First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1853: Demon Turning Head

Poor people must have hateful things, and weak people have the pity of weak people, but there are also hateful things that make people hateful.

Looking at Yanmen Pass buried in the fire, the traces of countless sins were purified by the flames, and Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of sadness.

"Hey..." The ancestor Shaoyang sighed slightly, standing beside Zhang Bairen without speaking.

He has seen too much, lived too long, and he has experienced even more tragic genocide events than this, let alone now?

In fact, in the eyes of the ancestors of Shaoyang, Zhang Bairen is a little bit painful, it is not your guilt, why should you take it on yourself?

If the people don't hate you and cause humanity to suppress you, how will there be today's misfortune?

What's more, it's actually just a trial by the Turks. The Turks slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent people at Yanmen Pass, but Zhang Bairen did not stand up. What does that mean? It shows that Zhang Bairen is really dead!

You can't die again! Only then will the Turkic powerhouse be able to move forward boldly and confidently. The tragic death of hundreds of thousands of people at Yanmen Pass was just a temptation for Turks. As long as there is the slightest disturbance, I am afraid that the few Turks will be very careful. It is difficult to say what to do in the future. How to make the other party feel relieved and boldly drive straight into Beimang. mountain?

"Go to Beiman, since they want to determine whether I am really dead, then I will give them a great surprise!" Zhang Bairen turned and left, disappearing into the void, leaving Shaoyang ancestor with a light sigh.

"It's interesting!" Turkic army, at this time, the Turkic army was so powerful that it slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Han people and ruined countless white and tender Han women. The Turkic warriors were indescribably comfortable.

"What do you think?" Geely Khan scanned the masters in front of him with a pair of eyes.

"I always feel a little uneasy in my heart!" Sabizie slowly opened her eyes and looked towards Beiman Mountain: "From the moment I stepped into Middle Earth, my heart began to surge, and my blood kept rolling. , A strong will urged me to leave."

"I feel that way too!" Chi You also turned his head and looked at Shebi Zui.

"Is that right? I don't feel anything!" He was stunned, and then said: "Crisis? What crisis can threaten you and me in Middle-earth? Zhang Bairen is dead, what else can I be afraid of!"


Only Zhang Bairen is the only one who can make people jealous in Middle-earth, and the rest is nothing.

"If Zhang Bairen is not dead, how can he not stand up and stop the slaughter at Yanmen Pass?" Gili Khan said, "You are scaring yourself. Apart from that Zhang Bairen, who is in the eyes of Zhongtu?"

"As long as you make sure that Zhang Bairen is dead, that's enough! As for the crisis...Let's destroy the Guimen Pass of Beimang Mountain. Then the old antiques of the Daomen will definitely stop it. A big battle is inevitable. A few jumps can threaten Our old monsters are very normal. Don’t underestimate the human race.” Jumang said in a hurry, “The only person in the human race is Zhang Bairen. The rest of the human race is dead!”

As soon as this remark came out, the group was speechless, and said, "Let me say, let’s ride a horse and drive, and directly destroy Li Tang’s Chang’an city and destroy Li Tang’s foundation. As long as the human foundation is gone, the ghost gate is not for Let's make wedding dresses?"

"No! Now that the Yinsi war is tight, how can we change the plan without authorization? China said that it is not big or small. You and I want to sweep China. There is no time for two or three years. Moreover, although Li Shimin is not in Changan, But the battleable division of the human race is still there, and it will be a big problem at that time. I am afraid that even if we dominate the world, the battle of Yinshan has already been settled. When Qin Shihuang in the underground mansion returns to the Yang world, what shall we do? Who in the Yang world? Is it the opponent of the first emperor's twelve golden men?" Chi You shook his head and interrupted Lian Shou's plan: "We are going to destroy the ghost gate, not to enjoy the benefits of Middle-earth and plunder the Middle-earth chassis. After destroying the two-world passages, It’s not too late for us to looting. This time, we will slaughter all the creatures in the earth and help you and I reunite the demons."

At Chi You’s words, everyone nodded their heads and said, “Great Sage Chi You’s right, we only need to break the Beiman Mountain. Li Shimin’s army is shocked by the news, and they will inevitably come to rescue day and night and make a break with me. But this king has already sent out his manpower and ordered the monks to poison Li Tang's army, calling all Li Tang hundreds of thousands of elite corpses into corpses. These hundreds of thousands of elites die, isn't the world still ours?"

Hearing this, the demon gods instantly looked at Geely Khan with horror, with a touch of jealousy in their eyes. There are really not many ruthless people in this world who dare to poison millions of sentient beings. Although demon gods are powerful and regard sentient beings as ants, they never dare to be bold in the world.

Geely Khan was good, and he first destroyed Beiman Mountain when he entered Middle-earth, and cut off the support of the human race in the local government. Then he took the opportunity to poison Li Tang's elite, and when he lost the support of the underworld, the great power of the human race was in the underworld. Wouldn't the human world let it go?

No matter what angle you look at, there is nothing wrong with this idea!

"This plan is perfect, we deserve to celebrate!" Chi You raised his glass.

As for the crisis in their hearts, although the powerhouses have thoughts in their hearts, they don't miss the slightest, they are just secretly vigilant.

Millions of Turkic iron riders hurried down south, heading towards Beiman Mountain. The agile people of the Han family had already taken the opportunity to escape into the deep mountains and old forests and disappeared without giving the Turks a chance at all.

Beiman Mountain

As they get closer to Beiman Mountain, the hearts of the top powerhouses become more disturbed.

"Stop!" Sabi Shi suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Geely Khan reined his horse and turned to look at Shebi Corpse.

"Can't go any further," Xiao Shu said with a gloomy expression.

"What?" Geely Khan was taken aback when he heard the words, and seemed to doubt his ears. The Beimang Mountain was already in front of him, but you said you couldn't go forward? What a joke! ! !

"The crisis is getting stronger and stronger, even to the point where I can't help but turn around and turn around and leave!" Chi You's arms trembled slightly. This is due to the instinctive fear of the body, for the demon gods like Chi You. It was said that the collapse of the sky and the earth could not make him move, but now his arms are beginning to shake. What a sensational thing?

"Impossible!" Geely Khan took a deep breath: "Everyone, although the grasslands are unified, it is not my sole decision. We rushed to Beiman Mountain, but now we see that we are about to reach Beiman Mountain, suddenly Withdraw, how does this king explain to the Manchu civil and military?"

After hearing the words, the group was silent, and after a while, said: "The deity cannot go on, but my clone can go with the king."

While talking, Chi You's arm fell off and turned into Chi You's appearance, instead of Chi You riding on the horse.

On the one hand, both the corpse and the corpse frowned, and each of the palms fell off and turned into a clone. As innate demon gods, they still believe in their intuition very much.

"Hehe, I really don’t know what a crisis it is, and I scared you all the dignified Innate Demon Gods like this! If Zhang Bairen was alive before, but now Zhang Bairen is dead, everyone who is the Innate Demon God is as timid as a mouse. This king is going south, and now he is about to set foot on Beiman Mountain. You guys have temporarily withdrawn..." Geely Khan’s eyes flashed coldly: "You guys are fooling me?"

"My lord, Beiman Mountain is only guarded by a few Taoists. The lord has a million army to protect him. The emperor's dragon is blessed. The mere Taoists are not afraid. My brother is willing to go to Middle-earth and solve the problem for your majesty. How about apologizing?" Chi You suddenly said, his eyes full of sincerity: "Although there are masters in Beimanshan, they are vulnerable to the emperor Dragon Qi. Li Tang's army is not the case, it is the vital force of nearly a million army, I don't know the king treats me. Are you satisfied with the brother’s apologize?"

Now the Innate Demon God wants to ask others, but has to win over Geely Khan.

"Really?" Geely Khan was really overjoyed when he heard the words, with a cheerful look in his eyes.

"Naturally, you can't fake it!" Lian said with a smile.

"Then the deal, the king is going to see, what fear is there in Beiman Mountain, it makes a few people so afraid!" Geely Khan's words fell, without saying anything, he went straight to the horse and led the army to Beimang. Run in the mountains.

The demon gods retreat, what can Geely Khan do? Turn your face with the devil? Or retreat with the devil?

Don't be kidding, millions of troops are marching, and all kinds of complicated problems of food consumption are piled up. Is it because of a vague intuition that they gave up on the move?

Gili Khan believes in the spirit of the devil, but will the leaders of the major tribes believe it?

The situation in the Turks is now very good. If Geely Khan dared to withdraw troops, believe it or not that the leaders of the major tribes rebelled every minute?

It is unbearable!

The most important thing is that he has a million army, the emperor's dragon qi, in the Yang world is invincible.

The Dragon Qi of the emperor is an unsolvable which stands for invincibility in the Yangshi.

Even if Li Shimin's army of millions of people dare to be tough, what is he afraid of?

Looking at the mighty army of millions that went away, he suddenly closed in, "Weird, it stands to reason that there is no threat to our lives in Yang Shi, but why do I panic in my heart?"

"It's really unusual, it's just weird to the extreme!" Shebi said with a gloomy face: "If you count the strong human races, even if Zhang Daoling and others are resurrected, they will be only 50-50 when they meet us, even if we are not at the peak, we can't stay. Our lives, but now there are people who can threaten our lives! The Nuwa Empress never gave me such a sense of pressure."

"I have only felt this kind of crisis from one person!" Chi You gritted his teeth, eyes full of memories.


After the Kunlun Mountain Battle after the Chasing War, Chi You felt this way.

ps: Thanks to the classmates of "Xiu'er Talking about Dongfeng Po" for the great reward.

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