First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1839: Poison God Origin

In fact, the emperor Da Zizai is full of grievances in his heart, whoever is suppressed for countless years without being born, it is strange that there is no irritation in his heart!

Who did he offend?

Before he was born, he was overwhelmed by the gods and forcibly delayed the birth of a few calamities. The baby felt bitter!

The old turtle looked at the emperor Da Zizai with a pair of eyes, and the negative emotions in his mind were instantly cut off, and a pair of eyes looked at the emperor Da Zizai deeply: "If you are a smart person, it is best not to be an enemy of the governor. A character destined to become a fairy, I'm afraid you will eventually fall."

"Hehe, you old tortoise first take care of your East China Sea, how can that old thing in the depths of the East China Sea still not die! Don't worry, I will come to the door one day!" Da Zi's eyes were full of cold light.

"You..." The old tortoise had a horrible expression on his face: "How do you know!"

"Hehe, the old immortal is hibernating in the depths of the East China Sea, why? That's because there is fear in his heart! If there is fear, there will be demon breeding, and where there is a demon, there will be me." Da Zi was full of cold light in the eyes of the emperor: "Wait Go ahead, one day, I will let him taste the evil results of the year."

The emperor Da Zizai is gone, leaving Prime Minister Tortoise standing on the beach, his eyes are looking towards the direction where the emperor Da Zizai is flying away, and a gloomy look is in his eyes: "Damn it! There is more such a dung stick from the emperor Da Zizai, and the future is unknown. With so many variables, I don’t know how many secrets will be stolen by it."

Having said that, now that the emperor Da Zizai has been born, no one can help him.

Old tortoise can't, neither can the one in the depths of the East China Sea.

Beiman Mountain

Zhang Bairen, dressed in a purple shirt, slowly climbed up to the peak and gathered the entire Beimanshan mountain range.

Looking for a piece of bluestone and sitting down, Zhang Bairen slowly stretched out his palm, and the Zhuxian formation was slowly wiped in his hand: "If you want to subvert humanity, it depends on whether you have that ability."

In an instant, the dark clouds in the sky were shaken away by Zhang Bairen's murderous intent, and terrifying auras spread in the void.

Zhang Bairen warmly raises the Zhuxian formation, and if things have to be done now, I am afraid that he can only use the Zhuxian sword to confront the enemy. As for breaking the barrier of Kyushu? It's better than the genocide of the human race.

"Xiao Fei, are you scared?" Zhang Bairen stroked the rabbit in his arms.

Xiao Fei was silent, Zhang Bairen smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. If I die, the water monster will protect you and escape."

"What do you do all day long, is it not good for everyone to live together peacefully?" Xiao Fei's eyes were full of depression.

Zhang Bairen laughed but didn't say anything, and could only smile at Xiao Fei's innocent words.

While talking, I saw a figure appearing at the bottom of the mountain. Li Shimin was carrying the wine jar and holding a food box, slowly climbing the mountain road, and came to Zhang Bairen.

There are countless capable people in the court, and it is not surprising that Zhang Bairen can discover the calamity of the human race.

"Why did you come to Beiman Mountain?" Zhang Bairen said in surprise.

"The Turks have risen up, and the whole clan has millions of soldiers. I, Li Tang, lived and died in this disaster." Li Shimin stood opposite Zhang Bairen, slowly putting down the food box in his hand.

"Turkic?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words: "It turns out that the calamity comes from the Turk!"

He had thought that the Yinsi would make some big moves before, but he had never thought that the robbery would come from the Turks.

"The goal of the Turks is Beiman Mountain. They want to destroy the ghost gate of Beiman Mountain, and then take the opportunity to sweep through Middle-Earth." Li Shimin's eyes were full of solemnity: "The survival of my human race is based on this calamity."

The army of one million is definitely not easy to deal with, and the victory and defeat between Li Tang and Turks is 50-50.

However, Li Tang's iron armor is excellent, and it also occupies a favorable location for defending the city, as well as the advantage of the home court, occupying a lot of cheap.

Li Shimin’s eyes were full of emotion: “It’s difficult! This time I’m afraid Li Tang won’t be able to survive this time! The governor has contributed to my human race, and I should represent the world. Wanmin, see off the governor!"

Li Shimin picked up the wine glass and bowed to Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen didn't move. Instead, he looked at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes, staring at Li Shimin a little bit horribly, and calmly said: "Why the governor keeps staring at me? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Something's wrong! More than something wrong, your majesty has already breeded demons and was taken advantage of by the emperor Da Zizai!" After the words fell, Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm and slapped Li Shimin on the head like thunder.

The light of Huijian flicked across, and only a scream was heard in the dark, and a black air had become a cloud of smoke, spreading from Li Shimin's mouth and nose.

In an instant, Li Shimin had already recovered his qingming, the smoke in his eyes disappeared, his eyes looked at the wine and vegetables in front of him in amazement, and then he put down his drink and said to Zhang Bairen: "Thank you, Dudu, this great free demon is really weird. , I accidentally followed the way. If it weren't for the captain's rescue, I'm afraid I have fallen into an endless abyss."

While speaking, Li Shimin held up a glass of wine: "I respect the governor and thank the governor for getting rid of the demons for me. Otherwise, we will fight against the Turks in the future, and I am afraid that I will be plunged into an impossible situation."

Zhang Bairen looked at the wine in front of him, and the crisis in his heart continued to linger, but when he looked closely at Li Shimin, he could not detect anything wrong.

"I'll do it first!" Li Shimin saw Zhang Bairen hesitate, and drank it without saying a word, then looked at Zhang Bairen, "Why don't the governor drink it? Are you afraid that I will poison you?"


Zhang Bairen looked at Li Shimin's magnanimous eyes with a pair of eyes, and finally slowly picked up the drink: "Li Shimin can drink, I can't possibly drink it!"

Picking up the tea cup, Zhang Bairen drank it all at once, then glanced at Li Shimin: "Good wine!"

"Three hundred years of good wine" Li Shimin smiled and filled Zhang Bairen again, and then took a sip of his tea.

"This delicacy is cooked by the Ouchi imperial chef. Please also the captain to taste it." Li Shimin looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Drinking is the three flavors in the wine. If you eat food, the mellow aroma of the wine will be spoiled." Zhang Bairen shook his head and just drank the drink carefully.

Seeing this, Li Shimin put down his chopsticks: "If this is the case, I don't want to enjoy it alone, so I have a bar with the governor."

"Can the Governor of the Great Tribulation have a countermeasure?" Li Shimin took a sip of his drink.

"One million Turkic people who control strings, even if I can win Li Tang, it will definitely be a tragic victory. At that time, I don't know how many Han family members are buried in the battlefield." Li Shimin's eyes are full of drunkenness.

After hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent, and after a while, he said, "My husband, Ma Ge, is shrouded in a corpse.

Hearing that Li Shimin fell into silence, after a while, he stood up drunk and looked at Zhang Bairen with drunken eyes: "Do you need a nap when the governor’s drink is in his abdomen? I will pay tribute to this mountain **** for the rest of the fine wine. ."

When he said that, Li Shimin wanted to pick up his drink and throw it into the mountain, but Zhang Bairen stopped him:

"How can such a good wine be wasted?" Zhang Bairen stopped Li Shimin and said, "Naturally, it is worth drinking all of it. The life and death of this catastrophe is uncertain, and I don't know if there is still a chance to drink such a good wine."

Li Shimin laughed when he heard the words, and then said, "Yes!"

Loosen the hip flask and let Zhang Bairen go through the hip flask and penetrate into his belly, only to see Li Shimin slowly standing up: "See you after the catastrophe!"

Li Shimin is down the mountain!

Seeing Li Shimin's back, Zhang Bairen opened his mouth, and the next moment he saw all the drinks he had drunk spit out, floating in the air.

"There is no problem with this drink? There is no problem with Li Shimin? But where does the crisis come from? The delicacy? It doesn't look like a problem!" Zhang Bairen lowered his head and looked down at the delicacy in front of him, with a contemplative expression in his eyes.

"Kang Dang"

The hip flask fell, and the remaining drop of wine splashed on the ground. In the next moment, the earth turned to dark black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the rocks continued to melt into black water.

"This..." Zhang Bairen suddenly changed his color: "I have already expelled Li Shimin's inner demons, why did he kill me?"

Zhang Bairen was aware of the problem at first, and then he realized the devilish energy in Li Shimin's eyes, and immediately took action to remove the demons from his body, but Zhang Bairen never thought that after getting rid of the demons, Li Shimin even wanted to kill himself!


Zhang Bairen was puzzled. Why is Li Shimin sure to block the millions of Turkic cavalry?

Under the mountain

Li Shimin turned to look at the mountain, thunderous in his abdomen, like a sword-like drink bursting out in an instant. Not far away, large tracts of rocks turned into black water currents, which continued to corrode, turning into an unfathomable gap in the blink of an eye: "I There is the dragon gas of the emperor, and the source of the poisonous **** is also the power of the law world. I restrained it! Zhang Bairen is not the case. After drinking this poisonous wine, he will die without a burial place!"

"This poison does not come into contact with the body at first, but when it blends into the internal organs and the blood vessels and acupuncture points of the whole body, it bursts The person is killed instantly and there is no room for resistance. Even Yangshen will be poisoned. Corrosion has been wiped away by the world!" Li Shimin looked at the top of the mountain with his hands on his back, and then stopped.

He was waiting for Zhang Bairen's poison to die!

After a quarter or three, Zhang Bairen turned into a thick water. He had to watch Zhang Bairen's death with his own eyes to be at ease.

"Zhang Bairen, although you have expelled my demon, but you don't know that even if there is no demon, I will kill you! If you don't kill you, my life will not be preserved in one day!" Li Shimin's eyes were murderous. "You just die obediently! If you can't control your own life, what can I do even if I dominate the world? It's not a wedding dress for others."

Li Shimin stood at the bottom of the mountain, waiting for the movement of the mountain.

Zhang Bairen looked at the black poisonous gas at this time and couldn't help but sighed slightly: "What a vicious heart, if my heart is not prepared, I am afraid that the poison should have died at this time, but I don't know why Li Shimin blocked the Turkic cavalry! "

Zhang Bairen showed a hint of thought: "This poison is extraordinary, I don't know where it came from."

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