First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1836: Yinshan War

In order to be able to see his ancestors, the ancestors of the Wang family even used the term villain.

Xu Fu nodded when he heard the words: "It's not in a hurry, when the two-way passage is reopened, you will naturally see your ancestors."

Xu Fu looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and said with a smile: "General Governor, we can meet again."

"You don't mean you want me to break through the passage between the two worlds, right?" Zhang Bairen looked up and down Xu Fu with a pair of eyes, holding his hands and stroking Xiao Fei in his sleeves.

"There are many people in the world who can break the seal, but those who want to break the seal without harming the two-world passageway are the only one!" Xu Fu looked at Zhang Bairen earnestly with a pair of eyes.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen wanted to refuse, but he saw Xu Fu bowing to Zhang Bairen: "The governor, this matter is related to the situation of the Yinsi, and the future of the human race. I hope that the governor must not refuse! Now Yinshan is hit by the immortal talisman. The flaw is the breakthrough point for me to attack Yinshan. I waited for thousands of years to fight for the merits of this evening and for the overall situation of my human race. Please!"

Looking at Xu Fu with a sincere expression, what can Zhang Bairen say? Can he say no?

The human race has been deployed for thousands of years, just for the sake of the present day and night, the opportunity to break the channel between the yin and yang to break the pattern of the Yin Division is now, can Zhang Bairen say no?

That is the hard work of several generations and dozens of generations. Can Zhang Bairen make his efforts be wasted?

After hearing this, Zhang Bairen didn't say much any more, and directly stepped past the crowd and walked towards the two-world passage.

Seeing this, the Taoists followed closely behind Zhang Bairen and surrounded them.

At the exit of Yinsi, looking at the seal set by the king of runners, Zhang Bairen looked at it carefully for a while before saying: "Interesting! The law of reincarnation of the king of runners is really interesting. It is forcibly combined with the entire space channel. one place."

After the words fell, Zhang Bairen flicked his fingers, and the Zhuxianjian Qi burst into his hand: "But it's not enough for me! Zhuxianjianqi can cut the law and cut cause and effect, but he has met me!"

Zhuxian Jianqi shot from Zhang Bairen's hand, and was about to chop off the seal of the two-world passage. Just at this moment, the sound of the wind rang behind him, and the wind and wind rolled like thunder. A domineering fist struck Zhang Bairen's back.


Void shaking, Zhang Bairen's body shape was wrong at the critical moment, avoiding this fatal blow.

"Who dare to make trouble here!"

All the Gao Zhenju in the Dao Sect's complexion changed wildly, and they all looked at the person who came, and immediately all showed a touch of amazement.

Who are you from?

Wearing a red dress, the fiery red shirt was burning like a raging fire. At this time, Hong Fuzheng stared at Zhang Bairen with scarlet eyes, staggering and stabilizing, and he was about to stand up again.

"Hong Fu!"

The sonic boom of the thunder, the bearded man rushed over and clasped Hong Fu's shoulder.


With a stroke of Hong Fu's palm, he cut towards the neck of the guillotiner: "Let go of me, I want revenge for Li Jing!"


The air exploded, and the bearded man blocked Hong Fu's attack. Feeling the gaze cast by everyone, he could only helplessly say: "Hong Fu doesn't know what to do. Suddenly he went crazy and wanted to find the Chief Governor desperately."

What about the beard? He is also helpless!

Hong Fu suddenly went mad, and the guilty bearded man couldn't do anything wrong, what could he do?

This time the door opened and the door closed, such a big move, the beards, Hong Fu and other martial arts people, of course, have to come to join in the fun, it is the nature of martial arts people to join in the fun.

Originally, the guilty bearded guest and Hong Fu were watching with relish, whether the runner king shot or Li Shimin’s emperor Dragon Qi, it was an eye-opener for the guilty bearded guest, but... who would have thought that the Red Fu Society would suddenly go crazy?

"Everyone who knows how to master the pros and cons, do you know what Hong Fu has gotten into madness?" While blocking Hong Fu's attack, the guilty man looked at the noble masters of the Dao Sect.

At this time, the real people of Dao Sect opened their eyes and looked towards Hong Fu. Lu Jingxiu said in surprise, "It's not like being mad..."

"Nonsense, Hong Fu has already touched the threshold, how can he get crazy?" Someone retorted, "Isn't it stimulated?"

"It's not like pretending?"

"The fluctuations of the divine nature are too strong, and his heart must be a mess at this time!"

The Taoists talked a lot, but they did not reach a conclusion.

"Does the national teacher know the reason for this?" Yin Gui looked at Xu Fu.

Xu Fu heard that a pair of eyes looked at the Hong Fu Girl below earnestly, and after a while, he said, "Weird!"

"The emperor of great comfort!" Zhang Bairen stopped his hands and looked at the void: "I know you are here, come out!"

"Hehe, you are clever. Although Hongfu has been calm in his heart over the years, and the magical thoughts in his heart have been suppressed, you should know what you do to Hongfu, how can a woman not hate it? How can you forget it?" Zi Zi Tian Zi appeared silently in the two realms channel.

"So you aroused Hongfu's demon, and moved the most painful memory in Hongfu's heart!" Zhang Bairen's eyes began to froze.

Hongfu hates him, he is not surprised. She killed Li Jing, tarnished Hong Fu's innocence, and transformed Hong Fu into an inhuman and ghostly monster. It makes no sense if she doesn't hate herself.

Originally, all of this could be gradually forgotten through time, but... now the Da Zizai Demon has turned out this post again from his red heart, and expanded this magical thought by a hundredfold, why do you call Zhang Bairen not angry in his heart?

"I'm angry! I'm angry! You can be angry too!" Da Zi was full of ridicule in the eyes of the emperor, and then lightly pointed his finger towards Hong: "What you have done yourself, and the mistakes you made, are you not allowed Someone mention it?"

"You shouldn't irritate me!" Zhang Bairen's dislike for the Great Freedom Demon was extremely disgusting in his heart.

"Hehe, here is the passage between the two realms, but you can't bear the power of your Zhuxian Sword! If you are willing to use the Zhuxian Sword, you will save some troubles in this seat," Da Zizai said with a relaxed smile.

Zhang Bairen stepped forward, straddling the layers of void, and patted Hong Fu's top Baihui.

"The governor, be merciful! Hong Fu is innocent!" Seeing Zhang Bairen's palm, the guilty man was so shocked that he couldn't take care of Hong Fu and greeted Zhang Bairen with a palm.

"I'm saving her." Zhang Bairen's figure dissipated out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the back of the beard, slapped Hong Fu's head with a palm: "Hui Jian!"

In an instant, Hong Fu's brain went blank, and all distracting thoughts were instantly beheaded.

A pair of black and white eyes looked at Zhang Bairen, Hong Fu's eyes showed a touch of complexity, and he remained silent.

What can Hong Fu say to this man who took her virginity?

hit? Can't beat it!

Then only silence!

"You angered me!" The palm slowly moved away from the red body, Zhang Bairen gently stretched out his hand, a white petal appeared on the palm of his hand, and then his eyes looked at the emperor Da Zi Zai brightly: "Know the word of death How to write it?"

Without waiting for the emperor's answer, a petal flew out of Zhang Bairen's hand, and it swept through nine days in an instant, turning into a sea of ​​flowers: "Cause and effect!"


Zhang Bairen's hand, along with the petals of the law of cause and effect, drifted towards endless time and space, ignoring time and space, ignoring the distance. In an instant, a petal and a sword aura appeared in the hearts of all sentient beings within a radius of thirty miles.


The golden blood spurted out, and the emperor Da Zizai stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "You actually control the law of cause and effect!"

This is simply the natural enemy of the emperor Da Zi Zi!

"My method, what you know is just the tip of the iceberg!" Zhang Bairen took a petal from his hand and shot it at the ban not far away.


Time and space exploded, earth, water, wind and fire evolved, yin and yang were rolled up, and the law of reincarnation was instantly erased at the origin of time and space.


With a crisp sound, the seal disappeared, and the overwhelming Yin Qi came again.

"Huh?" In Yinsi, the king of the wheel suddenly raised his head: "What happened?"

A piece of petal flew out from the channel of Yin and Yang, and fluttered down towards the runner king.


The King of Wheels looked at the petals with horror in his eyes: "What is that?"


The petals exploded, and the overwhelming sun was really raging. In a blink of an eye, it had swept the field and swept everything in the field.

The Yinsi made a big fire, the sun **** fire!

In this place where there has never been sunlight, it is incredible that the sun's sacred fire was lit one day.

The mountains and rivers in a radius of several tens of miles turned into magma in an instant, and then the Yin Judicial counterattack, and the sun **** fire disappeared.


The place that had been burned by the sun **** fire within a radius of several tens of miles was turned into nothingness, and everything had become a dead place.

Relative to the Yang world, the vitality and the power of the sun are not dead places for the beings of the Yin Division.

"Okay! Guimenguan is open!" Shi Huang watched the movement of Guimenguan with a pair of eyes and time and space, and then suddenly clapped his palms: "Meng Tian!"

"The end will be" Meng Tian respectfully saluted.

"Send opportunity to counterattack Yinsi is today!" Shi Huang's eyes were full of excitement.

"At the end, I will obey, and you will not disappoint your Majesty!" Meng Tian took Ling Jian when he heard the words, and then turned away without saying a word.


The sound of war drums sounded, and the Yinshan Mountains were in flames.

"Don't worry about the two passages, Qin Shihuang's army is about to be killed!" Taishan King stepped into the void and came to King Zhuan, with a gloomy look in his eyes: "Only by defeating Yingzheng, my Yinsi But there will be great peace again, and everything will return to the previous order again."

"How difficult is it to defeat Yingzheng!" The King of Wheels shook his head and turned to look into the distance: "Nine Infants and Misfortune, you two quickly lead the troops to fight, no mistake."

The two gods heard the words and gave a salute, then turned and left.

Don't think that the other party is weak just because Zhang Bairen easily defeated the two creatures. That is actually just an illusion. After all, there is only one four swords in the world.

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