First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1830: Play 2 Demon God

"Huh~" At this time, Li Shimin took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Bairen who was walking in the distance in the distance. The endless brilliance radiated from his body, the world and all things succumbed to it, and the mountains and rivers were condensed.

Zhang Bairen’s vision is earth-shattering, and Zhang Bairen is actually very helpless. What can he do?

The power of the innate gods is unparalleled and unparalleled, and every move is blessed by the power of heaven and earth to cater to them, and the visions where they pass are spontaneous. Unless he does not use the power of the innate gods, but if he does not use the power of the innate gods, humanity has suppressed ten percent of his power, what can Zhang Bairen do?

He is also desperate!

"This is a man with a buff!" Zhang Bairen laughed at himself.

Slowly falling to the top of the mountain, Zhang Bairen's eyes swept across Li Shimin and Li Yuan, father and son, couldn't help covering his mouth and smile, suddenly making the atmosphere in the court a little embarrassing.

"Is this what the second son sang?" Zhang Bairen ignored Li Yuan, but instead looked at Li Shimin.

"I can't stop someone who wants to die!" Li Shimin snorted coldly.

After listening to Li Shimin's words, Zhang Bairen smiled, and looked to Li Jiancheng to one side: "Lord, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Li Jiancheng didn't look good, but just stood there coldly and didn't speak. There was no airtight wall in the world. Zhang Bairen's role in the Xuanwu Gate could not be concealed from the three of Li Yuan.

"Oh!" Zhang Bairen sighed helplessly: "It was born from the same root, why is it too anxious?"

"The Governor, you are here, we have been waiting for you for a long time." At this time, Lu Jingxiu stepped forward and changed the subject, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"What's the hurry, it's easy to open the ghost gate, but it's even more difficult to guard the ghost gate! Are you ready for the gate?" Zhang Bairen stepped into the main seat unhurriedly and sat down unceremoniously.

"Bairen, you don't want to be wordy, let's open the ghost gate quickly" Zhang Heng said impatiently aside.

For the past three days, Zhang Heng has been very upset, his hair is going to be gray, and anyone who finds his treasure has been missed will not be too easy.

What's more, the person who is thinking about treasures is extremely powerful. What about your name Zhang Heng?

Although the treasure is from Louguan School, not from his Northern Heavenly Master.

Zhang Bairen drank a sip of tea when he heard the words, and then the Taoists who swept through the door slowly stood up, saw the orderly Beiman Mountain, and sighed softly: "Things are not people!"

Guan Zi, dressed in white, stood beside Zhang Bairen, carrying a heart lamp in his hand and said, "Be careful, you may not be able to open the ghost gate smoothly."

Zhang Bairen stretched out his hand, and a heart lamp flew out of his body and landed on his palm: "Emperor Fengdu, do you know what's wrong?"

"Zhang Bairen, you must not die! You must not die!" The Emperor Fengdu kept wailing and struggling inside the copper lamp.

"Hehe, don't repent! See how long you can hold on!" Zhang Bairen returned the heart lamp to Guan Zizai's sleeve, and then said with a little thought: "Since you have cut out the Dharma body by chance, it is better to send the Dharma body into it. Polished in reincarnation."

"Let's talk about it when Xuanzang comes back from learning the scriptures!" Guan Zizai smiled bitterly upon hearing the words.

"Never mind! Yin Si is the key to future Taoism disputes. Yang Shi is such a big place. Yin Si is the source of all beings' reincarnation. Whoever underestimates Yin Si is a fool!" Zhang Bairen put down his tea cup and slowly climbed to the top of Beiman Mountain: "Have you chosen the address?"

"That's the mountain." The Sanfu boy pointed to a mountain not far away.

"The Great Yin Burial Array?" Zhang Bairen's eyes fell on the mountain, and he could no longer look away: "Natural Yin Burial Array, isn't it possible!"

"The governor has good eyesight, and a natural burial formation is naturally impossible. This mountain is our Taoist gate Gaozhen. After thousands of years of layout, after thousands of years, it has changed the world, moved the geomantic omen of this place, and changed the situation of this place," Lu Jingxiu said with a smile.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen glanced across the veins here, and there was a touch of emotion in his eyes: "This is the foundation of the thousand-year power!"

Zhang Bairen can do it, but it will inevitably fall apart. I don't know how many lives will be killed or injured, and how much karma will be created.

What's more, only the tops of the mountains are moved, not the veins under the mountains. The mountains that are moved are dead mountains.

But it's not the case right now. Daomen's thousand-year-old layout, using Feng Shui to change the ground veins, and then using the ground veins to change the mountain tops, is really big.

Such a direct change of the magnetic field of the heavens and the earth does not know how much karma is to be created. Dao Sect wants to repay such a big cause and effect, but it still needs to accumulate virtue and do good in order to reunite for a long time.

"Great! Great!" Zhang Bairen smashed his mouth, and the divine power in his body began to circulate, summoning the ghost gates that existed in the void, and then the divine power in his body burst, and the next moment only black clouds in the sky emerged from the sky. Boiling in.



Shocking thunders flashed across the sky and the earth, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look, sweeping through the dark clouds on the horizon, the sound was like thunder: "Where is the face of the bull's head?"

The void was distorted and the frowning Tau Tau Ma Mian duo was forcibly pulled out of the void by Zhang Bairen, and then the space was distorted, a black and quaint statue revealing the gate of the Primordial Aura, slowly appearing from the distorted void.

"Wusheng, you don't want to deceive people too much!" Niutou's eyes were full of aggrieved.

"Why the two messengers speak like this? I just want to ask the two messengers to do a small thing for me!" Zhang Bairen looked at the tauren with a smile on his face: "I also hope that the two messengers will control the ghost gate and stay here in the burial place. Go down the passage and transform into a clone of Ghost Gate"

"It's impossible! The Guimen Gate changes all the time, and it is not allowed to stop in a time and space at all. Don't be wishful thinking." Ma Mian flatly rejected it.

"Really?" Zhang Bairen said disapprovingly: "The two gods don't force me, it's better for the two gods to do it by themselves, so that I won't be able to hurt our peace by doing it later."


Niutou Mamian is a congenital god. At this time, he pointed to Zhang Bairen so angry that he couldn't speak, his eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen, anger surged.

"Do it or not?" Zhang Bairen looked at the two gods with a calm expression on his face.

"It can be done, but our brother's tone is not smooth, and we have to take you out of breath!" A mace in Niutou's hand pierced the void, and instantly hit Zhang Bairen.

The wind blew up, as if it were real, the air turned into a liquid state, and the pieces broke and exploded.

The violent wind blows the surrounding mountains and rivers with sand and rocks, blowing Zhang Bairen's clothes and messing up the hair at his temples.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen frowned. He didn't even look at the mace that opened the stele and cracked the stone. He just looked at the bull's head and horse face blankly.

"The Governor, be careful!"

Not far away, the ancestors of the Dao Sect exclaimed that if Zhang Bairen was folded in because of a ghost gate, it would be a great loss to the human race.


The dark mace stopped against Zhang Bairen's scalp. The bull's eyes looked at Zhang Bairen with aggrieved eyes. No matter how he moved or howled in his heart, his body seemed to be not his own, and he couldn't make any further progress.


The flickering triangle fork pierced through the air, and without any waves, it pierced Zhang Bairen's throat.


The bull head's mace smashed the triangle fork in Ma Mian's hand, and then slammed it toward Ma Mianzhen with endless power.

"You are crazy!" Ma Mian looked at the bull head in amazement.

Bull's head was full of aggrieved eyes, but he couldn't speak. It was just that the impenetrable feng shui of the mace in his hand could not be splashed in, and the horse face lost his first hand. At this time, the mace beaten back again and again. Work.

"Zhang Bairen!" Looking at the suffocation in the eyes of the bull head, the horse's face didn't know the truth of the matter, his body shape directly turned into black energy and dispersed, and then the real body appeared in front of Zhang Bairen, and took it towards Zhang Bairen with a palm.

The fingers are pitch-black, and the fine scales flicker, like a ghost traveling through the air without any ripples.


This hand was as fast as the light, and he was in front of Zhang Bairen in an instant. Seeing that the brain that Zhang Bairen was grasping was bursting, the figure of the horse face suddenly stopped, and then the mace of the bull head came and immediately smashed the horse face. His brain burst and fell to the ground.

In an instant, the court became quiet, and the bull's body recovered control, his palms gripped the mace tightly, a pair of eyes looked at Zhang Bairen fiercely, but he did not dare to make any movements.

"Counsel? The two gods must recognize reality!" Zhang Bairen shook his head and said, "Why bother?"

"Zhang Bairen, you are too much!" Ma Mian recovered in an instant, his eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen.

"So what? The two don't hear: I am a fish for a knife?" Zhang Bairen said with his hands on his back, without hesitation.

In the crowd

Li Shimin's palms were tucked in his sleeves, and the emptiness exploded. A pair of eyes stared at Zhang Bairen blankly, but the back of his hand was blue veins violently, and the red blood dripped slowly from the palm, but it was wiped away by Yuchi's composure. .

All Taoists saw this scene only to think that Zhang Bairen's Taoism passed through the But Li Shimin felt like a needle in his heart, and he also suffered from Zhang Bairen's poisonous hand.

Yes, Zhang Bairen's poisonous hand! He will not forget that Zhang Bairen's magic seed was also caught in his soul.

Today Zhang Bairen can easily tease the two innate demon gods in the palm of his hand. Tomorrow is his turn, Li Shimin. Isn't it the same end? What can be the difference?

The rabbit and the fox are sad for their kind!

"Your Majesty, you're gaffe!" Yuchi Jingde patted Li Shimin on the shoulder: "Your Majesty has become the son of destiny. He has the destiny to suppress his body. How can a small demonic seed control your majesty?"

"But it's a big trouble after all! No one knows the details of that demon seed. Zhang Bairen's demon head's cultivation is becoming more and more unpredictable, almost incredible. Who knows what moths can be played in the future?" Li Shimin lowered his voice.

Not only Li Shimin, but also the primordial spirit who was hit by the five gods and ghosts not far away, he also turned gloomy at this time, watching the situation in the field silently.

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