was getting more and more confused and unable to see the cause and effect and reincarnation.

Zhang Bairen looked at Ma Zu with a pair of eyes: "I never thought that this matter was actually designed by my sister!"

"I just want to try, is that person you back then? Are you Wusheng!" Ma Zu's eyes showed a bleakness: "I hope you and I will see you next time, Wusheng can come back again."

Zhang Bairen was silent. There was obviously a mysterious connection between him and Wusheng.

There was silence in the courtyard, and Zhang Bairen opened his mouth to break the stagnant atmosphere: "Where is my sister going?"


Ma Zu said lightly.

"What?" Zhang Bairen was surprised when he heard this.

"Only by undergoing the power of reincarnation and comprehending the mark of reincarnation can you understand the magic of becoming immortal." Ma Zu slowly drank the tea and filled it up for Zhang Bairen before he stood up and said, "I'm leaving! "

Looking at Ma Zu, Zhang Bairen didn't know what to say. If there hadn't been the practice of the tears of the Canghai Pearl, his Yang Shen would not be so fast.

Matsu is his ally and his relative.

Once reincarnation is as deep as the sea, everything is possible in reincarnation.

"You don't want to be like this. If you want to become an immortal, you have to go for a walk in samsara, even if it is you!" Ma Zu slowly stood up, his graceful and beautiful back slowly disappeared into the clouds and mist, only the voice was between the sky and the earth. Slowly came: "Strength is the fundamental, the path to becoming immortal is the great way, you need to calm down to understand the way of heaven, those trivial things are not worth your time."

Mazu is gone

Only the tea in the cup was tumbling, telling that everything before was not dreamy.


Zhang Bairen was awakened by the sound of wooden fish, but he saw the old ancestor Shaoyang holding the wooden fish in his hands, and he did not know when he came behind Zhang Bairen.

"Ancestor" Zhang Bairen said.

"You are in a hurry!" Shaoyang ancestor sat opposite Zhang Bairen: "The road to becoming a fairy is not anxious! What you want to become a fairy is chance, and chance is not. Even if you spend more effort, it will be useless. Although they first you For thousands of years, but they are standing at the starting line with you, their chances are not as good as you, and their anger is not as good as you. What is your anxiety?"

"Ma Zu said he met me thousands of years ago. Could the ancestor also meet me thousands of years ago?" Zhang Bairen looked at the ancestor Shaoyang with a pair of eyes.

"Don't tell! Don't tell! You are the hope of my Zhang family. Before you grow up, there are some things you don't know!" Shaoyang ancestor smiled mysteriously, then slowly stood up and went away: "Bairen, Becoming a fairy is slow work and meticulous work, you can't be anxious! Your heavenly and human state of mind is very suitable for becoming a fairy."

The ancestor Shaoyang left, leaving Zhang Bairen sitting alone in the courtyard for a long time speechless.

After a while, I saw Zhang Bairendao slowly standing up: "Do what you do!"

After speaking, Zhang Bairen walked slowly into the room, putting on his shirt, and soon there was a sound of sleep.


The ancestor Shaoyang looked at the bright moon in the sky with a touch of sorrow: "Yi! Chang! Wait, sooner or later, my Zhang family will get back the enemy of the past."

After speaking, the ancestor Shaoyang's figure disappeared, and he walked out of the courtyard alone, disappearing without trace.

Sun star

The Sun Dharma body sits in the center of the sun at this time, and the light of the whole body is flowing, seeming to be integrated with the entire sun and stars. In a trance, the world moves in time, and countless dreamy and hazy scenes turn in front of them.

In an instant, the vicissitudes of life changed over the years, and the void became dreamy and hazy.

"Tai Yin!!! I feel your breath!" The Sun Law Body suddenly opened his eyes, and a pair of eyes scanned the void not far away. The sun in the eyes turned round, and it seemed that he could see through the void and saw the interior of the Tai Yin star. : "Who can stop me from enlightenment in the world when I completely control the sun star?"

"I will become a fairy in this No one can stop me! I will bear the cause and effect of the emperor, and no one can harm my deity! Wait, I will give everyone a big surprise !" While speaking, the Sun Law Body slowly closed his eyes.

Lunar Star

A continuous crystal palace shone with a deserted color

In the center of the Crystal Palace, an osmanthus tree slowly opened.

Under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, a crystal clear ice coffin seems to be enclosed in historical time and space, with infinite energy gestating in it.

"Lord, Xi's blood has appeared again, and someone is forcibly refining the Sun Yuanling." A jade-white rabbit stood in front of the ice coffin, his eyes full of pain: "The catastrophe is about to begin again! The sentient beings think that the yin Cao Jifu and the disputes in Kyushu are the biggest calamity, but they don't know that the one in the sun star is the real calamity between the heaven and the earth. The so-called underground palace in front of that person, I am afraid that the harm caused by the sea is nothing more than a shiver.

The lunar star's aura was silent, and it took a long time to hear a rumorous ‘um’ in the ice coffin, spreading out in the air like an illusion.

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