First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1894: When the Turks entered Beimang, Zhang 0ren asked the Khan three times

During the battle that year, Chi You had already noticed something wrong with Xuanyuan. The incomparable murderous intent conceived in his body made Chi You have scruples in fighting and restraining his hands and feet. Only then was he suppressed by Xuanyuan Huangdi's Three Tombs.

However, the consequences of the incident did not come out of Chi You, and something big happened! The entire Kunlun was suddenly slaughtered, and all the gods fell one after another, and strands of origin returned to the world. That tragic murderous intent was felt even by Chi You who was being sealed. That year was the dusk of the gods and the end of the gods. Countless gods walked away recklessly, never daring to fight against Emperor Xuanyuan anymore, and escaped from the void.

That year was the day when humanity rose strongly, and the monks no longer dared to ignore the edge of the human race, countless great demons and demon gods went away, giving the human race enough time to develop.

But now, after thousands of years, that feeling has appeared in Chi You's heart again.

Panic, endless panic spread in Chi You's heart, and a panic spread: "Could it be that Xuanyuan's servant has been resurrected? Doesn't it mean that Xuanyuan has been shattered and the sky has risen by the dragon? How can such a thing happen now?"

Chi You didn't understand, but it was the instinct of everything between heaven and earth to seek good fortune and avoid evil. When he noticed something was wrong, Chi You immediately fleeed without hesitation without any delay.

"Let's go, let's meet Li Tang's army." There was a hint of interest in his eyes.

"That's an army of millions, it really kills all of them, and the cause and effect we have on our bodies is not small..." Jumang's eyes showed hesitation.

"The underworld has begun to counterattack the Shenzhou, and the human race is the biggest obstacle. Only by destroying the human race can we break the terracotta warriors and horses of the first emperor, cut off the foundation of the first emperor, and then we can win the final victory! There are more than tens of millions, hundreds of millions of creatures, isn't it okay?" Shebi said indifferently.

"But the world is different now." Ju Mang sighed. He spent time with Li Shimin and knew the human race best. It can be said that many things in the human race have his shadow, and it is really different now.

"The power of humanity is stronger than ever before, and we may not be able to reap the benefits." Although murmured to follow up, Jumang kept his mind and decided that he would never do it himself.

Beiman Mountain

Mountain top

Zhang Bairen, dressed in purple, sat blankly, facing the big tree with his back facing the mountain, as if there were some mysterious avenues on the pine trees in front of him, all the attention was drawn.

Old Ancestor Shaoyang shook his head, swayed his drink, raised Erlang's legs and said, "I haven't seen you so angry for a long time!"

Although Zhang Bairen's expression was indifferent and his eyes were unwavering, the ancestor of Shaoyang knew that Zhang Bairen was angry.

Over the past few decades, it has become increasingly difficult to see Zhang Bairen's angry appearance. Only when he is angry will people think that Zhang Bairen is like a person with the smell of fireworks.

"Hundreds of thousands of people's lives, in exchange for the millions of Turkic army, young and strong, do you think it is worth it?" Zhang Bairen whispered.

"Naturally it is worth it. Millions of old, weak, sick, and disabled, in exchange for millions of young people, it's a huge profit!" Shaoyang ancestor nodded, taking it for granted.

"But no one can decide the fate of others. Everyone is independent and autonomous. No one can judge their future!" Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes: "Even if it is worth it, it should not be damned. pain."

The ancestor Shaoyang shook his head and did not respond to Zhang Bairen’s words. Humanity has risen from the humblest ant to the current overlord from the ancient times to the present. Too many people sacrificed their own interests and lives. It is not easy for the Human race to have today’s prosperity. .

This is all poured out with countless blood!

Millions of cavalry overwhelmed the sky and the earth was vast and mighty, the blue stones on the Beiman Mountain were trembling, the stones on the ground were bumped up, and the leaves rustled.


Millions of cavalry obscured the sky, and Gao Zhen, the Yang Shen who guarded the Guimen Gate, had been suppressed by the overwhelming emperor Dragon Qi in the sky before he had come to react, and he fell into the dust and disappeared.

"Is this Beiman Mountain?" Gili Khan asked while looking at the Beiman Mountain range.

"Yes, back to the king, this is the Beiman Mountain! The Yinsi Passage is in the Beiman Mountain!" Liaoshou's clone stood up and said.

The Beimang Mountains are layered on top of each other, and you can't see the edge at a glance. Geely Khan frowned slightly: "How far is the ghost gate from here?"

"Thirty miles!" Had closed.

"Thirty li, for the warrior, it is naturally a short time, but for the grassland tribe army, it is extremely difficult!" Geely Khan is in trouble, a million army can't enter the mountain, without the emperor's help, auspicious can How dare Khan take risks?

However, millions of troops entered the mountains, and the mountains and rivers stacked on top of each other were difficult to climb.

"Hahaha, your majesty don’t have to worry, our brothers naturally have the means to ask your majesty’s millions of troops to enter Beiman Mountain." Jumang took a step forward at this time, looking at the vegetation in the Beiman Mountain with divine light in his eyes. Circulation: "All sentient beings, listen to my orders! Long!"

Jumang is the **** of grass and trees in the world, and I can see the wild growth of grass and trees in the mountains while thinking about it, building bridges across the mountains and filling the ravines between the mountains.

It is real growth, but the power of the illegal world.

"Good! Good! Good! The mage is really good!" Seeing this, Geely Khan was overjoyed, a smile appeared in his eyes, and then rose up between his fingers, scanning the'creeping' green mountains, with a wild smile in his eyes: " go!"

A million troops entered Beimang, Geely Khan was full of spirits, but while Shebishi and the others did not know when a drop of sweat had already shed from the temple.

This is the innate god, who has reached an unpredictable realm of crisis sensing between heaven and earth.

"Let's go, I want to see how risky it is to make our brothers so afraid!" Lin wiped the cold sweat from the sideburns, a sharp aura appeared in his eyes, and then he stood up and disappeared in an instant.

Deep in Beimang

Looking at the mighty army of millions, the ancestor Shaoyang narrowed his eyes: "Come!"

It is indeed here! With such a big movement, the birds of Beimanshan were startled flying, and the ghosts were stubborn. Even the Fengdu interface of the Daomen facing the mighty army must be completely closed so as not to touch the edge.


Gili Khan suddenly reined in the cliff, his eyes looked at the figure in purple clothes not far away, and he looked familiar: "Who is blocking the road ahead?"

"Boy, my prince is asking you something!" The two knights rushed out of the team quickly, with the whip in their hands and the roar of the tiger, rolling towards Zhang Bairen's back.

When this whip fell, ordinary people could not miss the end of a broken tendon, and a more serious one would be a fate.


The two fast horses were only ten feet away from Zhang Bairen, and they decomposed silently and turned into blood mist floating in the air.

Death is silent, death is weird!

Bad comer!

All Turkic powerhouses know that the people in front of them are afraid that those who come are bad!

"Zhang Bairen!!! Aren't you dead?" She has already solved Geely Khan's doubts on the side of Shebi Zhe. Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, Shebi Zhe finally knows why she is so creepy, and the whole world can bring it. The only one in front of me who feels this way.

Everyone looked at the emperor Da Zizai, who shrugged his shoulders: "Don't look at me. I really saw him with my own eyes at that time. Who knows how this kid came alive."

The emperor Da Zizai also felt that he was wronged. He clearly saw that the other party was poisoned to death by Li Shimin at the time, but how did he survive now?

"Could it be that this is the trick you and Li Shimin set up, deliberately acting to show me, what kind of conspiracy are you going to play?" Geely Khan stared at Zhang Bairen sternly, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"It can't be a conspiracy with Li Shimin. At that time, Li Shimin's heart demon was controlled by me. I know Li Shimin's ideas best. Nian Nian can't escape my control. How could he hide my perception?" Da Zi Zai Tian Zi beat Broke off the words of Gili Khan.

Hearing the words, you look at me and I look at you. She stepped forward: "Now things are like this, what's the use of discussing them? Right now, what conspiracy and tricks Zhang Bairen must play is the most important thing."

Hearing this, the heroes look at me and I look at you. They scanned the mountains in the distance. The eagles and falcons in the sky scanned a hundred miles, and there was no ambush.

"Zhang Bairen, you deliberately brought us here, what medicine are sold in the gourd?" Geely Khan sneered coldly.

With the army of millions here, how could he be afraid of Zhang Bairen?

Regardless of whether you are a strong or master, facing the emperor dragon energy gathered by millions of iron knights, it will turn into ashes.

"You are so vicious. In order to introduce me to Beiman Mountain, you gave up the 100,000 people of Yanmen Pass." Xiao Shuo smiled coldly: "Aren't the human races all hypocrisy? If you spread this way, I am afraid that I will be killed by the population."

"Yanmen Pass belongs to Li Shimin!" Zhang Bairen said coldly, "What duty do I have to guard the country for Li Shimin?"

"This is not important. I don't care about the intrigue within the Han people. What I care about is that you lead me to wait for this purpose!" Xiao Shi glanced at Zhang Bairen, as if looking for the source of his fear.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen smiled softly, his eyes full of playful abuse: "Don't You will find out soon, but before sending you to the road, I have one thing to ask you. Wait."

"Don't worry, just ask if you have anything," Gili Khan said.

"Do you have any heirs?" Zhang Bairen's voice was calm.

"Children are in groups" Geely Khan said.

"Do you have parents?" Zhang Bairen looked indifferent.

"Gaotang has long since passed away, and still died by your hands! But the mother of the king is still alive!" Geely Khan gritted his teeth.

"Do you have a wife and children?" Zhang Bairen asked again.

ps: There are too many local tyrants...The addition has not been finished, emmm.

Thanks to the classmate leader of "Chu Mengyao's Dream". Don't give a reward, I really don't move anymore, I'm so broad and afraid of you.

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