First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1829: Come


Hearing the words "Xianji", Zhang Bairen's eyes suddenly lighted up, and he looked at Zhang Heng with green eyes like a hungry wolf: "Xianji!!!"

"What are you going to do!" Seeing Zhang Bairen's words and expressions, Zhang Heng suddenly looked vigilant, staring at Zhang Bairen like a wolf guard: "That immortal machine is the foundation of my Taoism, the weapon to suppress and retreat the Ten Palace Hades, if you lose it The immortal machine talisman is suppressed, and the destruction of our Taoism in the Yinsi foundation is only one day or night. You must not make ideas that you shouldn't make."

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen realized his gaffe, and he smiled awkwardly: "I was a little excited when I heard the news at first. It should be noted that although I am waiting for practice, the immortal road is still far away, and the old man left Hangu. Guan, I don’t know whether to go to the immortal or not, no one has a spectrum in his mind. Since the ancient times, there have been fewer than a handful of immortals. Regarding the immortal realm, I only know its existence, but I don’t understand it. If I can Observing the spirit and spirit left by Lao Tan, you can also understand the realm of immortals."

Hearing this, Zhang Heng looked at Zhang Bairen's hot and bright eyes with a pair of eyes, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Sincere and persistent!

Anyone who sees this pair of eyes will be touched, that is the yearning and enthusiasm for immortality.

"I can't control this matter. Old Tan Fuzhao is mysterious and unpredictable. No one can control it, except for real person Yin Xi! And that Fuzhuan was passed down to the Yin family by Lao Tan, so I can't control this matter either." Zhang Heng shook his head.

"I may not be unable to control it, I have a ray of energy from the old man, and I have cultivated one qi to transform the three clearnesses. There may not be no chance!" Zhang Bairen's thoughts flew: "If I could steal that ray of magic, crack the secret of the fairy... …"

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the case table, and his eyes swept across the cloud head in the sky unconsciously. On the one hand, Zhang Heng was so mature, he saw Zhang Bairen's wandering appearance, I don't know where the fairy talisman was missed by this servant.

"Captain, don’t be joking. That immortal talisman is the foundation of our yin division. There must be no mistakes! I also have masters in my Taoist sect to suppress the yin division and quell the yin division’s calamity. That's the great hero of my human race. Don't break my human foundation." Zhang Heng said earnestly.

"Can't I just look at it?" Zhang Bairen looked helpless, an expression that you were waiting too harsh.

Zhang Heng shook his head decisively when he heard the words: "No! No! That is the supreme treasure, and anyone who sees it will be heart-stricken! The tenth hall of the underworld, Hades, has decided to play this talisman not a day or two. The birth of the talisman will shake the world and it will be inevitable. It will provoke the Hades of the Ten Halls, the hidden masters of the underground palaces, and a **** battle is inevitable. Although I have the protection of the talisman, I am not afraid of the masters in the Yinsi, but... it will consume my strength."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen retracted his gaze, his eyes refocused, and his eyes stared at Zhang Heng unhurriedly: "Don't you want to open the ghost door and close it when you wait for the door?"

"You...this..." Zhang Heng heard the anger and pointed to Zhang Bairen's angrily: "You can't be like this!"

Zhang Bairen drank his tea unhurriedly: "I'll just take a look!"

"No! Absolutely not!" Zhang Heng categorically cut the line.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen curled his lips: "It's really stingy."

"Capital Governor!" Zhang Heng looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and said earnestly: "Be kind and honest!"

"I'll just take a look, never do it," Zhang Bairen whispered.

Zhang Heng was speechless, and after a while he still shook his head decisively: "No! That won't work either!"

"Capital Governor, if my Dao Sect can contribute to the Yin Division, it can also suppress the Yin Division's development and buy time for humanity. You can't just sit idly by! Opening the ghost gate is just a matter of effort for you. How can you take the opportunity to threaten!" The comforting way.

Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, and after a while, he said helplessly: "No matter, I will open the ghost gate for you. It is only the consequence of opening the ghost gate. You have to think clearly that the gate really has the qualifications to suppress a ghost gate."

"With my inner roots, guarding a ghost gate is just a trick for me." Zhang Heng shook his head: "The time will be set three days later. In three days, please come to Beiman Mountain."

Hearing the words, Zhang Bairen took the tea to see the guests off. Zhang Heng saw this and left, leaving Zhang Bairen alone on the case table.

"Weird, did the superintendent change his temper?" Zuo Qiu Wuji stood not far away and wiped the roof, looking at Zhang Bairen with strange eyes.

"What?" Zhang Bairen asked subconsciously.

"How important is the immortal machine? How can the governor, who doesn't see rabbits or scatter eagles, help the door open the ghost door?" Zuo Qiu said warily.

"Can't I do some good deeds for Taoism and humanity!" Zhang Bairen picked up a chess piece and threw it at Zuoqiu Wuji: "The villain's heart saves the gentleman's belly!"

Zuo Qiu Wuji shook his head, smiled and caught the chess pieces all over the sky one by one. While Zhang Bairen's shadow was distorted, Jing Wuming stood up and said, "I'm afraid that the governor has made up his mind to fight the immortal talisman. He was trying to catch it, deliberately paralyzing the opponent first, taking his own responsibility out. The immortal talisman is there, as long as there is a chance, it will not ultimately fall into the hands of the governor."

"You two guys!" Zhang Bairen said with a slight irritation: "What the truth is!"

Immortal Talisman, that is a real chance to get a glimpse of the secrets of immortals, Zhang Bairen didn't want to just give up like that.

It is impossible to give up, and the other party doesn't show it, what can Zhang Bairen do?

This is forcing him to use some bad methods!

Walking out of Zhang Bairen's alley, Zhang Heng's smiling face suddenly became gloomy. He turned to look at Zhang Bairen's mansion and slapped himself fiercely: "I really didn't have a door on my mouth. I dare to talk about this kind of thing?"

"That immortal talisman must have been missed by the general governor!" Zhang Heng's eyes were full of chagrin.

What is the old saying?

If you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves. You can only catch thieves in one day.

"Trouble is big!" Zhang Heng turned and left with a sullen face: "It's better to say this as soon as possible, and tell everyone to beware. Most of the superintendents are too weird to guard against, and they have won the old man's spirit. This How coincidental they all met together!"

Zhang Heng is helpless, what can he do? What can he say?

Zhang Bairen has nothing to do if he doesn't steal the **** map, right? Is it to blame out of thin air?

"I don't know how to explain to Yin Gui this time." Zhang Heng walked back sadly.

In three days, it was enough time for the Daomen to re-order the Beiman Mountain, and the new Emperor Fengdu succeeded to the throne, and once again sacrificed to heaven to confirm the Mengwei Treaty.

Third day

At this time, Daomen and Gaozhen gathered in Beiman Mountain, various altars have been set up, and countless sacrifices are placed neatly, which implies the mysterious heaven.

Li Shimin stood not far away, leading the court officials to observe the ceremony. How can Li Shimin sit in Chang'an after reopening Beimang and setting things like reincarnation of life and death?

Not far away, the gods of the Tiangong descended, Li Yuan and others sat in the void. At this time, the divine light flowed in the void and the gate of the heaven opened. Li Yuanji and Li Jiancheng led an army of 100,000 and descended from the heavenly palace.

Enemy meets extremely jealous

What is an enemy meeting?

It's like now!

"Li Shimin!" Li Yuanji roared up to the sky, staring at each other with red eyes.

"Third brother" Li Shimin said indifferently.

Even the opponent's body was killed personally, what are you afraid of? What will happen to the other's wife after sleeping?

Moreover, Concubine Yang is indeed good, Li Shimin likes it very much, and even now Li Shimin has the thought of making Concubine Yang the queen.

It is a pity that the position of the queen is too much involved and involves the interests of all parties, and this matter has been in dispute.

"I'm going to kill you!" Li Yuanji's spear pierced out in an instant, curled up the magic light, and pierced Li Shimin's head.

"Presumptuous!" Li Shimin's voice was like thunder, and the emperor's dragon roared, spontaneously condensing a purple real dragon, entwining towards Li Yuanji.

"Be merciful!" Li Jiancheng saw that the opportunity was not good at this time, and the sword was cut to Li Shimin.


The long spear in Li Yuanji's hand collided with the dragon's energy and turned into dust, and then the golden dragon rolled over Li Yuanji's body without mercy.


The long sword in Li Jiancheng's hand collapsed. Seeing that Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji were about to break the sacred body, Li Yuan was angry, and coldly yelled, "Presumptuous!"


I saw Li Yuan yell, sound like thunder, and a golden light in his hand came out, only to see the Emperor's Seal turned into a golden dragon, smashing towards Li Shimin's real dragon.


The two dragon qi collided and strangled in the void, and after a stalemate for more than a dozen breaths, Li Yuan's golden dragon was defeated in an instant.

"Your Majesty! Don't be impulsive!" On the one hand, the Daoist sects were really anxious, but at this time the dragon gas collided and shattered the ten thousand laws.

"Second brother, do you really disregard your friendship and want to be ruthless!" Li Xiuning cried with red eyes.

It is a pity that the Dragon Qi of the emperor is the law of destiny and causality ~ ~ has infinite power, and Li Shimin cannot send and receive it from his heart.

"Your Majesty, don't be impulsive, everyone is watching!" Yuchi Jingde's expression changed wildly.

Unfortunately, Li Shimin has nothing to do, what can he do?

The emperor Dragon Qi can't send and receive from the heart, and he is also powerless.

"Li Shimin, do you want to kill your father!!" Li Yuan sounded like thunder, and angered Li Shimin.


At this moment, a long sigh sounded from the void, and a sword light opened up the heavens and the earth. It seized all the brilliance between the heavens and the earth in an instant, and then it converged in an instant. All the dragon aura of the emperor and the seal of the emperor were all shattered. Returning to the heavens and the earth has been transformed into the origin of the heavens and the earth.

"The chief governor is here!" Seeing the sharp and incomparable sword intent, everyone in the court breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Li Shimin made a shot at a critical moment, otherwise I'm afraid that things will get into trouble.

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