First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1842: Desires and desires become darker

Yuan Shoucheng is worthy of being an old treacherous and cunning, all things are clear in this existence, and all the causes and effects are clear.

Zhang Bairen's death fraud, he will definitely not come forward in a short time, so the safety of Qixi Festival is the top priority. What everyone has to do is not to explore what Zhang Bairen is going to do, but to protect the safety of Qixi Festival.

Protecting the safety of Qixi Festival is what everyone should do!

"Let’s take Qixi Festival incognito and go to Zhuo County to live in seclusion. The governor has many enemies. When the other party finds the door, we may not be able to deal with such troubles." Yuan Tiangang began to pack things, and everyone felt it Reasonable, keep packing up furniture.

Chang'an City

When Li Shimin returned to the imperial study room, his eyes were filled with excitement: "Call the Manchu civil and military affairs!"

After a short while, the ministers gathered together, and the ministers in the imperial study room stood in their positions. After giving a big gift, he saw Li Shimin slowly standing up, his eyes swept across the civil and military courts, and finally he said with grief: "Everyone, Aiqing, I have a piece of sad news to tell you, not long ago...Most of them have ascended to heaven!"


The civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty were stunned, wondering what it means to ascend to heaven, but seeing Li Shimin's distressed expression, all of them trembled.

Below, Changsun Wuji was trembling, his eyes looked at Li Shimin in amazement, and he lowered his head hurriedly: "Dudu is dead? Impossible? How could Dadu die? How could Dadudu be killed by the emperor?"

"I don't know what your Majesty said about ascending to heaven, referring to..." A minister cautiously looked at Li Shimin, his eyes full of doubt and disbelief.

"Yes, that's what you think! The chief governor is gone!" Li Shimin's eyes are full of grief: "Now my human race has internal and external troubles, but the chief governor has been brutally murdered. Nowadays, millions of troops in the Turks want to go south, my human race It's really eventful!!!"


All the officials were shocked when they heard the words. The news of Zhang Bairen's death was a thunderbolt for everyone, and the millions of Turkic troops behind them went south, but it was another heavy blow for everyone.

"How could this happen!!!" The officials were shocked.

"Everyone, Li Tang's national strength should be clear to you that the ghost gates that suppressed the capital have been strenuous. Nowadays, millions of Turkic troops are attacking, and the power of the whole country wants to destroy my Central Plains plan... I Li Tang is really hard to support. But~ This battle can only be won, but cannot be defeated! Victory will bring a broad world, defeat my human race, subjugation and extinction..." Li Shimin's words choked with excitement: "But the Turks come from all over the country, millions of cavalry, I really can't do anything!"

When the officials heard the words, their eyes were full of horror. At this moment, someone was frightened and couldn't help but stand up and say: "Your Majesty, Zhuojun has a strong reserve, and the chief governor has operated for decades. There are millions of soldiers to fight. If I can conquer Zhuojun, why would I, Li Tang, be afraid of that trivial Turkic cavalry?"

Li Shimin's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he continued to say calmly: "But Zhuojun is bound by the iron pass operated by the chief governor, I can't get in at all! Zhuojun masters are like clouds and fierce generals like rain, and I don't listen to the announcement. What can I do?"

"There is no king's land in the whole world, and the shore of the land is not a courtier. Although the Zhuo County draws autonomy and cracks the earth to seal the king, it is the land of Li Tang in the end. As long as your majesty leads the army and urges you to conquer, you will be influenced by the teacher of justice. Zhuojun, it’s not difficult to think about it!" Fang Xuanling stood up. He had worked with Li Shimin for decades, and naturally knew Li Shimin’s intentions. At this time, he naturally wanted to stand up and sing a big show with Li Shimin: "Your Majesty might as well take advantage of the Turkic cavalry. Going south, first to conquer Zhuojun, then the world will be unified, and then to fight the Turks, it is not in a hurry!"

"Yes, sharpening the knife and not cutting wood by mistake. Your Majesty will first conquer Zhuojun and break with the Turks, but you can increase your chances of winning by 50% out of thin air." Du Ruhui also stood up. Although he did not know Li Shimin's layout, he also knew who he was. Courtier, at this time, we must follow Li Shimin's words and cooperate with Li Shimin to perform the drama.

"Huh?" Li Shimin's eyes leaked a gleam of light, and then instantly converged, and his eyes looked at the busy civil and military: "If I send troops to Zhuojun, don't you ask people to say that I am in danger? Not to mention that the general governor just left, if I rushed forward. Swordsman, I'm afraid it's not good!"

Hearing what Li Shimin said, Xu Shiji said: "Your Majesty, there are five great Dao powers in Zhuojun Ming. Yu Juluo followed the Dadu Governor the earliest, the two have the deepest friendship, and the highest martial arts cultivation level, which is already unfathomable. The second is Zhang Xuluo, although his martial arts cultivation is not as good as Yushuluo, he has an ancient artifact in his hand to shoot the sun bow. The battle really fought, and the outcome was unpredictable. Luo Yi is a native of Zhuo County, Luo Yi is a native of Zhuo County, Behind him is the support of local forces. Although Zhuojun’s reforms over the years, the family furniture has been transformed into the past, but the foundation is still not to be underestimated. Apart from these three powerhouses, Zhang Bairen’s loyal shadow assassin brother Jing family, It's simply impossible to guard against. I've been fascinated by Zhang Bairen all year round. The martial arts cultivation will inevitably deepen and unfathomable. No one knows the details."

After listening to Xu Shiji's words, Li Shimin nodded when he heard the words, and agreed with the other party's words, and signaled Xu Shiji to continue speaking.

"How can the five most powerful people in Zhuo County succumb to others? Everyone is the most powerful person, and they must be dissatisfied. Now I am afraid that Zhuo County has split into three forces." Xu Shiji said.

"The third?" Li Shimin heard it interestingly. He had never heard people analyze Zhuojun forces in such a detailed manner.

"The first is Luo Yi, who represents Zhuo County's local forces, the second is Yujuluo, the general who maintains the stability of Zhuo County, and the third is Zhang Xujiao! The Jing family brothers who support the descendants of the Zhang family!" Xu Shiji's eyes are shining brightly. "Zhang Xutuo has been saved by the governor’s reversal of life and death many times. According to Zhang Xutuo’s temperament, he will never betray the governor. After the governor dies, he will naturally continue to support the heirs of the governor. As for Yujuluo. , And the chief governor is more of cooperation, not a vassal relationship. The chief governor is dead. He has the highest status in Zhuojun, and he should replace the chief governor as the master of Zhuojun."

Li Shimin heard that his finger was tapping the case unconsciously, while the eldest grandson Wuji said: "Your Majesty, in fact, it doesn't matter whether Zhang Xi camel or Yu Juluo, or even the Jing family, as long as Qixi is the master of Zhuo County, everyone It must be fully supported, and the local forces represented by Luo Yi can only compromise in the face of the general trend."

"Speaking of speaking, it is still going to fall on Qixi Festival. Those who win the Qixi Festival will get Zhuojun. If the Qixi Festival dies, Zhuojun will inevitably fall into civil strife. The governor has no heirs. Who will succumb to whom?" Li Shimin's eyes flickered, a pair of eyes Looking at Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong: "This matter is going to bother you, and both of you went to Luoyang in person."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, you will definitely invite Qixi Festival back in the end," Yuchi Jingde said.

"Attention, don't be rude to Princess Qixi! Don't hurt half of Qixi's hair, otherwise Zhuojun will take the opportunity to attack me, I'm afraid that Li Tangjiangshan will be over!" Li Shimin sighed, and he didn't want to send troops directly. Attacking Zhuojun?

But now Zhuojun has a tendency to split internally, and going there will inevitably prompt Zhuojun to unite against himself. This is purely thankless.

To destroy the Turks, I have time to split Zhuojun, and some time to make some conspiracies.

Zhuojun's military power is not weak, and with the addition of those masters, Li Shimin thought that even if Zhuojun was taken by force, Li Tang estimated that he would be disabled.

The use of force is something the reckless man will do.

Qixi Festival is very important, and it is very important for Zhuojun and Li Tang.


Changsun Wuji was shocked and uncertain: "Zhang Bairen is dead? How did your majesty kill Zhang Bairen? This is simply impossible!"

The officials disperse like a sleepwalking, their eyes are full of disbelief. Sure enough, there are unexpected events in the sky. What an overbearing figure Zhang Bairen used to be, now he is dead.


Zhang Xuluo, Yu Juluo, and Luo Yi gathered together, but when they saw Yu Juluo and Zhang Xuluo drinking their drinks as usual, Luo Yi said with a sullen face: "Two generals, are you really dead? "

"I'm afraid it's dead!" Zhang Xutuo drank the wine nonchalantly and ate the big bones.

"Who knows" Yujuluo slowly picking his teeth.

Luo Yi smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Two generals, there is news that the chief governor is in trouble, why are you not in a hurry?"

"Do you believe that the Governor is dead?" Yu Juluo looked at Luo Yi.

"Although I don't believe it,...this is a fact after all!!!" Luo Yidao.

"Huh?" Zhang Xutuo looked at Luo Yi with a pair of eyes: "How about the death of the governor?"

"Naturally, we should hurry back to Princess Qixi Festival. Now Zhuojun is surging, and all the ghosts and monsters have run out." Luo Yi smiled bitterly.

"Just take it when you see it. The mice in Zhuojun are not very quiet recently!" Yujuluo gave Luo Yi a deep look: "If the capital is dead, the Jing family brothers have already returned, not to mention the Jing family. Brothers, Yuan Tiangang and Yuan Shoucheng, the two **** sticks and water monsters, have long since turned against the sky, but now there is no movement..."

Luo Yi suddenly felt agitated when he heard this, and a cold sweat appeared behind his back, and a touch of horror appeared in his eyes: "Is the governor cheating death?"

"I don't know if it's fraudulent but I know that ancestor Shaoyang is still sitting in the back mountain fishing. That is Zhang Bairen's ancestor. If something happens to Zhang Bairen, can the old Taoist priest sit still?" Zhang Xutuo smiled and looked at Luo Yi: "Only those who are blinded by benefits and demons can really think that the majority is overwhelmed by death."

Luo Yi smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and said: "Do you want this general to take action for you and clean up those secret mice?"

"You don't need to work, the general, since these mice dared to emerge, I will definitely give you an explanation." Luo Yi stood up and gave a fist to the two before turning away.

Looking at Luo Yi's back, Yu Juluo suddenly smiled: "He was scared!"

"He is a smart man, he doesn't do bad things, he is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door." Zhang Xutuo shook his head, and then said with dignified eyes: "You went to see the battlefield with your own eyes. The Governor is really dead?"

"I don't know!" Yu Juluo's expression became solemn.

"What!!!" Zhang Xutuo was shocked.

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