First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1837: 4 Skynet, the danger of extermination

The innate creatures face the acquired creatures, which is the advantage of crushing. In this world, there are only four swords specially made for killing after all, and even the law can be cut, not to mention the innate creatures.

Note that innate creatures and innate gods are not the same species. Although the strengths of the two are difficult to distinguish, there are essential differences.

It's like a man and a beast, that's a qualitative difference.




At this time, the Yinshan War broke out. As for the two-way passage suspended in the air, no one paid any attention.

"Fifty years! I wait only fifty years, as long as I can survive fifty years, until the immortal talisman is broken, it is the death of those guys!" Taishan King's eyes are full of divine light: "No one can stop the gods Dominate the world, no one can stop it!"




The sound of shouting and killing is overwhelming the whole Yinshan Mountain.

In the passage between the two realms, Xu Fu looked at the Daomen Gaozhen: "My ancestors, please let me go!"

Zhang Heng and others heard that you look at me, I look at you, all the masters and masters all turned into streamers, followed behind Xu Fu, and entered the Yinsi battlefield.

"The governor won't go?" Standing next to Zhang Bairen, the bearded guy glanced at the vast Yinshan from the two-world passageway, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"I haven't lived enough yet! I don't want to mix things up with this group of dead people!" Zhang Bairen slowly turned around and walked back: "Moreover, Yang Shi is the foundation of my human race, and everything is fundamental. I want to sit in Yang Shi, how dare I intervene in the Yinsi dispute at will ?"

Zhang Bairen left, Li Shimin and the generals in the court also left, leaving only a few Taoist guardians standing at the gate of the ghost gate.

In Yangshi Zhongzhou, the human race is invincible! Chi You and others failed to attack, so naturally they would not attack again.


Wang Zhang

Pu Gu Huai En (Xiao Shou), Chi You, She Bi Shi, and Ju Mang gathered together. At this time, the atmosphere in the big account was tense, black and white and impermanence standing respectfully behind the four people, afraid to speak.

"You should all know about the situation in the Yin Division!" Chi You put down his letter with an ugly expression: "If the ghost gate exists for a day, the Dao Sect in the human world can continuously enter the Yin Division for assistance. The ghost gate is a disaster. Mount Mang must be leveled."

"Sweeping, it's easy to say!" Liao received a gloomy face, and looked at the map in his hand: "Not to mention the suppression of the dragon energy of the day, the Zhuxian sword in Zhang Bairen's hand is not something we can deal with! And Li Tang's national strength is now more and more prosperous. , The more the humane aura suppressed me, the more I went to Middle-earth, I couldn’t show 70% of my strength. Originally, I hadn’t been able to return to the peak state after waiting, coupled with the humanitarian suppression, what would I do to compete with the strong human race?"

"Zhang Bairen!" She was tapping the case with her fingers, a pair of eyes looked into the distance, and after a while, she said: "Zhang Bairen may not be impossible to deal with."

"How to deal with it?" Chi You and the others stared together.

"It's also simple." She looked at Lianshou with a pair of eyes: "How many string controllers are there in the East Turks today?"

"Millions of people who control the strings!" Suddenly closed.

"Then start a race war!" Shebi Shi's eyes were full of determination.

"Race war?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

"Yes, since I am not Zhang Bairen's opponent, I will use the power of the Turkic nation to cut off Zhang Bairen with the emperor's Dragon Qi." Shebi Zhe suddenly stood up, his eyes full of enthusiasm: "How many string-controllers are there in Middle-earth Fighting with my Turks is nothing more than half a catastrophe. Under the pressure of the warring dragon of the two races, the great supernatural powers of the human race had to retreat and broke the arm of the human race! Without the support of the great supernatural powers of the human race, the army of Li Tang really and us In the fight, the victory or defeat is only five-fifth. By then, we will make a shot, and Li Tang's defeat is set. The Human Race will be annihilated, and the middle-class number will be ours after all."

"There is also some truth, even if we can't destroy Middle-earth, we can also severely damage the Middle-earth Dragon Qi and relieve the pressure on the Yin Division! Then let's go straight to Beimang and flatten Beimang Mountain. What do you think?" Ju Mang nodded in agreement. .

"It's interesting!" With her hands on her back, he walked back and forth in the big tent: "With the power of the Turkic dragon energy, Zhang Bairen can't use the Taoism at all, and with the suppression of the Turkic and humanitarian dual dragon energy, what can Zhang Bairen do? ?"

"It must be accomplished by Yiyi. If it succeeds, the world will change the universe, and Zhang Bairen will disappear into the world! If it fails... the East Turks will continue to recuperate, and the day will eventually come back from the East." Shebi Zui's eyes stared at Lin Shu with shining eyes.

"With the funeral of a million Turkic warriors, Zhang Bairen died well." There was a cold light in his eyes: "Zhang Bairen has grown too fast, and he must not continue to grow."

"Take the soldiers! Pay your respects!" Lian Shou stood up suddenly: "This battle must be fought and must not be lost. Yinshan must not fall into the hands of the Great Qin Empire."

This battle is indeed to be fought, not only to be fought, but also to be fought cleanly and without the slightest sluggishness.

Luoyang City

Zhang Bairen hugged the Qixi Festival and sat under the banyan tree not knowing what to think.


The cup in Zhong Liquan's hand fell to the ground, and the colored glaze was turned into powder.

At the same time, everyone frowned when looking at the broken glass cup. Who is Zhong Liquan?

Even if Zhang Bairen didn’t ask, he knew that Zhongliquan’s Taoism was no worse than Zhang Heng and others, and even no worse than the world-zun who polished the true spirit in reincarnation. But now these characters have missed and broke the glass cup, which is simply impossible. Imagine things.

"Ominous sign" Zhong Liquan stretched out his palm, and the debris on the ground was rolled up and held in his hand.

"Could there be any changes in the Yinsi battlefield? Could the first emperor be defeated?" Zhang Bairen was shocked, stood up abruptly, walked in the yard for a while before he said: "Yuan Shoucheng, Divination!"

"Four Skynets" Yuan Shoucheng looked up gloomily.


The fierce pattern!

What are Skynet Four?

Skynet opened, covering the whole world, without the slightest vitality.

Yuan Shoucheng looked pale and lost his blood, picked up the tortoise shell in his hand and started divination again.

The copper coin fell to the ground, still in the same pattern, shocked Yuan Shoucheng sitting on the ground, splashing countless dust: "This is impossible! This is impossible!"

"Where should it be?" Zhang Bairen walked over quickly and handed the Qixi Festival to Lu Yu.

"It should be in the hands of my human race. The four dragons of Skynet are fighting in the wild. I am afraid... I am afraid..." Yuan Shoucheng tremblingly began to pick up the turtle shell for divination.

"What are you afraid of?" Zhang Bairen asked quickly.

"I'm afraid..." Yuan Shoucheng's lips trembled, unable to speak a complete sentence.

"I'm afraid there is a sign of extinction! I'm afraid that my human race has a sign of extinction!" Yuan Tiangang said hoarsely on the side.

"Kang Dang"

The hatchet in Zuoqiu Wuji's hand fell on the ground, staring at Yuan Tiangang and said: "You don't want to talk nonsense, my human race is now in full swing, how can the master Ruyun have the omen of extinction?"

Yuan Tiangang and Yuan Shoucheng didn't speak, but continued to make quick deductions.


The tortoise shell suddenly exploded, the flames splattered, and the burning Yuan Shoucheng's disheveled hair spread out. A pair of eyes were full of amazement. Scars blew his face into a **** pockmark: "Impossible!"

When the words fell, Yuan Shoucheng fainted directly.


Yuan Tiangang rushed forward with a cry of grief.

Zhang Bairen stood there blankly, his brows furrowed: "Could there be a change in the Yinsi battlefield?"

The only thing that can affect the rise and fall of the human race is the battle of Yinsi.

If the Great Qin Empire is defeated and the human race's thousand-year layout is destroyed, waiting for the human race will never be a good thing.

"Where is the due date? Who should be robbed?" Zhang Bairen asked again.

Two lines of blood and tears fell in Yuan Shoucheng's eyes: "I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!"

Zhang Bairen furrowed his brows, his eyes turned towards Yinshan, and he turned around and said: "Please feel free to send the race bag into the Yin Division and hand it to Zhang Heng yourself."


Lu Feng turned into streamer and disappeared in the courtyard.

"Wind and rain are coming, the calamity of annihilation? Who can destroy my human race? It is simply a horror! As long as I Zhang Bairen is alive, who can destroy the human race!" Zhang Bairen turned and walked into the house: "Lu Yu, you Come with me."

Chang'an City

Li Shimin stood at the railing and looked at the scenery of Chang'an, feeling a mess in his heart. At that time, Zhang Bairen thought of playing the two demon gods between his fingers, but he saw it with his own eyes.

"Your Majesty" Changsun Wuji stood behind Li Shimin. As the core figure in Li Shimin's think tank, Changsun Wuji was definitely Li Shimin's confidant.

Even if it happened to the grandson Wugou, it couldn't affect the relationship between the two.

As Li Shimin's confidant, he knew why Li Shimin was worried.

"Wuji, you are here" Li Shimin sighed, "Do you know the general governor?"

"The chief governor?" Changsun Wuji was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then smiled bitterly after half a time when he came here: "There is a contradiction between heaven and human beings and mortals."

"I'm afraid!" Li Shimin faced the cold wind and slowly closed his eyes: "I am afraid that one day I will wake up and become Zhang Bairen's puppet and the living dead! This Datang Empire no longer belongs to Li Home. In a blink of an eye the prosperity is gone, and the world falls apart."

Longsun Wuji is speechless, will people covet your country? Are you kidding me?

Zhang Bairen wanted to win the world, he had already shot, what else is your Li family? This world will get your Li family?

But considering Li Shimin's self-esteem, Changsun Wuji swallowed the words back into his stomach after all. He knew that once the emperor had doubts and concerns in his heart, even if the people around him were talking about the sky, there would be no consequences.

The Demon Seed had become a thorn in Li Shimin's heart. After a while, he said, "Isn't it?"

Li Shimin did not answer, and despite the cold wind blowing his cheeks, he seemed to mutter in a dream, "You said, how can you kill Zhang Bairen?"

"What!!!" Changsun Wuji screamed after hearing the words, as if he couldn't believe what he heard, like a cat stepped on its tail.

ps: "Your grandma is born again", it's very interesting, let's take a look.

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