First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1843: Gain momentum! ! !

Not knowing this answer is too terrible, and Zhang Xutuo's tea cup in his hand trembled three times, and a pair of eyes looked at Yujuluo in amazement: "This is a joke, you know what the general governor means to Zhuojun. "

"Of course I know" Yu Juluo's face was solemn: "That's why things look big! When I went to see it, the chief governor was really dead, but the water monster was nowhere to be seen."

"The water monster may be imprisoned," Zhang Xutuo said with a gloomy expression.

"Impossible, but who can imprison the innate gods except the chief governor? She is the corpse or Xuan Ming?" Yu Juluo shook his head: "The chief governor seems to be dead, but I have an intuition that the chief governor is not dead. Rather, he was secretly watching every move in the world."

"Luoyang still needs to trouble your Excellency to walk around in person, there must be no mistakes in Qixi Festival" Yu Juluo looked at Zhang Xutuo.

Zhang Xutuo nodded when he heard the words, and then slowly stood up, his eyes looked into the distance: "There is no room for loss on Qixi Festival. My life is on Qixi Festival. I will never let down the virtue of the governor!"

After speaking, Zhang Xutuo had already picked up the sun-shooting bow and turned to Luoyang City.

Looking at Zhang Xutuo's distant back, Yu Juluo smiled coldly: "Everyone in Zhuojun is like a dragon, and the idea of ​​freedom is already in people's hearts. How can you and other chickens and dogs subvert them? ?"

"Slap" a chess piece fell, Yu Juluo's eyes were full of determination: "Zhuojun is the capital of the governor, whoever dares to move me will cut off his head."

Luoyang City

Zhong Liquan looked at the people packing their bags in the yard, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "How much are these bags worth? You should go quickly, lest people from the court encircle and suppress them. Once blocked, it will be difficult to get out. ."

"We can't use these things, we can stand the wind, meals and sleep, but Qixi is not good. Qixi is a princess, how can we learn from the rough guys like me?" Zuo Qiu Wuji shook his head and mounted the Qixi stroller on the carriage. Refuting Zhong Liquan's words.

Hearing this, Zhong Liquan was speechless, and immediately leaned to Zuoqiu Wuji's side, lowered his voice and said, "Is it true that the governor is not dead?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Zuo Qiu Wuji shook his head, but refused to speak more.

"It's fine if you don't die! It's fine if you don't die! I said, good people don't live long, and they have been left for thousands of years. How could that servant die so easily!" Zhong Liquan muttered, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "Go away. Okay, I will drag the chasing soldiers behind you. Geely Khan’s army can be on the sidelines in at most seven days, and the outcome will be clear by then."

Hearing Zhong Liquan's words, Zuo Qiu Wuji shook his head and greeted everyone, and then saw Lu Yu and Longmu entering the carriage holding Qixi, Qixi embraced Xiaofei, and his big eyes blinked at everyone, revealing A touch of innocence.

The carriage left and left Chang'an City quietly. Zuoqiu Wuji turned into a coachman and drove the carriage. The three brothers of Feng, Lei and Dian were missing, and no one had gone.

Lu Yu looked at the roadside scenery with a pair of eyes, and looked at Zuoqiu who was driving, and said, "Where are we going?"

"Go to the Mahayana Buddhism to find Guan Zizai, and place Qixi Festival where Guan Zizai is, so I can feel at ease!" Zuo Qiu Wuji shook his head, eyes full of emotion: "I don't know where Zhong Liquan can stop him."

Outside Luoyang

Two human figures slowly appeared, Yuchi Jingde walked in front blankly, and Qin Qionggen was behind Yuchi Jingde.

Seeing that he was about to enter Luoyang City, Qin Qiong suddenly stopped and stood there silently.

"What's the matter?" Yuchi Jingde stopped and turned to look at Qin Qiong.

"You and I are also dignified seven-foot men, how can you embarrass a child who is not a child?" Qin Qiong's eyes showed a touch of embarrassment: "Moreover, although most of the supervisors acted extreme, there is no lack of open-mindedness. , But we have done a lot for my human race, how can we embarrass the orphans of the governor."

The red tide on Yuchi Jingde’s dark face was surging at this time, but it was hidden by his skin color and could not tell: "This matter is related to the overall situation of my human race, it is related to my Li Tangjiangshan, and Qixi’s identity is unusual, you and I have no choice. ."

"Besides, your Majesty has consecrated the gods for you and me, and he has consumed a lot of air, and I am not bad for you," Yuchi Jingde said with a wry smile.

Qin Qiong lowered his head when he heard the words, before looking at Luoyang City after a while: "I can't pass the hurdle in my heart."

Yuchi Jingde was silent, but just stood beside Qin Qiong and said after a while: "Then what do you say? Do you want us to disobey His Majesty's order? Or... tell me Li Tang's countless great men to go with the warriors of Zhuojun Desperately?"

"Whether it is Zhuojun or Li Tang, they are all my Han men. How can we fight?" Yuchi Jingde said: "Welcome back to Princess Qixi, and then the world can stop fighting and conquer Zhuojun without bloodshed. This is our merit. ...."

"You said, is the governor really dead?" Ignoring Yuchi Jingde's comfort, it took a while to hear Qin Qiong mutter, his eyes were full of horror: "If the governor swindled to die, you and my brother dare Touching the scales, this is a capital crime! It is a capital crime that is truly unrecoverable."

"Don't scare me!!!" Yuchi Jingde heard the words: "The general governor is dead, and all major forces in the world have confirmed it, otherwise, how dare your majesty take action against Zhuojun."

"The death of the chief governor was too sudden and weird. Until now, I can't believe that the man who has dominated the world like a **** or devil for decades died like that, and died too simply!" Qin Qiong's eyes were full of With emotion.

"You frighten me now!" Yuchi Jingde smiled bitterly, his eyes full of helplessness: "The chief governor is too capable. If he really cheats to death, you and I dare to take the initiative to go to the Qixi Festival, and no one can protect it in the future. You and me! Not even the court!"

"Then you said we still want to do it?" Qin Qiong looked at Yuchi Jingde.

"Your Majesty's decree, do you dare to disobey it?" Yuchi Jingde said.

Qin Qiong was speechless and was silent for a while before saying: "Let's go!"

It's just that the two people have just walked a few steps, and they saw the void change in front of them, and they have come to another world.

A world of nothingness and silence, looking at it, is full of yellow sand, without the slightest vitality.

In the middle of the desert sat a man with a big belly and chest, playing with a chess board.

"This is not an illusion! This is the cave sky of monk Yangshen! This person just opened up the cave sky outside Luoyang city. The cultivation base is beyond imagination." Qin Qiong stepped on the soft yellow sand, his pupils tightened.

"Let's take a look." Yuchi Jingde stood up, breaking through the sonic boom and heading towards the old man.

"Meet the Taoist"

The two fell in front of Zhong Liquan and gave a respectful salute to Zhong Liquan.

"It turns out that the two are here, and I have been waiting for the two for a long time." Zhong Liquan glanced at the two of them, and continued to lower his head to play with the chessboard in front of him.

"I don't know if the elder invited our brother to come here, but what's the matter?" Yuchi Jingde said.

"I see the two heroes are dead, and can't bear the death of the two heroes, so I can't help but take the two and save them one by one!" Zhong Liquan separated the black and white chess pieces one by one before lifting up. Head.

"Hehe, my brothers joined forces. Although I dare not say that the world is invincible, there is no one who can kill our brothers. The Taoists don’t want to confuse the public. If you have anything to say, don’t blame our brothers for not having long fists. "Eyes" Yuchi Jingde laughed.

"Really? It's just a mere humanity god, really no one can kill you?" Zhong Liquan said meaningfully.

"Of course not..." Yuchi Jingde suddenly paused in the middle of his words. A pair of eyes swept across the Taoist in front of him, and there was a dignified look in his eyes: "In this middle area, under the pressure of the emperor dragon, the only one who can kill my brothers There is an emperor."

"Haha, it's so arrogant." Taoist shook his head: "Not to mention that Zhuojun's unknown depth of Yujuluo is Guan Zizai, and the world-zun is not something your brother can resist! That bearded camel's hand can shoot the bow of the sun and even the gods can shoot. Kill, let alone you two."

"Why don't you accompany me here to play a game of chess? This is considered as I trapped you, and also as an explanation for the emperor of the Dang Chao," Zhong Liquan said unhurriedly.

Listening to Zhong Liquan’s words, Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde looked ugly. After a while, they heard Qin Qiong say: "My brothers have already stepped into the realm. The Taoist world may not be able to withstand my brother's fist. ."

"Of course my cave sky can't hold you down, but I am enough to throw your space power into the Turkic Million Army before your brothers break the cave sky," Zhong Liquan said with a smile.


Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong suddenly turned black, their eyes were full of speechlessness, and a little bit of anger began to rise.

"Come on, accompany me to a game of chess, and let your brothers out if you win," Zhong Liquan said unhurriedly.

Yuchi Jingde looked at Qin Qiong with a dark face. You look at me and I see you. Qin Qiong said, "Do you know how to play chess?"

Yuchi Jingde said with a black face: "No!"

Qin Qiong smiled bitterly, and could only sit opposite Zhong Liquan: "I'm coming!"

"Brother Qin really is both civil and military." Wei Chi Jingde looked at Qin Qiong with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

Piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy is not something ordinary people can handle.

"Neither will I, I just know a little bit of rules!" Qin Qiong said with a dark face.

Hearing that, Yuchi Jingde was taken aback, and then he said, "It's good to be able to play chess, and it's better to be able to play chess. It's better than someone who can't play chess like me."

Hearing that Qin Qiong's face turned red, but he stopped talking, picked up the chess piece and fell.

Half a quarter of an hour later

Yuchi Jingde finally understood Qin Qiong's chess skills. Looking at the few black chesses on the chessboard, Yuchi Jingde was speechless. You are also known to be able to play chess?

This is just to understand the rules and routines of Go.

As if perceiving the weird color in Yuchi Jingde's eyes, Qin Qiong's complexion flushed red: "If you think my chess skills are poor, come and play."

"Come on! Come! You can tell me to kill, but chess is really not what I am good at!" Yuchi Jingde shook his head repeatedly and complimented Qin Qiong: "Brother Qin is good at chess! Good chess!"

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