First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1831: Tao Hongjing

Zhang Bairen naturally saw the gazes of the Taoist monks.

But to be honest, now that the real Yangshen is born, the status of the Yuanshen monks in the sect is not high, their status is a bit embarrassing, and there is no right to decide. And there are some confidential information that these soul ancestors don't even know; there is no big decision made by the sect, and Zhang Bairen has always been stocking the soul cultivators.

Even if it is useless, and the manipulator will touch the nervous nerves of Dao Men, Zhang Bairen doesn't want to do that for the time being.

Anzi has already fallen, whether it will be useful in the future depends on chance.

Tauma looked at Zhang Bairen with a sullen expression. Everyone really couldn't kill Zhang Bairen, but Zhang Bairen was disgusting enough.

"Open the Guimen Pass, I wish that the Yang world would be captured by Guimen Pass. It's better to cut this person through a thousand swords. I don't want to see him in my life." Ma Mian and Niu Tau turned around, and the two of them used their magic power together. The magical powers flowed, and the black lines flowed in an instant, and then turned into a series of water mirror-like projections, which were mapped on the ghost gates.

It is also mysterious, have you seen the reflection of the mirror?

I saw the divine light flowing in the mirror, and the mysterious texture of the closed ghost door was mapped on the mirror. Then I saw the divine light flashing in the mirror. The next moment the divine light in the mirror seemed to come to life, it was an instant. Distorted in the space, it turned into a substantial light and shadow, separated from the mirror, and suspended above the yin burial ground.


The void twisted and shook, and then I saw countless Yin Qi floating above the Yin Burial Ground, turning into a giant python infused into the illusory mirror. As the Qi in the mirror continued to solidify, I saw that the illusory ghost gate actually started. Gradually solidified, lifelike and integrated with the burial place.

A dark and deep portal is embedded in the earth, and the veins and patterns of the power of yin burial are the driving force of this vein.

Looking at the water mirror in the hands of the black and white impermanence, Zhang Bairen's eyes were unprecedentedly solemn, as if he had discovered some intractable problem.

"Time, cause and effect, reincarnation, etc...There are other laws!!!" Zhang Bairen looked at the water mirror in the hands of Tauma's face, with a solemn expression in his eyes.

"Open the ghost door!"

At this time, there was a dignified look in the eyes of the bull's head and horse, and then he yelled, only to hear the thunder in the sun, and the tumbling clouds in the sky finally turned into infinite thunder and fell down.

"not good!"

Ma Mian looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Ghost gate is yin, and the world of yang is yang. Before yin and yang collide and meet, it is the calamity of heaven and earth!"

Everyone knows the mutual generation of yin and yang, but the moment when yin and yang just touched, there must be a crash. Only when the point of rapport is found in the collision can the yin and yang meet.

At this time, the yin and yang collided, and the overwhelming yin in the Guimen Pass rose into the sky, causing countless thunders between the heaven and the earth.

Although the black and white impermanence opens the door to ghosts, it is impossible to make it resist the power of heaven and earth!

This is the characteristic of the gods, the innate gods are born from heaven and earth, and can control the laws of heaven and earth, but they can't resist the power of heaven and earth!


Natural punishment is Tianke for the innate gods!

In the collision of Yin and Yang, there are infinite powers converging within it, and countless powers intersect and overlap, and the infinite powers within it constantly migrate and rotate.

"Interesting! Interesting!" Zhang Bairen clapped his hands one after another, and then turned to look at Zhang Heng, who was not far away, and other Taoist masters: "Everyone, I can't do anything about this matter. Whether you can survive the sky thunder depends on your methods."

The congenital gods in Zhang Bairen's body are also gods, unless the image of Zhuxian formation is sacrificed, the power of the sky thunder can be wiped out.

"Haha, fun! It is not easy to open the ghost gate. How can I wait for the superintendent to take action to suppress Tianlei!" Zhang Heng's eyes are full of azure colors. The Dao Sect was prepared for this, and his eyes looked at the Shangqing not far away. Old ancestor: "A fellow worker and Daoist will take action!"

The old Taoist priest of Shangqing nodded his head when he heard the words, looked into the distance with his eyes, and then looked at the void in the distance, respectfully saluting: "Please, Grandmaster Shangqing, please!"

Tao Hongjing was born in Maoshan, but due to the circumstances at that time, he could only walk in the world as the master of the Qing Dynasty.

During the Tao Hongjing era, Buddhism flourished. Buddhism gained the support of the Southern Dynasties, and the Taoists were overwhelmed. At that time, the whole country worshipped Buddhism in the Southern Liang Dynasty. When Buddhism prevailed in the past, Lu Jingxiu emerged from the sky from Maoshan, but he had to be suppressed by Buddhism. In desperation, he could only comprehend the path of Buddhism and Taoism and go to Ashoka Pagoda for ordination.

Back then, there were sayings of Nanlu Jingxiu and Bei Kouqian, but Kou Qian's new Heavenly Master Dao I died, and he was forced to reincarnate. Lu Jingxiu also lived in seclusion to avoid the general trend of Heaven.

It can be said that Tao Hongjing used his own strength to prop up the main beam of the Taoist school and avoided the end of the Taoist fire that was completely wiped out by Buddhism.

Back then, Buddhism was indeed powerful, and Taoism had changed again, so Tao Hongjing was struggling to support it.

When the words fell, I saw the void twisting in the direction of Maoshan, and saw a pagoda constantly straddling the void, blocking the sky above the ghost gate.


No matter the sky is rolling, the pagoda is as stable as Mount Tai, and all the rolling sky thunders are absorbed and pulled in. At that moment, the runes on the pagoda seem to be alive, and they are constantly winding and twisting. The lifelike desire is about to jump from the pagoda. .


Tao Hongjing is actually using Thunder to refine his magic weapon.

Sure enough, it is not that simple for Nengyang God to become enlightened and suppress the powerhouse of an era.

With such a light, even a strong body can smash to death, but it can only refine Tao Hongjing's pagoda.

"I have seen you fellow Daoists, Gao Zhen, and seniors" an angry voice came from the pagoda: "The true body of the old Dao is still asleep, and a ray of sun calculates that my Daoist goalkeeper has a great opportunity, and came here to help. Please forgive the lack of respect and courtesy and disrespect!"

"Where do you fellow Daoists say, you can take action, it is how much I wait for Dao Sect, how can my generation care about that kind of politeness?" Zhang Heng said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it's fortunate for the Taoist to show his love to the predecessors!" Tao Hongjing's voice came from the pagoda.

"Predecessors shouldn't, my cultivators have realized the Avenue of Yangshen and have already traveled to the sky of the Beihai Curtain and have begun to come into contact with the essence of heaven and earth. The old way is just one step ahead. You and I should be friends with each other." Zhang Heng said with a smile.

Tao Hongjing was no longer modest, and after the two became friends with each other, they saw Tao Hongjing's thoughts changed and looked at Guan Zizai: "The Taoists are amazing!"

"Real Man Abuse" Guan Zi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then quickly humbled.

"My words and sentences are true." Tao Hongjing's words were full of emotion and vicissitudes: "In the battle of exterminating the Buddha, the World Venerable made a forcible action, which caused countless nobles of my Dao Sects to fall into reincarnation, even though my Dao Sect destroyed the real body of the World Venerable. , To drive it into reincarnation, but my Dao Sect is also greatly injured, and all the masters are lingering."

"It happened that Buddhism won the court's support back then. My Dao Sect is facing the crisis of extinction. If it weren't for the ancestor of Buddhism who was scrupulous about reincarnation, I'm afraid that my Dao Sect would have been destroyed in one battle! That is the shame of my Dao Sect. I never lived in that era, you I will never know what that era meant to my Taoist school! What a humiliation it was, all the people in the Taoist school must worship Buddhism in order to be preserved."

"Sure enough, the wheel of the heavenly path should be unhappy, and the Taoist friends actually created the Dacheng Buddhism sect and took away the aura of the Buddhism. It is indeed a solution to the troubles of my Daoism." Tao Hongjing's words are full of memories and sighs.

Not far away, Lu Jingxiu was also full of emotion, and bowed to Tao Hongjing.

Guan Zizai shook his head when he heard the words: "It's not my merit, but the wisdom of the governor."

Not far away, Zhang Bairen stood in front of the Guimen Gate, listening to Tao Hongjing’s words, secretly complaining in his heart: "You said Buddhism almost destroyed the Daomen, why don’t you say that you will treat Buddhism as a fat sheep, and you will be slaughtered when you are fattened! Isn't it a thousand times harder than you?"

"Captain, poor Tao Hongjing is polite!" Tao Hongjing turned his words at this time, and even pointed at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words, but he never lost his courtesy: "A real man is courteous!"

"Although the old Dao is asleep in the cycle of reincarnation, he is already thunderous to the governor. The murderous intent of the sword immortal awakens the poor Dao from his slumber several times. The juniors in the sect have offended the governor without knowing the number of days, and hope that the governor will forgive him!" Tao Hongjing To apologize to Zhang Bairen.

"No! Real people have high truths. Me and Maoshan fellow daoists are just joking, not worth mentioning! Not worth mentioning!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of excitement, but he avoided his figure. He refused to accept the gift of Tao Hongjing.

Tao Hongjing is the real master, how can Zhang Bairen disrespect?

"Hahaha! Hahaha! In the future, Shocking will come, and Lao Dao will definitely have a chat with the governor." Tao Hongjing laughed in the pagoda.

There was thunder in the sky, and the billowing thunder drowned Tao Hongjing's laughter, and then he could no longer hear it.

It took about a quarter to to see the thunder in the sky gradually easing, and slowly began to dissipate.

At this time, I went to see the pagoda in the thunder, which had undergone transformation compared with before, exuding a mysterious and unpredictable charm.

Zhang Bairen can't tell the charm, but this pagoda is really different from before.

The thunderclouds in the sky dissipated, and the pagoda paused for three times in the void before the crowd, and then suddenly tore the void and went away in an instant.

The thunder robbery dissipated, but the real calamity number has just begun. It comes from the existence of the Xeon in the Yin Division, whether everyone is allowed to open up a two-world channel.

Not to mention the emperor of great freedom, but to mention the Hades of the Ten Halls of the Underworld, none of them are easy to provoke.

Moreover, the legendary king of the ten kings, the first Yama, who can control the universe of time and space, is the offspring of the **** of time, and it is not known whether it is true.

However, the underworld is definitely a trip to the muddy waters, and half of all the Primordial Powers live in seclusion, and if it breaks out accidentally, Kyushu is bound to be a dangerous egg.

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