First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1822: Missionary storm

Zhang Bairen stroked the jade rabbit in his arms, stood under the moonlight and looked at the moonlight, with a touch of contemplation in his eyes.

Unclear cause and effect, unclear boundaries, many things can't be distinguished by themselves, only to secretly figure out, improve one's cultivation level, and wait for the moment when the truth is revealed.

"Master, you are so capable, why are you upset?" Xiao Fei drilled in Zhang Bairen's hands, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Zhang Bairen's sword destroys a domain, punishes the emperor Da Zizai, defeats innate creatures such as Jiuying and Misou, Xiao Fei has seen it with his own eyes. She really couldn't understand why Zhang Bairen was so powerful and still had troubles.

"You, don't understand!" Zhang Bairen touched Xiao Fei's head, his eyes showed emotions: "You are too simple, I don't know how complicated people are!"

Xiao Fei stared at Zhang Bairen with wide eyes, and Zhang Bairen said, "Does Xiao Fei know what a fairy is?"

Xiao Fei shook his head: "It is enough for Xiao Fei to live amidst a hundred thousand wilds. How can Xiao Fei dare to ask for the realm of immortals. But the lord's magical power is boundless, and he must be immortal."

"You have the blood of the Congenital God Beast Jade Rabbit in your body. As long as you are willing to work hard by my side in the future, you will have to have the transformation of a Congenital God Beast, and immortality is not a vain." Zhang Bairen wrapped his fingers around Xiao Fei's ears and stared blankly at the horizon Mingyue, no one knows what is thinking.

Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong were appointed gods, the aura of the world has changed, but there is still the supreme ghost king, which is not something that Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong can conquer.

Just relying on the distraction of the two of them, trying to shock the opponent who has practiced the ghost king for thousands of years is somewhat unsustainable.

"The Governor, Chunyang Taoist Temple sent an invitation, inviting you to go back during the Chinese New Year celebration, and you want to pay homage to the three elders of Chunyang and Master Zhang Fei." Zuo Qiu Wuji walked in quickly.

"I'm afraid that the drunkard's intention is not to drink." Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of contemplation. Even if he was looking at the face of the ancestors of Chaoyang and Shaoyang, Zhang Bairen was destined to go to this gathering.

Recognizing your ancestors and returning to your ancestry, even if you don't care about it, Qixi has to know where your ancestors are.

Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the roots is a special and unique feeling of the Chinese.

"I think you should go back, Chunyang Taoist Temple has nothing to do with you. It is your father who is really wrong with you. Your grandfather is sincere to you." Shaoyang Patriarch walked out like a ghost again.

Zhang Bairen said silently: "When will Xuanzang arrive in Middle-earth?"

"It's coming, it will be in these few days," Zuo Qiu wuji said.

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words, everything was just as he had calculated, and the Mahayana Buddhism was rejuvenated, I am afraid it would be within these decades.

A group of people dispersed, Zhang Bairen stuffed the jade rabbit into his arms, walked into the bedroom with his arms around Qixi, glanced at the faint candlelight, sighed and then extinguished the light.

After seeing the true self, Zhang Bairen felt that he was more and more mortal and began to feel sentimental.

When the moon set and sunrise, Zhang Bairen stood up and Lu Dongbin was studying in the yard just three poles of the sun.

He came early, and all of Lu Dongbin’s thoughts were placed on Lu Dongbin. He wanted Lu Dongbin to become famous in the imperial examination. It can be described as a hanging beam and a thorn.

Standing in the courtyard, Zhong Liquan was puffing out haze, but he squinted at Lu Dongbin from the corner of his eyes, his face getting more sad.

Zhong Liquan was cultivating the Inner Family Yang God, and Jin Dan Dadao mainly cultivated the Three Treasures of Essence and Qi God. How could he have the ability to vomit Yunxia?

Those who can gather the essence of the sun and the moon are the monster beast and Zhang Bairen. Zhong Liquan is just thinking about the child's heart restlessly and deliberately seduce each other.

Just looking at Lu Dongbin's increasingly staid and regular behavior, it is obvious that the study has become a bone, making Zhong Liquan feel uncomfortable.

Zhang Bairen swept across Zhong Liquan in the yard, feeling amused in his heart, and then handed Qixi Festival to Lu Yu, and slowly picked up the Analects and came to Lu Dongbin: "Now that the day has just been settled, the emperor has not had time to open Enke, you are still here now. At a young age, everything is in time, so there is no need to work so hard."

"My husband taught me that it was only my father said. Shengren Kong once said: Learning without thinking is futile, thinking without learning is perilous. The disciple has not yet reached the stage of thinking, but now it is just learning. You should study hard and read the four books. The Five Classics. Life is short and the wall is like a morning dew, but it cannot be delayed."

Listening to the other party's words, Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words. This kid is worthy of being the reincarnation of Emperor Donghua.

He gave Zhong Liquan a self-contained expression, and Zhang Bairen turned and went to the front yard to wash.

Before he finished washing, he heard Lu Dian say from outside the door: "The Governor, Bodhidharma is here."

"Oh? Please come in, Master" Zhang Bairen said.

Not long after, I saw Bodhidharma walking into the yard, but the other party's spirit was not very good: "I have seen the governor."

"The mage doesn't need to be polite." Zhang Bairen asked Bodhidharma to sit down, and then smiled and said, "The mage is not in good condition? Not at Qingxiu in Shaoshishan, why come to my secluded place. I wanted to find someone no one knew. A place has lived a mortal life, no one knows that I am here today."

Bodhidharma smiled bitterly, the Blessed One was reincarnated, and gave him a large stall of Zen Buddhism. It is strange that Bodhidharma can get better.

In Zen Buddhism, without the repression of the Lord, for Bodhidharma, the power to suppress the Taoism becomes weaker. And there is also Mahayana Buddhism that is about to rise, and now Bodhidharma is in a state of exhaustion.

"Does the governor know Tantric Buddhism?" Bodhidharma looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Slightly heard"

Zhang Bairen said.

"The governor should have seen the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the local mansion" Bodhidharma looked at Zhang Bairen.

"I have seen" Zhang Bairen.

"The governor certainly doesn't know that the Ksitigarbha King is actually the tantric Tao fruit cut out by the Lord" Bodhidharma said with a wry smile.

"I don't know that" Zhang Bairen thoughtfully.

"Nowadays Tantric worships the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva as the Buddha, and wants to fight for orthodoxy, and there is a great free emperor on the side to make trouble, my Zen life is not easy," Bodhidharma said with a wry smile.

"This is a mess. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is busy opening up the Buddhist kingdom. Where can I have time to pay attention to the affairs of the Yang world" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

"The King of Ksitigarbha has no time to pay attention to it, but the emperor of Da Zizai is invisible and unpredictable. He even pretends to be a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to pass on the Buddha's decree!!!" The helpless color on Bodhidharma's face became stronger.

Zhang Bairen was stunned, but the emperor Da Zizai could play. Knowing that the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva could not interfere with the world, he simply came to pretend.

"The most hateful thing is that the emperor Da Zi Zai unexpectedly awakened the tantric predecessors from the reincarnation. Four masters of Dharma body wanted to come and attack the Dadu and blame me on Zen Buddhism." Dharma wrinkled into a bitter face.

"No? Didn't anyone talk to the old antique about the prestige of this seat?" Zhang Bairen was surprised.

"The governor has only risen for a few decades, and he can sit on an equal footing with the world-honored person. Who will believe it?" Bodhidharma said helplessly: "After all, I have the power of Buddhism. I hope the governor will show mercy.

Zhang Bairen's face moved when he heard the words, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes: "I'm afraid that the four powerful Dharmakayas were not attacking me, but directed at Xuanzang."

"What!!!" Bodhidharma stood up in shock: "No, I want to see it myself."

Hearing the news, Bodhidharma couldn't sit still, and turned around without saying a word.

"Supernatural power?" Seeing Bodhidharma's physical body spread directly, Zhang Bairen's eyes revealed a dignified look: "What a weird supernatural power! He can directly interfere with the space by his physical body."

Bodhidharma left, and Zhang Bairen finished his breakfast. At this time, there was a mess of shouts outside the door. Then he saw some familiar faces rushing into the hall. Zuo Qiu Wuji stopped him from side to side, but couldn't stop him.

"General Governor, what are you going to do?"

"The Governor, I'm afraid it's not good for you to do this!"

"General Governor, you are too much!"


Zhang Bairen put down the tea cup and scanned the people in front of him. They were all the ancestors of the Daoist and the family who had gone to the Yinsi to help him.

"Everyone, why are you so angry in the early morning?" Zhang Bairen put down the tea cup unhurriedly.

"Zhang Bairen, you are tossing around in Zhuojun, the sky is not falling, the ground is not harvested, and the king doesn't care. You can just toss about it, why do you come to harm me and so on?" The Wang family ancestor's eyes are full of anger The color.

"What's wrong with me?" Zhang Bairen was stunned, wondering where the old guy was so angry.

"You still pretend to be ignorant, let me ask you, what is going on with the preacher who came out of Zhuojun? It is preaching that the people are the masters of the country, and the local tyrants are divided into grain and fields. You are not asking me to wait. Fate?" The ancestor of the Wang family was angry.

"It turned out to be this." Zhang Bairen seemed to realize it suddenly, and then he showed a sense of surprise in his eyes, and spread his hands: "Is this and other things, is I instructed? Everyone wronged me, all of this is voluntary by those people!"

"Voluntary? The Governor, I am waiting to see you today, just to ask you a word, do you care about it? This is something that shakes the foundation of my family and aristocratic family, I will never wait! Even if the jade is burned, I will never Can't bear it!" An old ancestor of the Cui family in Hedong said with a gloomy Hearing this, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look, and the reaction of the clan family was somewhat beyond his expectations.

The uncompromising momentum of burning jade and stone is not like a pretense.

"What's the situation? Let's go and see. I don't know where you met my missionary in Zhuojun?" Zhang Bairen put down the tea cup.

The family's methods are unfathomable, and he really can't speak casually regardless of the words.

"Okay, since the governor wants to meet, let's go with you" Langya Wang Family Patriarch said coldly.

A group of people dissipated as a Taoist god, leaving Zhang Bairen standing in the hall, while Lu Yu was holding Qixi, with an ugly expression: "Captain, it doesn't matter!"

"Aristocratic family can't turn the sky" Zhang Bairen's words are full of confidence: "Take care of Qixi Festival, I will come as soon as I go."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen's figure has disappeared.

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