First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1838: Rob

"Why should Wuji be so panicked, I'm just a complaint?" Li Shimin realized the shock in Changsun Wuji's eyes, knowing that he was in a bad mood, and hurriedly started to remedy it.

"Hehe, the minister knows how smart people like your majesty would do that kind of thing? If the governor of the city is so easy to kill, I am afraid that he will die early! If you kill a snake, you will be victimized. The Governor retorted." Grandson Wuji spoke quietly, but he murmured in amazement: "Your Majesty is afraid of going crazy. The previous words were murderous, and it didn't seem like a joke anyway."

Not far from the Star Observatory

The Qintian Supervisor was making divination daily, and the copper coins in his hand were flying all over the sky, and then all fell to the ground.

"Today's hexagram...impossible!!!" Qintian Supervisor Zheng stood up suddenly, then quickly condensed the copper coin, and threw it away again: "This is impossible!"

It is indeed impossible!

"Your Majesty! I want to see your Majesty!" Qin Tian Supervisor Secretary Zheng's voice anxiously came from outside the Tai Chi Palace.

"Master Li, Your Majesty and Uncle Grandson are talking..." The servant stopped Qintian Supervisor Sizheng.

"Your Majesty! The ministers have a hundred thousand urgent things to see! Your Majesty, the important matter is not good!" The voice of the Qintian Supervisor Sizheng sounded outside the hall.

"Who is so noisy?" Li Shimin's martial arts traversed the sky, so naturally he would not hear the movement outside the door.

"The minister is the Qintian Supervisor Sizheng, please see your Majesty! The minister has a hundred thousand urgent matters!" The Qintian Supervisor Sizheng's voice sounded outside the gate.

"Pass him in!" Li Shimin's eyes flickered.

"Puff~" Qin Tian Supervisor was trotting into the Tai Chi Hall, and then knelt down in front of Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, it's not good! My human race is in danger!"

Luoyang City

Zhang Bairen and Lu Yu walked out of the house. At this time, Lu Yu hugged Qixi and followed Zhang Bairen silently, except that his eyes were swollen and he had obviously cried.

"The Daoist thought that if my human race had a calamity, where did the robbery happen?" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhong Liquan, his eyes filled with indifference.

"It must be Beiman Mountain! Daomen Gaozheng have all entered Beiman Mountain. Now the battle of Yinsi of Beiman Mountain is the key battle that will determine the general situation of our human race and Beimang. The first emperor has twelve gold people blessed. How difficult is it to defeat? But Yinsi will never sit back and watch defeat, and will definitely find other ways" Zhong Liquan said slowly.

"Yang Shi! Yang Shi is the foundation of the ghost gate, the foundation of the First Emperor's army. They will target Yang Shi! If the Beiman Mountain is destroyed, Yin Si has the two-world channel, and it is possible to counterattack Yang Shi at any time. Coming also takes the initiative." Zhang Bairen tapped the jade belt around his waist with his fingers, and walked around in the yard with his hands on his back. Then he looked at Dragon Mother and pondered for a while: "The restriction that this seat has planted on you It will be relieved after 20 years. Don’t worry! I just hope you can take care of Qixi Festival for a while."

"This is what we agreed in advance. Naturally, my concubine will not repent." Mother Long was surprised when he heard this, and I don't know why Zhang Bairen said this to herself suddenly.

"The Qixi Festival will be entrusted to Dao Chang to take care of it" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhong Liquan.

"You are wrong, you should take care of Qixi! I am higher than you, and I should take care of Beimanshan." Zhong Liquan shook his head.

"Although you are better than me, no one can kill me in terms of means of killing and saving my life! You are only going to die, and you can't change the overall situation! And besides me, no one can conquer me. Zhang Bairen took a deep breath: "Beiman Mountain!"

He is also a human race, and now the great powers of the human race are fighting in the depths of the ghost gate, the Yang world can be described as empty, can Zhang Bairen not go?

"Take good care of Qixi Festival for me, I am immortal, no one can kill me!" Zhang Bairen embraced Xiao Fei and walked slowly outside the gate: "If I die...Zhuojun will be scattered. There is no need to guard! I am afraid that the tens of millions of people in Zhuo County will not dare to accept it!"

The tens of millions of people in Zhuojun have already liberated their minds and spirits. Once their minds have changed, it will be difficult to come back.

"How difficult it is for everyone to be like a dragon. If Zhuojun is disbanded and thousands of people merge into the Litang world, it will be the kind of fire that subverts the family of clan families!" Zhang Bairen's figure disappeared in front of the door: "Willing! Although Zhuojun is prosperous and wealthy, the powerful families are afraid that they will not have the courage to accommodate it."

Will the clan family accept the people of Zhuojun?

That's a terrible thing!

People always have to do something and not do something! Just like now, all the human masters have entered the reincarnation. Once a catastrophe occurs, Zhang Bairen will step forward to block it.

This is responsibility!

"Are you telling the truth?" Li Shimin looked at the Qintian Supervisor Sizheng at his feet, his eyes full of solemnity.

"The hexagram is like this" Qintian Supervisor was shaking.

Li Shimin heard the words and said nothing, and the whole hall fell silent.

"Report! Eight hundred miles in a hurry!" A messenger came galloping from outside the door: "Your Majesty, the Turks have raised a million troops and aim for Beiman Mountain!"

"The Turks raise troops?" Li Shimin's eyes showed a sense of sorrow, and then he sighed: "That's it! The Turks are going to finish their work, and want to compete with me, Li Tang, and see life and death."

"Where is the chief governor?" Li Shimin turned and looked at the spy.

"The chief governor has gone to Yinshan!" the guard said.

Li Shimin touched his chin when he heard the words, and after a while, he said, "I know, let the order go on. I, Li Tang, all soldiers and horses will gather in Beimanshan."

The guards retreated, Li Shimin looked at the grandson Wuji, waved his hand and said, "Wuji, let's get back. The wind and rain are ready to come early."

Changsun Wuji nodded when he heard the words, and looked at what Li Shimin wanted to say, but after all he didn't say it.

"East China Sea!" Li Shimin looked towards the East China Sea with a pair of eyes, then secretly walked out of the Oney Palace, out of Chang'an City, and went straight towards the East China Sea.


An exquisite conch was held by Li Shimin, and slowly started to play.

"Your Majesty, how come you have time to find the old turtle?" Prime Minister Turtle walked out of the sea slowly and stood in front of Li Shimin.

"Senior!" Li Shimin gave a salute to Prime Minister Turtle, and then said, "I don't know what Prime Minister thinks about Zhang Bairen?"

Prime Minister Turtle heard this and looked at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes seriously, and after a while he said, "Tianjiao who has never been seen forever!"

"No, the prime minister was wrong!" Li Shimin smiled coldly: "If that servant had not obtained the incarnation of five gods, how could he have today's achievements? How can he call the wind and rain to turn the river and the sea?"

Prime Minister Turtle heard this silently, and from some perspectives, Li Shimin was right.

"But the treasure Zhang Bairen entrusted to the Yang God is even more extraordinary. The uneasiness that the treasure brings to me is stronger than that of the four gods!" Prime Minister Turtle looked at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes: "Your Majesty came to look for the old turtle today. Old turtle said this, right?"

"Of course not!" Li Shimin's eyes revealed a murderous intent: "Now there is a chance to kill Zhang Bairen!"

Prime Minister Turtle was silent when he heard the words, the waves rolled in the distance, and the salty sea breeze continued to blow. After a long silence, he heard Prime Minister Turtle say: "Zhang Bairen is not so easy to kill, to the realm of the realm of God, as long as he does not want to die, no one can count him dead."

"When did the prime minister become so timid? You don’t know how many tens of thousands of years your old man has lived. Are you still afraid of a younger generation who will not live longer than you? , Can the prime minister swallow this breath?" Li Shimin's words contained a touch of sarcasm.

Prime Minister Turtle blushed when he heard the words, but he suddenly burned a lot when he heard the words. The peace of mind in the past was broken in an instant. The evil deeds of Zhang Bairen in that year expanded ten million times in his mind. His eyes were slightly scarlet and said: "You What does the kid want to say?"

"I want a poison! A poison that is invisible and has no peculiar smell, but can kill people!" Li Shimin said unhurriedly.

"Huh? Are you going to poison? Zhang Bairen cultivated the Huijian, and the gods and understanding existed in him. It is unrealistic to kill him. There is no chance at all." Prime Minister Kame shook his head.

"I only ask your Excellency if there is such a strange poison!" Li Shimin said.

"Yes!" Prime Minister Turtle said firmly: "There is a **** in the open sky, and poison naturally also has a **** of poison. The source of the **** of poison is enough to poison any **** and any monk, but the premise is to infuse the poison into the opponent's body."

"Give me the poison, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will try it!" Li Shimin looked firm.

Prime Minister Turtle hesitated when he heard the words, but saw Li Shimin impatiently saying: "What are you still hesitating?"

"It's okay for you, but after the incident, you can't mention me and confess me" Laogui hesitated.

"Long-winded!" Li Shimin snatched the jade bottle in the hands of Prime Minister Turtle, then turned and Looking at the back of Li Shimin away, the old tortoise stood on the coastline and suddenly became alert after being silent for a while: "Something's wrong! How could I be so impulsive that I actually handed over the origin of the poison god."

The next moment, Prime Minister Turtle's face was pale, his eyes looked into the void, and he gritted his teeth and said: "The emperor is at ease!!!"

"You old tortoise really has a long life. Since ancient times, how many gods have fallen, but you are still alive" The emperor Da Zizai slowly twisted out of the void.

"You really are the black sheep of the gods, and the gods spit on you back then, so that you can't be transformed into form. You are really right!" The old turtle looked gloomy, and his forehead was violent.

"You..." The emperor Da Zizai was immediately anxious when he heard this, and anyone who was poked to hurt his feet would get angry. As the innate gods, they are hostile to all the innate gods in the world, and even the gods will not hesitate to tamper with the laws of the heavens to prevent the emperor from being born. Can you say that the emperor is not annoyed?

"Haha! What the gods imposed on me back then, I have to pay back sooner or later! I will pay back thousands of times!" Da Zizai's voice fell into a weird calm.

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